Greetings fellow readers and writers! This is the sixth volume of Path of the Keyblade Master and I hope you like it! Okay, we're right where we left off at the end of volume 5 in the world of Monster High. But now we're delving into a different world, one of fantasy and wonder, the world of Miyazaki's Spirited Away, while also containing elements and characters of Tangled, Yu Yu Hakusho, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Kamen Rider Black, while also having stuff from Harry Potter and Monster High, albeit to a slightly lesser degree than last volume. Time wise, this volume takes place five years after the events of Spirited Away, just after the short sequel to Tangled, Tangled Ever After, between Kamen Rider Black and Kamen Rider Black RX, after Season 3 of MLP: FIM and in between the story arcs 'Rescue Yukina' and 'The Dark Tournament' in Yu Yu Hakusho.
Once again I must point out that because I'm blending in so much and making a few chances so the different elements and themes mix properly, some of you may not like this story. Some of you might downright hate it. Well, that's your prerogative, it is a free country. But don't clog up the reviews with negative rants on how awful the story is. If you don't like it, don't read it. Just so long as everyone remembers that THIS IS FANFICTION!
Now, I don't owe any of the stuff in this fic except for my original characters Everything else belongs to their respective copyright owners, so please don't sue me, I'm just trying to tell a good story. And now, the saga of Kingdom Hearts continues…
Prolog: Missions Within Missions
…Waldorf-Astoria Hotel…Manhattan…
"Are you listening to me, Sora? Sora?"
Sora broke out of his fugue at the sound of Alegra's voice. For a second he had forgotten where he was. Sora then remembered that he, his fellow Keyblade Wielders, his allies in The Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense and several goodhearted Monsters, had left the underground chamber in Central Park and relocated to the secret floors in The Waldorf-Astoria Hotel that The Bureau used as it's New York City headquarters. "Huh? Oh, sorry! I was thinking…"
"About Kairi, yes?" Alegra asked, "well, I did promise that you and Kairi would be together again, that your bond would be stronger than ever. I keep my promises."
"But first we have to be Alegra's errand runners again," said an irate Tess. She, Riku, Aiden, Tess, Malcolm, Roxas, Naminé and Sora were in a meeting room in one of the three secret floors of the hotel that The Bureau used.
"Yes, but this time, you know what's coming," said Alegra.
"You don't have to remind us what's on the line," said Riku.
Sora would be hard pressed to forget the events of the past two days, especially what happened the night before.
Sora, Tess, Riku and Malcolm had chased after Kairi, whose mind had been cursed by Maleficent. A freak accident at Hogwarts had caused them to fall into a world where Monsters lived alongside humans, or Normies as they're called, while The Bureau acted as enforcers of the law, intervening when a Monster is corrupted from his, her or its own good nature and descends into the darkness.
Kairi had, quite literarily, fallen on top one of those goodhearted Monsters, one Frankie Stein. Kairi felt assured by Frankie and her fellow Monsters that they would keep her safe and welcomed her as a friend, while Sora and his group joined forces with The Bureau, meeting several alternate versions of The Ramblers that they had already met.
Sora's group wound up helping The Bureau protect the last intact copy of The Necronomicon as it was put on display at a museum. But the gala was crashed by alternate versions of The Trix, whom murdered two Bureau agents and kidnapped Jill's adopted daughter Violet Baudelaire, whom had grabbed The Necronomicon and was, seemingly, protected by the dark book.
At the same time, Kairi and her new friends were attacked by a group of drug-addled Monster Haters whom sought to cleanse the world of Monsters. One thing lead to another, resulting in the two groups teaming up to fight their combined enemies. The Trix and The Monster Haters planned to sacrifice Violet and two others to Yog-Sothoth in exchange for power.
The crisis was made even more complicated when it was revealed that Solaris Pretorius, a consultant scientist for The Bureau and co-creator of Frankie, was in fact in cahoots with The Trix and Monster Haters. Then things were made even more complicated when Count Olaf revealed himself as the true mastermind of the crisis, hoping that Yog-Sothoth would make him a living god.
