Chapter 1: Gather the crew

It was zoro's first day at dreams beyond collective college, or DBCC. He'd heard about from his pen pal luffy. You see luffy he and 7 others had all been victims in a very strange mail incident, in which they all received letters from someone else in the group on accident; the strange thing is it happened again and again until, each of the members had mail from the 8 others. And one by one luffy had managed to convince everyone to keep writing to each other, despite never seeing each other, and the 'crew' as they called themselves quickly became friends, and luffy had convinced them all to come to DBCC. Why? Because it's free to go to if you have a special skill in which you can teach others. Therefore they could all meet at last, for free (not including travel prices).

"Straw hat…straw hat… damn it luffy, how am I supposed to find you when the only thing I know to look for is a straw hat!" zoro grumbled out as he walked around campus looking through the crowds of people.

"Excuse me are you also looking for luffy?" a orange haired girl said to zoro from a little ways away

"Yeah, are you robin?" zoro said looking at the girl, she didn't look like the kind of girl to write dark but looks could be deceiving.

"ah, no I'm name" she held out her hand "zoro im assuming?"

"hai, how'd you guess?" he half laughed

"the hair of course!" she also laughed "so shall we start looking for luffy?" she said after they had had a breather

"sure, you want to lead?" he said in good sprits

"sure, I think we should check the cafeteria, you know since he is also ways going on about wanting to try sanji's cooking, it would make sense to find him in there"

"good idea, do you already know your way around this massive place?" he stated a little intrigued

"of course, I arrived a day early so I made a map of it, see" she reached into her bag and pulled out a 18 inch by 18inch drawing of the building, along with its other buildings.

"whoa, nice! I guess that your gonna be teaching mapmaking then?"

"that or navigation, or maybe both, switch from year to year, just to keep it exciting"

"I see"

"so whats that case on your back for?" she asked while they were walking towards the main building, that had the cafeteria in it.

"ah, that would be, my swords… all three of them" he said a little proud

"so you really do use three swords? All at once?" she said pulling the door open for zoro

"thank you, and yes I really do" he stopped just a few feet into the building, stopping to look at the main front room, pillars of marble lining the sides, beautiful paintings hung on the wall, the tiled floor sparkling from the sunlight shining through the windows on the side, and sky lights on the ceiling.

"Impressive isn't it" nami said stepping up behind him, bringing him out of the trance the building seemed to sing to him.

"I bet franky would love it" zoro said "he's the 'super' builder right?"

"I believe so, hahaha, he does like that word" nami giggled out taking a few steps forward then turning to look at zoro "have you registered and gotten your room yet?" nami asked

"uh no, not yet"

"oh well we can do that right now if you want, you can do it right over there" she pointed through the crowds of people at the lines that were waiting for their final papers and dorm number.

"uh sure, why don't you go look for luffy, and I'll wait here?" zoro asked

Nami looked around for a second, then said "nah I'll just wait on the couches over there" she pointed behind her

"oh ok the-"


"oi what the hell watch where you're going!" zoro said slightly agitated

"o-oi! I'll have yo- you know that I have 8000 men ready to attack on my command!"

Zoro looked at this knee wobbling long nosed guy, and then he and nami share a look and said in unison


"what! How do you know my name, oh are you looking for luffy?"

"hai, im nami and this is zoro" nami said stepping closer

"oh nami zoro, good to finally meet you guys, have you seen luffy yet?"

"no we were looking for him, but were gonna take a break and get zoro registered" nami said smiling at the fact that their little rag tag group was finally meeting up.

"oh I was just about to go and do that too, come on zoro I'll show you" usopp said looking towards the counter where the faculty sat, filling out forms.

"sounds good, you two go get that done, I'll be chilling on the couches over there" she pointed again to show usopp " you two have fun" she winked and walked away

"Okay well let's get this done, shall we, zoro" usopp said leading the way.

"Yeah, so how does this work?" zoro asked, getting into a line behind usopp

"oh, well you see, you tell them what you'd be teaching, then they'll assign you a tempt dorm, then you have tryouts in your field, and if your good enough, you get a real dorm in the student dorms, if not, you have to pay or leave" usopp said looking over the heads in front of him, trying to count the number of people in front of them.

"I see, so then what will you be teaching? I remember you talking about your tinkering with weaponry, and some absurd stories about sea monsters, so perhaps a writer?" zoro said

"ah, yes I was thinking about that, I was gonna tryout that, and a weapon builder, and trying out for he sniper field, just to be safe, you know I wonder what luffy will be teaching" usopp said, rubbing his chin in a wise man style.

