Finally back from Neverland, her son safely back in her life- Storybrooke had once again become the quiet town it was meant to be. Emma questioned what she should do with her life. Should she stay sheriff of this sleepy town? Take Henry somewhere fresh?
She pondered this on her quick drive to work. Being Sheriff did have certain perks, she admitted to herself. She pulled up in front of the station, parked and met Ruby at the door, who delivered her coffee twice a day. Emma unlocked the door, and invited Ruby inside with a nod of her head. To think that she and her mother shared the same best friend was occasionally weird, but Ruby was, in the end, fiercely loyal to both of them.
'So what's new for you Em?' Ruby sat cross legged on the desk that had once been David's, though he was taking time off to spend with Snow and their family, now that they were all together again.
She snorted, hanging her coat on the hook by her office door 'Nothing is new. Finally we're all home, and now I'm going to find out what happens in Storybrooke when people aren't trying to attack my family'
'Is it true that Neal has left?' she asked, gauging her reaction carefully
'He's gone- but he'll be back. He wants to have partial custody of Henry, but I'm not going to let Henry out of my space for a while, if you know what I mean' Emma was frustrated by this, having confessed her love to him before he fell through the portal to the Enchanted Forest. She had at least expected him to hang around a while.
'And Hook?' Ruby asked quietly 'Is he hanging around?'
Emma shrugged 'I don't know about hook- He will make his own mind up in time. At least there isn't problems with Gold anymore' Mr Gold & Belle had travelled to New York with Neal, intent on catching up on lost time. 'Anyway, enough about me. How are you and Whale?'
'We're... we're doing well actually. Monster to monster' Ruby's scarlet lips curved upwards in a sincere smile 'He's, well, we suit each other well'
'I'm glad' Emma smiled, sipping her coffee gratefully 'Though if anything goes wrong, the good Dr. will have the sheriff to face'
Ruby pulled a face, then laughed 'I'll remember that! But I better get back before the breakfast rush'
'I'll see you later Rubes, I think Henry wants to meet for chocolate after school'
'I'll save you a table' she waved and left quickly. Emma loved Ruby, the way she would have loved a sister, someone to confide in about boys, friends, enemies...
Emma settled into her desk, filling out paperwork and filing. Every now and then, she would come across a file in Graeme's neat cursive, and her heart would stutter. She missed him, and there was nothing more she could do about that. He was one of her first friends in Storybrooke.
The day passed slower than she anticipated, and she found herself longing for 3pm, to meet Henry and get out of the increasingly claustrophobic office. When finally the clock ticked close enough to 3, Emma picked up her jacket and locked the office door, walking quickly down the half block to Granny's. She entered before the rush, the place half empty as parents collected their children. She recognized the back of a familiar head, and smiled slightly- how strange it was to see him doing something so out of place for his character.
She slid herself into the seat opposite him 'Hello Hook' Emma smiled, his handsome features never changing- the ever present smirk not wearing on her nerves as much as it had in Neverland.
'Swan, how impossibly lovely to see you, darling' his deep blue eyes pierced her, and there was something off in his expression- his playful manner was too forced.
'What can I get you?' Ruby appeared by the table
'Hot chocolate with cinnamon for me... Hook?' she looked at him questioningly
He shrugged 'You tell me love, the only beverage I recognize in this world is alcohol'
'Two hot chocolates, thanks Ruby'
'Would you at least explain to me what a 'hot chocolate' is, love?' Hook looked extremely uncomfortable
'Sorry... it's, uh. Milk, mixed with cocoa powder- do you know what that is?' Hook shook his head, and she continued 'it is the bean of a tropical tree, that when ground makes a delicious paste. It is one of the most sinful flavours of this world' Emma looked at Ruby, who was doing her bet not to stare at them too much 'anyway, the powder is mixed with warm milk, and topped with whipped cream. I like it with cinnamon on top- which is a spice...' she trailed off
'I do believe you're babbling Swan' Hook smirked 'I got used to that when you were on the Jolly, you babble when you're nervous love'
Ruby set two mugs in front of them, and Hook sniffed dubiously 'Thanks Ruby' Emma nodded, watching the pirate lift the mug to his mouth.
'Be careful, it will be hot' Emma warned, and he took a slow sip, his eyes never leaving hers.. when he lowered the mug, Emma giggled- there was a spot of cream on the tip of his nose.
Unconsciously, she reach forward and wiped it off with her finger. Quickly, he grabbed her by the wrist, bringing her finger to his lips, and softly sucking the cream from the tip of her finger. His eyes still burned into hers, and she flushed.
He let her wrist go, and his true smirk returned.
'Indeed, I would say that is the most sinful flavour of this world, Lass' his voice was barely above a husky whisper as she dropped her eyes from his and grasped the handle of her mug tightly.
Her cheeks felt like they were on fire.
She hated how he did this to her.
The slightest touch set her alight.
'Hi Mom!' he rushed in the door, a cool breeze following him. The kid had perfect timing, she'd give him that.
'Hey Kid' she smiled, and scooted over to make space for him. Her knees touched Hooks and he grinned, but didn't comment.
'Hey Killian' Henry beamed 'I'm glad you're here! I wanted to ask if...' Henry paused and looked up at his mom 'If it's okay with you too mom, If I can go hang out on the Jolly Roger again soon'
'Any time you want Lad- I told you the sea was in his blood!' Hook looked genuinely chuffed, and Emma wondered if he hadn't been waiting here to see Henry all along- they had grown close after their time sailing the vast oceans of Neverland.
'That's fine with me Henry, but I will have to organize it with Hook later' she smiled at her son, and ruffled his hair. Ruby appeared and set a milkshake in front of Henry, flashing her a questioning look. Emma nodded, signalling she'd explain later. 'Why don't you tell us about your day at school'
Henry launched into a detailed explanation of his day, while under the table, Hook rubbed her leg with his own. Emma smiled, her finger still tingling. she would get him back for that.