That's it, the final chapter...and for the last time...enjoy! :)


Fifteen years later

" Mai!" a woman's shout resounded through the huge mansion, while she was walking down the stairs, trying to adjust the watch on her wrist. " Mai, where are you?"

Sakura sighed as no answer flew to her ears. Of course there was no answer, because Mai would either be outside with the rest of the kids or she'd be reading in some of the best hidden corners of this place some romantic novels, that Sakura thought weren't proper for her yet innocent mind of a fourteen, almost fifteen year old girl. She sighed and decided to try her luck with her first assumption.

As she walked out through the doors into the back yard, she immediately heard the laughter and the giggles of kids. That caused a small smirk to creep on her face.

Immediately, she headed down the path, that leaded to the pool and the gardens, where she was more than a hundred percent sure, that they were. And as she passed the corner, she stopped on her place.

Not only kids, but also an adult was laughing there. Nanami was playing with the kids, they were running around, laughing, enjoying the hot day of the spring. And what surprised her more, was that everybody was there. Not only Izanagi and Izanami, but also her children, which was good. She really didn't have the energy to play hide and seek right then.

And as she was standing right there, at the corner, she thought that life couldn't be better. The twins, Izanagi and Izanami grew up to be exact copies of their parents. While Izanami was tall and thin, beautiful and gentle, always smiling, her green eyes always shining from the happiness and her wavy brown hair falling down her back, Izanagi was with dark black eyes, dark hair and he was stern, preferring to be quiet and kind of mysterious, just like his father. In other words, the fifteen year old twins were incarnations of the younger Nanami and Itachi.

And her children, as well. The tall and elegant Mai. Her first born daughter was unique in her own way...her long black hair was falling down to the middle of her back, her eyes, big, bright and emerald green, were always shining with anxiety and her face was an exact copy of Sakura's. But the most interesting trait about her, was that she had both Sakura's and Sasuke's personality. Some days, the girl was silent and mysterious, just like Izanagi, just like the Uchihas. And some days, like that day obviously, she was turning into a hundred percent Haruno, she was laughing endlessly, having fun no matter what situation she was in.

After that came Akio, her only son, just as splendid and perfect as every eleven year old boy should be. He was a little copy of Sasuke, that was without a doubt, not only the physical, but also the personality traits were the same. Akio was with dark hair, dark eyes, white face and a really Sasuke-ish personality, meaning quiet.

And third, but not last by any means, was her youngest and loudest child-Hoshi. The eight year old princess was, let's be fair, the little copy of Sakura. The pink hair wasn't lost, after all...the little girl's eyes were always shining brighter than everything green around, full with the innocent happiness of a little child. Not only did she look like Sakura, but she was also as loud mouthed and smart as Sakura. For her age, Hoshi was a really bright and intelligent child. Not like Mai and Akio weren't, it was just that Hoshi was never actually being quiet for one not to find out quickly...

And all of them, all five children were running around, playing tag, having fun in the sun. Sakura, though, didn't have more time to lose, so she hurried forward, until she reached nanami on her chair.

" Ah, Sakura, are you leaving?" Nanami asked, her smile disappearing, as she saw the pinkette in her suit and the bag.

" I have to. Administration stuff. I haven't written the report about the last operation and Tsunade is bugging the hell out of me...honestly, she's getting paranoid with the age."

" Well, she is right though, you had to right that right after the operation..." Nanami commented, receiving a glance from Sakura.

" It was an appendix operation. Nothing special...and in fact, she could write the report herself! What does it, five minutes?"

" Sakura, it's Saturday..." nanami whined. " Just tell her, that you're busy with your family, is it that hard?"

The rosette suddenly felt the presense of five children around her, all of them with serious expressions, their cheeks flushed from the running.

" Are you going to work again, mommy?" Hoshi asked first.

Sakura cursed in her mind, before ducking down and smiling brightly at her daughter, catching her little arms in her, before pulling her in a hug.

" I will come back home as fast as possible."

" That's what dad said, but he isn't home yet..." Akio frowned adorably, then crossed his hands in front of his chest, denying to go into his mother's hug. Sakura sighed tiredly, before standing up with Hoshi in her hands.

" I have a proposition, then..." she started and felt how all of them were listening carefully. " I will go now and in no more than an hour I will be back with your father and... ice cream for everybody, as well as a movie to watch, OK?"

The cheers made her smile. It was so easy to lure the smaller children. Izanagi, Izanami and Mai were still frowning though. As Sakura let Hoshi and Akio continue running around, Mai frowned even farther.

" Can't you simply tell the old, lazy gambler, that you can't go?"

" Don't talk like this about Tsunade-sama!" Nanami scolded before Sakura could even open her mouth. She was too busy observing how Mai was switching from Sakura-mode to Sasuke-mode.

" I said I would be back in an hour, Mai..."

" You know you can't buy us with ice cream and a movie, right?" the girl asked, a wicked grin appearing on her face once again turning into a younger Sakura.

And the older Sakura simply rolled her eyes.

" Fine. I'll tell your father to take you and Izanami to the mall tomorrow, alright?"

The two girls squealed and then backed away, talking enthusiastically about the upcoming shopping. Izanagi followed them quietly, muttering something under his breath about stupid girls who should sort out their priorities.

" And when I think about how we were able to make them shut up with a piece of candy before..." Nanami laughed along with Sakura and then stood up from her chair.

Although fifteen years have passed, the woman looked exactly the same way as Sakura first met her. She was as thin and elegant as ever. She walked with Sakura towards the garage, where her pink McLaren was. She grew to love that car too much over the years and always refused, when Sasuke was offering her a new one, a better one. For her, this one was perfect. Besides, Hoshi liked it, too, while Akio was embarrased when his mother was driving them to school. Well, it was normal for an eleven year old boy not to like pink, right?

