The Magus Killer's Pet Apostle

Main Crossover between Fate Stay Night and Tsukihime

Minor Crossover with HSD Kenichi and a few other manga

Note: I'm posting this chapter to celebrate the end of Spring Quarter Finals.

But first to answer some reviews.

Reviewer: "Their Review"

My Reply

Multiple reviewers: "The omake is canon?

(Insert Crimson Fucker Laugh here)

Unknown Being: "Is Arcueid And Zelretch Really Going To Be In This Story Also I Have A Question Is Shirou Going To Some How Become A True Ancestor?"

While Arcueid and Zelretch will be in the story they will mainly stay as background characters. Arcueid being the overpowered, Psychopathic, man(woman)child we all know and love and Zelretch being… being…

Kiritsugu: "Zelretch"

A total asshole yes.

I currently have no plans to make Shirou a True Ancestor.

Dragonskyt: "...Ok I had my doubts at first, but once I read the story (including the amazingly awesome cannon omake), I can say with absolute honesty that I am very intrigued and impressed. My only problem is how Shirou will age and how his vampiric instincts would guide him.

I did notice that you took a character from ''From Fake Dreams''. You do realize Sirius McGinty is an OC right? I hope you have permission to use him."

[CF voice] First, that's the wrong type of cannon…

Canon: Official part of a story.

Cannon: What bitches love.

Second, I'm happy to hear that you liked the story.

Third, I did get permission to use Sirius McGinty (About seven to eight months ago… for a completely different story…)

Sirius McGinty belongs to Third Fang for those of you who don't know.

Mbshadow: "5/5 for the story but the title sounds a little yaoi.

have thought about cutting pet out and calling it "The Magus Killer's Apostle" to show the relationship between Kiritsugu and Shirou plus shirou's condition."

While I think that you're a scumbag for pointing out the yaoi undertones… the term PET, at least in this fic, actually has a meaning in the Mages Association. (You'll see this in the next chapter.)

So the Title Stays as it is.

Dp11: "Well this is interesting and it was Arcueid that bit hi wow! I'm all for the HSD kenichi crossover, but no please not bleach. Try to use something can be more related to fate stay night that has gods, yokai, demons, angels, or even elves. Like maybe high school dxd, or nurarihyon no mago."

Congratulations on, inadvertently, guessing that Nurarihyon no Mago is going to be mixed into the story.

As for the Bleach bit, I have already planned out a way to mix bleach into the Type-moon verse without the need of a major Asspull. At this point the only reason why I wouldn't add Bleach in is because I do want too many different plots going on at the same time.

kroz phantomville: "Good beginning. Won't Shirou be far faster and stronger than humans now that he is partially turned into an Apostle? Turned by none less than the princess of the white moon herself. Even if it was a partial transformation, he should at least be on the level of a servant in pure physical stats. Also I doubt creating a basic bounded field would strain the circuits of an Apostle. They have some of the highest quality circuits and can channel immense amount of prana due to their connection with Gaia. Also I doubt Kitsuragi would start teaching him bounded fields without finding out Shirou's element and origin. I doubt Shirou can be harmed with blessed weapons when his body contains Avalon, a EX class Noble Phantasm made of the highest holy type Fae magic. Good chapter but you can improve."

First: while Shirou would be strong, for a kid his age and size, he is still very far away from passing the limits of human ability and I won't even comment on the as strong as a servant bit.

Second: Shirou has only been practicing magecraft for a few weeks, compared to other magi turned apostles who have a decade or two of practice, the very fact that he can even think of making a bounded field, despite his own ineptitude in the magical arts, is amazing.

Third: Dead Apostles so not have a connection with Gaia, the True Ancestors are the only vampires with the connection.

Fourth: Kiritsugu neither has the ability nor the resources to find out Shirou's element and origin, instead he is teaching him the basics and stuff that he himself is very good at due to his time as the magus killer.

Finally: Shirou can still be harmed by blessed weapons; their effects are just slightly muted when used against him. Also Fae Magic is NOT holy at all it's closer to demon magic (True Fae are like Slaanesh deamons after all). The reason why Avalon and Excalibur are holy weapons is because of the CONCEPTS the Fae used when making them. (Or at least that's how I see it.)

And that's it for the reviews.

Due to the fact I had this sudden inspiration chapter 3, which was supposed to be the closing of the prolog arc… inadvertently became the longest chapter yet. (I am so going to hate editing that fucking chapter.)

Major props to Starnightking for being a good beta.

Words in chapter: 8555

[[[[(((( Story Start ))))]]]]

Chapter 2: A Hunter's Work

Two years later, Kanto, Chiba, Chiba City Docks (9:30 PM)

From my hiding spot on a distant crane I watched, through a pair of binoculars, as the 'workers' loaded up the last minute goods. I forced myself into calm as I saw the twenty children being led aboard the ship in chains.

It was not the first time I had seen such things, as Kiritsugu had brought me on a few jobs before so that he might teach me how to spy. Granted, this would be the first time that I would be allowed to actually help in the job.


I looked over to my right, where the small radio was flashing. "This is B." I said quickly, doing my best to keep any excitement out of my voice.

"Are you in position?" The altered voice of Kiritsugu said through the radio.

"Affirmative." I replied quickly, the barest hint of a smile on my face, "I have also confirmed the targets. Warehouses A-6 and A-7 as well as the ship, Takarafune, are a part of the Inagawa-kai."

"Have you located any lookouts?" The altered voice asked.

