A Diamond So Dark...
Occurrences after Mercy's Sacrifice and the Sequel

Disclaimer: We do not own anything affiliated with Gundam Wing or its creations. Angela does own the plot and in helping, I revised and wrote the story. A joint creation. Any original characters along with Blacke Diamond sprung from either her or my own minds.

~+~ Chapter 8 ~+~
Fatal Trumps

Body falling limp upon the thin mat as bloodshot eyes closed, Quatre didn't bother with any of the tears that fell from them, pouring down his thin and pale cheeks, taking panting gasps of agony. His voice had long since gone, fleeing with the terror that took its place yet the anguish and horror that he'd suffered throughout the elongated night still rang in the large room, echoing in his ears. The boy had seen every terror ever suffered by man and gone to the edge of some of the wildest nightmares and over, plummeting into a chaotic mass of hell's own worst nightmares. Yet now? Now he lay alone, finally having lost his audience while the spectators grew weary of his constant terror, his body seized with ultimate torment. Weak thoughts filled the boy's tired mind, near lifeless eyes closing as few tears trickled from them, for he'd had no more, they all spilling during his nightmares. (Where are they? Why don't they come to help me? Please... I can't do this alone...) With a final, hopeless thought, the youth spiraled into a vast, unconscious exhaustion, appearing as if life had fled him itself, leaving him to the cold shadows.


"Prepared and ready to go, just outside the quiet base, give me a status report on their operations Wu Fei.." Softly, the concerned youth spoke, adjusting the mike and earpiece from the headset that kept him informed during the rescue, because neither knew how bad off Quatre was. It was rescue, now or never. Kayura had indeed given Wu Fei fairly accurate instructions, though they had to search a bit more to find the base, Kayura must have obviously wanted to battle with Wu Fei but not close enough to really hold her at any limitations. Emerald eyes casting downwards to check on his battery pack now secured to the waistband of his white jeans, the youth heard his reply loud and clear.

"All's ready to go here, basis of operations ready to commence. Status report for the base compound:..." Checking over the monitors and radars of Nataku one more time, readying his mind and body quickly but efficiently for an elongated battle, the youth replied with a coolness though fear underlined his words. They hadn't been able to find Quatre through surveillance systems, he was nowhere in any lines they'd intercepted of communication, and he wasn't in their data banks. For all they knew, Quatre may not even be alive when they went in. "..Compound is silent, heat sensors finding a few guards on patrol but most are seemingly asleep for the time. Mission: under commencement and about to engage in battle." Standing Nataku to the gundam's fullest, the gundam gleaming under the brightly lit sun hanging high like a guiding lantern in the heavens. "Once I draw her out, go_find_Quatre."

Nodding to the simple comments, Trowa listened and watched through the umbrage, keeping his eyes keenly on the entrance. One tensed hand lay across the bark of a tree's gnarled trunk, the other rested strictly at his side with gun in hand, ready. "Just a little longer Quatre... just a little longer."

~^~ Clicking sounded in the hallways with each step, cat-like movements and eyes scanning over the largest door, guarding the prisoner at the end of the hallway. Kayura had grown weary of the boy's continual, airy screams and his struggles ceased to amuse her any further, though he had to be checked on. (Maybe he's still passed out, or maybe... just maybe, he died through the night. He's getting to be more of a hassle than he's worth,) were her icy and bitter thoughts, smirking as she threw open the door and flashed on the light to see a single, ghostly pale form laying upon the mat in the corner, silent and unmoving. Again, her once stopped steps clicked across the room, the echo sounding of her form drawing closer to his own. "Well well, still in nappy time or do we have the guts to wake up?"

