A/N: First off, to whoever is reading this, thank you for reading this story! It means a lot.

If you haven't read the first story: 'What I Didn't Expect', I recommend that you do.

As always, Comments/reviews are appreciated and welcomed.

All in all, I really hope that you guys like this story.

Disclaimer: I do not, I repeat, I do not own any of the NCIS or NCIS: Los Angeles characters in this story. All the credit of NCIS and NCIS: Los Angeles goes to the one and only Shane Brennan

Now, without further ado, here is the sequel to 'What I Didn't Expect'.

I hope you enjoy :)


(Washington D.C.)

(In Tony's Car)

(Emily's P.O.V.)

"I don't see anything suspicious." Tony said, as he looked at the boat with binocculars.

Tony, Gibbs, Ziva, McGee, and I were waiting for our murderer to show up for a case.

Director Vance had called me a week ago and asked for me to assist Gibbs, Tony, Ziva, and McGee on the case.

We already knew who the murderer was, we just had to catch him.

We haven't been successful in that so far, because we couldn't find him. Which led to McGee somehow finding the murderers burnt phone number. Which then led to Gibbs calling the murderer to set up a meet at a boat at sun down.

And now, Gibbs was inside the boat Tony and I were currently watching, while Ziva and McGee searched the perimeter.

Tony sighed, and handed me the binocculars.

"How long have we been here?" He asked, as I took binoculars and looked through them.

"Fifteen minutes." I said.

"Feels like an eternity." I heard Tony say. "If only there was a way to pass the time….."

There was silence for about a minute, then, I heard Tony asked:

"Are you ever going to tell me what happened after I left Los Angeles?"

When I entered the bull pen, Callen was still standing at his desk.

He looked my way, spotting me.

"Forget something?" Callen asked, as I dropped my bag onto the floor, and began to walk over to him.

"Yeah." I said.

Once I reached him, I took his face in my hands, and kissed him.

"I told you." I said, pushing back the memory. "Nothing happened."

"So, you and Callen didn't ravish each other?" I heard Tony ask. "You two didn't do a little dance…..Make a little love…And get down with it?"

I closed the distance between us, and kissed him again, gently.

Callen kissed me back just as gentle, and pulled away.

"You should go before I lose control." Callen whispered.

I ignored him, as I continued to keep a look out for our murderer.

"Gosh, I swear, you're worse than Marty." I heard Tony say.

"Don't compare me to Marty." I said.

"So, you and Callen DID get down with it?" I heard Tony ask, surprise in his tone.

I put my binocculars down and looked at him.

"Why are you so hell bent on me and Callen?" I askd. "Nothing is going on between us."

"But you WANT something to be going on between you and Callen." He said.

It was silent for a couple seconds, then I asked:

"So….Where does this leave us?"

It was silent for a minute, then, Callen said:

"Emily, I'm not going to lie. I really like you a lot….But I have this rule. You know that."

"I know." I said. "But….Don't you think it's time to break that rule?"

"…I can't." He said. "I have that rule for a reason…I'm sorry, Em."

I nodded as I looked away from him. Feeling sad.

"I understand." I said, looking back at him. "Friends it is."

More than you know, I thought.

"No, I don't." I lied.

Tony smiled at me. Clearly amused.

"Denial." He said. "Shame. I'm sure he would say 'yes' if you asked him out."

"Don't give me advice about my love life when you yourself aren't taking a chance to ask Ziva out." I said.

"You know Gibbs rules." Tony said.

"Since when has one of his rules stopped you from doing anything?" I asked.

Tony just stared at me.

"I thought so." I said, as I looked through the binoculars again.

Suddenly, Tony took the binoculars away from me.

"Don't tell Gibbs." Tony said, as he looked through the binoculars.

"About what, exactly?" I asked. "You liking Ziva? Or, the fact that Gibbs said to stay away from me? Because, to be honest, I think knows you talked to me."

Tony looked at me.

"Ziva." He said. "And if Gibbs had it his way, you wouldn't have any guys in your life but him….With Marty being an exception."

I laughed a little, knowing it was true.

"Gibb got so mad when he saw us eating at your desk." I said, remembering the day I met Tony.

"That he was." Tony said, as he looked through the binoculars again. "That was a very long summer."

"It was." I agreed.

Gibbs didn't talk to Tony unless it was work related throughout the whole summer.