"Only two…" I replied uneasily, as the third largest boryokudan, violence group; I highly doubted that they only had two look outs. "There are watchers on warehouse A-10 and B-7… have you located any others that I have missed?"

"You can't see them from your position but there are watchers on warehouses A-2, B-4 and two posing as the gate keepers to the docks." Kiritsugu's replied, "B… In five minutes… I want you to take out the two watchers that you can see… Do you understand me?"

For the briefest moment I felt my heart stop as an uneasy feeling took hold of me… and then I forced that feeling down and replied, "Copy that…"

"After you kill them begin eliminating as many as the ship workers as you can. For the sake of those children… we cannot allow that ship to set sail." Kiritsugu's voice continued, "Furthermore, once you finish off all the rounds you have on you escape to the car and call both the media and the police with the disposable phones, Media first. The Inagawa-kai might have most of the higher ranking police on their pay-roll but if the media gets wind of this they will come running like vultures and can make the police and the politicians feel very uncomfortable with their questions."

"Understood, B out." I said as I turned off the radio and reached over to a nearby case.

Opening it I saw the M40A5 sniper rifle that Kiritsugu had given me and began putting it together. It was a bolt action gun with a weight of seven and a half kilograms and an overall length just a bit over a meter. Its barrel was a Schneider Match Grade SS #7 and had a McMillan Tactical A4 stock. The rifle had an effective range of about nine hundred meters with its Scout Sniper Day Scope, SSDS. It used 7.62×51mm NATO rounds and each cartridge, which are removable, held ten rounds. I had five cartridges on me at the moment, so a total of fifty bullets.

Putting the rifle on the tripod I put in the first cartridge and began to line up my sights on the first sniper. At the same time I produced prana and began to reinforce the rifle, increasing its durability, power, steadiness and accuracy. I also reinforced myself, a skill that I was very good at, to help with the rifle's kick as I didn't want to break my shoulder.

I had thirty seconds left… and they felt like the longest thirty seconds I have ever felt.

I lined up the shot so that I was looking at the sniper on top of warehouse B-7, as he was both closer and looking the other way, giving me a great shot at his back.

I tracked my sight right into his back. 'Aim for the Center Mass. No fancy head shots like in the movies.' The voice of Kiritsugu seemed to resonate in my mind, 'Head shots from a distance are hard to get regardless of how good your rifle is. A good shot in a major organ is just as fatal as a head shot while being far easier to hit. Leave those fancy tricks to the heroes in the movies.'

My target was yawning. I could tell because he was standing up with both hands reaching toward the sky in a stretch.

[DEET] [Click] [PROOF]

When the alarm on my watch went off I immediately pulled the trigger of my rifle, knowing that if I didn't do it then I would never be able to. It only took a second for the bullet to find its mark and I watched through my scope as a large bloody hole appeared deed center in the man's back, the bullet going right through his spine. In the small, unlikely, chance that the man survived he would be paralyzed, unable to do anything from his current position.

I quickly moved my sight to the second sniper, the one on Warehouse A-10, and couldn't help but smile. It seemed that luck was with me, the second watcher had put both his gun and his radio down to go take a leak off the side of the warehouse, once again giving me a good shot at a target's back.

I lined up the shot…

[Click] [PROOF]

This time the hole appeared to the right of the spine, hitting the person's right lung and causing him to fall forward off the warehouse. Normally I would have been worried about that as someone might see the dead body and raise the alarm too quickly but since A-10 was near the end of the docks I knew that the body was going to fall into the freezing water below.

I quickly turned my sights to the ship and began looking for people who would be necessary for the ship to move. From my position I could see the bridge of the ship, as well as all the bridge hands, perfectly. I could also see a few other people, a little over a dozen, on the hull of the ship.

If it were not for my reinforcement my rifle would have been shaking like a leaf in the wind.

[Click] [PROOF] - [Click] [PROOF] - [Click] [PROOF]

I quickly let three shots fly at a group of five people who were talking together. The first bullet went through its target from side to side, ripping a huge hole into his stomach and causing his guts to spill out of him like a bunch of snakes. The second bullet hit a person's back, it was a heart shot, went through his front to hit the guy in front of him, leading to another heart shot to my amazement. The third and final bullet tore through the targets neck, severing the head from the body before hitting the fifth person in the right shoulder, shattering it, and sending him back a meter from the force.

I lined up the next shots quickly…

[Click] [PROOF] - [Click] [PROOF]

The first bullet hit a the target in the gut, the reinforced bullets ripping a hole into him before hitting another person in the right knee cap, severing the limb in two.

The second shot hit the man, who was near the starboard in right shoulder so hard that the force spun him off the ship and into the cold waters below.

Line up shots…

[Click] [PROOF] - [Click] [PROOF] - [Click] [PROOF]

By now the people on deck had realized that someone was shooting at them and many tried to run however in their confusion many ended up getting in each other's way causing many to fall on each other.

My three latest shots each found their way into those tempting targets. Each reinforced bullet killed at least one while wounding whoever was under them.

It took me less than thirty seconds to empty the old cartridge and put in the new one.

Line up shots…

[Click] [PROOF] - [Click] [PROOF] - [Click] [PROOF]

[Click] [PROOF] - [Click] [PROOF] - [Click] [PROOF]

[Click] [PROOF] - [Click] [PROOF] - [Click] [PROOF]

[Click] [PROOF]

My next set of targets had already been chosen. Upon putting in the new cartridge I immediately aimed into the bridge, the people within had yet to be told what was going on, and let lose the volley of reinforced bullets.

