Hey guys! I'm back! Thanks so much for all your reviews and for favoriting/ following my story! We are now at 17 reviews, 22 follows and 15 favorites! It means so much to me! Here's the last chapter for I'm Always Here For You. I hope you guys like it!
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I don't own Kickin' It. Wish I did, though! :)
All day at school, Jack and Kim tried to avoid the rest of the Wasabi Warriors. They'd wanted to surprise the guys at practice, but now, as Jack and Kim walked to the mall from school, Jack realized that it wasn't such a great idea. Thanks to his sister's big mouth, almost everyone in school knew about what was now known as "Kick", and surely, the guys knew about it too. Jerry always had a way of finding out what was going on at school. He knew literally everything.
Jack and Kim walked into the dojo, only to be greeted by four angry faces. Well, three, not counting Rudy's face. Rudy's attention was on his phone. Something must have upset him, though. But Milton, Eddie, and Jerry-yes, even jerry, who must have ditched detention again-was waiting for them.
"Um…hi?" Jack offered, giving them a grin.
At his words, Rudy looked up, putting his phone away. "Jack. Kim. You're late. Do you know we have a tournament in two weeks, and we aren't even ready for it? No, no. I don't want to hear your excuses. Let's just get to work."
Oh. So that's why Rudy's mad.
thought Jack. He and Kim exchanged a look. Is it possible that the guys don't know about us yet?
"Wait a minute," Jerry intervened. "I think Jack and Kim have something they need to tell us. Don't you, guys?" He folded his arms over his chest. Milton and Eddie mimicked his action.
"Um…no?" Kim tried.
"What the heck are you talking about?" Milton almost yelled. Jack was taken aback. Milton never yells.
"Milton? What's wrong?" Rudy asked. "Calm down. Why are you so worked up? We still have some time to practice for the tournament. If we start right now, that is." Jack rolled his eyes. Apparently, Rudy hadn't heard the last two minutes of their conversation.
"No, Rudy, it's not that." Eddie said. "Jack and Kim have something to tell us. And they're pretending that they don't. But we all know that that's not true."
"Really? Well, let's get on with it. We don't have all day. We really, really need to start practice! So out with it! Jack, Kim, spill the beans." Rudy ordered.
Jack sighed. They did have to tell Rudy, because in about thirty minutes, Brett would be coming over to spar with Jack and Kim. Taking a deep breathe, he said, "Kim and I are officially dating."
The effect on Rudy was hilarious. "What?" he asked. The information wasn't sinking in. "What was that?"
"Jack and I are dating. We're officially a couple." Kim held up our intertwined hands.
All five of us looked at Rudy, waiting for the truth to hit him. We watched a realization dawned on him. "What!" he yelled, excited like a little kid. "When did this happen? How? Why didn't you tell me?"
Jack laughed. "Hold on, Rudy. We didn't get a chance to tell you until now. We were at school the whole day!"
"Oh. I guess that makes sense," Rudy said. "Still, this is HUGE!"
"But what about us?" Eddie asked, the hurt evident in his voice. "The three of us were at school today too."
"I'm sorry, Eddie. We just didn't get the chance to tell you yet. I mean, I didn't even see you the whole day! Except for in class, of course. I didn't have time to talk to you guys." Kim told them.
"Yeah," I added. "Same here. And we weren't there for lunch."
"Oh." Jerry nodded. "But do you know who I found out from? Huh?" Lindsay! She confronted me at lunch and told me to tell Kim to stay away from Jack. I was like, 'what in the world are you talking about?'"
Milton still looked upset. "So why didn't you text us? Call us? Use technology? Why wait until now?"
"Because, Milton, we wanted to surprise you guys. But my little sister just had to open her big mouth. But here's what happened. Last night, when I came to lock up the dojo, I found Kim crying, and she told me that Brett broke up for her, then she found out that Lindsay and Brett had betted that Brett couldn't make Kim fall in love with him, so Brett only dated Kim for the money, since Lindsay and Brett never even broke up, and Kim was crying, so I comforted her, and then we kind of kissed, and I asked Kim to be my girlfriend." Jack gasped for air.
