Here I am! As you may have realised I can't just do one chapter at a time, for some reason that ain't just me. To answer the reviews, I plan to keep this almost exclusively Ash & Cynthia although other characters may come in or play minor roles, I'm not sure yet. And yes it was short and yes it was nowhere near my best as I did say, so there's no real need to pick up on it. And also, there may be other legendaries, probably, possibly, I'm not even sure myself.

"It all began 4 months ago at the Sinnoh league…" recalled Cynthia.

Flashback - 4 months ago, Sinnoh league.

"And there it is folks, another dazzling performance by the magnificent champion herself, Cynthia Shirona as she faces down yet another contender for her crown, in her usual show of skill and passion we have come to expect" called the announcer.

After going through the formalities which come with defending a championship, such as the presentation of a prize to the loser, the press conferences and the endless autographs and marriage proposals, the Champion found herself yet again behind her familiar desk in her office, returning to the work which comes when governing a region.

Her office had consisted of 3, wooden-panelled walls, with a glass one situated directly behind her, looking out over the stadia where the tournaments were once held. Atop the various pieces of furniture lay relics and artefacts she had excavated during her various archaeological digs. In the corner were a few trophies and medals she had collected during her time as a trainer, but she never felt the need to show off these things as in her mind, you were only as good as your last fight. Finally there was the desk which lay before her, cluttered with various documents and books relating to the crime rates in Pastoria, or various folklore surrounding Johto.

Just as she was settling into her work there came a sudden knock at the door. "Ms Shirona, the Elite Four members wish to speak with you outside battle stadium 3. What should I tell them?"

This surprised Cynthia as the Elite Four rarely feel the need to discuss matters unless there was an emergency or in a time of crisis, and then it was always in one of their offices. Even when they once organised Flint a surprise party, they met in Aaron's office. Cynthia decided to pay no further attention to this as the unexpected can happen when running a whole region. "Tell them I shall be right there" and with that, Cynthia picked up her coat and made her way across to the designated meeting point.

When she arrived the only person that seemed to be around was Lucian. 'Where are the rest of them?' she pondered as she made her way over to her second in command, her long blonde hair trailing behind her in the wind. "What's going on Lucian, why are we…" without a seconds warning a hand came down across the back of her shoulders forcing her to the ground. Before she could utter another word, a boot connected with her face, causing her to black out, but not before catching a glimpse at the owner of the boot... Saturn.

Flashback end.

A stunned Ash, looked upon the Sinnoh native, who looked ready to burst into tears from reliving the whole incident. "What happened to you Cynthia after that?" he asked, knowing there was more to tell.

After taking a few moments to compose herself, Cynthia explained how she was captured, beaten and then how she finally managed to escape thanks to a power outage which led to the doors in her cell to open, allowing her to retrieve her pokemon before making a swift getaway. She also explained how Lucian had taken over the league in her 'leave of absence'.

"But why would they do this to you Cynth? And why now at all times?" enquired Ash, despite knowing this was a sensitive subject, but she had started talking to him about it and had promised to explain to him why they were attacked.

"Well a few weeks previously I discovered an artefact known as the Azure flute, which as you know was what Saturn demanded I hand over." She paused, feeling guilt yet again about Ash being caught up in the middle of all this. "If you remember back to when we battled team Galactic at Spear Pillar, where they awakened Palkia and Dialga, to create their own perfect world. The Azure flute is another thing which can allow them to do this. Tell me, what do you know about the legendary known as Arceus?" asked Cynthia, her face becoming more serious now, like a school teacher lecturing a child, she was clearly in her element.

"Ugghh well… not that much really" answered Ash, rubbing his neck sheepishly.

"The legend goes that long ago, there was nothing but an egg. From this egg emerged a Pokemon, the original one, the creator, Arceus. Arceus then proceeded to create this world, starting with the Sinnoh region. From there it decided that beings were needed to help him control this world so created Dialga, the temporal Pokemon to watch over time, and Palkia, the spacial pokemon to watch over space and other dimensions and separately Girantina, a Pokemon which lives in a world the reverse of ours to maintain order and balance, but much of this you already know." She paused, allowing the raven-haired trainer to take it all in. "It then created more Pokemon in his image and then humans to walk the earth alongside them. His final act was to create the lake guardians to bestow his creatures with different qualities, Azelf – the bringer of willpower, Uxie – the bringer of knowledge and Mespirit – the bringer of emotion. After this it is said he retired to a world of his own where he has since lain dorment."

Cynthia stopped again, leaving Ash and Pikachu to ponder upon what they had just been told before the young trainer decided to inquire further. "But Cynthia, surely the one Pokemon could not have achieved all of this, and where does the Azure Flute and Team Galactic fit into all this?"

A smile crept onto Cynthia's face, partly due to the interest Ash seemed to be showing in what she was saying and partly due to the fact that she had briefly forgotten about the events which had unfolded whilst telling the story.

"Well, I didn't believe it entirely until I discovered the Azure flute itself, but now that I have it is proof to me that it is not just a myth. The Azure flute is said to be able to summon Arceus from his slumber when played at the right place at the right time, but from there, nobody knows what is supposed to happen, all of the ancient texts seem to end at this point, but this must be why Team Galactic want the Azure flute, to summon Arceus himself and more than likely attempt to capture and command it, which is also why they must be stopped and why they are tracking my down…" she paused again "… and why you were caught in the middle of it all, yet again Ash I am so sorry…" her face fell again as she left the tale and returned to reality.

Ash wiped a blonde lock from one of her teary eyes "I've said already Cynth, its fine don't worry about it and now that I've heard all this it makes it seem even more worthwhile." He smiled up at the older trainer, who suddenly felt all of her cares and fears melt away, like ice-cream left out in the sun.

"Thanks… for saving my life… for being so understanding… for being you… just everything" she replied, slowly feeling better the longer he spent in Ash's company.

Ash returned this with a smile before his face fell into a serious expression "But Cynthia there's just one thing I don't get about this whole thing. After what happened at Spear Pillar there's no more Cyrus, I thought Team Galactic disbanded. Why are they back now? Who's leading them?"

There was a long pause before Cynthia managed to choke out an answer to the previously stated question.

"Its… its… Giovanni"

Woohoo that was a looooooooooooonnnngg one! 1301 words instead of the previous 557 so I hope this makes up for that and I would like to think its better quality aswell. This sort of went on a bit quick and there was a lot of back story which I hope has provided more substance to this story. I know there are probably some continuity errors between the TV and the Film and it's too much effort to catch up on all of that now for me.

I'm also bitterly disappointed about the amount of marriage proposals I've read aswell with the grand total being 0. So feel free to review, comment or leave any delicious cake recipes on this story, bye bye.
