This really isn't a chapter, but I'd like to say few words for my all dear readers.
I'm really, really happy that WDYDI got over 100 followers! Thank you! This means a lot to me, and for that, I'm going to write two chapters and post them at the same time. It may take a while to write them, because I will be needing inspiration and ideas. You are always free to send me ideas, and for those ideas, if they are really good, will get prizes, maybe :)
Also, the story has currently 74 favs, thank you again! I'll try to make this story even better for you to read, so I'm going to do my best! The readers, followers, thank you very much! Everyone who reads this is very dear to me. And I mean it. ;3
Oh, right. I'll try to write this story a bit, and then continue with the other stories too, like 'ROAR!' and 'Fairy Tail's Bad Hangover!' and also 'The light of my heart'. I'll try to make them better too, really, I'll try my best!
I hope I will have even more time to write in the summer vacation. But currently school is bugging me so much. I don't quite like school - well, I get to see my friends, but I won't see few of them in the summer vacation; we live in different places..
Aanyway, hope you all continue to read this, I won't be deleting this or anything :3 Remember! You are free to give me ideas if you want, and maybe if they are good enough, you can get a prize! I'll be thinking about the prizes. But for now, everyone, have a good day! (even though currently it's night in my country, so I should go to sleep xD)