As sakura entered the car with the most desperate expression, she turned to Nanami.

" I'm sorry, that I'm leaving them with you again. Honestly, I am literally using you."

" No worries...'' the older woman smiled and the grinned. " Don't forget, I like chocolate flavor."

Sakura rolled her eyes at Nanami's childish behaviour and then took off.

Sasuke almost felt like banging his head in the desk. Why were his employees so stupid, that they couldn't understand what 'Don't worry me on weekends' meant. And now, since they were also oblivious to how to do their work properly, he had to sit in the office and write some documents instead of spending some quality time with his family.

Exactly as he thought that, his phone started ringing. The smiling pink haired woman on the screen caught his attention and he forgot about everything on the second. He smiled, because he has found himself an excuse to stop writing for a while, and then answered.

" Sakura?"

" Sasuke..." he heard her breath out.

" Yes. What's going on?"

" Tsunade called me in the hospital for some documentary." he could hear the anger in her voice and decided to suppress his laughter, because not Tsunade but the rest of the employees in the hospital would suffer under Sakura's anger later. " I left the kids with Nanami."

" Alright..."

" So, I will be ready in about half an hour. Do you want me to pass by and pick you up after that?"

He looked down the pile in front of him and it took him a minute to calculate, that he'd have to work twice faster if he wanted to make it in time. But he had his stimul, didn't he?

" Sure. I will be waiting for you."

" Good. I also promised them ice cream..."

" You had to bargain again? Jeez..." sasuke laughed along with Sakura and knowing, that she felt at least a bit better, he smiled.

" Yes, little monsters those kids are..."

" Yes...alright, so after half an hour?"

" That's right. I'll leave you now..." She said, but he caught it in her voice, that she wasn't really fond of the idea. He smiled once again, but the sight of the pile caught his attention once again, so he nodded miserably and then whispered.

" That would be best if you don't want to wait for me to finish working."

" Alright, honey...I love you." Sakura said and after he returned the last sentence, she closed. He left the phone on the desk and pulled the following list in front of him, reading through the lines, not paying much attention. Naruto would proof-read everything, after all.

And as he was thinking whether Naruto would actually even bother to read everything over, someone barged into his office.

He raised his head, ready to fire somebody, but instead was left a little stunned.

" Hinata?"

The usually shy Hyuga seemed tired, but was carrying a big pile of paper with her. Only by looking at it, sasuke felt sick.

" I-I am so sorry about being late, Sasuke..."

" No problem, what is this?"

" The old attorneys and contracts for the past ten years. I already read all of them and signed my part, but you and Naruto also have to, so..."

" Can't you give them to Naruto now? I have a little bit of work on my hands right now..." sasuke pointed the papers and Hinata sighed.

" Naruto is picking up Misaki from the ballet lessons."

" Hinata, I really..." Sasuke sighed heavily, then emptied some space on his desk, because he knew, that there was no way out of this anyway. He'd simply have to tell Sakura, that it would take him at least two more hours to finish with his job. But as he reached out for his phone, hinata slapped his hand.

" I will help you."

" And how may that happen?"

" I'll put on the stamp and you only sign, OK? We would be ready in about half an hour if we work together. "

Sasuke didn't have to think about it, he simply handed her the rest of his own papers and she started working, after she dragged a chair next to his. They have done this before, on rather busy days.

Hinata was such a blessing, really. Since she took over the Hyuga corporation and joined the Uzumaki and Uchiha corporations, they were the three top corporations in the country and nobody was even close to being their rival. The Big Three, that's what the press liked calling them. sasuke uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki and Hinata Hyuga.

There has been a lot of gossip, that Naruto and Hinata have married because of some political agreements, but everybody that knew them, that was their friend, knew that it was complete bullshit. There weren't people, whose love was more obvious...

He was going on auto-pilot now, signing and signing...until hinata spoke quietly.

" Hey, Sasuke...I've been thinking..."

" Yes?"

" I-I was looking thought he albums a few days ago...from university, you know...and I was thinking, that maybe we could...we could maybe make a little get-together with our friends. Just a few people and their families, we haven'd done anything like this in a while and I really don't want to lose touch with them."

sasuke thought about it for a while. He really wanted to see some of the people from back then. Well, Karin and Ino were often to be seen, since they were both working with Sakura in the hospital-Karin, as a doctor and Ino-as some sort of manager or something. But the rest of their friends, Shikamaru, Temari, tenten,Neji, Juugo, Suigetsu, Kiba, Sasori, Deidara...they haven't communicated since their weddings and children, meaning, they haven't met each other for like two years.

" That's a wonderful idea."

" It is, right?" Hinata smiled brightly, as she handed him a paper. " Maybe we could do it at home and...I don't really know...we could then go and visit Konoha University, see how things are going on over there..."

" That would be nice, really. I bet, that Sakura would love to." Sasuke smirked, as he continued on signing, His hand already hurt, but he decided not to stop, until he was ready with everything. Hinata smiled, as well...

" OK. Perfect. I say we talk to her right after we finish with these...if we survive..."

" Alright." Sakura smiled and closed the book. " I am done with this."

" Good." Tsunade nodded and then stretched. " are things going on between you and Sasuke?"

" Everything's perfect." Sakura smiled, as she was gathering her stuff in her bag. " We have our up-s and down-s, but if we didn't, it wouldn't have been fun."

" That's right..." the woman ansswered and then something shone in her eye. " And how's your love life? Don't all these children bother you when you want to be intimate..."

Sakura looked at her former teacher with disapproval.

" Of course they don't. As I said, everything's perfect."

" You're becoming too edgy, Sakura. You need to relax a little. Why don't you get Sasuke and go somewhere with him alone? You could always leave the three little ones with your parents, couldn't you?"