"haha I wonder that too" zoro said grinning

"hello, how may I help you today?" the man behind the desk said to usopp

"ah, I would like to sign up for 3 tryout fields" usopp said

"of course, sir vivi, can I get a tempt room key for mister-?"


"Here's the key pell, have a good day sir" the blue haired woman left with a smile to help someone else who was calling her

"Thank you vivi, heres your room key, mister usopp, now if you'll just sign your name here and list the areas you wish to try out for" the man named pell said

"Sure, here you go" usopp said signing the paper

"Thank you sir, good luck on your tryouts tomorrow" pell said

"Thank you, have a good day" usopp looked to zoro "I'll be waiting with nami" usopp said and started walking away.

"Hello sir how may I help you?" pell said

"I would like to sign up for a tryout field, and get a tempt dorm." Zoro said looking at the mess of papers on the long table "busy huh?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah heheheh, chaka, can you give me a tempt room key please?"

"Of course, just give me a sec" the big man said filing some papers away

"Ok so if you'll jus sign here and list he fields you'd like to try out for." Pell said

"Of course"

"Here's that key pell"

Zoro looked up to see the bigger man with his hand on pells back, perhaps a little longer than that of a friend

"Thanks Chaka" pell looked up to meet zoros gaze, he smiled a little "are you done with that" pell pointed his head to the paper

"Yeah, here you go" zoro handed the paper to pell who then handed the paper to chaka

"Here's that key, good luck on your tryouts"

"Thank you" zoro grabbed his key and walked towards the couches.

"Oh mellorine! You beauty captivates my very soul!" zoro heard, what sounded like a poor desperate man trying to impress a woman, by begging at her feet.

Zoro got around some people looking for nami and usopp, when he saw a head of golden hair, shining in the bath of the sunlight, the one was on one knee kneeling by nami, how elegant he thought right up until


Oh god, who is this guy. Zoro walked up to the group and sat next to usopp who was looking at the man dumbfounded. "hey usopp, who's the creep?"

"Who you calling creep marimo!" the man stood up, and faced zoro head to head, only a few inches apart

Suddenly zoro spotted the new guys eyebrow, zoro was trying hard to contain his laughter but soon enough "bawhahahahahaha"

"What the hell's so funny? Stupid grass head!"

"You're kidding right, your eyebrow, it's a dartboard!" zoro did better to contain his laughter

"At least I'm not a freak with moss growing in his head!"

"ok this is funny, but im stopping it here sanji zoro, stop arguing we need to find luffy!" nami stood up and placed herself between the two

"of course mellorine!" sanji yelled, eyes in hearts

"this is the great cook?" zoro asked

"yeah this is sanji" usopp said

"heh, love cook"

"What was that marimo?!"

"Sanji, you don't want to upset a lady do you" nami said, sighing

"Of course nami-swan!"

Usopp and zoro broke out into laughter


"ow!, what the hell witch!" zoro growled

"ah-ah ow!" usopp mumbled crouching holding his head.

"Nami-swan is so pretty when she hits stupid marimo's! And have respect for women stupid moss brain!" sanji said settling his heart eyes on nami

"ok lets go find luffy!" nami said decisively, throwing her fist into her hand.

"hai" the 4 others said in unison

They started walking towards the cafeteria, looking for a straw hat, when suddenly, zoro made a left turn into, what looked like to him…

"Welcome to the nurses office, are you injured?" a older looking woman asked

"ugh no, I think I just took a wrong turn, I was going to the cafeteria" zoro answered looking at her feet where what looked like a reindeer, with a pink hat was hiding the wrong way by her legs

She looked down and her smile faded "oh come on chopper say hi, he's not that scary!" she said a little loud at sliding him out from her feet to in front of zoro

"Chopper? As in tony tony chopper?" zoro asked looking down at the possible doctor from the 'crew'

"u-uh, yeah that's me" suddenly he grew to zoros size and held out his hand "nice to meet you mister?"

Zoro watched as the little guy transformed into a half human half reindeer "zoro, good to finally meet you"

"eh!" chopper popped back into his little form "have you found luffy! Or anybody else?"

"um yeah, me nami usopp and sanji have found each other" zoro said, surprised by the energy and excitement of the kid

"Where are they? Oh let me get my stuff" chopper started running around the small room gathering things from books to bandages

The older woman walked up to zoro

"So your zoro?" zoro nodded "I see, I do hope you will take care of my little chopper, because, when you get injured beyond choppers skill" she looked at the sword case on his back "and you will, you'll be on my table" she smiled a evil smile

"Okay zoro I'm packed! Oh where is everyone else?"

"Oi marimo! Where'd you go!"

"Z-Zoro, where are you!"

