AN: Thx 4 readin! Dis chapter is gunna git real!
Ch. 2
We walked into the court and stood on our side of the room. I breathed hard. Peole were watching from da crowd.
Their was some guy stadning across from us who tried to look tuff. He had a bright red pleather jacket with a bunchof spykes in it with a Sum 41 tshirt on. He had skin tight jeanz and white platform shows with a gary mokhawk.
Tha joodge looked like santa except he was buff and wore a black tank top showig off his muscles and tatoes. He had a shinee bald head and a long wheit beard with thick rimmd glass and perced eyebrow. he was kinda hot, but ew that's a gross not like I like old santa class like men. Im not gay btw, im bi. Theirs a diffrence.
"Hallo rookie, I am wince pain ready to bring …...…THE PAIN !"
"Whatevr" I sed pissily.
"Don't worry about him hes a poser to da max" mia said. "Hes not goffick at all"
"Oh okay"
"Mr. right?" bombed the voyce from the joodge.
"Y-yessir?" i squished back
"This is your frst trail yeah?"
"Okay are you ready cause I diont want to deal wiff bumfuckery in my court"
"I think Im set" I said as I stared to sweat blood.
"Kay then who was cilled, how were they cilled and whoss on trale?"
Mia smacked me. "Pheonicks! Dint you check the courtrecord?!"
"The fuck is a courtrecord?! I never listned to that cd before."
She groaned nd not in the sexi way. "No, dumass it's were we get the facts from in a case!"
"Oh" I decided I had better check it. I found a giant folder that sed COURT RECORD on it nd opened it. It had a bunch of info in it thet looked important so I looked at it fr a second sine I have a photographic memory
"Well?" hissed the joodge as he lit up a cigerate.
"The vitctim is lawtifah bon qui qui Johnson she was killed wuth a knife and my clientelee is Laury Butters."
"Kay good. Mr. pain your stats?"
Pain laughed like a dolphin. "Its easy the defendant stabbed her"
"Really? Fuking murdere!" screamed the jodge. "He should fry! fry!"
"Objextion!" I spat. "He didn't do it!"
"Well I cant argue wiff that." Said the jodge putting out his cigarete on his head.
"I have disive edidence that will prove the defendant did it! "
"Then lets have it I don't have all day I have to watch my por- I mean movies"
"The prosecution would like to call the dafendant to stand!" laughed pain minutely.
Within secs Lurry was standing at the stand in front of the whole corut.
"Mr. But? How long did you see miss johnson"
"A few months"
"Did you know she was fking another guy behnd your back?"
"WHAT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooo" he cryed crying miazaki tears. "IF SHE WASNT DED I'LL KILL HER MYSELF"
The courtroom gaped.
Larry began cutting himself on da stand.
"Infection!" I yelled pointing at pain. "This isnt about da murder at all"
"Yeah." said the joodge. "This isnt devisie"
Pain grunted. "Fine. "
"Hes bery emotional" said mia.
I sighed. "I know. thats why theres no way he could doit"
"Okay, well you were at the appartment. We have a witness who can show you were there at the time of the murdre!"
The court was alive.
The joodge banged his gavel. "Call the witness den!"
Larry left still stifling and bleeding. And some other smiliy loking guy in a majenta suit got on the stand.
"State your name and professionalisticalism." said pain.
"Im Stew Seamen and I sell knives"
"Your testimony puleeze."
Witness Testimony
I went door to door looking for costomers.
I saw that guy walking outta room.
When I got there the door was opend sorta so i knocled
And omg I saw a dead gurl lying dere in blood
I tred to call the policia but the phones were dead
I ran out to call them
"You can crisscross examine the wintess, defense." said the joodge bored.
"Um okay" I said not knowing what to do.
Mia explined. "You need to find his lies and throw evidence at it"
"Oh my i didnt know he lied"
"Unless Loarry did it he is"
"Oh shit" i had to do for it larry!
Cross Eximinition
I went door to door looking for costomers.
I saw that guy walking outta room.
When I got there the door was opend sorta so i knocled
And omg I saw a dead gurl lying dere in blood-
"HOLD IT" I screamed. "Did u c any weapon around?"
"No, nothing besides some knife"
"OBJECTION!1" I got him. Lying fucker! "There was no knife at the crime scene bitch!"
He jumped causing his hair to jimp witt him. "But- but she was stabbed! Right?"
The judge took out his flask and took a swig. "Hmmmmmmmmmmmm true but it doesnt explain how you saw a knife wehn there was none found"
Pain was sweating mking his mascara drip everywhere. "He heard it in here! yeah!"
"Oh okay that makes sense sed the joodge
"Dammit" i said. "Well what did you really see?"
Seaman began
I saw an ugly paperwait nearby in blood
"Hold it! This peice of junk?" i held up the gray stateu thing.
"Yeah! that thing..."
"Okay im getting bored mr rite this witness doesnt seem to know shit so if you cant give us something to talk about im going home"
"Oh noess!" i cryed. I am so close i can feel it
"Think outside the circle phenix!"
"I dont know i make shit up and thats how i win my cases"
"Oh okay"
I was sweatin blud proficiently. I needed something...anything...
"fuck this desperate house wives is one i declare the defendat g-"
"HOLD UP!" i yeled. "Mr. Seaman! you said something bery intersting erlier."
"You sell knives! That's why we couldint find da murder weapon!"
"NOOooooooo that's ridiculous!"
"Yeah! Why would he kill her?!" Pain whined
"Uh, because she them!" I rmembered the random useless shit in the courtrecord. "she was goin to paris, so why would she need knives?! Plus it was durk since da paower was out so u took advantage of dat by killin ger!"
The whole courtroom was in awe.
Mr. Seaman was foaming white at the mouth. Ew. "I DiNT DO IT! ITS COINCIDENE I DINT DO ITTTTT!" he moaned flingin his here in my face.
The joodge banged the gavel.
"Okay ive seen enuff. The defenadt is...
To be continuedddd!