Sakura froze for a second. She simply imagined the happiness of her mother if she were offered to take care of Mai, Akio and Hoshi for even a few days. And she also imagined the happiness of her own children if they had the opportunity to stay with their grandma and grandpa, which let them do whatever and whenever they wanted. They were spoiling them too much.

" Maybe..." she answered quietly. " We'll see. Sasuke is very busy, so am I."

" That's true." Tsunade nodded and then raised her sake bottle. " But at least you have each other."

" Yes. We don't need anything else." Sakura smiled honestly, lovingly only at the thought of him. Then she picked up her bag and stood up from the chair. " I have to go now."

" Sure, sure...go...send my love to the children."

" They hate you." Sakura grinned, indicating that she was kidding. " Honestly, you steal their mother away every time you are bored..."

" Now, now...who hates me? You or they?" Tsunade laughed and then waved.

" Goodbye, Tsunade-sama!"

Sakura entered her car with a wide smile. It was still bright outside, the sun was up in the sky, the birds were singing, everything was perfect. And everything became even better at the thought, that she'd be with Sasuke in less than fifteen minutes and then with her kids and Sasuke. Even better!

She started the engine of the car, and, as predicted, after twenty minutes was in front of the main building of the Uchiha-Hyuga-Uzumaki corporation, in other words, the main headquarters of the three firms. The men at the door opened it wide for her, as she approached. And the woman at the reception smiled brightly and awingly, as she saw who was stepping there. Sakura smiled back before entering the elevator and pushing the button.

She was alone in there, well, normal, since people weren't actually working on Saturdays. As the doors opened again, she entered the room,w here the secretary of Sasuke was sitting. Sakura always has like this woman. She was young and beautiful, just like the secretaries from movies, that would try to seduce the boss. This one, though, was as shy as Hinata was at her age, so Sakura didn't have to worry about stupid stuff. Besides, Sasuke loved her and wouldn't think about cheating on her. With a child, nonetheless.

However, as the girl saw her, she stood up and stumbled on her heels.

" Good morning, Sakura-sama!"

She hurried forward to take her blazer, but Sakura shook her head gently.

" No, thank you, sweetheart, we're leaving after a while."

" A-Alright...w-w-would you like anything to drink, then?"

Sakura looked the blonde with a smile and understood, that she really was trying to make her feel comfortable.

" A water, please..."

" Right away!''

As she disappeared, Sakura headed towards Sasuke's cabinet and opened the door quietly. It opened swiftly and she entered.

Sasuke and Hinata were sitting next to each other, keeping a little distance in between, working hard. Hinata was putting on marks and then passing the papers to Sasuke, who was signing them and placing them on top of one another in a pile, that scared Sakura with its height.

" Why hello there, lovelies!" she smiled, as Hinata flinched, scared by the sudden interruption. But as she registered the sight in front of her, she stood up and in a matter of seconds, was pulling Sakura in a bear hug.

" Sakura! I haven't seen you in so long!"

" Two weeks..." the pinkette corrected. " It's not that long..."

" It is! Oh, how glad I am to see you!"

" Same here..." Sakura looked over Hinata's shoulder to Sasuke, who was leaning in his chair with a small smile on his lips. He looked tired, as well as Hinata. And as well as her, probably.

" Will you give us ten more minutes?" Hinata asked, while returning on her place next to Sasuke, where she continued with her job.

" Of course." Sakura smiled and sat on the leather couch in Sasuke's cabinet. The blonde secretary brought her the water and a magazine, which Sakura was thankful for. At least she had something to do while waiting them to finish.

When she heard the unpleasant sound of a chair being pulled against the floor, she finally looked up and saw both Sasuke and Hinata stretching.

" Done?" she asked with raised eyebrows, while Sasuke was walking towards her.

" Yes. I am all yours now." he said and leaned down to kiss her as she was sitting on the couch.

Nothing has changed about that. Yes, she and sasuke were older. They were thirty five, they were mature people with responsibilities, they had children, but hell, nothing has changed about this. The sensation of his lips against hers, it was the same...her blood rushing to her face, her stomach feeling weird, her mind feeling empty...everything was just like it used to be...perfect.

" So, ice cream?" he asked, but Hinata cleared her throat behind him. " Oh, right!"

" Huh?"

" Hinata was telling me something...'' he started, but the Hyuga, who was obviously too enthusiastic, interrupted him.

" We should so make a get together of everybody who was in the university with us!"

It took Sakura a while to assimilate the information, then she smiled.

" Of course! Oh my God, do you even imagine Ino's reaction to that one?! When are we doing it!? I can't wait!"

Sasuke enjoyed seeing her happy like this, that's why he clapped his hands.

" Why wait? Tonight!"

" I want to be a princess!" Hoshi announced loudly, as all of them were sitting in the living room, waiting for their guests to arrive. " And I will then marry Nagi-kun!"

Sasuke choked on his drink, as well as Izanagi, who looked at their mothers, who were laughing and then at the little, eight year old Hoshi, who was smiling, unfazed by the stupid thing she has said.

" You can't marry me! I am your cousin!"

" Of course I can marry you!" she insisted, while Emi and Izanami were laughing along with the adult women quietly. Akio obviously wasn't interested enough to pay any attention to them, since he was playing with cards, trying to build a fort.

" No, you can't, stupid! I am your cousin, you can't marry me!"

" Fine then!" the girl frowned. " I will marry dad, then!"

" Oooh, God, that would be fun." Sakura whispered quietly to nanami, as Sasuke picked up his daughter in a hug.

" Listen carefully, Hoshi. Think about it this way. When you are old enough to marry somebody, when you are about forty years old..."

" Sasuke!"

