Rogue crossed her legs one over the other as she took a seat in the lounge next with Mercy. They had been chatting quietly about this and that when Jean-Luc lead Marius and Julian into the room. Julian immediately located her and smiled before sitting in the arm chair next to her.

"Mrs. LeBeau." He greeted pleasantly.

"Mr. Boudreaux." She returned with a nod of her head.

Jean-Luc clapped his hands together. "I hope you ladies wont mind entertaining these scoundrels for a few minutes."

"I suppose we could manage that." Mercy joked with a wink thrown at Marius.

The general consensus amongst the Thieves was that Belladonna was bat shit crazy, Julian was cunning and cold and Mercy and Jean-Luc were the only ones who could handle Marius.

Marius gave a hearty chuckle and took a seat down on the love seat. From what Henri had told her, Mercy had reminded Marius of his mother and that's why he was so amiable with her. Mercy and Henri had teased her relentlessly about Julian though. They seemed to think he had a crush on her and she was the key to keeping him in line.

She had just rolled her eyes at the two. Julian didn't seem like the cold unfeeling bastard everyone was always telling her about. There was no doubt in her mind that he had an agenda, but then who in the Guild's didn't. But for the most part he seemed disinterested in the Thieves Guild for the most part. Her guess was that he just found her interesting for some reason.

"Where's Bella?" Mercy asked from beside her as she poured both her guests some fresh lemonade from the pitcher on the coffee table.

Rogue didn't miss the look Marius shot Julian, who ignored the look as he took a sip of his lemonade. "I'm afraid that's your fault, petite." He said and set his glass down.

Rogue's eyebrows raised. "Oh? Was I walking around in my sleep again?" She turned her head to Mercy and playfully asked, "Y'all are going to have to strap me to the bed every night if I can't stay out of trouble."

Mercy smiled while Marius remained silent, sipping on his lemonade. "I informed her you were off limits." He said casually. "She didn't take it well."

Rogue glanced at Mercy who was looking everywhere but at her. Marius was examining his nails and Julian was watching her with a pleasant look on his face.

"Off limits?" She asked, waiting for him to elaborate.

"She wanted you dead." He explained. "But if you were to die by the hand of one of our assassin's we would loose your mother as an ally."

There was a ringing in her ears at the mention of Mystique. It made sense that the Assassin's would do their homework on her it just never occurred to her that they would. "Is she here?"

"Non, petite. Last I heard she was off on Genosha." He assured her.

She nodded and looked away in thought. She knew Mystique had acquired many contacts over the years, but she hadn't known that she had ties with the Assassin's Guild. Mystique's reach was far and Rogue didn't think there was anywhere she could escape her eye.

At that moment Remy walked into the room. His eyes narrowed when he saw Julian and made his way over to stand behind the back of the couch and put his hands possessively on her shoulders. Rogue looked up and gave him a smile, it was amazing how comfortable she had become around him in such a short amount of time.

He opened his mouth to speak when Lapin, yet another cousin, ran into the room. "There's a jet landing in the back yard and it doesn't look like government."

There was a sinking feeling in her stomach and she closed her eyes tightly hoping it wasn't who she thought it was. Surly Logan wouldn't fly all the way down here just to check up on her?

She felt Remy's hands leave her shoulders. Rogue peeked her eyes open to find herself alone, or so she thought. Remy swore under his breath from behind her and she turned around and saw him looking out the window.

She jumped over the back of the couch to join him and swore out loud when she saw Logan disembark the blackbird in full gear. "I am going to kill him!" She seethed under her breath.

"What's he even doing here, chere?" Remy asked, placing a comforting hand on her lower back.

"He's checking up on me!" She said and threw open the window climbing through. "Keep everyone away while I tear him a new one."

And with that said she jumped out of the window and stormed over to the blackbird to give an unsuspecting Wolverine a big piece of her mind. He wouldn't know what hit him by the time she was done with him.


Remy walked over to the group of Thieves and Marius and Julian that had assembled on the back porch. All were watching as Rogue marched up to Wolverine. At first it looked like Wolverine was going to start yelling at her but before the first sound made it from his mouth she was laying into him. He couldn't hear what was said, but if the way the Fearsome Wolverine was leaning away from her was any indication it wasn't good.

"Is that The Wolverine?" Marius asked, looking upon the scene interestedly.

"Yeah." Remy said as he watched Rogue wave a finger in his face.

Mercy snorted beside him. "She sure has him wrapped around her little finger."

Remy just nodded as he watched Rogue order the little rage man back on to the jet with her hands on her hips. Wolverine didn't budge and she laid in to him once more before he trudged back up the ramp of the jet. across the expanse of the lawn Wolverine looked over to their group and growled.

"I don't think her pere likes you very much." Henri joked and clapped and hand on his back.

If Wolverine hated him enough to fly down here and risk Rogue's wrath then he could only imagine his reaction when they surprised him with their marriage. Hopefully Rogue had a tight enough hold of his leash to keep him from killing him.


