Now, whoever is reading this, hi...

I rewrote the first chapter and I hope there won't be any problems anymore. If there still is something that bothers you, please PM me and I'll try to correct my mistake.

However, I hope you like it! :)

Chapter 1

The day was awful enough even without Naruto's voice on the phone. He was too loud, too annoying, too enthusiastic about everything. And the worst of all - too optimistic.

" Oh, come on, what are you so worried about? If there isn't a place there, then you'll go to the places downtown, it's not that bad, you'll just have to wake up earlier! Or you could move in with me!"

" Your 'apartment', as you call it is only one room!" Sasuke sighed in the phone and heard Naruto's voice coming from the other side.

" Whatever, teme, just go and check that place. And hurry up, because someone could be taking it while we're talking!" Naruto closed the phone, which caused Sasuke to look up to the fancy office building in front of him. He was really tired. The whole morning he had spent on looking for a nice room in one of the student campuses in the city of Konoha. And yet-no luck. He entered with a frown and headed to the reception desk.

The receptionist, Saitou Yuki, as the boy had read on the metal plate on her chest, was a young, blonde woman with blue childish eyes and a gentle smile. When she looked up to Sasuke, she obviously forgot how to breath, which wasn't uncommon for the females in his presence. He knew what effect he had on the women, and now, he intended on using it.

" Hello." he said with a charming smile and the girl behind the desk smiled brightly.

" Welcome to Konoha Leaf Complex, how can I help you?"

" You see, I am looking for an apartment..."

Before he even finished, the receptionist interfered.

" You'll have to talk to the manager, Mister Umino. Please, let me lead you to his office."

She stood up and made him a sign to follow her. She headed down the hallway, trying to walk seductively, but Sasuke wasn't falling for it. If he wasn't that nervous, he would have acknowledged the beauty of the woman, that seemed no older than him. Maybe she was a student at the university as well...Sasuke frowned 'I have to find a job, too...' he thought and sighed. However, they reached the office and Yuki opened the door, letting him enter. There were other two girls in there, already. Sasuke sighed.

" I am sorry for making you wait this long, ladies. Mister Umino certainly had a meeting with the directors, so maybe he will be a few more minutes late. I am sorry. If you need anything..."

" No, thanks. " one of the girls said, and Sasuke almost choked, when he saw her pink hair. After her answer Yuki bowed a little and closed the door.

Sasuke threw a brief look at the pink haired girl. She had small and delicate features. The bangs, falling on both sides of her pale face were separated from the other locks, that were gathered together in a ponytail. Not only her features, but also her body was delicate, or at least, it seemed so. She wasn't very tall and she was thin. Her whole arms and legs were exposed. She was wearing denim shorts and a large singlet that was almost covering them. It was fitting her feminine body there was something rather annoying in her. She seemed like one of those girls who never stop speaking and always gossip around. Or maybe it was just the pink hair.

The other girl was also small in general. She had long dark hair and pale eyes. Although it was august and everybody preferred almost stripping in the streets than wearing clothes, she was dressed in jeans and a purple and gray sweater. Sasuke looked at her as if she was dense and turned to the window. He was watching the bright sun, the almost empty street, the shops, that were closed in this Sunday was really, really nervous. f there was anything he hated more than sweets, it was waiting.

" Would you please stop?" a girl said and Sasuke turned around to see, that the rosette was looking at him really annoyed. It was probably the same expression he was bearing all day.

" What?" he asked back, slightly confused.

" Stop clanking on the window's pissing me off..."

He looked at his fingers to realize, that she was right. He wasn't doing it intentionally, actually. He removed his fingers from the frame, but something in him grew angrier and angrier at the sight of the girl.

" Oh, I'm sorry." he said and his voice was dripping with sarcasm. The expression of the girl changed from grateful to furious again." I am on the urge of killing somebody, because that's the last place I have a chance to find where to sleep this year, unless I want to spend my freshman year in the subway. And excuse me for bothering your silence, but unless you don't want to be the one that will be killed, just shut the fuck up and stop complaining!"

He inhaled to calm himself. But the girl obviously wasn't calm. At all...

" What makes you think that I'm in a better situation?" She snapped back, almost screamed, actually. " I am tired of idiots like you, who are always trying to make people guilty...well, you know what? It's not working!"

