
Chapter One: Unfortunate Circumstances


"FUU-HEHH! Doesn't this feel good?" I raised my glass up in the air. "WHOO! Sing with me guys!"


"Oh right, I forgot." I slumped into my seat. "I am forever alone. FOREVER ALONE!"


All by myself

Don't wanna be all by myself



I chugged the last glass of beer in my hands and boyishly wiped off the foam that remained on my upper lip. "What can you say about that, huh, Celine Dion?"

Knock knock.

I turned to the door. I struggled to focus my vision on who it was. "Okyaku-sama, your time's up. Please pay your dues at the counter." Ah, so it was one of the Karaoke staff. Great.

I staggered as I walked out to the counter. I saw a waiter attempt to help me but I quickly regained my balance. I leaned on the wooden counter to support myself from falling. I fumbled for my wallet and fished out some bills to the cashier. "I'll be back, gentlemen. Soon."

I made my way to the exit as the glass doors automatically slid open. "Ah, so the world has darkened." I tried to keep my eyes open as I wandered along the seemingly unfamiliar street. "Where am I again?"

Everything was hazy. Unfamiliar faces strolled past me.

BAM."Watch where you're going next time!" Someone exclaimed. I nodded without a thought and phased along as if I were a ghost.

The world was spinning. I started to feel weak on the knees that I could barely stand up.


No. I cannot barf on the street. Absolutely not.

I sat down the cold pavement and leaned on a wall. My breathing became heavier and my vision was getting more blurry by the minute.

A moan escaped my lips. My stomach feels like a gurgling mass of alcohol and food waiting to be hurled out. I put a hand over my mouth, hoping to prevent a huge, impending embarrassment.

"You can't stay there." A man's voice said. I could only look up to look at his face, but I could not see, let alone recognize who the man was. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, trying to support my weight. I heard him mutter "She reeks" or something along those lines. Yeah, I know that. he didn't have to rub it in.

"Ojousan." He shook my upper body. "Ojousan, please try to stand up."

"Uuuuugggh.." How could this man expect me to stand up in this state? All I want to do is sleep. My head felt heavy and so I lost all voluntary control and let it drop on his chest. "Leave me alone."

"Wait a minute." I felt him unbutton one snap from my coat. "This tie.."

Must be the police, but I don't really care. Arrest me if you want, Chief. I just wanted to sleep.

"Ojousan! Wake up! TARUNDORU!"

The voice was slowly fading. Good night world, sweet dreams.



I stretched out my limbs across the bed, releasing all the muscle tension. I messed up the crisp sheets as I lazily moved around the bed. I opened my eyes, and the sunshine greeted me in a blinding brightness. I immediately shut my eyes close as I pulled the blinds down.

Ugh. I didn't want to get up yet. My whole body was as heavy as a rock. As to what time it is, I did not want to give a care about it. My head was throbbing like crazy, as if my skull was being pounded by a sledgehammer and drilled altogether. Every time I tried to shift positions, my world swirled and it triggered the nausea that made me want to hurl all the contents of my stomach. Well, if there was anything left, that is.

I remained still. So this is what a hangover felt like. Great. I have yet to discover how I got to this hotel or wherever this is in one piece last night. Yes, I almost have no recollection of how I got here at all.

I tightened my already shut eyes.

Really. I could only remember a fraction of the events that had passed. No scenes of me taking a cab or me trying to take a bus home. Nothing. All I could remember was some guy trying to wake me up which of course, was futile. And seriously, telling me not to slack off? Definitely an old geezer.

I had to try to move. Otherwise, I'd be late for school. Wait, what school? Oh yeah, I ran away from home and skipped it yesterday.

I snuggled inside the sheets again. Ahh, the taste if freedom. No obligatory breakfasts every single day, no routines, nothing!

I turned to my side as slowly as possible, careful not to provoke the nauseating sensation. Then, I slowly opened my eyes. I stared, puzzled at my current whereabouts. I jolted upright, looking at the cream-colored sheets that surrounded me. "What an odd hotel this is."

The walls were different. The ceiling, the desk, the closet- everything about the room was strange. Bamboo-lined window panes, Katana sets hung on the wall- it felt like being transported back to the Meiji era.

Was I dreaming? I pinched myself and felt the pain surge through my cheek. Apparently not.

I forced my eyes open. I surveyed the place- and it definitely did not look like a hotel room to me. There was a tennis bag lying beside the desk near the door. A pile of notebooks were neatly arranged on the desk. Books which mainly consisted of Japanese classics filled the shelves. White post-its are plastered on a cork board which hung above the desk.

Oh my God.

I fumbled for my clothes. Phew, everything was intact, including my underwear. Thank Kami I wasn't raped. Apparently, the person who kindly took me under his or her wing was man.. or woman enough to let me sleep in my uniform.

No doubt, this was a guy's room. As to who the guy was, I haven't a single idea. All I know is, the guy is most likely way older than me, which was a relief.

I tried to stand up. As I made my first step, my body swayed instantaneously. I held on the backrest of a chair, trying to regain some balance. I continued to propel myself forward as I went for a few steps more. As I reached for the door handle, I felt a searing pain on my right big toe as a result of tripping on a solid 6-kilogram dumbbell. I yelped in pain as I stumbled right as the door opened, expecting to land on the cold, hard floor.

Instead, the fall was cushioned- or more like, resisted by a man's hard chest. "You aren't supposed to stand up at this point." A deep, imposing voice said. "I believe that you are still suffering from a massive hangover."

It was the voice from last night. So it confirmed my suspicions- this was the same guy who found me drunkenly splayed on the streets. I looked up to see who this good samaritan was.

All that left my mouth was a gasp.

First chapter finally done! I have been hesitating to post this for the longest time but I finally mustered up the courage. Teehee. I hope you guys liked it! Please let me know what you think by sending in your reviews! :D