" OK, OK...when you are big enough, about twenty five or so, I would be old, right? You can't marry me. You will be young and I will already be an old mister, who would need a walking stick."

" You won't need a walking stick, dad, you're too awesome!" the little pink haired girl answered and then completed. " And Akio will marry mom! And we will have our weddings together!"

Sasuke sighed, as he understood, that his daughter had to be at least an year older for him to start explaining, that she couldn't marry him and that his son couldn't marry Sakura. And then he left her on the ground and patted her head, because he sensed Sakura standing up.

" Now, now, aren't you a bit too young to be thinking about marriage?!"

" No!"

" You are. You first have to finish your studies, right?"

" I am already in the second grade!" the girl said loudly. " I don't have too much left!"

Mai, Izanagi and Izanami snorted in the same time, and as Hoshi looked up to them curiously, they simply shook their heads.

" So, once again, why are we here, waiting?" Akio asked quietly, talking for the first time that evening.

" Our friends are coming over with their children." Sakura smiled and stroked her son's head. " You will meet kids at your age, too, Akio, I want you to make new friends."

" I already have friends."

" Yes, but I want you to have more friends. The more, the better."

Akio struggled to get out of her hands, but she was still stronger than him. She pulled him in a hug and after he started whining about her being annoying, she giggled and stood up, leaving him with his cards and his fort.

" And you three!" Sakura looked at the teenagers. " I don't want you three slacking off. All of you will stay and supervise the little children, am I clear?"

" Seriously, mum?" Mai raised an eyebrow. " We have to be babysitters?!"

" Don't forget what I said. No supervising, no mall!"

" Wha-WHAT?! You never said that!"

" Well, she did now. I do, too!" Nanami smiled and then pushed her daughter and her son slightly towards Mai. The three of them have always been best friends and they were now, too. And although Izanagi didn't want anything to do with malls and stuff, he was going to help the girls, because they were his friends. That, and he knew, that in the end he would receive something cool, as well!

And then hell broke, because the bell rang. Hoshi started screaming around enthusiastically, Akio started choking her, because he wanted her to shut up, the three teenagers immediately tried to slack away, but Nanami caught them and Sasuke and Sakura moved forward to the door, opening it.

They never expected all of their friends to be together! they expected them to come one by one, but they were in a little crowd in front of their house with huge smiles on their faces.

" Now, now...if magic isn't involved in here, then I don't know what is!" Temari stepped forward. " Sakura, you haven't changed a bit! You're as young and beautiful!"

Then suddenly the rosette was in her hug, while Tenten joined in awkwardly.

" Girls, I am so glad to see you!" sakura shrieked and then hugged Karin and finally, hinata and Ino, who was carrying a little baby in her hands.

As they moved forward to meet Sasuke, Sakura turned to the guys and she smiled brightly.

" Shika, the same as usual...Is it really such a pain to come and see your friends? Honestly..."

" No, it's not a pain, Sakura, I am glad, in fact. It's just that Temari insisted on bringing the brats along and I really hoped for one...only one calm night."

Sakura laughed and then pulled him in a hug. So did she with Neji, Kiba, Juugo, Suigetsu, Deidara, Sasori and Sai.

When all of them entered and a bunch of kids followed them inside, Sakura turned around and faced the awkward situation. As the adults were greeting Nanami, the kids were standing quietly in the room, staring at each other...She rolled her eyes and stepped forward.

" Are you all going to stand like this the whole evening?"

" Who are you?" a little boy with spiky black hair and brown eyes asked instead and the slightly bigger one beside him, that looked almost the same, but his hair was fair and his eyes were green, nodded.

" Yeah. You have weird hair."

Sakura assumed those were Shikamaru and Temari's children, not only because they looked like them a lot, but also because the small one was playing with a Rubic cube and was building it for maybe the third time since they entered the house. A little group of three kids was standing a little behind them and they were with lavender eyes and brown hair. A girl and two boys. Those were Tenten and Neji's, for sure. Sakura already knew Misaki - the daughter of Naruto and Hinata, Tougo-Karin and Suigetsu's son and Emi- Ino's bigger daughter.

The three of them knew each other as well and were standing together with Aiko, since they were not only at the same age, but in the same school whatsoever. The tiny little eleven year olds- Misaki, with her black hair and blue eyes, Tougo-with the shocking red hair that he had received from his mother and the seablue eyes from his father, and Ai- tall and fit, just like Ino, with the same brown eyes as Kiba's and long blonde hair, that was exactly the same as Ino's.

So those were all the children in the room. She smiled back at the two Nara boys and then ducked.

" Well, I am Sakura, it's nice to meet you guys. What are your names?"

" I am Masao." the bigger boy answered. " And this is my brother Sato."

" Satoshi." Temari explained from behind and smiled. " Masao is nine, Sato is seven."

" And those shy little ones over there are Kou, Chou and Haru." Tenten pointed the little group of kids, the one girl and the two boys. Kou, obviously the biggest child, was a little boy with the same mischievous glint in his eyes, as Tenten's. Chou was the little girl, that was playing with her hair and Haru was obviously the little boy, no older than three, who decided that the floor would be a nice place to sit until the introductions were over.

" Very well!" Sakura clapped and then looked around. " Mai! Nagi! Nami! Come here, we had a deal!"

The three teenagers appeared from behind the sofa with bothered expressions. They bothered to mutter a 'hello', before gathering all the children and taking them out in the gardens. The only child, that was left in the room was the newborn daughter of Ino. She was about six months old and Sakura has only met her once, at her birth, actually. The little Emi was sleeping peacefully in her mother's arms, but even now Sakura could see the single blond lock on her head.

" Finally some peace." Shikamaru muttered.