Each bullet pierced the window of the bridge and many hit their targets in critical locations. Furthermore the collective shots shattered the glass, sending sharp glass shrapnel flying into the bridge causing even more damage to any who might have survived.

This time it only took me twenty five seconds to change the cartridge and begin firing on the workers.

My two years of training under Kiritsugu combined with my reinforcement allowed most of my bullets to find a mark, either wounding a person or killing them out right.

Sadly by the time I locked in the fourth cartridge my targets on the ship had realized that staying out in the open was not in their best interests and had retreated to cover.

Luckily, for me, it seemed that a new batch of targets, the warehouse workers, were running toward the ship to see what the hell was going on… they were met with the dead bodies of their comrades in front of them and to my bullets to their backs.

When I finished off my fifth and finale cartridge, having killed at least seven and critically wounding another six, I quickly disassembled my rifle, put it in its case and began descending the crane, sliding down the ladder like one sees in a movie to do so.

Upon reaching the bottom of the crane I drew my Calico M950, another gun that Kiritsugu had given me. The Calico M950 is a light weight sub-machine gun, weighting less than six pounds fully loaded with its hundred bullet cartridge. The Calico, in the hands of a normal human, has a good accuracy range of about sixty meters. In the hands of someone who was good with reinforcement magecraft that range could easily be increased to over one hundred meters.

Gun in hand I began to run in the opposite direction of the ship, my reinforced speed making me as fast as high school track runner despite the shortness of my legs. It took me less than five minutes to reach the wall that surrounded the docks. There was a pile of crates near the wall that Kiritsugu had set up earlier.

I used my built up speed to help me jump up on the crates, using them like steps, to help myself over the wall…

…Is what I wanted to do at least…


Luckily I was unhurt from the attack, having been able to dodge one of the bullets while the other two hit my M40A5 case, the hard reinforced plastic was able to arrest the power of the two bullets.

I jumped to the right, trying to gain the cover of a building when my reinforced hearing noticed the sound of my mysterious assailant preparing another shot.

"Shit…" I said out loud to myself as I turned around and began to strain my senses to the max, trying to see if I might hear whoever was attacking me. 'Those bullets came down at an angle, from my seven o'clock position, so the shooter has the high ground, probably on top of one of the warehouses on the other side of the lane at least four or five warehouses back.'

I walked over to the corner of the warehouse and did my best to locate my assailant without giving the person a chance to take a shot at me.


I jumped back when my reinforced hearing picked up the sound of bullets leaving the chamber of my assailant's gun, which was luckily much louder than my own gun.

I'd be dead if his rifle had a suppresser on it.

Not wanting to get in a fire fight with a person who had the high ground I decided to run down the alleyway before any of the man's allies came to flush me out.

Just as I reached the other end of the alley I heard the sound of running and a deep rasping breath. Someone, that snipers ally, was heading toward the opening of the alley that I was in.

I quickly brought up my gun, ready to shoot the yakuza when he showed himself.

"Shoot down the alley… Shoot down the alley… Shoot down the alley." The mysterious man continued to say to himself, his voice shaky and, thanks to Kiritsugu's lessons, I was able to tell that the man was nervous.

I slide downwards like a baseball player as the man came around the corner, opening fire with his own gun down the alley way.

As bullets flew over my head I was able to get a good look at the man in front of me as I prepared to return fire. The gunman was a teenager, about seventeen, maybe nineteen tops and was short, only being around one hundred and fifty centimeters tall. The gunman had short black hair and was wearing a dock worker's uniform, beige pants with a white shirt under one of those safety coats made to reflect light.

He was so normal looking that if it were not for the fact that he was currently firing a gun, a Steyr TMP I noticed, I wouldn't have thought him any different that than anyone else I might see on the streets.

The boy's general inexperience was shown by the fact that he held his eyes closed as he was firing and the fact that the gun was shaking in his hands.

At the sound of his, now empty, gun clicking two things happened. One, I quickly stood up, snapping out of the shock that had taken hold of me, and two, I brought up my own gun to fire at the boy, who was only now opening his eyes.

Our eyes met for just the briefest moments, my calm red eyes staring into the boy's fearful black eyes.


[Bram Bram Bra~Bra ~Bra~Bra~Bra~Bra~Bram]

I held down the trigger longer than I should have but the sight in front of me was such a shock that letting go of the trigger never even crossed my mind.

As each bullet left the muzzle a new hole would appear in the teenager's body and when I finally let the trigger go there were dozens of small bloody holes in his dead corpse, the reinforced bullets having ripped through many of his major organs.

I stared down at the older boy for a minute before I snapped out of the trance and continued my escape.

[[[[(((( Scene Breaker ))))]]]]

It took me less than twenty minutes to get back to our car, a dull gray 2004 Honda Civic, and begin going through the motions of alerting both the media and the police of the Yakuza's human trafficking and where to find them.


"This is B." I calmly answered over the radio. "Escape transport is secure and primed."

"I have obtained the documents and taken care of the leader of this group for the police I will be there in a minute."

"Understood, B out." I responded as I cut off the radio.

When Kiritsugu arrived we quickly drove off, long before the police arrived.

We arrived back at the motel by 11:10 PM and immediately made sure that the room was secure. Once we checked the room, a brief use of Structure Analysis, a habit that I developed due to Kiritsugu's urgings as a way to practice one of the few skills I could use, showed me that the room was not bugged in anyway.