So she's here for an apartment as well, he thought, stupid psycho!

He was about to tell her something rather rude, but the crack of the door interrupted him. A man with spiky black hair, that was collected in a ponytail, entered the room. Both, Sasuke and the girl, narrowed their eyes at him. The second girl only smiled shyly at him. There was something disturbing in him, probably the fact, that he had a scar, running through the bridge of his nose.

" Hello there, you must be Miss Haruno and Mister Uchiha... And you are..."

" Hyuga Hinata, sir. I am only accompanying." the weird girl with the sweater said and the man nodded at her.

" OK, my name is Umino Iruka. Sorry for making you wait, but I had a meeting with the directors, who were late...however, please, sit!"b

The man sat on the chair behind the desk and pointed the two other chairs to the young students. They looked at each other with looks full of hatred and sat against the manager of the complex.

" Now, such young, beautiful, lovely creatures you are!" the man said and Sasuke felt like snorting, but kept it in. The girl next to him smiled warmly and Sasuke rolled his eyes. " I believe that both of you are going to be students in Konoha University, right?"

The both teens nodded, which irritated Sasuke. So there was a chance that he would also meet that psycho in the university!

" And you will be freshmen, right? If you weren't you would have known, that it's extremely dangerous to go hunt an apartment at the end of the vacation..." After the kids before him said nothing, he continued. " However, I know why you're here so let's get down to business! Like I said, it's dangerous to leave that for so late. We only have one room left. "

" I want it." the girl said after she and Sasuke glared at each other for a while.

" Wait...what? No way! I want it too!" the boy said and looked at Iruka, who was massaging his temple with his forefingers.

" I was here first, you demented!" the girl shrieked and growled furiously.

" May I..." the director interjected, looking at his two potential clients and closed the laptop before him " The apartment we have to offer is a two-bedroom. There's the possibility of you two sharing it."

Silence. The panting of the four people in the room was to be heard until...

" NO FUCKING WAY!" the girl screamed.

" Hn. " the boy said in a loud and clear voice, which in his case meant something like 'Yeah, i'd rather poison myself that living with this hysterical woman!'

Iruka sighed totally annoyed by the teens. AND he was nervous because Kakashi made him wait for an hour at the meeting.

" I may say, that neither of yobother choice. You are both going to be freshmen this fall, I bet you still haven't found proper jobs, that will be enough for your feeding and rent."

" Why don't you just give me the apartment ...I am sure she'll figure something on her own!" Sasuke groaned annoyed, earning himself a furious look from the pink-haired girl.

" Same goes to you, you..."

" Mister Uchiha. Please, behave." Iruka sighed. " What about this? Why don't you let me show you the apartment first? I believe you might change your opinion after that, OK?"

The teens looked at each other bitterly, but stood up and followed the director out of the main building. They took a path, leading behind the offices and their eyes widened. They were staying in front of a huge park with some buildings here and there. But the paths leading to each of the different buildings were beautiful, as well as the other grounds. There were marble statues, fountains, flowers, trees. It was classy and beautiful, which made Sasuke frown even more. That would be too expensive, even if it was a one-bedroom apartment. Sasuke reminded himself, that he had to find a job as soon as possible.b

" Here, follow me." Iruka said and took one of the paths. He entered the building at the end of it. Sasuke looked around. Each path was leading to a building. On the door there was a big letter, in this case it was 'B'. Kakashi unlocked it. " Each building has five one-bedroom apartments and one two-bedrooms apartment. It's the only one on the second floor, come."

He went up the stairs, followed by the teens. The building was quite big. At the end of the stairs there was a door, which Iruka unlocked with a card. He opened the door and let them come in. Sasuke heard the girls gasping. This place was awesome. They were now in a vestibule, leading to a huge living room. There were also two identical rooms, two bathrooms, one attached to each room, a kitchen, a balcony, and a laundry room.

Sasuke immediately felt attached to this place. But affording this place on his own was quite the issue. Judging by the girl's face, she was thinking the same. She was looking at him, as if thinking how long they could live together without killing each other. At least, that's how Sasuke was looking at her.

" Well, what do you think?" Iruka appeared in the living room, that was literally empty, because it wasn't furnished. Neither were the bedrooms.