" Yeah...I don't understand how you're living with those things!" Deidara chided. sasori elbowed him, but Sasuke laughed.

" You will understand some day, Deidara..."

" Maybe. Maybe not." Naruto sang quietly and then yawned. " God..."

" Why- Why are we standing?" Nanami asked and then moved aside to reveal the so welcoming sofa, the chairs and the table full with drinks.

" The children have juice and sandwiches outside." Sakura added and then let her guests sit one by one on the huge sofa, while she sat in Sasuke's lap on the single sofa. " So, how are you guys doing?"

" Great, great!" Neji said and then turned towards Sasuke with a raised eyebrow. " And you still do that? God, don't your legs hurt?"

Sasuke looked at Sakura and then laughed heartily.

" You should so visit a doctor sound like an old geezer, you're only thirty-six! Get your shit together!"

" And that's how the most successful businessman of whole Asia speaks..." Nanami said ironically. " Honestly, Sasuke! Just beacuse you are some sort of a machine doesn't mean, that everybody should be like you!"

" No, it's just that my feet hurt when Tente-"

" Are you implying that I am fat?!"

Neji closed his eyes and sighed heavily, as all the adults started laughing. Ino, on the other side, looked terrified. She wrapped the blanket closer around Emi's head, trying to reduce the sound that would reach her ears. Everybody shut up, as Sakura stood up.

" Let's take her to Hoshi's old room."

" But-"

" I have a babyphone, don't worry...hell, I have a lot of those! We still keep one in Akio's room. He likes to sneak out in the middle of night in the gardens. I once found him asleep next to the pool."

" Sneak out? Reminds me of somebody!" the blonde already Inuzuka said and then stood up carefully, following Sakura to the next floor, where she guided her in a little room at the end of the corridor, with furniture for babies, with a little bed, where she placed Emi. Sakura turned on the babyphone and handed Ino the other part of it.

" There you go, now don't worry!"

" I missed you so much, Sakura!" Ino smiled when they got out of the room. " You know how hard life is without all of you around? I mean, seriously. In university it was too cool. We had all the time on the world. And now most of us have kids, we work, we don't have time to hang out like the good old times."

" It is true. But we do have our kids, as you said." sakura smiled, too. " Don't you think, that it is even a better adventure than the ones we had when we were younger. Think about it, Mai is already in high-school, Akio and Ai, Mikasa and Tougo-they will be in there in only two years...don't you think, that they grow up too fast? I think I understand my mother now..."

" i think I understand your mother as well...hell, if Ai tells me, that she's marrying someone when she is nineteen, like you did, I will chain her in the basement and not let her get out for at least five years."

" The kid would hate you." Sakura concluded and then snickered. " Besides, when I told mum she was happy about me. My dad wasn't very fond of the idea. Besides it's not like I let him say anything. Sasuke was the one who was insisting on his approval, which, in my opinion was stupid..."

" Yes..."

" And, hey! It isn't like you waited much longer!" Sakura accused her and then stretched. " You were only twenty."

" Yes, I was." Ino smiled and then entered the living room before Sakura. The guests turned around, when they heard them and their heels clanking on the floor. They stopped their conversations, but Sakura saw the smiles, which was a pretty good sign.

" So, what were you talking about?"

" About the lone-wolves." Juugo said quietly and when Sakura furrowed her brows in confusion, he explained. " Me, Deidara and Sai."

" You three?" Sakura laughed. " I somehow know, that you, Juugo, would find yourself an amazing wife."

" HEY!" Deidara and Sai said in the same time, kind of offended, probably. Sakura laughed.

" What about Sasori? Aren't you from the gang?"

" Nope." the redhead answered and then it was Deidara who elbowed him.

" Yup, he is dating the nightmare."

" Shut up, you..."

" No, honestly, the biggest, darkest nightmare of all times and, listen, it gets even better..."

" I warn you..."

"...things are getting quite serious between them! I honestly fear for the life of the poor Sasowi..."

" That's it, you're dead meat..."

the redhead tried to catch Deidara and punch him, probably, but the blonde simply laughed and hid behind temari, who looked at Sasori dangerously, after which, he returned to his seat.

" Why don't you tell us a little more about your...eerm...girlfriend?" Hinata said with a small smile.

Sasori returned that smile with a kind one, before looking at everybody.

" Fiancée, not girlfriend."

" FIANCEE?" Deidara looked up, getting out of his hiding spot. " YOU DID WHAT?!"

" That's right, I proposed to her and she accepted."

" But...WHY?"

" Because I love her, you douche!"

" But...WHY?!"

" Oh, Deidara, shut up for a second!" Sasuke wrinkled his nose in annoyance and then turned to Sasori, whose eyes were shining a little, the smile on his face true and untouched.

" I am going to marry Anko."

Tenten dropped the fork, that she was playing with. Silence fell all over them, then Deidara smiled smugly.

" I told you. I freaking' told you!"

" Shut up!" Neji interrupted. " That's...that's great news! Congratulations!"

" Are you seriously going to marry your professor from university?" Suigetsu asked with raised eyebrows. " It's just a bit weird, nothing else..."

" Actually..." Temari smiled. " ..their age difference is the same as mine and Shikamaru's. Nothing weird about two years. Besides, Anko is cool. Saw her last week. She is still one hell of a hottie!"

" And you know what, Deidara?" Sasori looked at him smugly. " I saw where that tattoo ends!"

Sakura and Sasuke burst out laughing, because they knew what he meant. Deidara frowned, because, hell, how many times had he wondered about that and Temari rolled her eyes.

" You're grown ups! Stop acting so immature!" she said and Sai laughed.

" Mama instinct on!"

" Shut up, you imbecile!" she snapped back, which caused him to laugh even harder, while the rest of the present ones in the room snickered.

