Rivals, Revenge and the Chosen One

Summary: A new girl arrives at Benjamin Rush High when she arrives she is wearing a mon similar to Mike's she is an instant friend, but when enemies from the past kidnap her, what's to say that she's more important than they believe, and what will stop her from falling head over heels in love with the ninja's main enemy.

Disclaimer: I don't own Supah Ninjas just the plot, some random ideas and my OC.

Chapter 1

The New Girl

Unknown POV

I was sitting comfortably in my orphanage room, hoping this would be the day the day I leave this place I have been forced to call home for 12 years. I was offered a chance with some new clients, the McKay's so far I think it went well. I began to pace suddenly my door opens. "Congratulations" the woman says who opened the door. "What happened" I say nervously. "We're adopting you sweetie" she says. My eyes lit up in excitement. "Now we also have a daughter who's about your age, her name is Amanda" my new dad says. I nod in understanding. We arrive home in a matter of minutes. I see this house almost like a mansion, I see a hedge maze a few servants and a limo I saw the girl that they described to me. She was blond, nimble and seemed very nice. I stepped out of the car. She welcomed me instantly. "Hey, I'm Amanda" she says. "I'm Adriana; most people call me Adri though" I say. "Amanda, why don't you show your new sister her room" my mom says. It feels weird calling her mom. Amanda nodded "Sure let's get you unpacked" she says. She takes my hand as we go upstairs. She opens the second door to the right. "Welcome to my room" she says. The room was twice as large as the one I had left back home. "Wow" I say. Amanda sits down on her bed. I start to unpack, carefully taking out the Mon from my small suitcase. I saw Amanda sit upright when I put it on. "Where did you get that necklace" she asks me. "I got it when I was little" I say. "I want you to meet some of my friends" she says sounding suspicious and worried. "Okay" I say. I could use some friends.


Unknown POV

"Goody, Goody Amanda get's exactly wants, but not this time" I say to myself. I was in my cell like every other day. I was pacing back in forth.

"Give it a rest Kylie, there's no way we are getting out of here" my cellmate says.

"Oh hush up Gina" I snap. "Geez calm down" Wallflower says.

"Don't you want revenge" I say.

"Yes, but Owen doesn't like me I've moved on" Wallflower says.

A guy medium height walks up to our cell.

"Who the heck are you" I say.

"A person who knows the identities of the Supah Ninjas" the man says.

"Keep talking" I say with an evil smirk on my face.

Amanda's POV

I didn't want to tell Adri were I had seen the necklace, but if my hunch is right then I'm sure Mike and Owen will gladly open her with open arms. I knocked on the door. (A/N: I'm assuming it's a short distance). Owen answered the door sandwich in hand. "Amanda" Owen says. "Who's the girl and why does she have the same Mon as Mike?" Adri looked confused. Mike appeared next to Owen. "Hey guys" Mike says. Adri looks at Mike "We have the same necklace" Adri says. Mike looks at me who looked at Owen who looked at Adri. "What" I say confused. "Where did you get it" Mike asked forcefully. "I got it when I was little by some man" Adri says. "Let's take her to the dojo" I whisper. Adri looks at us with a timid look on her face. We lead Adri upstairs; we pause at the door to Mike's room. "Should we take her in here?"Mike questions. "Fukanaga I think we should she has the same Mon as you, maybe Hologramps knows something" Owen says. Mike nods in agreement. Mike opens the door to his room and puts his the Mon in the bedpost and the bed goes up. "After you" I say. Adri looks down "Alright" Adri says climbing down. Yamato looks at Adri "What is she doing here" Yamato says. Mike explains the whole thing to Yamato who nods.

Kylie's POV

After the guy, who didn't tell us his name told us about the identities of the ninjas I was in surprise and shock tonight those ninjas are going down.

Timeskip to 9 pm…

The unknown man slipped a drug in the guard's drink leaving them incapable of stopping our escape. We had made it outside, where he was waiting for us.

Mike's POV

We were out in our Ninja suits patrolling we had gotten a lead that a group of criminals was going to escape, when suddenly we had heard a voice. "Well, well, well look who it is" the girl says. Her voice was sickly sweet it sounded really familiar. She was nimble and quick like a cheerleader, and then it hit me Kylie.

Adri's POV

I was in my room reading I heard someone downstairs, Mrs. and Mr. McKay were out tonight and Amanda was at Study Group I was alone at least that's what I thought. A man, or should I say teenager was in the house, I crept down slowly. He had heard me. "Hello beautiful" he said suavely. I was distracted by him. So distracted I didn't feel him hit the pressure points on my back. And then everything went black.

Okay so was that a good first Chapter. Please review give opinions and answer this question. Who do you think the guy is who knocked out Adri is next Chapter coming soon. It will explain some stuff like how Adri has a similar Mon to Mike.