YAY NEW CHAPTER UBER FAST! it just kinda happened, to my new followers THIS ISN'T COMMON!

Cloe chewed on her bottom lip as she sat in the too quiet room. She had said too much, she just knew she had said too much. She always did that and it always caused her problems. Like that time she had to cover for her sister who had snuck out to meet with a boyfriend. Her excuse somehow ended up revealing the whole thing, causing both her sister and herself to get in trouble.

She just got so into the puzzle that was laid out before of her, she just HAD to solve it, and solve it out loud, hence saying too much. Dammit! Her intuition was always good, she always had seen things others didn't. Nothing like that psychic nonsense, just tiny bits of information tended to add up to something. She was never able to explain how she figured that something out, because the tiny bits of information where usually insignificant on their own. She had definitely said too much, and once again got in trouble. But this time her sister wasn't here with her to share the pain, and this trouble was more serious than a few weeks being grounded.

But there was nothing she could do, she was locked in a room, not that she could escape anyway with a broken leg. So she just sat there in that too quiet room, with nothing to do but reflect on her mistakes, and there were so many to reflect on.

It was all her fault.

She shouldn't have agreed to what that man proposed. When he came to her house with a offer to erase her late father's debt, she should have said "No, we will pay it off eventually." And she could have, with how well she was doing on her scholarship, she could have got a high end job and payed it off easily, including the interest it had accumulated.

But no, she made a mistake.

She agreed with the scheme, without consulting with her sister, without even asking what it was. She agreed to help the man, to help him with what she knew was bound to be dangerous, and sure to be illegal.

She just wanted to help her beloved big sister, her saviour. She wanted to get rid of the debt so her sister didn't have to work so many jobs to pay it off as well as keep them alive. She was willing to put her life on the line for her sister, the sister to whom she owed her life. The sister who found her, the sister who brought her into the family, and gave her a home.

She accepted the gun the man had given her, it wasn't even necessary to complete her job, but she took it none the less. With that gun she made yet another mistake.

She aimed it and fired on a man, she pierced something vital, she killed him.

She was a murderer, and it was her fault that man died, her fault her sister was killed. The thought made her sick, it made her vomit in her mouth, the bile burned her throat.

With nothing else to distract herself with, Cloe re-examined the cards Ryuzaki had left behind. She had to think of a reason, an explanation on how she knew it was fake. But it was hard to explain, there were many small things. Small things like the characters chosen to write it were different.(AN: I don't know much about Japanese writing so I'm kinda making this up.)
The fact that Ryuzaki had hidden it in the first place indicated this one being special, if she had only accepted the first three and not considered another it would be suspicious.

Then there was the meaning of the words, "have red hands," though it was possible that it was just random nonsense, it seemed as though it was a reference to blood on Kira's hands. But Kira didn't seem to be the type to care about how his deeds dirtied him. He probably thought that he was above others, doing what was right. As she had stated before, Kira was likely to have a type of god complex, one brought on by the power to kill. He wouldn't say his hand's were tainted with blood, so the note didn't fit.

When Light entered the room he was surprised to find the girl staring intently at the notes Ryuzaki had left behind. She was so preoccupied that she didn't even notice him. As he approached he didn't hide his steps, in fact he put effort into making each step louder in hopes of her noticing, but to no avail, she just stared at the notes, off in her own world. Unsure on how to make his presence know, Light awkwardly leaned over to see what the girl held, it was the fourth note, the one he didn't even think of.

His eyes traveled to the girls face, her brow was slightly creased with thought, and her bottom lip wedged between her teeth. She wasn't too bad looking, though her attractive appearance wasn't necessary for his plan, it was a welcomed bonus. Who wouldn't prefer to win the trust of a pretty girl over someone, uh, less pretty?

With a sigh, he watched as the girl's canine dug dangerously into her lip. After a moment's hesitation he reached out and with a single thumb on the girl's chin, pulled the bruised flesh from its deadly grasp.

"Careful, you will hurt your lip if you keep biting it," he said quietly, "then you wont be able to smile your pretty smile."

Cloe froze at the sound of his voice then slowly brought her wide eyes to meet his. Suddenly the cards she held were thrown in the air and Cloe jumped back three feet, pressing herself against the head of the bed, her face flushing a shade of pink.

"Sorry," Light couldn't help but chuckle at the girl's response. "You were concentrating so hard I thought you were going to pop a blood vessel."

Bringing her hand to her chest Cloe willed her heart to slow, not from attraction or anything, she was just... Surprised.

"Y-Yagami-kun," she managed to stutter out, "you startled me."

With the most charming smile he could pull, Light scratched the back of his head, feigning embarrassment.

"Wow, you already know my name." he purposely avoided eye contact to keep up the ruse. "You are Cloe-chan, correct? I heard from Ryuzaki th-"

"You mean you heard from the surveillance footage from the camera over there?" Cloe hid a smirk behind a sweet smile. "I noticed it before when Ryuzaki glanced at it, it really is well hidden."

This guy was putting on a show, she could tell. For some reason this guy was pretending to be Mr. Charming, then a shy embarrassed boy. He was up to something.

"Wow you really ARE observant," Light admired, "Ryuzaki was right, you really could be helpful to the team."

Okay that made her sure of it, this guy was trying to get on her good side. But what was more interesting was his lack of fear, even Ryuzaki had shown fear... this guy might just be...

"So you are going to help us out on the case right Sempai?" Light interrupted her thoughts.

"Yeah I- W-wait did you call me Sempai?" Cloe shrieked, her face turning red. "Yo-you're not suppose to- how did you..." After taking a moment to calm her thoughts she tried again. "Y-you heard that from the surveillance?" She received a nod in response

"Yeah I heard everything." Light grinned then moved his eyes to the ceiling, pretending to recall. "That you are a Senior and major in psychology, that you were too shy to do your speech. Um. Everything, from your insight on the notes, to Ryuzaki calling you exceptionally attractive, though I'll have to agree with him on that one."

"N-no way, I'm sure I look horrible!" Cloe threw her arms over her head as if she could hide herself. "My hair's a mess and I haven't been able to shower for a few days." She then opted to use the blankets and once again hide herself completely.

She really didn't want to be seen this way in front of the guy she once liked... That's right you read that correct. Back before all the drama happened, when she was just a normal genius student, she had a hell of a crush on Light. but since everything happened, relationships and boys seemed to be unnecessary and irrelevant, she had more important things to deal with, but unfortunately that didn't make the feelings go away...


i have most of the story planned out but as i write it the characters tend to do what they want, including light, he seems to be plotting against me ._.

after writing bout Nanami, a badass samurai girl back from THE FREAKING DEAD! its kinda different to write bout a weak lil blond genius like Cloe...
if something dangerous is in Nanami's way, she would smile then FUCK THAT SHIT UP! Cloe would just kinda stare wide eyed, possible faint...
ANYHOO major range of characters! GO READ MY OTHER SHIT! *shuts up now*