Chapter Seven
Kagome Point of View
Curse. Grumble grumble. Curse and yet another curse.
It was just too much for me to take and if there was another obscenity she would just pop. Literally! All the senseless grumbling was coming from the half demon that was walking me to school.
And, yes that as well. He was walking me to school, now why the hell would he want to do that?!
Sure there was that time, how long ago that was, which was approximately two months ago when he walked me home in the cold. But after that I guess things started to change and behold, there was drama that came with it afterwards, a lot of teasing I might add on Sango's part.
"Are you sure you don't want your jacket back?" I had asked, arching a brow and looking at him incredulously, he must be frozen because of the nasty weather.
"If I gave it to you then and told you to keep it, now why the hell would I want it back?!" he snaps at me. Damn, could he get any angrier? Possibly. But angrier to match me, I don't think so.
We continue walking on our course to school, his motorcycle was with his parents, given that he was riding it once late at night and he wasn't given the keys to drive it until a week from now. But that is another story, one that involves me and some guy we met out on the street who tried to cause problems, but as I said - that's another story.
Damn cold! I swore in my mind, gripping to the jacket Inuyasha had given me a long long time ago, it was warm. The funny thing was that a certain smell clung to it and no it wasn't stinky! It was a forest-y smell of the sort, and it was calm, relaxing and comfortable when I wore it.
Inuyasha never asked for the jacket after I wore it. I remember as if it were yesterday. Let's go down memory lane shall we?
Two months ago
I came home and kicked off my boots, and set them next to the door like we always do when we return home. Afterwards, I shout that I had arrived from school, well it was later than the usual time I get home, and my mother pokes her head out from the kitchen.
The sigh that goes passed her lips reach my ears and I find myself in a bear hug that is given by my mother. "Mom, I'm fine…I was just visiting a friend," I tell her, I felt very uncomfortable at the way she was looking at me.
She had that sparkle in her eyes and I couldn't point out what she was thinking. Oh no, my mother thinking of me visiting a friend was the worst thing I could say to her. Crap, I could've just said I was over at Sango's house.
Awkward silence goes between us and I switch feet when five seconds pass, trying to come up with something. I am completely taken aback when my mother starts shaking, my mind starts racing with words to comfort her, but it's blank!
"I called your friend Sango to ask where you were - and…and you weren't at her home. Kagome tell me where you were. You weren't doing…that were you? Oh my heart can not take it," she lets her arms fall down to her hips and they stay there, her eyes staring at me.
What was it that she…my eyes dilate because of what she says. "Mom! I would never ever -" in all the while my arms are flying everywhere to prove me point," ever do that!"
I couldn't believe it! She was thinking that I was doing…oh my god how can she think that! I was only gone well, my train of thought crashes and I shake my head. "Mom, I won't ever do that."
She looks at me in disbelief and once again I am shuffling on my feet. "KAGOME'S GOT A BOYFRIEND!" I gasp at the horror. What the hell did Souta just say?!
He repeats it as if it is on reply and he looks like he's one of the monkeys with those cymbals while he claps his hand. God those monkeys with the cymbals are so darn creep, but what he is doing just in front of us is just plain weird and annoying. He is dancing on one foot then jumps to change on the other.
"I do NOT!" I shout, trying to grab him with my outstretched hands. If only looks could kill….
My mother is just staring at me and Souta, mainly at me because I was acting so childish, and I am suppose to be an adult now. Well now I had him pinned down on the floor and he was bloody freaking screaming mercy in my ears.
I halt in the action of giving him a good nuggie when there is a knock on the door. "Now who can that be?" my mother wonders as she walks to the door and I gasp when there standing in the door way is no other than...
I let out a sigh of relief,"Sango what are you doing here?"
"Hello Mrs. Higurashi," she first says, completely ignoring me and I frown. Why did she ignore me, she doesn't ignore me, well only when I am poking her to get her attention during one of our classes.
My mother says hello and lets her walk inside and Sango smiles. She takes off the winter wear and she plops on the couch, her black brow raises when she notices me and Souta. "Uh…this is kinda awkward."
Sango nods and I leave Souta to cower in his room once I sit next to her. My mom walks off to make something warm to drink. Once they are both gone, my hair is tugged harshly and it felt as if it'll be ripped off my head.
I wince at the inflicted pain that soon fades away when Sango lets go. "What was that for? Last time I remember, we aren't five years old anymore, care to explain?" I ask her, pouting with my arms crossed.
She is looking at me with that evil look in her eye. Did I say something? I move my head forwards to make her say something, I even do that rolling of the hands in a circular motion thing to make her continue. Nothing!
"Sango is-" I was cut off when her face turns red.