Quatre flittered back and forth between consciousness, pulled to it by her ominous taunting and chiding, a soft groan spilling from his lips but all that sounded of it was a soft hiss. He couldn't do it, he just couldn't go through any more of those drugs or he'd die for certain. Once bold blue eyes fluttered open, now no more than a grayish teal as they'd lost all of their shine to life, pale lips parting in a silent plea but only wispy breaths were heard. Where were the others?! Wasn't anyone coming? Trying to close his eyes to the harsh and fiery light of the room around his frame, he only felt a sharp, leather boot contact with his ribs and side, forcing a coughing fit from his already paled lips. Nearly the same spot he'd been kicked sharply in before. Great, there go his ribs, and they were just starting to hurt a little less... Soon, all fell silent again, but a little color was added to Quatre's own form, a bold red tainting his lips as it seeped from the corner of his mouth, but that was about the only color left in his tormented body. His soul may be strong, but it was becoming weary and quickly, he didn't have the energy left to fight and his loyalty faded like a candle who's flame had burned for far too long. (Please... help me... or let me die and end this all...) Another attempt was given to fall into his exhaustion as silence fell fully over the two, but again he was wrenched from such a blissful state of numbness and unknowing by a second, sharper kick. A broken cry managed to escape his lips, hoarsely and between the airy remainders of his own raw voice. This was just low. These creatures had no pride, no mercy, no humanity. The war didn't need them, why couldn't they just all give it up!?

Kayura found this somewhat amusing in place of the child's continual screams of absolute terror, though the alarms sounded with wails while her hand lay outstretched for his throat, figure bent with more of a cat's agility. Only a broad smirk widened on her coy lips while the woman straightened, eyes resting excitedly on the door but she never broke her poise. "Look who finally came to pick up their delivery... good. This should be interesting." Laughter, heartless and sadistically amused, escaped her lips while Kayura herself turned gracefully on her heal, and strode for the door. "You'd better get comfy, but don't worry, you'll have another one joining you all too soon..."

Relief! Finally, a welcome numbness swept over his body, though now, Quatre struggled to keep from it in a completely ironic change of what he wanted. The others were here? Wu Fei came? Fire burned inside of his soul once more, sparking and racing high anew, though it flickered and fell somewhat, hearing another enter the room and for lack of strength of himself. He was just so tired still. (I'm not sure how much longer I can hold out.... my friend...)

Danya, silent per usual and with only a syringe in hand at Kayura's request, strode in more of a leisurely manner towards the gasping child, in full knowledge that a battle raged between their own forces and a very skilled pilot. Zero-five himself. Interest sparked in her eyes, the pilots were amazing in themselves, especially since the feared and revered Perfect Soldier himself seemed no more than a boy! In truth, even Danya, herself, wanted to watch the spectacular battle, but none the less, kneeled at Quatre's side with the syringe in hand. Raising his cold and pale arm to her own level, she began the next injection, it dangerous in consideration that the hallucinogen still coursed through his veins. No word was spoken, seemingly as emotionless as the legendary Zero-one.

A flinch and airy whimper were all that the young Winner could manage, recognizing the familiar prick of the needle being inserted. Not again! Why couldn't he rest? Closing his eyes weakly, Quatre felt himself fall unmoving, regardless if he wanted to or not; he wouldn't have the energy to do so. His breathing slowed to near nothing, as the kinder realization struck him before the youth fell into another deep unconsciousness. It was thankfully the sedative.


Wu Fei struck hard and easily, agility serving him well as did Nataku, shielding most attacks but it didn't fully escape unscathed. Maybe a hit or two, but these "soldiers" were far from trained formally, nor skilled. They were messy, quick to strike, and they did so within close range combat. The young warrior's own specialty. "You guys should really do your homework before you go picking fights! Like starting one by taking_my_friend!" Eyes flashed towards his secondary monitor, watching the heat sensors and positions of all the soldiers within the compound itself, and caught Trowa's form, making his way along unseen and hopefully successful in his findings.

Keeping his breathing to nearly a whisper of a whisper, the young acrobat made his way around the compound itself, having memorized the outline within minutes while the cunning fox himself went unseen. (Two more corridors, then the last door on the right... Please be well, Quatre. We're coming.) Still, no one was around to stop, they were all busy with Wu Fei's attacks, but it was that sudden thought that struck him. Wouldn't they put someone on guard of Quatre? Who would be stupid enough to think that they wouldn't come for the boy? Unless one of two options occurred. 1) It was a trap, or 2) Quatre wasn't alive. Shaking the thought from his head, he continued on, pulling back into a dark corner and remaining motionless and sinking back into the nothingness of the shadows while a large group of soldiers passed on patrol.