Once I made sure that the room was secure we both went to bed, tired after our nights work.

[[[[(((( Scene Breaker ))))]]]]

Next morning

I was making a quick breakfast of cereal and apple juice when Kiritsugu decided to turn on the News. Undoubtedly to see what the public report of what happened last night.

I quickly finished breakfast preparations and moved next to Kiritsugu, so that I could also hear the report.

"[~~Night a Yakuza slave trade scheme was brought down due to the actions of a group of vigilantes, possible the same group that are responsible to similar Yakuza take downs happening throughout Japan.]" The JNN news anchor, a good looking Japanese man, said. "[Now for live coverage from the crime scene.]"

The image changed, showing a young Japanese woman holding a microphone. Under the image were subtitles informing us, and undoubtedly tens of thousands of other viewers that her name was Abe Sumizu. Next to the woman was a police officer, perhaps the chief considering what had happened.

"[Thank you, Kudo-san. We are currently at the Chiba City Docks, where last night a team of vigilantes took down a Yakuza human trafficking ring before alerting both the local police and the local news stations about the situation.]" The woman paused for a moment before gesturing to the man next to her, "[We are with Watanabe Seito, the Chief of Chiba city police department, who has agreed to inform us about just what seemed to have happened last night.]"

The man gave a brief nod before he began, "[From the gathered reports of our investigators we have come to conclude that the vigilantes were able to strike the Yakuza with the same precision that one would expect for a military operation. Judging from the sheer amount of dead we had to cart off we can see that the Yakuza were outclassed from the beginning. Many were killed by sniper shots and judging from the angle that the bullets hit their targets the sniper or snipers were stationed on the surrounding cranes, while others dealt with those who were still in the buildings.]"

"[And what does this all mean?]" Abe asked.

"[It means that these vigilantes are a part of some large organized group. And this group has decided to circumvent the normal channels of the law by taking matters into their own hands. If they had the information about this child slave shipment they should have notified the proper authorities and let us handle it.]" Watanabe said, though by his tone I could tell that he wasn't so much angry as he was resigned.

"[Then you think that what these vigilantes did was wrong then?]" Abe asked.

Watanabe gave a short pause "[In a way what they did is wrong, though I at least can understand why they did it. As a father myself I can honestly say that I am happy that both this human trafficking ring has been busted and that all members got what they deserved for not only whatever they done to these kids but for what they did to the children who came before. As a father I can just as easily thank the vigilantes for what they did. As a cop however I look at this situation and can't help but get angry, not just at the vigilantes, who decided to take the law into their own hands, but with our entire department as well. This horrible trade has been going on in our city for who knows how long and we never even knew about it!]"

Abe nodded her head, "[And have the police been able to find out any information about either the vigilantes or the yakuza group responsible?]"

"[While no information about the vigilantes has been found, as of yet, all information that we have acquired about the yakuza group is still be processed by investigators, both from our department as well as from agents from Interpol. Once we have sorted all the information we shall hold a press release.]" Watanabe said.

Abe turned back to the camera, "[And there you have it, a tale of horror right here in our own little city of Chiba. Back to you, Kuda-san.]"

The image changed back to the news anchor that started to drone out facts and theories but for the most part I just tuned him out.

"Shirou…" Kiritsugu suddenly started and I immediately gave him my full attention, "Good job last night."

"Oh…" I didn't really know how to reply to that, Kiritsugu was not one to give praise after all. "Thank you, Master."

"[ …urent death count numbers at sixty three with dozens more wounded.]" I heard the newscaster say and I turned my attention back to the screen. "[Of the deaths three were from the group of twenty children that were sadly apart of this harrowing event. It is reported that two more children have life threating injuries and another four have serious injuries, though luckily not of the life threating kind. All children show signs of physical abuse and malnourishment.]"

Kiritsugu and I would spend the rest of the mourning listening to the reporters list off different numbers and statistics as well as the names of the children who were rescued.

[[[[(((( Scene Breaker ))))]]]]

Kanto, Tokyo City (Mid-day)

"Do you understand your orders?" Kiritsugu asked as I looked at our target right in the eye.

It had been three weeks since our raid against the Inagawa-kai in Chiba. And since then we have been laying low in Tokyo. Currently we were in a warded off back alley having a nice little chat with a Yakuza loan-shark.

"Yes sir." The man replied, his dark eyes clouded over due to being under the spell of my Miryou no Magan, more commonly known as Mystic eyes of enchantment, a powerful form of mystic eye that most vampires develop.

I had developed them, or to be more accurate they had developed themselves, six months ago. And while I was originally happy that I now had such a useful tool it seemed that my lack of talent for magecraft decided to rear its ugly head and decided to make it so that I couldn't put people under the high-level hypnosis effect that the eyes offered… without help from an outside source that is.

"Shirou release him." Kiritsugu ordered and I quickly stopped both my musings and the flow of prana to my eyes. My job was to use my mystic eyes to get around any form of resistance the man might have had and to amplify Kiritsugu's own hypnotic abilities, which were fairly high as it was a field that Kiritsugu excelled in.

The man shook his head for a bit before turning around and leaving, the sub-conscious orders we had put in his mind already taking the desired effect.

"So that just leaves three more targets right?" I asked and Kiritsugu responded with a quick nod of his head. "I feel like a modern day Robin Hood." I jokingly said to myself, a small smile forming on my face.