"Um, could you repeat that a bit slower, please?" Jerry asked. "I barely understood what you just said."
Kim repeated what Jack said.
"Wow." was all everyone could say. Then, the room erupted, and shouts of "Kick prevails!", "I told you so!", "Whooo!", and "Finally!" filled the air.
While the guys celebrated and danced around the room, Kim looked at her watch. She motioned Jack to lean down, and when he complied, she whispered, "Fifteen minutes."
Jack nodded. "Hey, um, Rudy? Can we postpone practice today? Please?"
Rudy immediately stopped celebrating. "Why? You know we have a tournament coming up, and-"
"And Jack also helped me plan revenge for Brett." Kim interrupted. "We're going to beat Brett up. First Jack, then me. At school today, we got Brett to challenge Jack to a spar, so…we really need the dojo in like, fifteen minutes. We didn't think you'd mind. We just want to give Brett what he deserves."
Rudy thought about that while the Wasabi Warriors begged him with their eyes. Finally, Rudy gave in. "Alright. When is Brett coming?"
"In ten minutes," Kim answered.
"Alright. Jack, Kim, you guys go get ready. The rest of us will go round up some people to watch the match. That'll be even more embarrassing for that little jerk. Get to work!"
"Thanks, Rudy!" Jack exclaimed. He changed into sweats and a T-shirt, and began to stretch. Was he scared? Nope. Was he worried? Not even a little bit. Was he ready to beat up that jerk? Very. He'd beat anyone up for Kim.
Kim walked up to Jack. "Here he comes. Are you ready to do this?" she asked him.
In answer, Jack kissed her.
"Are you two done yet?"
Jack and Kim pulled away at the sound of Brett's voice. Brett himself was standing behind them, holding a duffle bag, and looking disgusted and, was that a bit of jealousy Jack detected in Brett's expression? But he couldn't worry about that now. "Why don't you get changed, and we'll get this party started," Jack said, nonchalantly, jerking his head toward the locker room.
Brett nodded and disappeared from sight. Just then, Milton, Rudy, Jerry, and Eddie walked in followed by Joan, Phil, and random people holding shopping bags.
"That's right!" Rudy was saying. "This is a demonstration of karate! The Black Dragon's student Brett, against Bobby Wasabi's very own Jack Brewer!"
Jack couldn't help grinning. Rudy, being Rudy, had turned this little completion into a promotion tournament for the dojo. Not that Jack minded. The more people that witnessed Brett's defeat, the better. It wasn't until everyone was seated that Brett came out of the locker room. When he saw all the people, his eyes bugged out.
He walked up to Jack and Kim, eying the crowd, and hissed, "What exactly are they all doing here?"
Kim smiled and replied in her fake sugar sweet voice, "They're here to watch the spar. You don't mind, do you? I mean, you don't want to back out now, do you? You can if you want. All you have to do if you're scared is walk out that door."
"What?" Brett scowled. "I'm not backing down. And I'm not scared."
"Alright then," Jack said. "Let's get this party started."
Brett made his way to the corner of the mat, and before Jack could follow, Kim pulled him into a hug. " For luck," She whispered. "Not that you need it, but still. Oh, and beat up the little jerk for me, Jack, but save some for me."
Jack returned her hug and winked. "You got it, Kim." Jack faced Brett of the mat.
"Get ready to go down, Jack." Brett sneered.
"I don't think so." Jack and Brett bowed to each other and got into a fighting stance, waiting for Rudy's signal to begin.
When Rudy's hand swiped down on the air, Brett made the first move. He charged at Jack, trying to flip him. Huge mistake. Jack grinned. This was going to be easier than he thought. In one fluid motion, Jack grabbed Brett's outstretched arm and flipped him. Brett landed on the mat. The steadily growing crowd cheered. Again, Brett got up and attacked, but his blows never even hit Jack. Instead, Jack dodged each blow and delivered punches and kicks of his own, each one hitting their mark. He aimed for Brett's arms, his stomach, his legs, but he did not aim for Brett's face. That was Kim's job. Again and again, Brett got hit. Occasionally, Jack got hit too, but it was never anything serious. Jack had a feeling that Brett wanted to quit the match.