"Why didn't you tell me you and Inuyasha were dating?" she says it as hushed as a whisper, but the fact was that this was Sango. Whispering is not in her vocabulary when something exciting happens. She yelled it out like it was some big commotion, which it wasn't.
. . .
. . .
. . .
"Huh?" my head turns to the side, completely confused.
Her eyes turn into slits and she is giving me another one of her crazy looks. "S-Sango nothing is going on with me and…and him!" I blurted out, I know that my cheeks are really red because I can feel the heat in them.
Sango arches a brow and crossed her arms, staring at me and I interlock my fingers together and placed them on my lap. "I'm serious and I'm saying the truth," I say softly. She slumps back into the seat and mutters a "Mhm," while bobbing her head up and down.
For heaven sake this is why she always makes me say everything and that look! It is like she is looking into my soul! I start to nervously bit the bottom of my lip, there is nothing going on between the two of us. Nothing, nada, and that's that!
She is still looking at me, and come on how high can her brow go up, seriously?! Sango is beginning to freak me out with her cheeky smile and the glimmer in her magenta eyes. I finally cave in because of that stupid stare of hers.
"What do you want to know exactly?" I ask, my voice trembles when the words just slip out.
"For starters, why were you at his house?" Sango inquired me to answer the question. All I do is look at her with my mouth open wide, was she following me?
"Were you following me?" slightly afraid of what she'd say. Hopefully, she'd say no, but I see her eyes bulge out wide. "So you were at his house!" Sango exclaimed in surprise and I ease my way back to the corner of the couch.
I let out a pfft sound and wave my hand,"Yeah right. Like I would be at that jerks house. Need I remind you that he tried to kill me."
"Oh come on, that was before and this is now. That was in the past," Sango says and she sighs heavily. "Don't you lie to me and I know you were missy, so give up. What's going on with the two of you, hmm?" She asks.
Just stop it, stop, stop. Nothing is going on! There is nothing. "Sango, nothings going on, why don't you get that?" I repeat, getting up from the couch and walk to the kitchen. My really curious friend follows closely behind, fuming and probably glaring daggers at my head.
Get your mind on something else, anything else, just don't - I begin to think when I notice her stare at me with a bored expression. Sango blows her bangs and then continues on staring.
"What?" I say hesitantly.
She shrugs her shoulders and retorts a 'nothing' to me, her eyelids half closed but still focused on me. I felt so unease with her staring at the back of my head as I walk to and from to get tea from the cabinets. I knew Mama had it here somewhere, I just forgot where she placed them.
I sigh and close the last cabinet,"Alright. Fine, you win. Are you happy now?" I tell my enthusiastic friend who jumped out of her seat. Demanding me to tell her what exactly happened.
"Damn it woman, you are getting me all suspenseful. Tell me now!" She rages, throwing her hands in the air.
"You watch too many drama shows," I mutter and shake my head. I settle two cups for the tea and then once it is done, I settle down in my chair across from her.
"Now, as you so waited patiently for," I tell her sarcastically, she did want to pull my hair out if I didn't tell her. Sango edged on her seat and nodded for me to continue. "I-"
"Kagome, can I get a cup of tea, too?" my kid brother questions me and I notice Sango mutter 'Why now? It was just getting good.' I deadpan, And I didn't even say a word.
"Sure squirt." Souta smiles at me when I give him a cup of tea and then he runs off to do what ever he was doing before.
"Kagome…" Sango stresses out and pauses to drink a sip of her cup of tea,"Continue please. I'm dying here."
"No you aren't," I retort and sit back into my seat. "Well, after the whole commotion at school. I went to visit him and then I met his family, his brother-"
"You met his family…already!" Sango exclaims in sheer amusement and shook.
"Oh for the love of- yes I did, but that isn't the point here, Sango." I rolled my eyes playfully and she laughs.
"Alright go on."
I tell her about him walking me back home and how it was his mother who insisted that he'd take me. I nearly choke when I took a sip out of my tea when Sango gasps and said. "That bastard."
"But he did give me his jacket, which was really kind of him, I must say for a guy of his uh…yeah." My brows furrow and I didn't know what else to say. Leaving me in an uncomfortable situation.
"Well Kagome, I think that's great. At least he was a gentleman, all Miroku did was grope my butt and call me his beloved," Sango said to me, and I notice the redness in her cheeks.
I smile behind my cup, knowing that I have already finished my tea, this night was eventful.
"So…do you think things between you and Inuyasha will get closer, as in future relationship- close or just, friendly relationship -close." I heard her say, but it was more of a question.
"I don't know, it isn't like I can tell the future. We'll just see how things go from here and out."
The next morning I woke up as usual. The stupid ringing of my alarm clock that rang bloody murder in my ears.
I groaned and sat up to stretch and tilt my head to the side when I felt a knot on my neck. "Ouch," I utter under my breath when I hear and feel the crack.