"Robin Hood?" Kiritsugu questioned as he turned towards me, "Robin Hood was a hero." He continued as his face began to darken, "WE are not heroes. WE are monsters. Regardless of the reasons what we do can only be considered monstrous. I am a human who has decided to become inhuman and YOU… Well you're a vampire." Kiritsugu's eyes were cold as they looked down at me, it was the same look he had whenever he was working. "Never forget that."

"Yes master." I answered as I quickly fell to one knee and bowed my head to him, "Please forgive me for my foolish words. They were said out of my naivety." I kept my head bowed as I waited for Kiritsugu's judgment.

"Whatever…" Kiritsugu said and from my position, staring at his feet, I saw him turn around, "Just don't mention heroes in my presence again, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth."

"Yes master." I replied subserviently.

[[[[(((( Scene Breaker ))))]]]]

Three days later

"Master I have everything loaded into the truck and we can leave at any time." I reported to Kiritsugu after I had finished loading up the moving truck that we had rented with the merchandise and money we stole from the many Yakuza groups stationed in the countries capital.

Nine hundred million yen, in cash, from over forty different loan companies, as well as a small stockpile of armaments, all of which we would use in our activities.

Five hundred kilograms of illegally acquired precious and semi-precious gems, four hundred kilograms of silver, two hundred kilograms of gold and a few hundred more kilograms of various other materials that we would use to help us in the magical world, either for trade or for our own experiments, and of course to further snub the yakuza families.

"Good I have already sent all related evidence to both the local police and have it set up that the local media centers will get their own copies twenty four hours later." Kiritsugu stated calmly as he pulled his cigarette out of his mouth and put it in the ash tray. "Shirou, we shall return to Fuyuki."

"Yes Master." I answered instantly as I quickly turned to gather our more personal items.

[[[[(((( Scene Breaker ))))]]]]


The two day trip back to Fuyuki was as uneventful as it was boring, sadly meaning VERY. In the end I put myself to a self-imposed challenge of analyzing the moving truck's engine, trying to see how much information I could get on the hunk of metal using the most basic spell I knew.


It was by far the most mind numbingly boring thing that I might ever do in my entire life.


I must have cast Structure Analysis over a thousand times over the course of the trip.


The only benefit, other than practicing my magecraft, was the fact that I now know enough about engines to be a mechanic, something that Kiritsugu believes to be a good skill to have on hand.

"Shirou~ you're going to make your big sister cry."

But still the splitting headache that I developed was worse than some of the concussions I gotten from my hand to hand combat training with Kiritsugu.

"Shi~ro~u~…" Suddenly something latched on to me and my body switched to auto pilot as it grabbed the offending limb and began to twist, my body swiftly sliding under the arm to get behind my attacker while my left leg legged behind to help bring the person down by tripping and destroying their center of gravity and allowing me to flip them up and over my smaller body and slamming them into… the… it was Fuji-nee.

Well shit.

[[[[(((( Scene Breaker ))))]]]]

"Shirou doesn't lwove mre anyvore WAAAA!" The older girl, who claimed to be my older sister but more often than not acted like an annoying younger sibling, cried out.

"That's not true." I said desperately as I rub her back trying to calm her down, "You just surprised me is all." I looked over to the other side of the table where both Kiritsugu and Raiga, the leader of the Fujimura group, where staring at me. Raiga was silently laughing at my predicament and even Kiritsugu was trying not to let me see the smile forming on his face.

I could see that I would get no help from those two.

"You're just saying that." Taiga yelled out, her face an unsightly mess. Her eyes were red and puffy and a constant stream of tears was flowing down her face, while an equally constant stream of mucus was flowing down her nose. "We rinally got to shee each other after so bany months and not only do bou ignore me bwut you judo throw me into the ground!"

And she was bawling again.

"Come on Taiga-nee-chan…" I began still trying to calm the older girl down, "You know that it was an accident. After all how could I not love my adorable nee-chan." I moved in to hug the girl, hoping that positive physical contact might help calm her down.

"Really?" Taiga asked sniffling a few times as she looked up to me.

"Of course!" I said immediately to assure the older girl that I still cared for her. "Who couldn't love you? You're so fun to be around and always seem to be the center of any group you join."

The more I complemented her, the calmer she seemed to get and as she slowly stopped crying I handed her a box of Kleenexes so that she clean up.

"Well..." Kiritsugu began, an infuriating grin on his otherwise calm face, "Now that it seems that you two have worked out your differences, why don't you two go out and play? Raiga and I have to catch up with each other, and you can use some time on your feet after two days in the truck."

I recognized his words for what they were, I was being ordered to take Taiga away while the two talked about business.

"Ok." I said, trying to sound excited, "Taiga-nee-chan, race you to the park!" I said as I immediately began to run from the girl.

"Ahh! Shirou get back here!" The excitable girl screamed out as she started to chase me.

[[[[(((( Scene Breaker ))))]]]]

Kiritsugu PoV

"Shirou's progress in his training seems to be coming along." Raiga stated as the two children ran off, "Judging by the reports, both public and personal, I've heard you two have been quite busy."

"Yes, Shirou has proven to be quite useful in my job." I answered back to the man as I took another sip of tea, "He puts one hundred percent into every task I give him."

"I'll take your word for it." Raiga replied as he put his own tea down and turned towards me. I did the same so that we were now looking each other in the eye. "Now then Magus Killer what might your business be with me today?"

