Title: Something more Sinister

Author: Ambur

Rating: M

Disclaimer: Sherlock is not mine

Notes: This is not beta'd, it was a spur of the moment thing after reading another fabulous Sherlock fan fiction called Mirror ,Mirror. And I do mean that story was AMAZING! I have printed it off and read it so many times. If you haven't read it, you need too.


Molly had never been a very fast runner. Granted her legs weren't that long, but she still didn't think she would've been very fast even if she had grown taller. Often times she was rather clumsy and it seemed to only get worse as she had gotten older.

Now at 30 years old, it would seem fate had delivered her a cruel blow. It must be the fates that we're mocking her because here she was, in the middle of the night, in the bitter cold, barely able to see due to the freezing rain that was falling, trying to outrun not only one, but two geniuses.

This situation was almost surreal, Molly thought to herself as she moved as quickly, quietly, and as carefully as she could on the ice coated streets. Running from Jim had not really surprised her all that much. He might be a genius, but he is a psychotic one. But Sherlock that had been the biggest surprise, having to run from him.

Molly clamped her hand over her mouth as the hysterical giggle burst from her lungs and out into the quiet, crisp night. The one man she had loved so completely and wanted so desperately in her own world now desperately wanted her. But again fate was playing a cruel joke because there was a catch.

This was not her world. This was his world and it was Moriarty's world. The Sherlock chasing her was not her Sherlock and the Jim chasing her was not the Jim she knew. Her terror was almost more than she could endure as she ran because not only did this Sherlock want her, but this Moriarty did also.

She didn't know whether this was some sort of friendly rival between the two or something more sinister.

After all, this was not her world and she was alone, lost and terrified.