A soft groan came from the unmoving form of Heero, before a flinch and stir of the restless boy. Silence came to his keen ears besides his own breathing while there was a calm security in the air. Prussian eyes slowly opened to the sound of stocking footsteps crossed the ground, and he realized once again that he was within the safe house. Unexpected to enter was Sally, her own movements tired. Where was Duo, Trowa, and Wu Fei? "Wh-why are you...."

Sally only ignored the boy's question, but did silence him with a soft hand to his lips, before returning the cool cloth to wash over his cheeks, neck, and finally to rest on his forehead. Half of her almost expected to be bitten, or for him to continue with a glare her way after she removed her hand, but he remained silent. "You should be getting some more rest, Heero. You're wounded enough as it is. And I guess that's about as good of a welcome as I'm going to get from you, so, it's good to see you too." A smirk played on her lips, but the young woman only pulled the blankets away and the shirt up, her worry resting on his lower stomach wound. It still bled from time to time with his feverish and restless delirium, but the fever had nearly broken. "This might hurt a little, and I know even you'll feel it; you're tired enough." At such, Sally took back the field tape from the paled skin, removing the bandages from the freshly stitched wound.

Hissing sharply and only wincing at the movement of the air itself around the wound, he gave a weak glare towards the ceiling, clenching the blankets only a little. Yes it hurt, heck, it hurt to breathe right now. If he kept getting beat up like that, he could just as well do without the ribs at all. But thankfully, he was "let off the hook" so to say. Sensing something more as he only closed his eyes, his mind worried and his body tired, the youth spoke again; his voice deep as always but soft and somewhat airy. "You all lied to me... didn't you? Quatre was never... brought along. Th-that's why Trowa isn't seen or heard, and neither is Wu Fei."

With a disapproving look, she spoke calmly to this statement. "You always were too observant for your own good, but regardless of what you want to do to that knowledge, you're staying here to rest." Reaching into her small kit bag and pulling out a large bottle of amber liquid, she smirked at his slightly amazed look. "I came prepared, and I'm not afraid to put you in a drug induced state of calmness with this sedative. We'll worry about you getting addicted to it later..." With a growing smirk, she only laughed at the unconscious pout from the boy.

Heero only turned in somewhat disgust and irritation away from Sally to watch the covered window, watching each shadow pass by the sunlight. It wasn't like he could really move anyway. But in truth, he did want to get up and help; he was again worried for the younger aristocrat.


Slaying the last of the suits that attempted to destroy Wu Fei himself, the young warrior only relaxed his hands a little from the controls, the area around him littered with metal and created more of a circle. "Wu Fei here; we are down to one mobile suit standing, and I get to take that title..." Or that's what he thought, before trailing off. A mobile suit, designed much like the gundam itself though with a few modifications on its own unique plan and design, stepped from the entrance with two heated daggers. They were half the size of a beam saber, made fully of gundanium, and seemingly modeled in attack like the blades of Sandrock. Its armor was slightly like 01's, but the wings extended to draw in energy for the large beam saber held in its scabbard, the wings themselves used for shields as well; crafted like dragon wings. The suit was of deep navy, black and silver streaks along its profile to give the appearance of a dragon. "Who..."

"Come at last, Dragon? Then let the battle of fire begin..." The vixen's coy voice spoke in sick amusement. "You missed all the fun, but I'm not too sure how much longer that child's going to survive on his own. That, and I think I'm outgrowing my new toy.."

A soft growl of frustration and anger was all that came from Wu Fei as he quickly composed himself, speaking in a deadly calmness. "You'll pay for ever touching him. I'll see to it personally." Watching her movements carefully and the woman stupidly rush first, he made his own counterstrike with the claw of Nataku; the battle has begun.