"No need to be so hostile Raiga, we have been friends for years." I said as I raised my hands in a calming gesture, "I just wanted to hire the Fujimura group for a few jobs. I have no plans to do anything to your business."

"It's not often that a freelancer like you hires an organized group like mine, it's normally the other way around." Raiga said cautiously as he looked me over, "If it's anything that has to do with your job then you can forget about it. Just because you can hide yourself after fucking over some of the major Yakuza groups doesn't me that we can, but you already knew that… so what DO you want?"

"I need you to do some housework for me…Major housework." I said calmly, trying not to laugh at the look Raiga was giving me. I held up my hand in a 'give me a moment' gesture, "Shirou and I liberated nine hundred million yen from the Tokyo Yakuza groups. Using some of that money I want you to buy the two houses closest to mine, that should cost us a little less than one hundred million. From there I want you to… build me a new house."

"And would this house have any… special features?" Raiga asked, no doubt wanting to get the specifics of my request.

I nodded my head, "The basement should be at least ten meters underground and should come equipped with both a weapons vault, to store our equipment, and a shooting range, so that we can practice without alerting the cops that we have guns. The creation of this basement should not be recorded in any public records. As far as the government is concerned, this house is built over solid rock." I stated as I began giving Raiga my "order" as his "customer", as if we were just two normal businessmen having a routine business meeting. "As for the house itself… I prefer traditional Japanese houses and the surrounding wall should be at least three meters high and half a meter thick."

Raiga was silent for a while, going through my order in his head and undoubtedly thinking of the best way to see it done.

"For your group's hard work, I shall pay three hundred million yen, in cash, as well as giving you one-fourth of the gems, gold and silver that we liberated from the Tokyo Yakuza." I said, now telling the man what he might receive if he decides to take on my request. "You'll have to be careful with it for a few months, no doubt they will be looking for it, but in the end you'll see that your group stands to make quite the profit." I finished and brought my tea cup back up to my face.

…Raiga continued to stare at me, a small wicked smile forming on his lips…

…I continued to stare back, a similar smile forming on my own…

[[[[(((( Scene Breaker ))))]]]]

Emiya house, a few days later 7:24 AM (Shirou PoV)

Over the last few days Kiritsugu and I had sorted through all the materials and resources that we acquired. We properly weighed the masses, or in the case of liquids the volumes, of gems, gold, silver and other miscellaneous metals and chemicals and documented them. After documenting them we sorted them into piles.

The first was the pile that was being handed over to the Fujimura family, as par the agreement that was reached between Kiritsugu and Raiga. We quickly handed off that pile through the appropriate channels.

The second pile was simply titled 'for trade' by Kiritsugu and would be used if we had to acquire anything of magical nature from a magus who would not accept raw funds.

The third and by far the smallest was the called 'stock' and would be kept for our own future use.

Now I was following Kiritsugu as he walked back to the moving van. I would not be going with him on the trip back to Tokyo, which surprised me as Kiritsugu always tried to keep me in sight.

I WAS a monster after all and he didn't want me getting any ideas.

The fact that he trusted me enough to leave me alone with mundane humans, even if they were Yakuza, made me happy.

I tried my best not to smile in giddiness.

"Do you understand your tasks, Shirou?" Kiritsugu asked as he got into the truck.

"Yes master." I replied evenly as he started the engine.

"I should be back within a month, maybe two." Kiritsugu continued, and I blinked in shock at the time frame, going to Tokyo and back should only take a week even less if he took a train on the return trip, "I hope to hear a good report on your progress when I get back." He finished.

"Have a safe trip, Master." I droned out despite my questions on where he was going.

Simply nodding in reply, Kiritsugu drove off.

[[[[(((( Scene Breaker ))))]]]]

It was later that same day that I found myself in the dojo… for an experimental purpose instead of as training one.

Granted the experiment had an application focus but that was par the course for a magic user like myself.

Sitting in front of me was a locked chest, to which I didn't have the key, as well as three small safes that I borrowed from the Fujimura group, all of which were locked and I didn't know their combinations.

I was going to see if I could unlock them through use of Structural Analysis, Alteration and Reinforcement; the only three magic spells that I have truly mastered.

My Structural Analysis was exceptionally good and I was able to get very accurate data. Kiritsugu had gone so far as to say my skill was so great that far surpassed the more advance analyzing magecraft out there.

"I open my mind's eye." I spoke out my aria as a mental image of the first safe formed in my mind and I instantly gained knowledge of the object; its mass, its volume, its material composition, its… combination?

"Well that was interesting." I finally said out loud, I wasn't really expecting to acquire the combination through Structural Analysis. Putting in the combination I opened the safe, just to double check, and then immediately closed and relocked it. "I'll have to see if that will work on an electronic lock."

"I open my mind's eye." I respoke my aria and once again the mental image of the safe formed in my mind. This time I focused on the locking mechanism and began to let my prana flow into the lock and began to use a combination Alteration and Reinforcement on it.

I watched the locking mechanism in my mind begin to turn and I was soon rewarded with a click that signaled that the safe had been unlocked.

'The First experiment has proven successful. Kiritsugu will be pleased.' I thought with a smile.

For the next two hours I would practice this new application of my magecraft. Using Alteration to edit the image of the lock, found in my mind, while using Reinforcement to make the change happen to the real world object in front of me.

[[[[(((( Scene Breaker ))))]]]]

Five weeks later (Kiritsugu PoV)

"Emiya-sama, it is time to wake up." A young female voice called out waking me from my slumber.

