Disclaimer: I do not own the rights for Lilo & Stich and Ben 10. They belong to their rightful owners.

Hi there ladies and gents! This is MegaRdaniels giving you a new chapter for the story, "Lilo & Stitch and Ben 10: Path to Darkness". I hope you all enjoy this chapter as much as you guys enjoyed that other crossover, "Powerpuff Girls and Ben 10: When All Else Fails" which will happen. I promise you. I tend to do something very special at the end of this fic. VERY SPECIAL. So yeah.

I hope you guys enjoy it, and please always leave reviews, they are always appreciated. Thank you!

Inner Demons

625 was terrified. Just as "Agreggor" was getting up, he saw that 625 was unmasked. However, it sounds more like 625 was trying to reason with the orange dinosaur, but it seemed that it was unconcionable. All it saw was red, and only red. Bloodlust was on the dinosaur's mind.

"625!" Gantu called, giving himself away.

Lilo/Humungasuar paused and drove a death glare at Gantu who was disquised as Aggregor. Not asking questions, Humungasur/Lilo stormed her way down the street like a runaway frieght train. Gantu got into a fighting pose and prepared to fight, but it all proved false when Lilo gave him the savagely written one-two. She did not gave Gantu a chance to fight back. He blocked his attacks quickly and gave him a fatal jab, plundering him down. and with that, Lilo grabbed Gantu's neck and slammed him to the ground hard headfirst, and then kicked him across the street to a building. As Gantu got ready, Lilo immediately ripped a tree from its roots, throwing a market-kart out from its reach and swung the tree straight at Gantu. the tree breaks as a result as Gantu went flying in the sky and land to a nearby building.

As Julie was busy trying to keep Stitch alive, she witnissed Lilo's hellish wrath as she leaped upwards to incredible heights.

"Since when Humungasur can leap?" Julie said, terrified.

At the other side of town, Gantu got up, realising that the girl was too strong and too angry to fight off, he began to make his retreat...until Lilo smashed Gantu to the ground, ropped him around the waist and body slammed to the ground, then gave him rapid punches to his face, fracturing his skull, breaking his ID mask.

Gantu managed to grab Lilo's fist and throw her out of the way. He ran to get 625, but Lilo grabbed him by the shirt, pulled him close to her, and punched him so hard it could be heard for miles away. She kept pounding him until Gantu spat out blood from his mouth.

"Mercy,": Gantu begged weakly, "Mercy."

"I don't think I have more to give," Lilo said nonchalantly with a strong hint of bloodlust rage.

Just before she punched Gantu's intestines from his mouth, Julie flew by and called...


Lilo turned around and saw Julie in a battlesuit carrying Stitch in her arms. Lilo was confused, but that confusion turned into an annoyance. She threw Gantu to a building; the sentient whale flipped in the air like plank of wood and crashed to a building; the building collapsed and blew up as a result. Lilo was not having it, period. She proceed to take her anger on anyone who harms or even touches Stitch.

"Put...him...down..." Lilo demanded with subtle, angry tone in her voice.

"Lilo, I..."

"NOW!" Lilo barked.

Julie, not wanting Lilo to kill her, gently placed Stitch on the ground.

"Lilo, Stitch...he's not going to make it, unless we treat him."

Lilo didn't respond. She nodded and stormed away, but before she removed herself completely, she said...

"That is what they all say at first before the news drop a ton of bricks on your face. So I don't want to hear a damn thing about it."


"Optimism can only lead to lies and deciet. Stitch, Nani, Jumba, Pleakly, and the rest of the epirements are my family...but Stitch, he's my best friend. And if anything happens to him..."

She turned around with a very angry look across her face, tears slithered down from those big, dinosaur eyes.

"...if anyones harms him, I'll find them...and I'll kill them." The Ultimatri began to lose power. And then finally, Humungasur/Lilo was engulfed in ruby-red light, and when the light died down, standing by the dinosaur's place was the little girl. The Ultimatri slithered off of Lilo's arm and dropped to the floor. However, Lilo did not notice that her arm was bare, nor did she even care. And from there, Lilo walked off. Julie did nothing to stop her. She needed time to cool off.

Julie however did see a few suspects - especially 625. She picked up both Stitch and 625 and flew back to the house.

Author's Notes: Yes sir, It's me MegaRdaniels who gave you the latest chapter for the fanfic, "Lilo & Stitch and Ben 10: Path to Darkness". I hope you all enjoyed it! Please always leave reviews, they are always appreciated. Until we meet again, I bid you all an adieu and...
