Hueco Mundo.
If one were to describe it, they would say that it was a vast desert with white sands, little to no flora and an eternal nighttime. But the most important thing was it being the home of hollows.
From a shinigami' point of view, hollows were but savage, mindless beasts with only one basic desire. To satiate their unending hunger. Hunger for souls, that in turn, made them hunt the souls and in turn made them hunted and slaughtered by the shinigami.
But, it wasn't as it seemed...
Like every other organism, hollows, too, evolved. It seemed that the need to survive outclassed their hunger. Hueco Mundo had changed. Not that the shinigami had any idea. Not even most newborn hollows had the slightest idea. To most, Hueco Mundo was just a desert because they didn't know what had been happening in the shadows.
"Hueco Mundo..." Someone said to themselves. "...Here I am." Bespectacled brown eyes took in the view in front of them. The beauty of the white sands that was only enhanced by the moonlight. They, then turned towards the sky, affixed on the crescent moon, as if in a trance. "If only our moon was like this. Of such melancholic beauty..." The person turned and looked at their companion, who stood behind them. "Don't you agree, Kaname?"
The blind man, who even though, was unable to see the moon, nodded. "Hai. Aizen-sama."
Sōsuke Aizen smiled. Garbed in his shinigami uniform, the Vice Captain and his Vice Captain subordinate. "As much as I would like to be here and do nothing more than bask in the moonlight, there are more important things at hand." With successive flash steps, he and Kaname continued their journey.
Even though, the fifth division vise captain didn't show it, he was nothing short of giddy. If all went according to the plan, then, he would have an entourage of high level hollows for his army. All of them Vasto Lorde.
He still couldn't believe that such crucial information had evaded his until recently and the one who relaid him this was none other than his Segunda, Baraggan. One day, the Espada had come to him and out of the blue, had told him about a particular group of hollows that resided far off from Las Noches. The old soul had also told him about how they would be a nice addition to his ranks.
Aizen had deeply though about that. Why did Baraggan try to help him? What ulterior motive did he have? Why hadn't he heard about them before?
After questioning Starrk, Harribel and many other of his Espada, he had come to a startling realization that none of them had even heard about them. That meant the Segunda was either lying to him, which was unlikely, or, he knew far more than any other arrancar in the shinigami' army and was trying to get him killed.
But, Aizen had decided that any hollow, Vasto Lorde at that, who had hidden their presence so well and for so long, was definitely worth a look. Also, extra power didn't hurt anybody.
Aizen could feel it. He was near. After years of trouble and dedication, he had completed his Espada. They were strong, even if they weren't all Vasto Lorde, the exception being his Primera, Segunda and Tercera. But, if all went as planned, then that would change soon. The addition of new Vasto Lorde level arrancars to his army would make the annihilation of the Gotei thirteen all the more savoury.
The loss of Nelliel, though seemed to be crippling, had been a benefit in the end. With her gone, he had replaced that gap with Harribel, who was stronger than her. He had gotten rid of Urahara Kisuke along with his own captain, Hirako Shinji and their adversaries, fifty years ago. But, even then he wasn't made the captain because somehow else had been chosen. But now, his way was clear and it was only a matter of time before Yamamoto Genryūsai made him the new captain of the Fifth division. Then, he could instate Gin as his Vice Captain. It wouldn't even be a problem. With, the loss of so many captain and vice captain level shinigami and little Gin being a prodigy, no one would even think of questioning his decision.
After all. Aizen thought with a smirk. I am Soul Society' "well wisher".
On a dune, he stopped with, Kaname stopping beside him. Eyes focused like a predator, he looked at a cave far below.
"Aizen-sama." Kaname said in an uncertain voice. "Judging by the spiritual pressure, there doesn't seem to be Vasto Lorde present in there. In fact, not a single hollow seems to be there."
"Yes. You're quite right." Aizen said with narrowed eyes. "But, this is the location Baraggan gave us. Either way, we shall go and check for ourselves. If Baraggan was telling the truth, then good. If not, then..."
"...then I'll need a new Segunda." He said in a menacing voice and in that moment, Tōsen witnessed the real Sōsuke Aizen. Not the cool, composed and manipulative man that he was most of the time, but the man who hated lies and would murder anyone without batting a lash if it came to dealing with deception. It was the Sōsuke Aizen that didn't come out often.
"Now." Aizen said and his body language changed to the usual one. "Let's see what exactly awaits us."
