SuperSonicSpeed: Guess who has another story!

Sonic: Does is have to be another father/son story?

SuperSonicSpeed: What can I say? I like those stories. Besides, I felt inspired for some reason. That and I couldn't find a fic like this one. hehe... If there are any, let me know!

Shadow: At least the setting is new.

SuperSonicSpeed: Yep! So enjoy everyone! And as usual, I OWN NONE OF THE CHARACTERS!

Swords clashed causing echoes throughout the front yards of camelot. Knighthood here, was never something that was aquired in a day. It took training, effort, and sacrifice to become the best. More clashes were heard as the knights continued raising their blades against one another. But after a while, the sound was not as overbearing as before. The sound quieted and only resonated from one point. Everyone began to walk over to the sound and observe with aw as a well heated battle between the Knights of the Round Table closed in to its finish.

They all remained in a triangle formation as they observed each other. Sir Gawain and Sir Percival showed signs of fatigue as they breathed hard and their stance was forced. Both looked at Sir Lancelot who seemed to not have broken a sweat during their battle.

"I expected more from the both of you. I thought surely you would at least make this interesting." Lancelot sheathed his sword and made his way to the castle but paused when an annoyed gruff voice interjected the air,
"I will not allow my honor to be stained by one who walks away. If you step out of the circle, you forfeit our match and your honor."

The knights in training observed Lancelot and were curious of what expression was hiding behind the knights helmet.
He turned to Gawain's direction and finally spoke,

"You had a chance to be spared from humiliation amongst our fellow knights."

He took a stance, "But if you're so eager to take that path, I'll gladly direct you there." His head turned to Percival who had removed her helmet.

She rolled her eyes, "I refuse to take part in this petty rivalry." She gestured to Lancelot while looking at Gawain,
"He's all yours."

Gawain took his stance, "Prepare yourself Lancelot, tis the day you will fall and I shall prevail!"

"Brave words," Lancelot smirked, "For someone who fights like a knave."

The knights awaited eagerly for the first move to be done. Gawain and Lancelot charged each other and met halfway.
Lancelot's Arondight clashed with one of Gawains Sacred swords. He saw as Gawain raised his second sword. He quickly used Gawains strength against him by backing up slightly, forcing Gawain to stumble forward and missing his target. Lancelot Jumped in the air and attacked, only to have his blade meet both swords. Gawain pushed Lancelot back forcing him make a backflip. He used the oportunity to soul surge but was blocked over and over. Gawain was getting frustrated as he threw his sword like a boomerang. Lancelot lifted his sword and felt the other blade skid and cause sparks on his own. Lancelot only smirked as he continued avoiding each blast.

"I've let you stand long enough. Chaos Punishment!" Lancelot dissapeared and reappeared above Gawain. He was about to land the final blow when a small bunny came running,

"Sir Lancelot! It's time! It's time!" Squeaked the voice that attempted to get through the surrounding knights.

Lancelot stopped midswing, "What!?"

Gawain was about to use that distraction to his advantage, but was surprised when he no longer saw the red streaked hedgehog. Everyone was dumbfounded as they looked around for the missing hedgehog.

Lancelot crashed through the front doors of Camelot avoiding civilians. He accidently pushed someone who was selling bread and heard an angry grunt. But he didn't care. There was something far more important to him in the castle.

"Please slow down Sir Lancelot! You know men are not allowed within the doors of the birthing room!" The cream colored bunny yelled as she followed. But it just fell to deaf ears. He ran into the castle, up a few staircases and saw many women gathered around a door. He was about to go in when all the women stood in his way, "We can not grant you entrance Sir Knight."

Lancelot took off his helmet to get a clear view of their face. Something strange floated in the air, and their saddened expressions worried him.

"What has happened?" His voice had a certain edge, but his eyes held shock when he heard the sound of an infants cries. A woman stepped out after a few minutes, holding a small bundle in her arms.

"Sir Lancelot," She looked up, "Congratulations, It's a healthy baby boy." She placed him in his arms and gazed at the baby's beautiful azure fur that was complimented by his peach fur. The baby slept soundly in the new fathers arms. But something was bothering Lancelot.

"What of my wife?" At the question, everyone looked down.

One finally stepped up, "I'm sorry, but she did not make it through the delivery."

Lancelots heart tore into pieces. His happiness shoved away by this horrible emotion known as grief.

"She did wish for one thing my lord." Another spoke, "She wanted to tell you that she will always be with both you and the baby."

Lancelot remained silent for a few minutes and finally penetrated the silence, "What is the childs name?"

The women looked at each other and whispered, "We believe she decided to leave you with the name."

The father looked at his son and realized that his son had opened his eyes. His eyes were exactly like his mothers, green pools of emerald that warmed up the hearts of even the saddest person. The baby raised his hands to attempt to touch his fathers face. As soon as the baby made contact a sudden wind rushed in, hitting his fathers face.

Lancelot smiled, "Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog."

The women retreated within the room as Lancelot began showing baby Sonic to his new home.

SuperSonicSpeed: And thats the prologue! What do you think?

Sonic: Should she continue?

Shadow: Or should I pierce this story with my Arondight?

SuperSonicSpeed: You decide! Please review and Thanks for reading!