With his hand on the door frame, he swiftly but quietly pushed it aside, gun aimed and eyes shooting swiftly about the room for danger. Trowa caught nothing but two forms, a paled young man with platinum blonde hair and an older woman standing over him, gun aimed at the unmoving form's head. His expression flashed in anger but immediately composed its natural mask, emotionless and without feelings. Inside though, he didn't know what to expect. Quatre had to be alive, if she was using him as a threat. But then again, it could be a trap. God, Quatre looked like hell. There was no color left in his nearly white features, claw-markings seen over his arms along with bruises and some scars that appeared possible lashings, his eyes closed but rimmed with deep bands of red. He didn't even appear alive. Anger rushed through the youth, but logic was his highest point, and he wore that mask of secure confidence and knowledge well, watching the woman who but stepped closer towards Quatre's unmoving form.

Danya met the eyes of the youth, they were a cold and bitter emerald, but concern was evident in underlining such a calm rage. So, two gundam pilots came. He too was no more than 16 or 17. Was the pilot of Zero-Five a teenager too? Maybe they all were. Her voice, seemingly dead of even more emotion than Heero could manage kept soft, only reaching behind her own frame to flick off a light or two, dimming the bright room. It gave her the advantage of better sight and aim. Her disadvantage was, it gave the same to this young man. "I believe you are the said Zero-four? You didn't think we'd leave him..", as she motioned with a soft flick of the wrist towards Quatre who fell into a soft, but mildly violent coughing frenzy. "..Unattended, did you? Though it pleases me to see that you came prepared. Now, drop your gun, and kick it over here.."

Trowa was held at bay, and a small grin came to hint at his lips at Quatre's feeble coughs, even though realization told him that Quatre was by far worse off than expected. It'd been nearly 4 days since they had taken the first base, and it wasn't like they could really determine how badly off Quatre was before the left. But now, to aid the poor boy, he slowly put the gun down upon the floor, never moving his eyes from this woman's, and rose, kicking the gun with the side of his foot and listening to its soft clatter across the metal floor. And silence passed again between the two, this time, Trowa observing the woman before him for any weak key points or distractions. She was of fair and tall build, enough to handle herself it seemed, but slim and could be considered very pretty. Her sky- blue hair fell loosely against her back, resting its ends at her waist, though it would be a little longer if not for the natural ripple and curl to the strands. Her eyes seemed almost silver, they were such brilliant light blues, and her features were a just a shade under tan. She stood only slightly taller than himself and looked to be within her early twenties. One special thing noticed, was that she was careful as she too took up his gun, never letting any guard down, or anything slip that might be her undoing. Yet again, at a soft attempt to stir, he shot his glance towards the youth he'd come in search of, and only felt the greatest sympathy and pity.

Danya, now with all she could see of his weaponry, stepped back though kept the barrel and aim trained on Quatre fatally. Once about two to three feet away, for her own safety, she was certain to nearly have broken the boy's entire charade, at least for a few short moments, as her lips parted once more to speak calmly and softly to the boy before her.


With a slight triumphant smirk, Wu Fei pulled back sharply and reached over, catching the second suit's hand within the dragon's claw, restraining her from attack. This vixen was rather ironically skilled, next to her subordinates. For the last 5 minutes, she'd held her own quite well against Wu Fei, though it was almost like a set stalemate. Neither had backed down, she appeared for pride, he for loyalty and justice raging through him in revenge on his friend's behalf, and both fought fiercely. However, the young warrior himself seemed to have the upper hand in this battle, as Miss Kayura's endurance seemed to run short and teeter off. "Well, if this isn't quite the situation now... is this when we talk over tea and crumpets and maybe a game of croquette? I admit, you've done well, you're actually a challenge to battle."

Laughter was the only thing that came from Kayura, her composed and graceful figure and feline like stance dropped as her voice and actions were wild, almost desperate. "I didn't know you PLAYED!" With the last word, a sharp wrench was pulled of the arm off to the side, dropping the claw and watching one of the "talons" snap off, the dagger in turn thrust again sharply at his defensive arm. She studied his tactics, he led with his left arm, he must be right dominant. (This'll give you a challenge, babe. NOW come play..)

Giving a shout and pulling back sharply with a low growl, Wu Fei caught the sparking and short circuiting of Nataku's arm, his main attacking strength. Crap. Trying to move it, only a screeching of metal was heard and he knew the arm was now useless. "Trowa, hurry it up... she's getting awfully feisty up here.." Pulling back sharply once again, the youth tried to use the right arm for blocking, but it wasn't as equipped for attacks. No, and his aim was off, this wasn't good. Not getting a word from Trowa, he tried to call back to him and avoid the woman before him. She was in it for the kill and had seemed to have lost her mind.