Despite me telling Gibbs that Tony didn't come up to me and start talking.

Which was a lie, but I wanted Gibbs to forgive Tony.

Eventually, Gibbs did forgive Tony. But he also told Tony to not break another one of his rules.

Which, didn't happen.

But Gibbs didn't have to know that.

"There he is." Tony said.

Then, Tony handed me the binoculars and took out his cell phone.

I looked in the binoculars and saw the man we were waiting for, walking on the dock heading straight to the boat Gibbs was on.

"Hey, boss," I heard Tony say. "He's closing in on you…Will do."

I looked at Tony, as he hung up the phone.

"Let's go." He said.

I sat down the binoculars, and Tony and I got out of the car, and headed toward the dock with our weapons drawn.

Once we reached the dock, Ziva and McGee joined us. Their weapons drawn also.

"The perimeter is clear." McGee said. "It's just him."

"Ok." Tony said. "Ziva, Emily, stay here. McGee and I will join Gibbs."

Then, Tony and McGee began to walk toward the boat.

"I apologize for Tony." Ziva said, once Tony and McGee were out of sight.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because he has not let up, or let go, the possibility of you and Callen being together." She said. "Especially ever since you got here."

"I'm used to it." I said. "Tony always does that to me."

"So, it's true? " Ziva asked. "You do like Callen."

"….Don't tell Tony." I said. "Or Gibbs for that matter. I don't NEED another lecture because I like someone."

In all fairness, I didn't just like Callen.

I was in love with him.

But I was keeping that to myself. Especially since, I couldn't be with him because of a certain dating rule he had. Which, I blame Tracy for.

"Don't worry." Ziva said. "Your secret is safe with me."

"Thank you." I said.

Just then, Tony, McGee, and Gibbs came out of the boat walking toward us, with the murderer in handcuffs.


(Los Angeles)

(At NCIS: OSP Headquarters)

(Callen's P.O.V.)

I pushed her up against the wall, and deepened the kiss.

She moaned.

After we kissed for a couple seconds, I left her lips and began to kiss her neck.

"Callen," I heard Emily moan breathlessly.

When I was content with kissing her neck, I kissed my way back to her lips. Kissing her with how I felt towards her.


Emily kissed me back with the same feeling impression, as her hands started to push up my shirt.

Suddenly, Emily pulled away and looked at me.

"G." She began.

"Yeah, Em?" I asked.

"I-" She began.

"G." I heard a voice say.

I ignored the voice and continued to look at Emily. Waiting for her to tell me what was on her mind.

"G." I heard the voice say again.

"G." I heard a voice say.

I opened my eyes slowly, and realized I wasn't at home with Emily.

I was lying down on the couch of eh NCIS building.

Of course it was a dream, I thought.

Now, who am I going to kill for taking me out of it?

"G., let's go. We got a lead." I heard a voice say.

I looked toward the voice and saw Sam standing not too far away from me.

"I hate you." I said, my voice groggy.

Then, I sat up.

"Why?" Sam asked. "Because I interrupted your little 'cat nap'?"

"Exactly." I said, standing up. "I don't think I will ever forgive you."

"You'll get over it." Sam said, as we headed into the bull pen.

"I don't think so." I said, as I remembered the dream. "That was the fifth time you woke me up."

This was the fifth time he woke me up when I was having a dream about Emily.

Each dream feeling so real.

I swear I could still feel her hands on my chest and her lips on mine.

God forbid he wakes me up when I have a nightmare. Like, for instance, last night.

"Which I did for good reason." Sam said, as he picked up his car keys from his desk.

I looked at Emily's desk, which was in between Sam's desk, and Deeks' desk.

I miss her.

I miss her a lot.

It killed me not being with her.

At least Nate isn't here anymore to lecture me about taking a step forward with Emily.

I wanted to take that step. But every single time I think about doing it, my rule reminds me why I shouldn't.

"She'll be back soon, G." I heard Sam say softly beside me.

As far as I know of, Sam was the only one who seemed to have noticed my change in mood since Emily left to go to Washington D.C. on Director Vance orders.

Director Vance…He will be getting a call from me if Emily isn't back soon.

I pulled myself together, and pushed away the way I was feeling at the moment. Just like what I have been doing my whole life. Only this time, it was the feeling of not having Emily in arms reach.

"Let's go." I said to Sam.

Then, I left the bull pen. Sam followed me.