SuperSonicSpeed: Voila!

Sonic: Where were you this time?

SuperSonicSpeed: Sorry everyone! I had a severe case of writers block for this chapter but now I'm here and ready to roll! :D

Shadow: Hmph. Just start the story.

Sonic: Yeah, it's rude to keep them waiting!

SuperSonicSpeed: Alright! As usual I DO NOT OWN ANY of the Sonic the Hedgehog characters!

The market bustled with life as people moved around from stand to stand. Each person attended their family needs and satisfied their own. When the knight's entered the market area, everyone hushed and stood aside, heads low in respect. Sonic and Shadow walked with equal timing, head held high, and a stoic face. Percival and Gawain walked casually but still held the same posture Lancelot held. Galahad seemed a bit confused before receiving a light nudge from Gawain. Galahad quickly righted himself and walked in precision with the fellow knights. Towns people began their routine again once the knights settled down near a fountain.

"That was intense." Galahad spoke.

"Didn't the towns people of your old village pay their respects?" Gawain asked curiously.

"I was still in training when before the village I lived in was destroyed. No such respect was issued towards me." Galahad said rather quickly as his ears flattened.

"Well," Percival stood up and tried to lighten the mood, "What would you like to see first? There are many places here to visit and we don't really have all day."

"How about we take him to see the blacksmith?" Suggested Gawain.

Percival rolled her eyes, "Don't you mean you want to see the blacksmith?"

Galahad chuckled, "It's fine, besides, I think I need to sharpen my blade. It's been rather dull lately."

"So it is!" Gawain stood up quickly, "Let's go!"

Sonic was about to follow when Lancelot caught his shoulder.

"Is something wrong dad?" Sonic asked curiously.

"No, I just want to show you something." Lancelot picked up his son and put him on his lap, "Look."

Galahad turned around to see Lancelot pointing at something in the fountain and Sonic smiling at his father. Lancelot no longer held the light glare, instead, he had a soft smile on his son. Lancelot caught Galahad looking and the smile instantly disappeared. He whispered something to Sonic and stood up, heading towards the other knights. Sonic ran along side him,

"Percival, Gawain, Galahad! There's fish in the fountain!" Sonic cheered.

The knights smiled, but the gesture faded when Lancelot and Galahad started a stare down.

Sonic tugged on his fathers armor, "Daddy?"

Lancelot looked at Sonic and sighed, "Let's get going."

"Alright." Gawain answered simply.

Galahad saw many people walk up to the knights, offering them small trinkets of their gratitude and walk away shyly once they were accepted. He noticed Lancelot and Sonic were slowly averting their steps away from the group. Glahad was about to follow when someone spoke,

"We should leave them be Galahad." Gawain advised.

Galahad looked at him confused, "Don't they want to come along with us?"

Percival chuckled, "Believe it or not, this is the only time that Lancelot actually allows himself to drop his guard a bit and loosen up."

Galahad looked at the small bakery Sonic and Lancelot had entered, 'Loosen up? With such a serious expression?'

"Don't let the expression fool you." Gawain added, "He loves taking Sonic out to the market when he can. The smile you saw on him at the fountain should be more than enough proof."

Galahad nodded and started to follow the two knight's to the blacksmith.

Lancelot smirked when Galahad gave in, 'They finally leave us be.' He looked down at Sonic who munched on his little pastry, "Sonic, how about I take you outside the village walls today?"

Sonic's eyes widened, "REALLY?!"

Lancelot nodded.

The blue kit eyed his father suspiciously, "No interruptions or meetings with the king or special training or-"

'Have I really made that many excuses?' Lancelot interrupted by covering his son's mouth with his hands, "Nothing like that. Just you and me having a little adventure of our own."

Sonic's smiled, "Baker! Five pastries to go please!"

The baker looked and Lancelot who chuckled, "To be safe, make it seven."

With a smile, the baker packed their pastries in a small cloth and gave it to them.

"I'll race you to the door!" Sonic spoke excitedly as Lancelot paid.

"You're on." Lancelot smirked.

Sonic got ready to run when he realized something, "Dad? Which way is the door?"

'He doesn't remember?' Lancelot pondered a bit, 'That's right! He was still a baby when he was outside the village walls! The closest thing he's gotten to outside is the village and the castle courtyard.' He chuckled, "Head north son."

Sonic nodded and once again got in position.

"GO!" A burst of air hit a few people as they ran.

With Galahad, Percival, and Gawain

Galahad watched from the table as a two tailed fox sharpened his sword. Percival and Gawain were talking about the night the castle was attacked, but Galahad's mind was elsewhere.

'That night... those shadow creatures...'


Galahad fought off a shadow that had taken the form of a large bore, his weakened state forbidding him from using his telekinetic abilities.

'I'm not going to last much longer.'

The bore charged while Galahad seemed dazed and knocked him off balance. Galahad rapidly threw his sword at the bore like shadow's leg, causing it to stumble and fall. He quickly ran over, grabbed his sword, and landed the final blow.

'It's over...'


'That's what I thought at least...' Galahad sighed lightly as to not gain attention.

The fox slowly slid the edge of the blade on the stone causing sparks to fall like a fiery rain.