Again, Jack flipped Brett, making him land on his back. This time, Jack stood above Brett, looking down at him. "Had enough yet?" Jack asked mockingly. "Ready to admit defeat?"
"Never," Brett growled. He got up and delivered a sloppily aimed punch at Jack's head. Jack easily dodged the punch and again flipped the boy in front of him. This time, Brett didn't get up. Instead, he pounded his hand against the mat, signaling that he admitted defeat. Jack stepped away from Brett, and Ruddy declared that Jack had won.
Kim came flying into Jack's arms. "That was amazing, Jack! I knew you could do it!" She turned to Brett. "Take that, Brett! In you face! Boom goes the dynamite, I said, Boom!"
Jack grinned. "Sorry, Brett. I guess you lose this match. Hey guys! Want to go to Falafel Phil's to celebrate?"
"Not so fast," Brett's voice stopped everyone in their tracks. "I want a rematch."
Jack looked at him in disbelief. "You lost so badly, and you want a rematch? Are you insane?"
Brett shook his head. "Not with you. With her." He pointed to Kim. "If she's so tough, I want to fight her myself."
Jack looked at Kim, who grinned. "Alright. Challenge accepted."
Jack watch as the blonde took his place on the mat. The two bowed to each other, and took their fighting stances. Again, Brett made the first move, coming at Kim with a sideswipe kick, which Kim easily avoided. She threw a punch of her own, and her fist connected with Brett's face. Ouch. Brett was going to have a bruise there. But Brett didn't give up. This time, he aimed a volley of punches at Kim's face, who took advantage of his distracted attention and swept his legs out from under him. Down he went. But he popped back up again, ready to fight. Before Brett could do anything, Kim punched Brett in the face three times, grabbed his arm and flipped him. Again, he pounded his hand against the mat, admitting defeat.
Kim backed off and let Brett drag himself up. Jack joined her as she got in Brett's face. "What now?!" She said, grinning. "You know, you shouldn't mess with a girl's feelings like that. It really hurts. And we'll be watching you closely. If we see you mess with someone's feelings again, well…you don't want to know what we'll do. Boom goes the-"
"I get it!" Brett snapped, cutting her off. Jack and Kim watched as he stomped off. The crowd followed, since the show was over.
The two faced each other. "That was awesome, Jack! Our revenge worked perfectly. Brett is way too easy to predict."
Jack grinned. "You were pretty awesome, Kim. Remind me never to get on your bad side. The way you sweet talked the guy? That was so cool! I don't think Brett is going to mess with anyone's feelings anytime soon."
"Yeah. Give me some!" Kim held up her hand, and Jack gave her a high five.
Jerry, Rudy, Milton, and Eddie swarmed around the two of them. "That was awesome, guys!" Eddie said.
"The way you kicked his butt? That was too coo. Whoo!" That was Jerry.
"Great job, guys. I think we can skip practice today. One day won't hurt. You guys were awesome, by the way." Rudy said.
"Yay! Let's all go to Falafel Phil's to celebrate!" Milton suggested.
Kim nodded. "Alright. You guys go a head. We'll catch up."
Distracted by the notion of food, the guys nodded and headed over to the restaurant. Jack waited until they were out the door before hugging Kim. "That was great, Kim. You were great.'
"No, you were, Jack." Kim replied.
Jack laughed. "We were both great."
"Thanks for helping me, Jack," Kim said.
"Of course, Kim. Anytime. Remember, I'm always here for you."
Kim smiled. The two settled into a comfortable silence, both of them just staring into each other's eyes.
Kim broke the silence. "I love you, Jack," she whispered.
Jack smiled. "I love you too, Kim."
Both of them leaned in, and their lips met.
So what did you think? Did you like the ending? Let me know by leaving a review!