A couple of flash steps later, they were at the entrance of the cave. With a quick use of kidō, the illusion master illuminated the cave to be able to see something. "I'll be damned." He said in astonishment. What he saw were six silhouettes. Six humanoid silhouettes. Vasto lorde... Baraggan was telling the truth after all. But, why can't I sense their reiatsu when I'm this close to them. Hiding the spiritual presence is one thing, but, this...this is absurd.
"Aizen-sama. What happened?" Tōsen asked in confusion. Being blind, he had trained himself to sense even the slightest amount of spiritual pressure, so as to compensate for it. But now, neither was he able to see nor feel the reiatsu.
Well, you can't sense something that isn't there, in the first place. Aizen grimaced. "Kaname, there's six Vasto Lorde inside. But, none o-
"Who the duck' ass is there!"
-f them are emitting any reiatsu." Aizen finished with a raised eyebrow. Who throws that kind of insult at guests?
Taking that as a cue to proceed, Aizen walked inside the cave and Tōsen followed him. The sound of their footsteps piercing the silence. Aizen smiled as he got a better view of the six hollows, "My name is Aizen Sōsuke. Pleased to make your acquain-
"Cut the sophistry." One of them said. "Shinigami." He hissed with venom.
If anything, Aizen' smile widened at that. Of course, they would be hostile. All hollows are hostile towards shinigami and vice versa. "I'm creating my own army of hollows to destroy Soul Society and if you all are kind enough to be willing to lend me your strength, then I will greatly appreciate it and forever be in your debt. We will fight together side by side, like comrades. That is, if you all are willing to do so, with free will of course."
"Leave. Shinigami scum." Another one said. This Vasto Lorde had purple scales over his body, not unlike that of a reptile. White, porcelain mask with red, distinguished markings and red hair were some of it's feature. Shorter than the others, he wasn't an intimidating presence if one were to discard the Vasto Lorde factor. It's hollow hole was below his right shoulder blade.
"But, if you will just listen to me..." Aizen said with his smile still in place. It wasn't that he couldn't hold his ground against six Vasto Lorde. Strength without cunning wasn't anything. It was just that he wouldn't want it to come to blow, this time. But, if it did, then he had utmost confidence in his Kyōka Suigetsu.
"We've heard everything we needed to." The redhead said, this time, emitting a little bit of spiritual pressure.
'Finally! I can see... err- feel!' Tōsen thought with joy. Until now, he was just hearing voice and trying to locate the hollows but that seemed to be a rather shitty idea. His pinpoint-by-hearing strategy was not good. Plus, turning his neck all the time, from Aizen-sama to the hollows, was getting really tiresome.
"Well, I can give you more power. Make you all arrancars." Aizen offered. Power seemed to get the attention of even the rowdiest of hollows, everytime.
"No, thanks. If we wanted that, then we could've done it ourselves a long time ago."
"Sure, there might be something else you want. Riches, girls, guys, kingdom, godh-
"Leave now!" The hollow, which Aizen guessed by the voice was the first one to speak, shouted. Slicked back silver hair, black reptilian skin and a hollow hole on the left thigh were it's notable features. It also had the same porcelain mask, but with different markings in black. "You fuckin' NEEEEEEEEEEEERD!" He also seemed to have quite a mouth.
'To hell with diplomacy!' "If you all would please take a look at my sword." Aizen said as he unsheathed his zanpakutō and grasped it with both hands. "Shatter: Kyōka Sui-
He was cut off by a hand that, out of nowhere, wrapped around his throat and pinned him to a wall. His sword fell to the ground with a clang.
The Vice Captain groaned as pain coursed through his body. With a shocked look on his face, he looked at the silver haired hollow, who had him in his vice like grip. I didn't even see him moving! Surely, he couldn't have passed through my gaurd, could he? No, it wasn't any speed technique. Just pure speed. That means...
"Aizen-sama!" Kaname shouted. Shock was all over his face. "Release him now, filthy hollow!"
" say?" The silver haired hollow said. "Then, let me show you filthy." He started choking Aizen, who increased his spiritual pressure so as to stop the hollow. "Fuckin' ludicrous! I can do that too!" The Vasto Lorde countered with his own reiatsu.
Kaname had enough! Charging up reiatsu, he brought his right hand up, palm facing towards the purple skinned Vasto Lorde. He couldn't target the silver haired one because of the danger of hurting Aizen-sama by accident. "Hado#88: Hiryū Gekizuki Shinten Raihō!" The blast of blue lightening headed straight towards the purple skinned hollow.
The redhead saw that and without a shred of worry, spoke just one word. "Ceró."
That one word was more than enough. As a swirling, purple ball of reiryōku materialized in front of him and both the shinigami Vice Captains watched, well one saw and the other felt, in astonishment as Tōsen' attack hit the Ceró dead on...only to get absorbed by it. In turn, the Ceró just got bigger.