"zoro where'd you go?"

"I think there right out the door, shall we go?" zoro looked to his little buddy


They walked out and down the wide hallway with pictures decking the wall, until they reached the corner where the voices were strongest

"Oh there you are zoro, who's your friend?" nami said smiling at the little reindeer

"this is chopper" zoro said kneeling down and pointing to each of the members "that's nami, usopp and sanji"

"oh nice to meet you guys!" chopper beamed at each of them with a bright smile

"so this is the genius doctor?" sanji said lighting up a cigarette "impressive"

"Don't compliment me asshole it won't make me happy!" chopper said dancing happily

Nami laughed, at the cute seen

"oi chopper, want to hear about the time I took down three sea kings with just one rock and my trusty slingshot?"

"What! You've done that!"

"oh yes, you see, I had just gotten done taking down a pirate worth 100 million berries that was attacking a village when the sea kings showed up, I reached into my ammo pack, but found only a pebble-"

Nami leaned over to zoro "so why'd you turn into the room? Get lost?"

Zoro blushed slightly "no! I didn't get lost!"

"oh sure!" nami patted his back "of course not" she looked up at where they were "oh sanji take a left were here, let's find luffy!"

"Of course mellorine!" sanji shouted

They entered the cafeteria and started splitting off in different directions zoro went left, nami went to the line and usopp and chopper went through the seating area to the right.

"Excuse me, have you seen a man with a straw hat?" nami asked the cafeteria lady

"Oh god that mugiwara! He took half of the food and ran!"

"Excuse me; have you seen anybody with a straw hat?" zoro said to a few couples in booths

"No sorry"

Usopp and chopper took to the seats until they came across a blue haired cyborg with a date

"are you a robot?!" usopp and chopper said in shock

"I super am not! I'm a cyborg, half human half robot bro!" the man said as is date giggled and hid it with her hand

Chopper nudged usopp "oh right say have you seen a guy with a straw hat?"

"oh you looking for luffy-bro?"

"ehh!" usopp and chopper said in unison "you're looking for him too?" chopper asked incredulously

The two in the seats started laughing

"Well" the women started "we entered the cafeteria and saw luffy filling up his plate, we went towards him but before we got to introduce ourselves the lady asked for money and he ran, food in tow."

"so your, franky and… robin?" usopp asked

"yes,… and you'd be chopper, and usopp?" robin asked pointing to each of them

"Y-you got it right!" chopper said excited

"Super bro! Have you guys found everyone else?"

"um" usopp started counting the people on his fingers" all except luffy and brook"

"super! Where are they?"

"oi usopp, chopper find any leads?" zoro yelled walking over

"um yeah zoro, this is franky and robin" usopp responded

"oh hello im nami" nami said walking up from behind usopp

They all exchanged names and handshakes nami stood up and looked around "so shall we go look for the last members of our little 'crew'?"

"Where shall we check then? We won't find luffy here again for a while, perhaps we should look for brook, he is a musician right? I think we should check the music room" robin stated getting up from her seat, as well as franky

"Well the music room is huge; mine as well get started then." Nami said "let's go!"

They all got up and went to the grand hall, where several 100's of young and old musicians were setting up for what seemed like trials for tomorrow

"So, shall we split up and try to find him" nami asked the group, while looking at the crowds of people

"We may not have too" robin stated just as chopper screamed

"A-a-a skeleton!" usopp cried

"Whoa bro, looks like you're a little hungry"

"Yohohoho! Would any of you young people possibly be a mister luffy?

Robin hid her smile behind her hand "brook right?"

"yohohohoho, my my, miss, may I see your panties?

"yo bro, over stepping a little" franky said standing beside robin, with a arm around her waist

"yohohoho, sorry, my friend, so are you friends of luffy"

"Yeah, we were just looking for him" sanji piped up "got any ideas where he might be?"


Suddenly everyone in the grand hall, turned towards the main stage where the noise had just come from


Everyone in the 'crew' looked at each other and knew who it was

"ZORO, NAMI, USOPP, SANJI, CHOPPER, ROBIN, FRANKY, BROOK, ARE YOU IN HERE?" luffy yelled through a microphone

"oi!" zoro yelled "over here!"

"luffy!" nami yelled

"Luffy! Luffy! Luffy!" usopp and chopper and brook chanted

"Oi! The foods over here" sanji yelled holding up a bento

"Captain-kun! Were over here" robin said smiling

"Luffy-bro! We're over here, super!" franky yelled

"Oi there you guys are, where have you been!" luffy shouted jumping, towards them until he was right in front of them "shishishishi, finally, the 'crew' is all together at last, shishishishi"