"Understood." I called back and I waited until I heard the sound of the servant leaving before I began the process of getting ready for the day before quickly leaving my room and making my way towards the dining room.

Upon entering the first thing I noticed was the fact that the maids seemed to have out did themselves with the food preparation, so something good must have happened, the second was that my contact was already sitting at the table, a rarity as he normally eats breakfast by himself. The fact that he was here meant that our deal would soon follow through.

The final thing I noticed was the fact that my contacts daughter was staring at me out of the corner of her eye and looked like she just bit into a very sour lemon.

I could understand her hostility toward me but in the end she was unimportant at the moment so I ignored her.

"Kiritsugu." My contact greeted, "So glad you can join us."

"I could say the same; it's not often that I see you in the morning after all." I said good-naturedly, "I take it that the transaction went well… Makihisa."

"For Kaminski's boy, I made sure of it personally."

[[[[(((( Scene Breaker ))))]]]]

It was a few hours later, after Makihisa's daughter had left for school, that I followed the man who could be considered my best friend in the secret world of magi to his office. In his office were several nondescript delivery boxes.

It seemed that Makihisa outdid himself; despite his capabilities I honestly didn't think that he would have been able to get so much. It must have been difficult for him get so much from the various factions of the Mage's Association, the Demon Hunter Organization and even the Church.

I gave off a short whistle to show my appreciation, as I opened some of the boxes.

"I'm glad to see that you are pleased." Makihisa said as he sat down behind his desk, "To make sure that the Clock Tower couldn't trace this back to you I had to go through three dozen different channels."

"Thanks." I replied to the man, I had no doubt that he went through a lot of trouble to acquire such a haul. "It was, as always, a pleasure doing business with you."

"Hmm." Makihisa hummed out as he took out two glasses and started to pour some wine for the two of us, "Now about you marrying Akiha…"

"Not happening." I said as I let out a sigh. It had started a few days after I had arrived at the Tohno mansion, Makihisa, who was a close friend to Natalia, had taken something of a shine to me when we had first meet all those years ago… and was now annoyingly persistent in getting me join his family, and was not that quite about his intention. "I'm twice her age for god's sake."

"Age doesn't seem to matter to you with Kohaku." Makihisa stated.

"Makihisa, we both know that the only reason I have been having sex with Kohaku was because of her skills with Kano Nōryoku." I calmly replied, "Thanks to her, I was able to clean out some of the curse that was polluting my magic circuits." I added, though more for myself then for the man in front of me. I had long learned that sometimes, for the sake of the greater good smaller evils must be performed.

Small evils like having sex repeatedly with a young sixteen year old girl and forcing her to transfer bits and pieces of the curse of humanity into herself so that I might live longer and continue to use my magecraft.

"Besides…" I continued as I reached into one of the boxes and pulled out what seemed to be a 250.00 mL volumetric flask, "That was only a temporary fix until I acquired these."

"Well… I guess that if you want to get rid of a curse from the Middle East, holy water from the church would be the best way to go." Makihisa said off handily. "Though considering the strength of the curse you might need more than a simple ten liters of holy water."

"The very fact that you were able to acquire ten liters of genuine holy water from the church is proof of why you are considered one of the best dealers of magical goods in the world." I replied with a grin, "Just how much did I…"

The sudden knock at the door caused me to fall silent as we both turned toward the door.

"Yes, Come in." Makihisa called out as the door opened to reveal Hisui, Kohaku's younger twin sister.

"Tohno-sama, we seem to have a… unexpected guest." Hisui reported after she bowed to the both of us.

"Is that so? Funny I don't remember having any meetings planned for the day." Makihisa said his previous good cheer leaving him as his voice went cold, "Tell me, who dared show up at my house uninvited?"

"It… its Kugamine-sama." Hisui answered, her eyes downcast as her body tried to shrink into itself.

"Tonami!" Makihisa loudly said as he violently stood up, slamming his hands on his desk causing hair line cracks to appear around them. "Why is he here?"

"Makihisa…" I called out as I looked back and forth between the master and servant of the house and couldn't help but morn the lack of information of the current situation. "Should I prepare for battle?" I asked as I brought out a M1911 pistol, even as my mind started going through a list of weapons back in my room, "If you need some assistance I'll be more than willing to help."

Makihisa just stared at my gun for a minute before he shook his head in the negative. "No… no… no that's… that's ok Kiritsugu. Tonami is the head of the Kugamine branch of the Tohno family, a branch that deals with our legal corporations. I will deal with him in a bit; just… just give me a moment to calm my demon-blood down." He said exhaustedly as I realized why Makihisa had started to act like that.

People with thick demon blood in their veins tended to develop a whole horde of mental problems, Schizophrenia being a common one.

"Well, if you do change your mind… let me know." I said as turned toward the maid girl, who was staring at my gun with a hint of fear in her eyes, "Hisui-san, please help me bring these boxes into my room." I said as I put the gun away, hiding it my coat.

"Emiya…" Makihisa called out meekly "Thanks for being a friend." When I turned to look at him I saw that he was once again sitting down and was shaking like a leaf in a wind storm.

Ah… Bi-Polar disorder.

"Anytime, Maki."

[[[[(((( Scene Breaker ))))]]]]

Emiya House (Shirou POV)

My days had long since entered a monotonous routine, granted I didn't really mind that much.