Trowa didn't hear a word he said, still staring at Danya, as she'd given her name and he surprisingly his upon her "request" in threatening Quatre further, and only dared to take a step forward. "What trick is this?"

"No trick, but if you don't take him now, and leave, I'll be forced to kill him and you." Danya, in this, was dead serious.

Trowa dared another step forward, and Danya only lowered the guns and stepped from Quatre's side, leaving him open. This had to be some messed up trick. But, he had to know how bad exactly Quatre was, other than how bad he looked. A slow trot was all the fastest he let himself take, kneeling by Quatre's side with no other glance towards Danya herself, one hand gently brushing back the boy's bangs to find he just barely graced the skin, and already felt the burning heat of fever. "Shit...." He found a very slow, soft pulse along with weaker but deep breaths, glad at least for that. Managing to slip one strong arm behind the boy's shoulders, the rest of Quatre's body frozen as ice, lifted him close and watched with a little more surprise and slight more trust towards the young woman who was letting them go; as the chains and cuffs had fallen off easily from the boy's wrists. Yet still, the youth in his harms was no more than a rag doll, laying limply while Trowa, too, wrapped his right arm beneath his friend's legs. Standing with a grace and poise just as easy as a bird would take to the skies upon a cool summer wind, emerald spheres once more turned towards the woman standing off to his side. "You're serious about this... you'll let us leave?"

Danya felt her patience begin to ebb away, though knew he was by far right in his position to be suspicious. Why shouldn't he be? In truth, she was surprised more so that he was trusting her enough. "If you don't leave now, the sedative will counter-mix with the hallucinogen which is still in his system and have fatal effects. Give him the mixture I gave you, though we don't have any more syringes, and he'll be going through more hell, but it'll leave his system with no more than having to see a few more nightmares." Amazingly enough, her voice held a hint of compassion and urgency, but it was very rare.

The silent clown too noticed the tone, taking only very slight assurance within it, backing up but always keeping his eyes upon her. Only momentarily startled when she slide the young man's gun back to him, before tossing hers to the side and injecting herself with something, did he manage to kick it up carefully more like a hacky-sack and marvelously catch the gun should he need it, without dropping the younger aristocrat. His own reward from Quatre's frame was that of a groan, soft and very airy, voice broken, but enough there to discern it from a normal breath. (Hang on Quatre, we're here now, we're right here. Just hang on, you'll be back and resting peacefully in no time.) Only turning and sprinting back down the halls, careful and silent in his work, he watched the youth in his arms carefully. (Just a little _longer_.)


Pulling back sharply and finally taking a second to catch his breathing, Wu Fei flexed his tiring hands and arms; she just didn't give up. He'd managed to knock her down pretty hard, but her fighting was wild and feverish, it was all or nothing on her part. What did she have to lose? In his case, he had everything, and couldn't fight as he wanted to. He'd not heard anything yet from Trowa and he was trying to keep her preoccupied ENOUGH in hopes that the rescue was complete and successful. "What's happening down there, Trowa?!" But he had no time to hear his reply, watching Kayura rise once more, and this time, her monitor came on, an insane grin across her lips. "You're starting to get really annoying... that have medication for that. It's called depressants. That, and a shrink! I think I can get you numbers of some good ones..."

With a wild flash of her eyes and an insane laughter, she spoke in an undefined victory. "Stop and surrender yourself, or the brat dies!"


"You heard me, boy.. give it up. I_won't_lose!" Again, a high pitched ringing of hyena's laughter shot over the intercom, and she brought up another order. "Apprehend the boy... ooh! Look what we've got! Two..."

Trowa now had nearly lost all feeling in his left arm and side, wincing and leaning hard against the wall, trying to keep Quatre up as he lay, drenched in sweat and shaking in his arms. "Wu Fei... we've got some trouble I couldn't avoid.."