" Just like the old days..." Juugo muttered and Karin nodded.

" You know what? I want to plan a wedding again!" she said all of a sudden and caught some of the adults off guard.

" Well you could always plan Sasori's, now, can't you? And you could also plan his funeral for about a week after that." Deidara commented, while raising his eyebrows. " Am I not right? All of you, and by all, I mean all males in this room, who have dared to say 'Yes' in front of the priests, were after made to live under the constant fear of having an angry female at home, they have literally accepted the ugly fate, that life was giving them...and yet the escape was so easy...just one second, two letters, one word...NO!"

Sasuke stared at Sakura for a second, blinked a few times and then looked back at Deidara. The reactions of Shikamaru, Kiba and Neji were the same, while Suigetsu snorted.

" You have no idea how right you are!" he said with his big goofy smile, earning a glance from Karin.

" You and I are gonna have a loong talk once we get home!"

" See?" Deidara asked with a grin and high-fived Sai and Juugo. " Long live the bachelors!"

" Idiots." Sasuke muttered, then pulled Sakura back in his lap. She smiled and kissed his cheek, before sitting gently.

Sasuke was an Uchiha. And all Uchihas had the incredible talent to look amazing wherever and whenever they were. And right then Sasuke looked amazing. He was probably at that period, when men look their best, he was just too handsome to handle and Sakura was barely taking it. She simply wanted to jump him right then and there, but the kids were outside and they weren't alone in the room. Too much stuff to carry about. Damn...if only they have made that get together on Sunday!

Sakura seemed to become more beautiful with every passing day, or at least, that's what his impression was, after these fifteen years. She was always fit, eating as healthy, training as frequently, reading as passionately, laughing as sincerely, loving as passionately as much as the first time he met her. It's been so long and yet this woman was able to surprise him every day. And he didn't get bored. he was never bored. No, every day he'd be anxious to go home and meet her and their children, he would want to see what new would happen, if anything new would happen and until now, he was never left bored, she was always being herself-unique.

" Ahem, lovebirds, we're too glad to see that your marriage is perfect, but please, don't feel obliged to prove it!" Naruto interrupted and Sasuke looked back at him, ready with a typical for the teenager Sasuke sassy, insolent and cheeky response. Sakura, however, shushed him.


Because she heard the footsteps from behind the corner. She stood up from Sasuke's leg and made a few steps towards the corner, when she heard the giggling and the quiet thud. Temari smiled knowingly, Hinata -lovingly, Ino - quickly and Tenten- probably that was an annoyed smile if there was such a thing? And their men and the 'lone wolves'...they were looking around with furrowed brows.

" Honestly, you are deaf!" Karin muttered and hurried over to Sakura, passed her and then jumped at the corner. " BOO!"

The kids ran into the living room past Karin, screaming and laughing at the same time.

" We told them to stay outside!" Izanami said, leaning on the wall, panting. Izanagi stood right beside her, like her shadow and guardian. That's how they've always been. And Mai was standing right beside Izanami, panting as well, glaring at the little kids.

Sakura once again was impressed by the ability of children to become friends in less than five minutes. The Naras and the hyugas, the Uchihas and the Hozukis, the Uzumaki and the Inuzuka were laughing and playing with each other.

" Daddy! Daddy!" Hoshi screamed and pulled the slightly older, blonde Nara forward. " I changed my opinion! I will marry Masao!"

" Eww! Let go!" the boy pulled his arm away and started running around.

Shikamaru laughed at Sasuke's expression, then patted his shoulder.

" Good thing I don't have daughters!"

" Now, now..." Naruto interfered. " Daughters are the best!"

" And you say that only because you have a daughter!" Suigetsu said. " Either girls or boys, they always get on my nerves, so it doesn't matter!"

" You haven't changed a bit, Sui! You're as dumb as ever!" Kiba smiled friendly, then pointed towards the babyphone on the table, that was alerting them, that the baby was crying. Then he rolled his eyes, after Ino looked at him with the puppy-face. " Fine, fine...I'll go."

" It used to be so quieter." Juugo said calmly, while Tougo was hiding behind him, while Misaki, Chou and Ai were chasing after him.

Sasuke looked, as his oldest daughter chatted calmly with her best friends and cousins, while his son was trying to escape the Haru, the three year old son of Neji and Tenten was trying to bite him, and his youngest daughter, who was chasing after Shikamaru's son. It was all such a mess. And it was supposed to be a calm night with friends around, just a bit of chatting, the children were supposed to stay in the gardens, to play outside and leave the adults alone for a while.

But then again, everything Sasuke and Sakura have done in their lives has turned out to be like that. They were trying to make little get-togethers with friends in university, that were supposed to include only two or three guest at most, but then the whole campus turned out to be in their apartment. It was pretty much the same now, but all the unknown people from then were replaced by the huge amount of little kids running around and pushing every single grown up in the room almost to the edge of his nerves.

" I've had enough of this!"Naruto stood up and spread out his arms. "EVERYBODY STOP!"

The children looked up to him and then stopped moving, because he was staring down at them with a smile.

" Outside you have gardens and stuff to play with! You have things to play with! And you have people to play with! Everybody, out!"

" No." Misaki shook her head and then most of the kids around her started giggling at Naruto's devastation.

" Fine, then. You want to bargain, we will bargain! I will get each kid that gets out a toy!"

The little ones looked at each other, until one of the smaller kids, Satoshi, looked up to the blonde with the smart glint in his eye, that Shikamaru had in his.

" What kind of toy?"

" Whatever you want! Is it a deal?"

The chlidren glanced at each other and then got out of the house as fast as possible. The only left ones in the room were Mai, Izanagi and Izanami.

