I want to thank everybody who read this story. I especially want to thank everyone who took the time to review. That is always a bonus for fanfic writers and much appreciated. My friend ginchy wrote a missing love scene for this story for those over the age of eighteen. Unfortunately I cannot put links in this page but if you PM me I should be able to direct you to the livejournal page.

Thanks again for reading!





Epilogue ~ 45 ABY ~

Thirty-two year old Ben Skywalker beamed with joy as the maternity nurse handed him his swaddled newborn baby. "Is he healthy?"

The female human nurse smiled. "He's fine, Master Skywalker."

As Ben took his son into his arms the newborn let out a loud cry causing Ben to grin wildly. "Listen to him, he's got a good set of lungs." He turned to his wife Norri and gave her a look of unabashed love and affection. "He looks just like you."

Ben's exhausted wife gave him a weak smile as she laid in the maternity bed. "I think he looks more like you. You better go show him off to your family before they burst in here and see me looking like I've been trampled by banthas."

Ben smiled and leaned down and kissed her on her forehead. "You're beautiful and you did great. I love you."

"I love you too, Ben." She waved him off. "Go, go, I need some rest."

He gave her a wink, then turned and brought his newborn son out of the maternity area and toward the waiting room where his parents, aunt and uncle and three cousins, along with their families all sat waiting in quiet anticipation. When he arrived to the waiting area his family quickly surrounded him while making the usual ohhing and awwwing sounds associated with seeing a newborn. Ben grinned at his father and mother. "I'd like to present you with your second grandson, Marcus Derek Skywalker."

Mara held out her arms to embrace her grandson. Ben could see her lower lip twitch as she tried not to cry, but eventually the overwhelming emotions of holding her grandson was too much and he could see tears streaming from her usually stoic green eyes. "He's so beautiful," his mother finally choked out as she turned to gaze lovingly at Ben's father.

Luke Skywalker was standing next to his wife looking ecstatically happy. He held the hand of Ben's oldest son, seven-year-old Jarik, who was standing next to his grandfather with wide eyed curiosity. In Luke's other arm he cradled Ben's three-year-daughter, Kylen. The toddler reached out her arms to her baby brother. "Baby!" she called out.

"That's right, Kylen," Luke said to his granddaughter. "That's your baby brother." He leaned her in a little closer so she could see the newborn better. He then sat the toddler on the seat he just vacated and lifted up his oldest grandchild so he could see the baby. "Jarik, you have a baby brother."

The boy stared at the baby like it was some alien creature. "He's all red faced."

Luke laughed as he put the boy down onto the seat next to his sister. "That's how you looked when born." He turned and beamed at Ben. "He's a good looking boy."

"Thanks, Dad."

"He's beautiful." Aunt Leia said as she sidled up to Ben's side. She smiled at new great nephew currently being rocked in his grandmother's arms. Uncle Han was standing behind his wife with his hands resting on her shoulders and grinning brightly as the rest of the Solo brood jostled for position to see the newest addition to the Skywalker/Solo family.

"He does have the Skywalker good looks," Mara whispered as she handed the baby over to Luke to hold. Luke gently took the child in his arms and started rocking him back and forth as the newborn started fussing and crying. "I think he may be hungry." Luke handed the baby back to Ben. "I'm so happy for you and Norri."

Ben rocked his son in his arms. "Thanks Mom, Dad. I better get him back to the nursery so he can eat." He turned to everybody in the room. "Thanks everybody for being here." He then looked down to his oldest son. "Jarik, grab your sister's hand and follow me and we'll go see mommy."




As her son and grandchildren left the room Mara brushed a tear away from her eye as she turned to her husband. "I'll never be as happy as I am now. I don't think it is possible to be happier."

Luke grinned. "You have said that dozens of time in the over three decades we've been married. You should have learned by now to never say never because things always seem to just get better and better."

She leaned in to her husband and wrapped an arm around his waist. "I keep waiting for the bad things in our vision to occur…the war, my death, everything."

Luke looked toward the door Ben had just disappeared through. "I think maybe our son is the reason those things never happened."

"I do, too," Mara whispered, dipping her head. She had never been comfortable with the more mystical side of the Force even if it had been part of what ultimately drew them together.

Luke tipped her chin up with his finger gave her a sultry smile, trying to bring back her happy mood. "Don't complain. All the good things happened."

She chuckled, a broad smile crossing her face. "Yes, yes they did."

He gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "Maybe after we're done babysitting for Ben and Norri we can go on a trip…camping maybe."

Mara rolled her eyes. "I'm getting too old for camping. Let's go to the beach resort on Chandrila."

He nuzzled her cheek and whispered in her ear. "Okay, but no acrobatics. At my age I'm never going to be able to recreate that magic of our original trip."

She gave him a wicked grin and a wink. "Like you said earlier, Never say never."