Rogue hadn't been able to fully make Logan leave. Instead she had made a comprise and sent him to wait on the Blackbird for her and Remy. Remy wouldn't be happy about having to leave earlier then they had planned but Logan had made it clear he wasn't leaving without her.

She walked back over to the house where a crowd of people had gathered to watch the spectacle. This was not the impression she was hoping to make on Remy's family. With her head held high she walked over to the group, their expressions ranging from curiosity to awe(Emil).

"Chere, what is he doing here?" Remy asked, watching the blackbird with trepidation.

Rogue sighed and straightened her back. "It seems Logan lacks a complete sense of boundaries." She didn't want to particularly elaborate. While she and Logan viewed each other as family they weren't particularly touchy feely and most certainly didn't share feelings with each other let alone people outside of their relationship.

"I hope you don't mind flying back up to New York tonight?" She said. "It was the only way to pacify him without me hurling him into orbit."

Several of the Thieves chuckled and out of the corner of her eyes she noticed that both Marius and Julian were observing her with a calculating gaze.

Remy turned to his father and asked if he cold just come back down when all the kinks had been worked out of the treaty. Not wanting Wolverine camped out on his lawn longer than necessary he readily agreed that that would be for the best.

Rogue and Gambit raced up to his room and threw stuff into their suitcases and bags. Rogue decided to leave her evening gown and wedding dress at the Guild. It would be safer here anyway as the mansion had a tendency to explode on occasion. She would be taking the pictures of the wedding, if she left them then the girls at the mansion would never forgive her.

Remy told her to go on down and he would load their luggage onto the blackbird before he joined her for goodbyes.

Mercy was hugging her before she knew what happened and making her promise to come visit every holiday, even on Earth Day. Rogue Promised to do her best but made no promise of Earth Day visits.

Jean-Luc and Henri both gave her polite hugs and well wishes. Several of Remy's cousins joked about how she had the Great Wolverine wrapped around her pinky finger. They stopped abruptly when she reminded them that he could probably hear what they were saying.

Tante put some leftovers in Tupperware for them and told them that if Logan wished to visit then he would have to use the front gate like everyone else. Rogue could just picture Logan's face when Tante hit him with her rolling pin if he ever tried landing a jet so close to her rose bushes again.

Rogue was surprised when Julian came up to her before she left. "You will be missed, petite." He commented lightly.

Rogue smirked. "Tell Belladonna I'll miss her too." She joked.

Julian smirked and looked out over the lawn. "Its such a shame you are leaving so soon. It was a pleasant change of pace to have someone like you around."

Rogue saw Remy walking over to them a frown on his face. "Stop it," She remarked wryly. "You're going to make me blush."

Remy finally made it to them and wrapped an arm around her shoulders possessively. "Julian." He just about growled.

"LeBeau." Julian acknowledged lazily.

Rogue looked up to her husband. "We better get going before Logan has a hissy fit."


The ride back to the mansion was long, awkward and full of glares from her and Logan. Remy would wink at her, Logan would growl and glare at him and Rogue would fold her arms over her chest and glare at Logan. It was a vicious cycle that didn't land until they finally made it back home.

Ororo, Jean, Kitty and Forge were waiting for them in the hanger when they landed. Even from the window she could see Kitty vibrating with excitement. One look at Jean's apologetic face told her all she needed to know. Kitty's snooping habits had finally paid off with the juiciest bit of gossip to date.

Rogue glanced over to Logan who was grumbling over the controls. "When we get off the jet you need to put as much distance between yourself and Logan as fast as possible." She instructed under her breath.

Remy didn't say anything and she hoped that meant he would do as he was told but she wasn't holding her breath.

The second her foot hit the hanger floor, Kitty let out a shrill squeal and raced over to her, running straight through a startled Forge. "Oh my God, Rogue! I can't believe you got married to Gambit!"

She started bouncing on her feet and demanding to see the ring. She grabbed Rogue's hand before she had a chance to respond and squealed again, quoting the exact specks of the ring and complimenting Remy on his taste in jewelry.

"You're what?"

The question came from behind her and everything grew quiet as she turned around to face her father figure.

"You want to repeat that for me?" His voice had taken on a dangerous edge.

Rogue began to steal herself to tell Logan exactly what her martial status was when Remy did the stupidest thing he could have in that moment.

"We eloped!" He cried and pulled Rogue into a deep kiss. Even going to far as to dip her down a bit.

A savage roar erupted from Logan as he sprang forward to undoubtedly kill Remy. Thankfully Jean was there and held him with a telekinetic grip. Logan snarled and howled as he tried to get at Remy who was thoroughly enjoying himself.

Surly he wouldn't be this mad forever right? Eventually he'd come to terms with this. He had to because if he didn't, she would launch him into space on a one way ticket.

Life at the Xavier Institute was never boring.


Okay I have one more oneshot left in me for this series and then that's it! I hope you enjoyed please leave a review!