" can we please join you? We are bored with them! They are"

" No, you can't stay with us."Nanami answered to her daughter. "You have to know what we went through with all of you, so now off you go! And you better not leave them out of eyesight or no shopping for you, Nami!"

The three teens got out with miserable expressions, while Ino looked back at Nanami and Sakura with a raised eyebrow.

" Is that really how you make your children shut up for a while? God, you're going to bankrupt if you keep on doing so!"

" I believe we're far from the bankrupt." Sasuke muttered. " Besides, we don't always do this. Sakura likes to punish them. Like, no computers or TV for a week. You have to see how Mai pouts then. She hides somewhere in the house, where we couldn't find her and reads some stuff, that she knows will make us mad."

" What?"

" Adults' books." Sakura rolled her eyes, then stood up and brought the tray with the glasses. Hinata helped her.

Soon after, their conversations changed to their university life, to their memories, everybody was laughing, having fun, some of them even were sad, that this time was over, that they wanted it to be back, but unfortunately, life wasn't constructed that way.

"And do you remember that time, when Sasuke managed to seduce Anko with dangos?" Temari laughed, but the said boy snorted.

" I wasn't seducing her! I was trying to make her forgive us!"

" See? A witch, I'm telling you!" Deidara hissed at Sasori's direction, who, on his turn threw an ice cube at his best friend.

" And do you remember that time, when we broke the window in B-5? The time, when we were such beasts?" Suigetsu laughed, while Sakura grimaced.

" I still remember Iruka's lectures after that one. It was nerve-wracking!"

" God, I would give anything to go back to this place!" Karins aid dreamily, then silence fell over them. Naruto looked to the ground, Hinata bit her lips, as well as most women in there. Kiba and Shikamaru stared into the ceiling...and then Sasuke stood up with a bright smile.

" Well, what are we waiting for?"

He looked down to his pink haired, beautiful wife, whose eyes watered slightly before a huge smile appeared on her face.

"Don't let them separate. Entertain them! We'll be back in about two hours, okay?" Sakura patted the babysitter's shoulder, then sighed. "I am sorry, I know I told you it was a day off, but it is really urgent. It's only for these two hours!"

" No problem, Sakura-sama!" the young woman grinned. "I love spending time with the kids! Nami and Mai have the best fashion magazines!"

" I know you like spending time with them, but this time they are fourteen, not three!"

" Don't worry! The maids and the butler are here, if I need any help, I'll get it!"

" Thanks again, sweetheart!"

The babysitter waved until the four autos were out of sight. Sakura sighed from the front seat of her McLaren. With her were Hinata, Naruto and Juugo. Sasuke was with Ino, Kiba, Sasori and Deidara. Shikamaru took in his car his wife and Neji and Tenten and Karin and Suigetsu took off with their own car.

" I can't believe Sasuke is being so supportive of the idea of actually remembering the past!" Hinata whispered, but Sakura surprised her with her joyful laugh.

" Hinata, he changed too much over the years. He opened himself for people! And he lets people in...there is no way possible he could get any better."

" Well, if the bastard keeps up with that pace, he might as well become a saint!" Naruto snorted, but then grinned. "I can't believe we're actually going there!"

" Me either!"Sakura grinned back at the blonde. " I even feel nervous, as if I'm going in for my next exam or something. The sensation is the same..."

They continued chatting happily, Juugo was being as quiet as always, until they parked in the lot of the complex Konoha Leaf.

" That was my home for three years." the big orange haired giant said lowly, causing a wave of emotions to run over Sakura and their other friends. Yes, they weren't in Konoha Leaf, but this place was the one, that held most memories for them.

" Well, let's go see it now!"

They met with the others in front of the administrative building of the complex. The woman at the front desk was young, probably a student at the eyes widened a little, as she saw the Great three among the visitors.

" Good evening, may I help you?"

" Yes." Sakura smiled. " We are old graduees from this university and we used to live here. Could we please go and see our rooms? Like, we are having a pretty emotional night, so..."

" I will have to ask Umino-san, or...would you to him yourself?"

" Ah, Iruka, he's still keeping this place up!" Suigetsu whistled lowly, then headed down the corridor. The receptionist reached out, but decided to stop in mid air. So the adults basically barged into the cabinet of Iruka, startling him.

The man has become old. His hair was shite, he looked tired, he had lots of wrinkles...But his eyes shone happily, as he saw the people in front of himself.

" I knew you'd return at some point."

He stood up and shook the hand of each and every one of them, although some of them were meeting him for the first time in their lives. Instead of throwing stupid questions at them, he smiled.

" I know why you're here. Simply go. But don't stay for too long. The children have exams soon. "

" And you? Won't you come with us?" Karin asked and he laughed heartily.

" Paperwork, my dear Uzumaki."

" Hozuki!" she corrected, while Iruka shifted his gaze on Suigetsu, who grinned. Then he looked away.

" May God protect your children. I pity them."

After that, he opened the door and before letting them go outside, smiled again.

" I'd be glad to meet you all some other time. Maybe when I am not burried under work? Yeea, that would be nice. "

Sasuke gave him a number, where he could call them and after they said their goodbyes, they headed down the paths to the buildings. Nothing has changed. The full moon was shining brightly above in the clear, blue sky, full with stars. The cherry trees and the fountains were rustling, making the atmosphere even nicer.

They headed down the second path in complete silence and after only a minute walking, they were standing in front of the B building. Sakura grabbed Sasuke's arm and squeezed it slightly.

" That's where everything begun."

" Yes...I will never forget this place and how you used to scream all the time, when you were angry with me."

" Let's not forget the precious moments when you liked to walk half-naked around."

" Excuse me, you're disgusting!" Karin said, but Sasori snorted.

" You excuse me, Karin, but when did you become so un-sluttish?"

" Jerk!"

" Bitch."