How is that even possible? An eighty' Hadō got consumed as if it were nothing... It shouldn't have happened in the first place. Aizen thought as his brain went into overdrive. He had to do something and fast. Otherwise, it was his funeral.
The redhead turned his gaze towards the blind shinigami. "My turn." With that, he blasted the orb of potent reiryōku at the shinigami.
Tōsen cursed under his breathe and hurriedly flash stepped out of the cave as the Ceró was on his trail.
The occupants of the cave watched as seconds later, the silence of the desert was disrupted by the sound of a blast of titanic proportions. For seconds, purple light filled their vision. The blast was so powerful that the ground shook as if an earthquake had occurred. Then, everything stopped and a deafening silence took over as if nothing had happened.
Aizen slightly feared for his subordinate' well-being. Surely, he couldn't have survived if he had gotten engulfed in that blast. But, his fear subsided when Kaname flash stepped back to the entrance of the cave, holding his zanpakutō in one hand and using the other to lean on the wall. He was breathing hard. His clothes hand been burned in various places. His face was also sporting burn marks. All in all, he looked as if he would faint anytime, then.
And faint he did. Because the same redhead hollow appeared in front of him and before the shinigami could react, kneed him hard in the stomach. "I didn't think that he had it in him to survive that."
Aizen saw that the hollow holding him was distracted, his attention on Kaname. Then, ever so slightly, the brown haired shinigami pointed two fingers at the silver haired hollow' stomach. Their spiritual pressure were already raised so no one would notice him using a flimsy kidō. A flimsy kidō that could put a hole through you if shot from point blank range. "Byakurai."
The lightening pierced the hollow' adbomen as he staggered back, in turn releasing Aizen. Without wasting a second, the Vice Captain grabbed his fall sword and used it to block the a taloned hand that would've ripped his face off, if he hadn't been quick to react.
The hand belonged to a different hollow. This one had a brown, furry skin and the same porcelain mask that the other two had. The difference was in the markings. The mask had red markings on the center of the forehead of the mask and below the eyes, like some kind of eye shadow. He also had long brown hair and his hollow hole was present at the center of his abdomen.
Aizen smiled as he blocked the hand. "Not getting a second chance." He yanked Kyōka Suigetsu and watched as a deep gash appeared on the Vasto Lorde' palm. But, not a second later, the wound healed up. He eyed the silver haired hollow that had held him earlier and just as he had thought, the hole made by his byakurai had healed too. "Instantaneous Regeneration, I see." I'll have to do something... fast. "Shatter: Kyōka S-
Yet again, before he could finish, he was stopped by one of the hollows. This time, though, it was the redhead who was far away from him, standing over the unconscious Tōsen. Who had taken advantage of the fact that Aizen had turned his back to him and had elbowed him as hard as he could, in the back, making him double over in pain, on the ground.
This can't be happening. Aizen thought, on the ground, breathing hard. At this rate, I'll have no other option but to use Bankai. It'll be over in an instant, then. No, I can't use my Bankai. It will...
"What do you take us for? Amateurs?" The redhead mocked Aizen as he pinned him to the ground with his foot resting atop the shinigami' back. With that, he pointed a finger at the back of the Vice Captain's head and a small ball of purple spiritual energy, like a miniature Ceró, materialized at his fingertips. "Farewell, shinigami."
Aizen saw through the corner of his eyes, as the bullet sized ball of energy got materialized, aimed for his head. Is this the end of me? Of all my efforts and hard work? Of everything that I've gained so far, through my blood and sweat? Had I come all this way just to meet an end like this? Perhaps, I am to blame for my own predicament. I have been too confident in my abilities. I have overestimated myself. He thought with resignation. Well, now I'm paying the price.
But, fate had shined upon him once again. Before the redhead could blast a hole through Aizen' skull, someone barrelled straight into him. Knocking the redhead off Aizen and freeing him.
Aizen watched in surprise, the person who had saved him. It was one of the Vasto Lorde. His body was covered by a brown, tattered around the edges cloak. He was shorter than the rest.
"What the fuck are you doing!?" The redhead shouted as he backhanded his attack. "Helping a fucking shinigami! Are you out of your goddamned mind!"
The cloaked hollow got up and before he could attack, he was restrained by two other hollows. These two were the remaining last. One had shaggy black hair and other had white hair.
This is my only chance. Aizen thought and hurriedly grabbed his sword which was lying on the ground, only to maneuver it over his head so as to block the the brown haired hollow' heel aimed at his head. Sparks flew as the Vasto Lorde applied more pressure on his heel and it tried to dig into the blade. Aizen increased his spiritual pressure and pushed back, causing the hollow to jump back or else lose his leg.
