The control parasite continued to mutate, even as Jake and Jill opened fire on it with their handguns. The parasite began to grow four thin insect-like arms around the base of its mouth, each reaching out to at least twenty feet with sharp hook-like claws down the edge of it, and a large hook like claw at the end of it. I, too, mutated more, as large thorns grew all over my dark green body.

I watched as the parasite attacked Jake and Jill with its four arms. As much as I hated them all, I hated not being in control even more. The parasite pulled me along as it chased Jake, most likely drawn to his DNA. Jake managed to dodge the parasite as it tried to grab him. As he jumped out of harms way, Jill appeared out of nowhere and landed a hard kick to the parasite. The force of the kick knocked the parasite to the ground, dragging me with it in the process.

The parasite hissed as it tried to wiggle free from me, but it was still attached to me. I pushed off the floor and back onto my feet, just in time to use the parasite as a shield to the rain of bullets that were being fired at me from Jake and Jill. The two of them unloaded two clips of full automatic weapons into the parasite, which only pissed it off more. The parasite began to spit up large hardened projectiles at Jake and Jill, only the projectiles were nothing more than eggs.

The eggs quickly hatched into small insect-like creatures that looked like the control parasite, only with four legs instead of arms. There were at least a dozen of them, crawling everywhere. Several of them made their way towards Leon who was still sitting against the cave wall. Jill moved faster than Jake, and was able to close in on the insects going after Leon. She killed them just as swiftly with a single shot from her handgun.

Jake focused on the remaining parasites, as well as the control parasite, while Jill moved Leon. By tossing a few grenades at the control parasite, Jake was able to badly injure it. I saw my chance to gain control, so I quickly slashed at the control parasite, cutting it into three peices. The head hissed in anger as it bled out. I cut the remaining parts of the parasite out of me and then glared at Jake. I smiled, revealing a row of sharpened fangs.

Jake mouthed what only could be, "Mother fucker" before running towards the exit screaming, "Jill, move your ass!"

Jill turned back as she and Leon were making a quick escape to the blast door and saw me chasing after them. Jake was beside Jill and Leon by the time I covered half the distance. Jake quickly grabbed Leon and the three of them ran faster. They made it through the door, with me right behind them. I was too big to fit through the door, so I had to slash at the surrounding rock wall with my talons. It quickly crumbled and the door collapsed under the weight of falling rubble.

Just as I made it into the mining tunnels, my vision began to blur as the antivirus began to kick back in. The control parasite was good for one thing, and that was keeping the antivirus in check. I was able to fight back the burning pain just in time to hear a siren go off with a young woman's voice stating, "Biohazard breach detected, all personal evacuate the facility. Repeat, biohazard breach detected, all personal evacuate the facility."

I silently laughed for I knew that the biohazard breach was me. I took several deep breaths to pick up the scent of the group They had taken the long path back to the elevators. That meant I could take my shortcut. I didn't want to waste any time in avenging the death of my dear Rain. I rushed through my shortcut.

Just as I came out by the elevators, the three of them were coming into view. I had the element of surprise and was able to slash at them before they could react. I managed to hit Jill hard enough to cut through her BSAA armor and knock her back against the wall. However, it was not a fatal attack. I knew she'd be able to regenerate.

Jake pushed Leon out of the way of my second attack and then deflected my third attack with his rifle, destroying it in the process. I got ready to attack a fourth time when the young woman's voice started speaking again, "Biohazard breach level critical. Self-destruction activated. All personal please evacuate. The facility will self-destruct in five minutes."

"What?" I shouted.

Jake looked back at Jill, who was just now getting up off the floor. I quickly rushed after Leon while the two were distracted, but by the time I was close enough to attack, Jill reacted. With a solid kick to my face, she knocked me back against a nearby wall. Jill grabbed Leon and tossed his limp body to Jake, "Get Leon out of here!"

"What about you?" Leon snapped out of his shocked state.

Jill smiled as she turned to me and got into a fighting stance, "It's time for this demi-god to take down the gods."

I could tell she was mocking me, which only angered me more. I pushed off the ground and tried to charge at Jake and Leon, but Jill vanished and reappeared next to me, landing a hard elbow to my face. The force knocked me down, and was hard enough to crack my jaw. I roared in pain and anger as Jake and Leon entered the elevator. The woman's voice came back to life stating that there were only three minutes left until self-destruction.

I pushed myself off the ground, only to get knocked back down by Jill's relentless assault of kicks and punches. The antivirus was weakening me more and more, and Jill's attacks were not helping. I closed my eyes and waited for an opening. When Jill jumped up to deliver what she thought would be her final attack, I launched my large talon up and through her chest. Blood poured down from her wound and she coughed up just as much blood.

Her eyes were wide with shock, and dimming as the life poured out of her chest. I quickly tossed her aside and made my way to a second elevator. A small vine moved from the huge hole in my chest from where the parasite had once sat in order to push the small round call button. The doors opened and I got into the elevator.

Inside the elevator all I could think about was Rain dying in my arms and how her killer was escaping. Was this how Leon felt about me and Rain killing Ada? No matter, Leon would pay for killing my Rain. I would not allow a mere human to bring me down.

The doors opened, and just as they did, several bright lights hit me, revealing a large open area in the center of the facility. This area was the same place I fought Albert, and at one time brought in new test subjects. Now it looked to be the BSAA's main attack force. Several helicopters in the area opened fire on me, and several soldiers on the ground began to do the same.

I roared as I charged out of the elevator and into a crowd of soldiers. Slashing and hacking, body parts and blood rained down from the heavens as I slaughtered countless soldiers. In the distance, I could see Jake loading Leon onto a helicopter. I felt my anger build as I shouted, "Leon!"

Jake turned toward me and said something to the pilot. The pilot nodded and the helicopter roared to life. Through all the gunfire and screaming, I could hear the woman's voice warning me that the facility only had one minute remaining. I had to do something to stop the helicopter, so I reached out and grabbed a nearby propane tank and tossed it at the helicopter.

Jake pulled out his handgun and tried to shoot, but he missed. Just as the propane tank was about to hit the helicopter, a single shot echoed out from behind me and found its mark, causing the tank to explode. I turned around just in time to get shot in the head by Jill who was standing in the elevator doors. I fell to the ground, my body going numb. The woman's voice warned that there were only seconds left. I watched as Jill and the surviving soldiers jumped onto other helicopters and took off.

I glared at Leon's helicopter and with one final breath, I sent a horde of vines up to his helicopter. If I was to die here, he would too. The vines, however, were cut short by a massive explosion under me, causing the ground to collapse around me. My heavy body fell to the lower levels as everything around me began to explode. I went numb as I went from floor to floor, which was a good thing. I would not feel my body being burned by the explosions or being crushed by the rubble. Was this how I was to die? Buried alive under my fortress, not under my own ego, and burned for all eternity by my rage, only thinking about Rain and how I failed her…..

Game Over
I am Dead….?