"Good morning sleepy head," I hear Sango. She usually goes to my house in the morning time after time.
"G'morning," I say in a yawn and stretch again.
"Kagome your mom called for breakfast and if you want to eat, you might as well get up and get dressed. You got twenty minutes because school starts in thirty minutes." Sango told me and I shoot out of my bed.
Almost falling face down if I didn't balance myself when I raced to the bathroom. I pushed Souta out of the way and he raises his hand, shaking it madly like an grumpy elderly man complaining about teenagers.
"I can't believe I woke up late," I muttered and scratched my head when I walked into the bathroom. "I can't believe I didn't get my clothes ready and I didn't bring a towel" I groaned and then went to the closet and grabbed a blue towel.
"Now that's done," I went back inside to get ready.
I found Sango sitting on the table, waiting for me, fifteen minutes later. Sango had my books ready to go by the door, along with hers. "Finally, you women take too long taking a shower," Souta rushed passed me and shook his head.
"It's called taking a proper one!" I shout to him and I didn't catch what he said back.
"Thank you Mrs. Higurashi for the lunch, you didn't have to do that," Sango said, receiving a bento box from my mom. I smiled when I sat down, finally relaxing and picking up my sandwich from the chair.
"Nonsense. You are practically family Sango, so don't be afraid to ask for anything," My mom exclaimed and went back into the kitchen.
I was just about to take a bite out of my sandwich when I noticed Sango gasp in the corner of my eye. "What?" I asked, arching a brow, and my sandwich held up to my mouth.
"We're going to be late!" Sango grabbed my arm and the other gripped on my sandwich. "My breakfast," I told her when I found myself outside, shivering in the cold, I held my sandwich with my mouth while Sango threw a red jacket at me.
I noticed that it was the one Inuyasha gave me the night before. What would he think of me wearing it this morning? I might as well give it back, but then I won't have a jacket. I looked at Sango who held our book bags and I nodded. "Right school."
Sango gave me an innocent look and I smiled, rolling my eyes at her expression. "Okay. Let's go."
We walked and I noticed a familiar head of silver hair and a pair of the most cutest doggy ears ever. Of course, he'd kill me if I ever said they were cute, but would you look at them - they are adorable!
Sango elbowed my shoulder and I glared at her. That was when the teasing commenced.
I didn't expect things between me and Inuyasha to get so close, but hey not too close, more like a friendly relationship so far. That is as far as it will be I guess.
"Wench, don't tell me you are still cold, you have a fucking jacket on. It's made out of this material my father had found long ago," Inuyasha tells me and I sigh. How gentlemanly of him to say, I clearly know I have a jacket on, I'm not an idiot.
"Thank you for your kind consideration. If you can tell by my shaking hands and constant chattering of my teeth, then yes - I am cold you idiot!" I shout, but not too loud to get attention from the other people.
"Keh! It is just twenty degrees outside, it was said on the news that it was gunna be cold. Why in the world didn't you wear a scarf?!" My hanyō friend bellowed at me, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
"Oh I didn't forget it. I simply placed it on me when I went outside and then I took it off because I felt like it and I let it fly off into the wind. Does that answer your question?" I then ask him, sarcasm dripping with each word.
"Stupid wench," he grumbles and puts an arm around my neck, pulling me to him. I blushed at how close we were and I wondered if he could hear my heart beating a mile a minute.
I didn't complain, his body heat was radiating right off him and provided me with warmth, I could feel my toes and fingers tingle.
We both continued our way to school, close next to each other, there was definitely going to be a scene when we would arrive.
Damn…I never realized how long we updated. And I am really sorry! I had school and since the work has been crazy lately I had to do whatever it took to catch up. You all must be mad, furious and what other emotion you feel towards me not updating. Fallen and I managed to get this chapter ready just before she needed to go to a wedding. So, it is my fault for not getting this chapter done earlier. Sorry.
Reply To Reviews
StoryNinja101: Even though your comment was two months ago, yeah I'm happy about her writing again. Thanks for loving it, sorry if this chapter came out weird, a funny weird.
alaskan anime gal: That's good! Thanks :)
Syd23: Yeah I know, I use my iPad to type chapters up and the screen is small. Sorry for my mistakes though.
I love Siberian Tigers: I like your name, I like them too, and this is what happens even though it isn't a lot.
JollyRancherChewie: Well this isn't soon, but it's better late than never.
Jessiedancer: I'm happy you are liking it so far :)
luckyinugirl: Hm. Not yet I think, but I hope so soon.
We do not own Inuyasha. It is owned by Rumiko Takahashi. I am currently working with FallenFan77 so we both share the story, so the credit doesn't all go to me, she wrote half of the story and I wrote the other half.