I would wake up at 6:00 A.M, do some basic stretches and exercises and then make breakfast for Fuji-nee and I.

At 7:15 A.M I would have to force the older girl to go to school.

I found it funny that despite my efforts she always seemed to be late for classes.

After Fuji-nee left I would activate the bounded field around the house and proceed to practice the magecraft I had already learned, in the hopes of being able to use the spells to a higher degree.

Around Noon I would make myself a small, but filling lunch, and take a small break.

At 1:00 P.M I would head back into the dojo and begin to meditate. As I meditated I would use Structure Analysis on myself and focus on Avalon, the Fae object inside of me, and proceed to feed it my prana.

To Kiritsugu's, and eventually my own, amassment and shock, it seemed that Avalon was somehow remaining active despite the fact that it wasn't receiving any prana from the legendary King of Knights. Knowing that it was thanks to Avalon that my vampiric need for blood was suppressed and my miraculous ability to walk in the sun was gained, Kiritsugu order me to send prana to the Holy Sheath every day.

For the most part however the Sheath refused to accept my prana and in my mind's eye I could see my prana try to enter the sheath only to stop, like water hitting a dam, and surround the sheath.

Even though it was an exercise in futility I continued to feed the sheath my prana for an hour.

At 2:00 I would take a small break.

At 2:30 I would deactivate the bounded field and head over to the Fujimura's and request to be allowed to either practice my aim, or to spar with some of the members.

I think that I might have unintentionally built up street credit with the group after showing just how good of a shoot I am.

At 4:00 P.M Taiga would show up from school, I always did my best to make sure she didn't see me near the weapons, as we would never hear the end of it if she did.

From there I would spend a few hours with Taiga, either playing with the excitable girl or going over her homework with her.

Around 6:30 I would start on dinner, an activity that I really enjoyed, as it allowed me to create rather than destroy.

At 7:30 Taiga would leave for her own home and I would do some more magic training.

Depending on the phase of the Moon I would go to bed at any time between 9:30 to 1:00 A.M.

And in the darkness of my room I would think about the night at the Chiba city docks while an image of that one boy's scared face continued to stare back at me.

I felt my blood boil in anticipation… The need to kill took hold of me and refused to leave regardless of how hard I tried to ignore it.

It would never leave me… I was a monster after all.

[[[[(((( Scene Breaker ))))]]]]

Chapter 2 end

Omake: In the name of the Moon! I will punish you! (A Mook Horror Show – Sponsored by "It Amused Me Industries" – Narrated by "That Old Bastard")

"SHOOT HER! SHOOT HER!" The Mook Leader screamed, as he brought his machine gun, a Heckler & Koch MP5, to bear.

"SHE…SHE CAN"T BE STOPPED!" Mook Guard #1 screamed next to him, as he unloaded another magazine of his own gun into the advancing monster the bullets actually bouncing off her, even as she ripped through Mooks 7 through 12, tearing off limbs and using them as impromptu bludgeoning instruments.

"RETREAT! RETREAT!" Mook Leader commanded as he and Mooks 13 through 26 saw the horrible treatment of their fellow Mooks.

You don't want to know what happened to Mooks 1 through 6.

"WAHAHAHAHA!" The monster gave a noble woman's laugh, even as the skirt of her Phantas-Moon outfit continued to flare upwards thanks to the winds she was generating.

At least the Mooks got to see something nice before they died.


How dare they peek up her skirt while she brutally dismembers them!







Yep that's it… I have decided… all of these Mooks shall be sent to a horror dimension to suffer for all eternity for their crimes.

Maybe I'll set fire to Kazami Yuuka's garden and then blame it on them… it would be fun to tape at least.

I also decided that I was hungry and wanted some Corn Pops.

"It won't die~e~e" mook #... mook #... Alright so I couldn't remember which mook had what number! Not my fault their all supposed to be unsympathetic faceless mooks.

"PLEASE SPARE ME! I JUST NEEDED THE MONEY TO PAY FOR MY DAUGHTER'S SURGERY!" Screamed the now slightly more sympathetic mook even as Phantas-Moon, defender of love, justice and the innocent broke off his arms at the elbow and used the now revealed bones, which were quite jagged, to impale the man through the stomach.

From my position atop of a neighboring building I suddenly look down at myself and noticed that I have seemed to have popped wood.

Distracted by my raging boner I, sadly, missed the ending of the show, which must have been spectacular as it seems that five mooks were used to make human centipede.

I think I'll spare those guys the wrath of Yuuka… nothing she does could make their situation any worse than it already is.

"And now I! Phantas-Moon, Defender of Love! and Justice! Have once again! Destroyed a wretched hive of Scum and Villainy!" The beautiful defender of love and justice cried out as she leaped away into the night…

…Just as the cops finally showed up.

Well… this should be entertaining.

Good thing I have my camera.

[[[[(((( Scene Breaker ))))]]]]

Emiya house

"Kititsugu? Shirou?" Taiga called out in confusion, "What's the matter?"

"I don't know…" Kiritsugu said, as he inwardly thought, 'Did… did the curse just shutter in terror?'

"I… It… it felt like my blood just started to circulate backwards." Shirou added as he felt his own brand of otherworldly terror grip his heart. "I also have this sudden desire to ki… beat up people who look up skirts."

Taiga blinked… "You two are weird."

[[[[(((( Scene Breaker ))))]]]]

Today's Moral: There is no such thing as a pointless panty-shot. (From an AMV I once watched.)