Curses left his lips right and left, Wu Fei dropping his hands from the controls to return a hateful glare and scowl to Kayura's own cheesy smile. "Fine.." 'Damn it Trowa, why didn't you tell me about any of this?!' Again looking to the second screen on his monitor, he couldn't help but give a little whine at Quatre's appearance. He looked like a ghost. His body lay limp in Trowa's arms, and he couldn't tell that Quatre was even alive, except that Trowa's facial expression was that of worry, enough to prove the second boy's life.

Swallowing hard as his vision began to fade and double before swaying between clear and singled, the youth only moved slightly with a deep wince, moving Quatre back up in his tired arms. This was starting to really hurt. His entire shoulder, down the back, and through his side and arm was on fire, but he didn't show it. The half-circle of soldiers around them, with guns aimed in close rage for fatal shot, seemed almost to slowly close in even when they didn't move. 'What are...' A sharp explosion along with a rough shove to his side had him stumbling through a cloud of smoke, looking up only to see Danya with a deep glare. "You..."

"_I_ am giving you one more chance to get out of here or I'll shoot you myself... Get.." With no more than those words, she turned, releasing fire on the staggering soldiers who gagged and coughed, attempting to get everything straight. There may yet be more to this one than seen. And the sirens continued to wail, emergency sounding; the horn of downfall and doom.

Trowa only took that one chance to sprint, heading instantly towards the exit as quickly as he could, only cutting one corner sharply, feeling another white hot bullet sear into his lower back, causing him to slam his shoulder hard into the wall. That got a curse from him, before he stumbled only a little, unstopping in his sprint as he turned a little, catching his lower back on the bar as the door opened. He was just continually screwing himself over, now wasn't he? That didn't matter at this moment, as the only words that escaped his mouth after that, his eyes set on the goal of the jeep. "FINISH HER!"

Wu Fei didn't need to be told, the second had barely gotten out the beginning of the "F" before he took the controls again, for Kayura had figured she'd rush him now and try for surprise. One dragon claw was thrown up, aimed at the cockpit, and released, but was he quick enough in pulling back, because she had a beam saber stashed away, and it was a lot closer, aimed straight at his own cockpit.

Rei: Yeah, it's me, Star. Okay, I know I haven't updated in forever..

Trowa: Slacker..

Heero: I second that notion..

Duo: *looks up* What are we arguing on now?

Quatre: ..... Duo, go back to your cookies...

Wu Fei: *you just hear metal clash against metal in the next room*

Rei: *hangs head and sweatdrops* Shuddup guys... I didn't ask your opinions.... DON'T MAKE ME CUT IN ON THE SUGAR STASHES!

*they all shut up*

Rei: *grins sweetly and smirks* There we go... anyway, I've been so busy with school, I got a job, and I've gone through two moves and major honor classes that try to kill me and I've finally got something done! That, and writer's block doesn't help...

Trowa: I upped my payment on the sugar is what's wrong with her...

Rei: YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE MY MUSE!!!!! NOT AN AGENT! Geesh.. *sigh* Anyway.......... thanks for waiting all, and this should be ending sometime soon, we're in the last few chapters. I've got the next one nearly done, so don't worry too much on how long this one'll take... *looks inside head and sees the last struggling brain cell finally die off* Okay... I'm gonna have to steal some more from you guys.... now..... who to pick on? *evil grin as they all back out of the room*

Ang: *puts down book she was reading* For heaven's sakes! Some of us are t- r-y-i-n-g to study here! *thinks* Hey, Rei! I want some sugar!

Quatre: *comes in the back way* Hey, Ang, did you really have to think up this stuff? Wouldn't it have been more productive to worry about your schoolwork, rather than create harsh situations for us?

Ang: Ummm. Nope. Now please go away, unless you have a cookie for this poor college student who has to study all the time.

Quatre: *gives a soft sigh and walks away*

Ang: *amused laugh* Okay. So, huzzahs to Rei for finishing this chapter!

All: *cheers of joy*

Ang: And thank you's to all of our readers who have waited patiently. I promise your waiting will not have been in vain. Feel sorry for Heero. Feel sorry for Quatre. Feel sorry for Trowa, poor thing. And stay tuned. This trip isn't over yet. *goes back to her studying, muttering* Don't forget to review. Rei always needs more written encouragement.