" Who are you?" a voice said from behind and all of them turned around to face a young girl with blonde locks and baby blue eyes. She was looking at them with interest in her eyes and maybe a little fear. She was holding a plastic bag from Nara's supermarkets, the supermarket across the street. However, her jaw dropped, as she recognized some of the people in there, the three most prosperious business people in their country and continent, when she recognized Sakura from the cover of some magazine, the doctor of the year, when she recognized Shikamaru, when she recognized Kiba from the magazines for animals...

They were all great and known people.

" What are you doing here?" she asked this time, her voice shaking.

" Hi there. You must be living here." Sakura smiled and extanded her arm. " My name is Sakura. I used to live in this building with some of them, when we were studying here."

he girl wondered whether to take the offered hand or not. However, she did not have time to, since somebody opened the door. Two people were standing at the door. A tall guy with a stoic expression and another girl, with worry in her eyes.

" Misa! Why did you take so long...eerh...what the hell is going on?" the girl asked and pulled the girl with the blonde locks, whose name was obviously Misa.

" There was a huge line. And...eerm...those people have been residents when they have studied in KU."

" Really, now?" the other girl looked up to Sasuke, then to Hinata, Naruto and Sakura and so until she looked through each and every one of them. " So I suppose you want to look around?"

" Exactly. Just for a few minutes, refresh the memories..." Ino smiled.

" Welll, eerm, I guess that's not a problem..." Misa said, then looked to the stoic boy.

" Hmph. Fine."

" Stupid ass dickhead!" the blonde hissed, thinking that the 'guests'can't hear her. " Stop being such an ass!"

" And who are you to tell me what to do?!"

" I am your fucking roommate! You should start communicating and not only snorting!"

" Hmph."

Sasuke looked at Sakura, who elbowed him. She was bearing a mischievous smile and he knew what she meant. They have been like this long ago.

" So!" the rosette said and turned towards Misa, who immediately smiled, while leading them upstairs. " Which rooms are you in?"

" Oh, ehm, two of the rooms downstairs are occupied by two boys, one is occupied by her and two are by two seniors, that barely ever appear... I think they're always hanging out at that other complex with their friends, ya' know? " Misa said, then frowned slightly. "And the B-5 apartment I share with him."

" And you haven't known him before, have you?" Sasuke smiled, when the girl blinked a few times.

" N-no. There were no rooms left when I came in here to look for and he was waiting as well and...ehm...we had to share if we wanted to have a place to sleep."

" Let me guess..." Sakura said, as Misa let them inside the apartment. It didn't look the same, since they have put their own furniture and it was obvious what was chosen by her and what-by the guy. " met, you hated each other from the first moment you heard the other one speak and, hey, you started hating each other even more, when they put you in a room together! And now you kind of live together, you have to face the annoying reality."

" That's too accurate, that it's scary. How would you know?"

" Let's just say, that the same thing happened to me fifteen years ago with him." Sakura pointed to Sasuke, who was looking through the window. The two teens, that were currently sharing the appartment, looked at him, then at Sakura.

" You haven't killed each other. That's good. I might not lock my door ever night now." the guy said, while Misa threw him a deathly glare. "However, what are your connections now? I think it must be surprising to see him now, that he's the top businessman in the country..."

" Well, erm, not surprising."Sakura laughed. " After all, at the end of our first year in here, we got married..."

The teens looked at each other, then each of them took a step away.

" You're shitting me."

" Nope. Not at all." Sakura said, then approached Sasuke. " We've been married for fifteen years now. We have three children and, let me tell you, this place was where it all began. Who knows, maybe you'll be as lucky as we were!"

Misa snorted and left for the kitchen, while the guy looked after her. Sasuke laughed carelessly.

" Don't worry. I was nervous at the beginning, too!"

" Shu-Shut up!" the boy said and disappeared in the hallway, all flushed.

Sakura turned towards Sasuke and leaned in closer to him.

" You know, it really sounds incredible...we hated each other, loathed! And now...we would die for each other!"

" Miracles happen."

" You are worth a hundred miracles, because you are my miracle."

Sasuke pulled her in for a kiss. For a perfect, slow, emotional and happy kiss. One, filled with his feelings, one that demanded to be felt, to be answered. Sakura wrapped her hands around his neck and raised herself on her tiptoes, as always, as if she were a young teenage girl. Sasuke moved his lips to her cheek, giving her some time to breath. Then he got closer to her ear and whispered slowly, gently and lovingly.

" I have always been, I am and I always will be."

Sakura looked behind him for a second to see her friends, laughing, hugging each other, smiling. All that could occur to her at the moment was happiness. She had everything she has ever wanted.

She had family, she had friends, she had children, she had everything!

And that's why she looked right into the onyx eyes of her favorite and most loved person in the world.

" Always and forever."


First of all, here's a little clearance about all these names, ages and their meanings in the chapter:

Sakura + Sasuke - Mai (14) - brightness

Akio (11) - great man

Hoshi (8) - star

Naruto + Hinata - Misaki (11) - beauty bloom

Nanami + Itachi - Izanami (15)

Izanagi (15)

Neji + Tenten - Kou (9) - happiness

Chou (5) - butterfly

Haru (3) - sun

Ino + Kiba - Ai (11) - love

Emi (0.6) - beautiful blessing

Karin + Suigetsu - Tougo (11)

Shikamaru + Temari - Masao (9) - correct man

Satoshi (7) - clear-thinking, wise man

I really hope you liked it! I loved writing each and every chapter of this fanfiction, it was a great adventure for me, it was also such a joy to be surrounded by amazing people like all of you! So THANK YOU!

Thank you for making this story special! :)

I hope this is not the last time I'll see some of you, I hope I will meet you on other stories! You all are amazing!

I love you!
