Foolish For You
Book Jacket
- mirage -
Hello guests!
I have been rolling around the idea of ending some stories with, what I have decided to call, a Book Jacket, the same way the book jackets on real novels we own, have little tidbits of info we like to read.
My Book Jacket will do two things, and end with two miscellaneous comments. So, it should be a fast read.
Upcoming Story: The Big Bang Theory
Title: The Big Bang Theory
Chapters: 14
Completed Multi-Chapter Story, Rated T, Drama/Angst
This story starts at ground zero, the night Ed and his brother attempt to revive their mother. It progresses into Ed's grueling recovery, and the ramifications his injury, and the botched transmutation, has on other people in his life.
Fingers crossed, this should be a fun read. If you are a EdHurt, EdYounger, EdSick fan, this is definitely for you. If you aren't, and just sound interested in the story, that should be fine too. You guys know I don't exaggerate gushy scenes for the heck of it, it has to be plot driven. Most of you also already know that I am especially interested in filling in story gaps, and this story specifically works to fill in that nice hunk of missing space where Ed goes from no arm and leg, to awesome automail arm and leg, so that is the true point of all this. The Big Bang Theory was written before Foolish For You, so the Pinako you met in this story, is the Pinako who developed in The Big Bang Theory. I will confess, I found I really liked her. : )
The Big Bang Theory will be partially released 12/20/13, as a sneak peak. An excerpt of the first chapter will be posted, launching the entire story. The remainder of the first chapter will go up 01/01/2014. I am really excited, so I hope many of you will stop back to read.
2. Shout-Out to Homosexual US Citizens - A Discussion on Same-Sex Marriage
This yaoi story you have read pitches Roy and Ed as a same sex couple, and this message is a shout-out to all straight US citizens who are undecided on the issue of Same-Sex Marriage.
If you have not made up your mind, as a straight supporter for same-sex marriage, let me give you two reasons to support this cause.
Without Same-Sex marriage, a same-sex couple's relationship is viewed as a casual acquaintance in the eyes of the law, meaning, they are denied legal protection that married couples have. That's simple things, like filing your taxes together (saving you money) – and it's also some very important things. Heterosexual couples have not a few, and not a hundred, but thousands of laws protecting them that same-sex couples don't. In a health crisis, an unrecognized partner doesn't have the same rights as a husband or wife. I reference my story here when I say, think of how upset you would have been if Roy was kept from Ed and denied any information while Ed was hospitalized. We are outraged, outraged, when others try to keep us from our loved ones. We wouldn't tolerate a third partly trying to keep us from our spouses, but this madness is a reality to those people without the laws applied to heterosexual couples. If you don't agree with the choices of homosexual couples, at least consider how they deserve equal legal protection.
Denying same-sex marriage to same-sex couples, denies them the rights and freedoms that every heterosexual-couple takes for granted. Why would we do this?
No matter what religion you are, no religion tells you that you have the right to pass judgment on others. By denying this law, we're becoming confused, and worrying that we have to: decide whether we agree with same-sex marriage, or decide if it's ethical, when we don't have to worry. It's not our place. We have separation of church and state for a reason, so the objectivity in our laws and constitution look at humans as humans, and as no specific gender/ethnicity/or religion. The question is not, what gender are the individuals being married, but can two consenting adults choose to marry? You can answer that: the answer is yes. Who am I to stop them, and who are you? Who is your mother or father, and who is your congressman?
If you have ever been in a relationship, or are in a relationship right now: dating, engaged, or married. Stop and think about what you would do, and how you would feel, if a third-party stepped in and said, "We don't think the relationship you have is as valid as some others, so we're not going to recognize it. You're not going to be allowed to do what everyone else is doing, because you guys are silly, and your relationship is silly."
Can you imagine the anger? Can you imagine the pain? To date:
14 States have Legal Same-Sex Marriage:
California, Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Delaware, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Maine, Maryland, Washington / Washington, DC.
35 States Ban Same-Sex Marriage:
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Nevada, Oregon, Illinois, Indiana, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Wyoming.
If you are in a state that has legalized same-sex marriage, please do not lower your voice of support. The country needs to hear you.
If you are in a state that has not legalized same-sex marriage, please take a stand on this issue by changing the way you feel in your heart. There is nothing different about the love and devotion of a homosexual couple from that of a heterosexual couple. You may not know any gay individuals, or you may know some and not like them. Don't let one person change your opinion on hundreds of others. Think of Roy and Ed here. Would you deny them the right to marry if they wanted to? If one of them gathered up the courage, and bought a ring, and was excited, so excited, to propose, and the other said yes, and they dreamed about spending the rest of their lives together, of picking a date for the wedding, and sharing the event with their friends, of owning a home, and continuing in their careers knowing that every day they came home the person they loved would be there waiting for them…would you deny them that?
Or better put, do any of us have the right to deny them that?
Please consider joining this cause, because until same-sex marriage is legal nationwide, good people who have done nothing wrong, will continue to suffer unnecessarily.
We can change that – and we should.
[Note: This post is not meant to be offensive, and I apologize if any portion of it offended you, or made you feel pressured. These was written simply to educate, and advertise arrangements based on my opinions. Thank you.]
Three Miscellaneous Comments:
1.I have recently become a member of, The Review Revolution! After signing up they mailed me a tee shirt, a pen, and sticker for my car! …I completely made that up, lol, but I did post the below little blurb into my profile, and I do honor it. I was doing so before, come to find out I could have been in this revolution the entire time.
Member of, The Review Revolution:
I, [Enter your name], do solemnly swear to (try to) review all the fics I enjoy, regardless of the number of reviews, its age, or anything else. (I do this guys. I know what it's like to get reviews, and so I always give them. Please repeat).
[Post this same thing in your profile and spread the love!]
If you are not a member , please consider joining – and please review everything you read! Someone made what you're reading! Someone sat down with courage, and typed diligently to give it to you, asking nothing in return. So, I am here to ask for them, for all of us. Please review, it's the kind thing to do.
2. On that note, thank you sincerely to all who reviewed Foolish For You. Oh my god, you guys have given me more reviews than I had ever hoped for! If I printed them all out, I could probably roll in them like a pile of autumn leaves! This is a new record for me, and one I will always want to hit – so thank you. For raising the bar, and taking those few seconds out of your day to let me hear your thoughts. It made Foolish the most satisfying story I have ever posted, and I could have done it without you.
3. I have recently become staff to the FMA Yaoi community, "The Sanctuary of Yaoi," and we are in need of high quality FMA yaoi stories. Know any? Please message me with any referrals. We can't possibly read them all, or hunt them all down, but talented authors who slaved over stories we love deserve their credit. Please help them find it by getting them into a community. All pairings welcome.
Hope to see you all 12/20/13 for The Big Bang Theory. Enjoy your holiday.