However, before he could get even a second to breathe, the silver haired hollow started his own assault, throwing his own devastating kicks and punches. But, to his credit, Aizen blocked them all with his Hakuda skills. Blocking the stronger ones with his Kyōka Suigetsu. "Bakudō#62: Hyapporankan." A single rod of blue-white energy materialized in Aizen' hand which he threw at his silver haired opponent, who was about to dodge but couldn't do so when that single rod multiplied into a hundred and pinned him to the wall of the cave. Without wasting any time, he flash stepped in front of the brown haired hollow and swung his zanpakutō, but, the hollow caught the sword like it was child's play. Aizen smirked, "Hyapporankan." In the blink of an eye, the brown haired hollow also got pinned to another wall. They'll free themselves soon. I don't have much time.
"In a hurry, pal?" A voice whispered in his ear and his eyes widened at being snuck upon. But, before he could react whatsoever, pain shot through his body and he fell to his knees.
The cloaked hollow saw that and reacting quickly, elbowed one of his captors and kneed the other. Freeing himself, he launched towards the redhead, who was also quick to react and intercepted him midway. Both locked in a stalemate, glared at each other. The redhead' purple eyes that had concentric rings, looked straight into the cloaked hollow' red, slitted ones.
"The hell's wrong with you! Can't you see he's a shinigami! His kind's the reason why our lives are hell!" The redhead roared in fury.
"No. You are the reason our lives are hell!" The cloaked hollow yelled and kneed the redhead in the stomach. He went to the downed shinigami as the redhead fell. "What are you waiting for! Release your sword!"
Aizen didn't didn't to be told twice. Weakly, he stood up and saw that the silver haired and brown haired hollow had broken free of his spell and were coming towards them. So were the redhead, white and black haired hollow.
The cloaked hollow went to hold off the first two as they were nearer. Aizen tightened his hold on his katana. "Shatter: Kyōka Suigetsu!"
Everyone witnessed the powerful release. Everyone except Kaname, who was lying half dead on the ground and the cloaked hollow, who had his back turned to Aizen and was holding the other Vasto Lorde at bay. But, Aizen didn't know that. In his hurry, he hadn't taken that into account.
XxXxX Uragiri XxXxX
It was pretty much over as soon as Aizen had released. Whenever one of them tried to hit him, they would realise that they were hitting thin air. Finally, he was able to subdue them. Of course, that was possible only with the help of his new friend. Aizen smiled slightly at this. Truly, the cloaked figure before him, was very interesting. A hollow who didn't have the base structure like all the others of his kind. Aizen reminded himself to give his new friend a special reward when they reached Las Noches. "So, my comrades. Please introduce yourselves."
The redhead took a step forward, "Uzumaki Nagato."
Then, the brown haired one came forward, "Senju Hashirama." He spoke in a hostile tone.
Next, was the silver haired one, "Hidan."
The white haired one was next, "Senju Tobirama."
Aizen smiled, "Brothers, I see." They didn't say anything.
The black haired spoke, "Hoshikagi Kisame."
Aizen looked at the last remaining one. "You, my friend?"
The cloaked hollow came forward. He removed his hood and the Vice Captain got a good look at the Vasto Lorde' face for the first time. The hollow mask was same as all the others', a smooth, porcelain one. But, was was the most distinguished feature was the red marking which was in the form of a smile. A crude smile that looked more like someone had smeared the mask with blood. He also had a mop of blond hair, that reminded Aizen of someone. "Uzumaki Naruto at your service."
Aizen was surprised, but he didn't show it outwards. To think that their sons was a hollow and they were... I wonder how the reunion would go... And the twins... The blond hair and that name... "Say, Naruto. Are you and Nagato brothers?"
That confirms it. "Well, let's go now, shall we." Aizen said, dismissing his thoughts. This was neither the time nor the place for such things. "And someone please carry Kaname." He turned and flash stepped out of the cave, as everyone else followed him.
The blond looked at his five friends and nodded slightly to each other.
Naruto grinned under his mask. Everything is going according to the plan. Foolish shinigami. Did you think that you could just waltz in here and grab some firepower for your pathetic army... Hueco Mundo is my land and nothing goes unseen by me, here. In the end, your just a means to an end. A very fiery end, that is.
XxXxX Uragiri XxXxX
Well, I hope it's to your liking.
This is set fifty years after Visored incident and fifty years before cannon. So, somewhere in the middle. Hope you all find it entertaining.