Solaris then revealed that she had set the villains up for an epic fail. One thing lead to another, resulting in our heroes destroying most of the Monster Haters, while the alternate Icy and Darcy were slain and the alternate Stormy captured. Violet and her fellow sacrifices were rescued before Olaf could use The Necronomicon, but then the insidious actor murdered Shawn Ohmsford, just when Shawn and Violet realized their true love.
Her heart shattering, Violet shot Olaf and was ready to finish him off. It was then revealed that everything had been set up by the vile Columbina, a mysterious woman whom sought to corrupt Violet, whom was a potential Princess of Heart. Columbina's plan involved fracturing Violet's heart, then turning her to the darkness by committing an act of evil; murdering Olaf in cold blood. The effect of which would have rendered Violet into a Princess of Dark.
With the help of Jill and everyone who loved her, Violet cast aside her vengeance, while Solaris took her revenge on Olaf. Columbina then tried to kill Violet but her attempts at murder were thwarted by our heroes. But in the process, Kairi, whom had her cursed memories suppressed so she could function in the mission, had her defiled memories returned and she was terrified of Sora and the others again. Columbina then summoned a portal that Kairi fled into. The vile woman then taunted Sora with the thought that he would never see Kairi again.
That's when Alegra showed up, challenging Columbina to find Kairi first. If Alegra got to her first, the curse on Kairi's mind would be lifted and the bond between her and Sora would be stronger than ever. If Columbina found Kairi first, then Kairi would be destroyed forever. At the same time, both Alegra and Columbina put a mysterious item into the pot, an item that only they know the truth of, something that Columbina desperately needs.
Columbina then vanished, while Alegra told Sora and the others that she knows how to find Kairi, but first they have to help her. Failing to see an alternative, Sora and the others agreed to assist Alegra in her task.
That was a few hours ago. The Bureau had secured the few Monster Haters whom had surrendered, while additional agents were on the hunt for the few Monster Haters who fled. The leader of the Monster Haters, Lucas Vega, had been driven completely insane as a result of the final battle and was locked up in a secure holding cell, while the captured Stormy was in the medical wing of the hotel headquarters, unconscious from her part in the battle.
"I know you're upset about what happened, Sora," said Alegra, "I know you want to go rescue Kairi now and damn the consequences. But you can't, not while she is still under the curse."
"Which is why we have to find her before she gets worse!" said Sora, "before she goes complete nuts! Before that evil, evil Columbina finds her first!"
"We will find her first," said Alegra, "but not until all is in place, not until I have brought in the right people to cure her mind and counter whatever Columbina is planning. Any missteps and Kairi will be lost to us forever, while at the same time, Columbina will have acquired that which will make her utterly invincible."
"Just what is this thing that she needs?" Aiden asked, "and just who or what is Columbina."
"You'll be the first I tell when I figure that out," said Alegra, "she's still a mystery, one that I fully intend to solve. As to what she needs, I truly don't have it, whatever 'it' is. But whatever 'it' is, I gave my word that I would give 'it' to her. I suspect that it is an item that only a time traveler, such as myself, can get."
"And what about making Sora and Kairi's bond stronger?" Tess asked.
"That'll have to wait until we save her," said Alegra, "but first thing's first; your mission."
"Hold on a second," said Malcolm, "Sora may have agreed to help you, but not me. I've got my own problems to worry about."
"Malcolm!" exclaimed Tess, "I thought we were a team!"
"We are," said Malcolm, "but I can't waste time being manipulated by 'Ms. Manipulator' here." he then tapped his head, "I've got the identities of the new Princesses of Heart in this noggin and I can't remember any of them. I've got to work my way around my blackouts before Columbina finds another potential Princess and turns her to the darkness."
"If you had been paying attention, Malcolm," said Alegra, "you would have heard me when I said that your problem would be solved as well. In time, the memories that you lost to your blackouts will be restored. But first, you Keyblade Wielders have a little job to do."
"A job that doesn't make sense," said Riku, "why do you want us to go to a bathhouse?"
"Not that we wouldn't mind going to a bathhouse," said Aiden, "especially one that's part of some kind of resort. But still, there's a time and a place for everything."