'At least until I looked up at the sky.'


Villagers began to run off screaming as they pointed up. Galahad understood their fear when a rain of fire arrows came down. He started to run off, but was trapped within the barrage.

'Come... to... me...' A voice echoed in his mind.

Galahad looked around, desperately trying to see through the flames. A shadowy figure with up turned quills slowly appeared,

"I can help you, give you a second chance should you let me." The neon green eyes pierced through him and then, darkness.


'What happened after that?' Galahad scolded himself, 'I know what happened... I'm just trying to run from it.' His face became serious, 'I know what I have to do and I have to do it in order to please-'

"You ok Galahad?" Percival interrupted his thoughts.

Galahad shook his head and smiled, "Yes, I'm fine. I just got a little lost in my memories."

Percival was about to ask when a certain fox beat her to it,

"Your sword is ready for you Sir Galahad." The fox smiled as he presented it with the sheath.

Galahad pulled out a small quill and dropped it on the blade's edge. It split in half effortlessly, "Wow. Thank you very much er..."

"You can call me Tails. Everyone aside from the knights seems to think my name is literally, Blacksmith." Tails shrugged.

Galahad sheathed the sword, "Thank you Tails."

"Now then," Gawain rushed to the counter, "You wouldn't happen to have a sword that lands a strong enough blow to-"

"No way Gawain!" Percival interrupted, "You have more than enough swords in your bedroom." She folded her arms, "I'm surprised they all even fit your heavily decorated wall!"

"What can I say," Gawain chuckled, "I'm a sword collector." He turned to Tails, "So about-"

"We're leaving Gawain!" Percival yanked his arm, "Thank you Tails for helping us out." She tossed him a small bag with gold coins and walked out.

Galahad waved goodbye and ran right behind him.

With Sonic and Lancelot

"No fair! It won't skip!" Sonic pouted as Lancelot skipped another rock.

"It just takes practice Sonic." He picked a flat rounded rock and got on his knees behind his son, "It's all in the wrist." He gently placed the rock in Sonic's hand and pulled his hand back, putting it in position, "Just throw it as hard as you can."

Sonic concentrated on the surface of the lake until he finally threw the rock as hard as he could. He held his breath when the rock made it's first impact, then got excited the second the rock made it's next jump.

"I did it!" Sonic turned around and hugged his dad, "When did you learn how to do this?"

Lancelot made a 'hmm' sound before answering, "We'll, when I was a kid-"

"You were a kid!?" Sonic exclaimed.

Lancelot let out a small laugh, "Yes son, I was." He tossled the younger ones quills, "Whether you believe it or not." Both sat down on the grass as Lancelot continued, "I always threw stones out to the lake trying to take out my frustration. One day I accidently threw one a little too hard and it skipped onto the lake."

"You mean no one else knows this trick!?" Sonic got up excited.

"I don't believe so- Ooof!"

Sonic tackled his dad to the ground and laughed, "Where were you parents? Did they cheer you on too?"

Lancelot's eyes saddened, "Well, you see, I wasn't raised by my own blood."

Sonic's ears flattened, "What do you mean?"

"I was taken in by the Lady of the Lake when I was a baby after my parents were wounded." He let out a light sigh, 'I never really did get to meet them...' He looked over to the water, "This lake to be more specific."

Sonic let out a small gasp as he followed his dad's gaze, "Where is the Lady of the Lake?"

"She hasn't appeared as of late..." He slowly stood up, "I believe she resides elsewhere for she wanted to help others aside from the people of Camelot."

"What was it like living with her? Were you a trouble maker like me?" Sonic asked curiously.

Lancelot looked down and smiled, "That's a story for another day." He looked up, "It's almost sundown and things tend to get a lot more dangerous at night."

"Ok..." Sonic looked down sad, "Promise we'll have another day like this one?"

Lancelot got on one knee and put his hands on Sonic's shoulders, "Promise."

Sonic smiled and remembered something, "I almost forgot!" Sonic took out a cloth from Lancelot's satchel, "We have one more!"

Lancelot and Sonic both grabbed an end and pulled.

"Looks like I get the bigger half." Lancelot smirked.

"That's because I let you." Sonic smiled.

"Since when does my son have to go easy on me?" Lancelot took a bite.

"Ever since I beat you in a race!"

Lancelot felt a rush of wind hit him as he took the last bite of the flaky pastry, "That's what you think son." Lancelot ran after him, "That's what you think."

Within seconds, he was running along side him, both enjoying the break of the head winds.

"He's gotten faster." Mephilis spoke quietly as he stood where the two used to be, "Soon, you'll learn to use that gift properly child." He began to chuckle, "Soon! Yes, very soon."

He slowly melted away into the Shadows waiting for a proper moment.

SuperSonicSpeed: Chapter end. :)

Sonic: You're cruel.

SuperSonicSpeed: Tell me something I don't know. Anywho, you all got a glimpse of Galahad and Shadow's past, plus a little father/son quality time! :) what did you think? Let me know in your reviews! Thank you so much for reading and all the other good stuff! Really appreciate the support and reviews!

Shadow: Now then, *hand glows* How about a game of tag?