" You won't give it to me alone, would you?" the girl sighed.

" Or me?"

" No, I won't." Kakashi smiled under his mask. " So, do we have a deal, or will you be teaming up at the subway station?"

The two teens looked at each other once again. Sasuke knew he hated the Haruno , hate was too gentle... From her attitude to her gorgeous face to her beautiful body and her bright emerald eyes…he stopped himself right there. This wan't about the apartment anyway, it was about his education. He sighed and managed to say something.

" I...don't mind as long as you don't mind..." the boy wondered if she was as stubborn as she looked like and was surprised to hear her answer.

" Why not..." she said in a gentler voice than before. She almost seemed friendly. He narrowed his eyes.

" Excellent! Now, shall we return to the office to sign the papers? We should also discuss the rent and ways of payment..." he opened the door and waited the teens to get out before locking it. They got out of the B-5 apartment and out of the B-building.

It was easy to find the way back to the main office building, where the staff was staying. All paths were leading to it and to a huge pool with water slides and springboards in the opposite direction. Sasuke smirked. Naruto would be jealous as hell.

Once they were in Kakashi's office once again, he took a folder full of documents and took out a pen.

" First of all...that's the monthly rent." He wrote down a number and slid it to the teens, who looked at it kind of scared from what they'd see. It wasn't that much as Sasuke had expected, but it still was way too much for a single person. And that was without the food and other money. It should have been alright if the girl wasn't late with her half of the rent, or he himself. I need to find a job, he though again, quickly.

They both nodded understandingly at Iruka and he crumpled the piece of paper. Hinata was looking out of the window.

" OK. We're cool with that, I see. The rent must be paid by the end of every month for the next one. Another thing. I tell you right away, if you're about to throw parties during the semester, I beg of you, don't go overboard and always invite me! I am the soul of the company!" the man chuckled, but the teens looked at him with stone faces. Sasuke would never throw a party. He didn't like them. But he looked at his future roommate and sighed. She seemed like a noisy person, just like Naruto. He hoped that he wouldn't have to deal with parties too.

" must pay an earnest for September..."

" When?" asked the girl and Sasuke concentrated on the man's reply.

" By the end of August. And you can also move in till the end of that month."

" Can we pay it now?" the girl asked again and Iruka nodded.

" Well, yes, but it's not obligatory." he said, but both teens before him were taking out money from their pockets. " OK, I guess you'll split everything from now on...that makes..."

He wrote another number on the paper. He doesn't like talking about money, Sasuke figured out.

They both nodded and handed the man the amount of money that were needed. Iruka nodded briefly and typed something on his laptop. He then turned back to the teens and too out a document from the folder.

" Are you sure about it?"

NO!, Sasuke was thinking, but he looked at the girl who nodded, and nodded himself.

" Sign here and here." the director showed them and after the girl signed, she handed Sasuke the document and the pen, trying not to touch him. Sasuke noticed and snorted mockingly. He quickly signed and returned the paper to the owner of the complex.

He opened one of the drawers on the desk, took out two cards with B-5 printed on them and handed them to the future residents of the two-bedroom apartment.

" Welcome to Konoha Leaf Compex!"

Well, shit. Sasuke looked at the girl beside him, who extended her tiny arm.

" Haruno Sakura."

He took it and answered as coldly as possible.

" Uchiha Sasuke."

They left the main building of Konoha Leaf Complex and stared at each other a bit hesitantly. Hinata tried to smile, but blushed instead and hurried to cover her face.

" Well, eer, I guess I'll see you in September..." Sasuke said and couldn't hide the hope in his voice. Like hell he didn't want to meet that girl more than the time he had to spend with her in the campus anyway.

" Yeah...till then...Come on, Hinata!" the girls turned around and headed towards the corner of the street but Sasuke kept on staring at their backs.

He knew, that this wouldn't work. At some point, he knew that she'd run out of the apartment with her luggage, screaming. But then his thoughts changed. What if he was the one that would run away...As much as he had found out about Haruno Sakura in the last 20 minutes, she wasn't a polite, nor a patient person. Yes, it was very much possible, that he'd be the one giving up on that...

" Aaah, vicious woman!" he murmured and turned around in the opposite direction.