"All too true," said Alegra. She then sighed and sat in one of the chairs situated around a large table in the room, "look, we can argue back and forth until the next Mayan Long Count comes around and it won't do a damn bit of good to anyone, except for Columbia. The longer we delay, the closer she gets to getting what she needs in place to win."
"And just what do you need to get in place for you to win?" Tess asked, "besides gambling with Kairi's life and ours."
"I've got people to see," said Alegra, "favors to call in and alliances to make. Columbina is, no doubt, going to throw some of the most vile villains and malicious minions she can get her hands on at you guys and I've got to counter her."
Alegra then looked at Tess, "look, I know you're still pissed at me. I accept that, and I accept that you'll probably never forgive me. But for the moment, at least until Kairi is safe, cast aside your animosity for me."
"She's our best chance at saving Kairi," said Sora, "I don't like any more than you do, Tess, but what choice do we have?"
"None," said Tess, "which sucks," she then sat down, "but that doesn't mean we can't cooperate."
"Then I'll explain things more clearly," said Alegra, "this isn't an ordinary bathhouse you'll be visiting. It's a bathhouse for spirits. Not ghosts, but creatures that are the embodiment of living things; animals, plants, mountains, rivers, lakes and everyday objects come to life. These spirits visit the bathhouse to rejuvenate their powers and energies. It's all part of the great pattern of life that keeps existence in balance.
"This bathhouse is accessed on a specific parallel world in a village in Japan. This village will be your first stop. From there you are to locate one Ognio Chihiro, a young woman whom has had experience with this bathhouse in her childhood. She will show you the way into the sprit realm."
"Anything else we need to know about this Ognio Chihiro?" Riku asked.
"Three things," said Alegra, "one, she's a Karate black belt. Two, she's very passionate about protecting the environment and cleaning up pollution."
"Sounds like a really great girl," said Tess.
"She's a good person with a great heart," said Alegra, "stubborn, freely speaks her mind, ready to do the right thing and always learns from her mistakes. But here's the most important thing; it's imperative that she survives what is to come. No matter what, Ognio Chihiro must not die."
"So we've got to protect her," said Riku, "and this will help us save Kairi?"
"In the long run, yes," said Alegra, "now, after you've arrived in the spirit realm and reached the bathhouse, you are to make contact with the bathhouse owner, the witch Yubaba. She's a…difficult one, that she is."
"How difficult?" Sora asked cautiously.
"She'll do just about anything to earn a profit," said Alegra, "greed is her favorite sin. She's also very cunning. No matter what, do not let her try to make a deal with you, especially if it involves writing your name on a contract."
"What's so bad about that?" Sora asked.
"I can guess," said Malcolm.
"Aside from being an accomplished magic user," said Alegra, "Yubaba has the power to steal your name. If she takes your name, you'll be her slave until she releases you."
"I guessed right," said Malcolm.
"She can't do that!" exclaimed Tess, "I just found out my real family name. I don't want anyone to take it away from me."
"Then don't write your name down in front of Yubaba," said Alegra. "But you can when you're with Zeneba, Yubaba's twin sister, she's more pleasant to be around with, assuming Zeneba decides to get herself involved in her sister's affairs. But, you'll mostly be dealing with Yubaba."
"And what will we be dealing with Yubaba?" Riku asked.
At that Alegra smiled, "here's where things get complicated."
"They're not complicated now?" Tess asked.
"Let me correct myself," said Alegra, "here's where things get more complicated. As we speak, an as of yet unidentified dark force is menacing Yubaba's bathhouse and the surrounding environments; demons and Heartless. So far no one has been injured or attacked, but more and more dark creatures are appearing and scarring off customers. At the same time, the ones controlling them remain in the shadows."
"Typical villain behavior," said Aiden, "send the cannon fodder to do the dirty work while they remain safe and comfy in their lair."
"More or less," said Alegra, "once Yubaba knows that you lot are Keyblade Wielders, she'll…request…your assistance in riding the area of Heartless and demons."
"If this is the spirit world," said Malcolm, "and the spirit world has its own government and police, why can't Yubaba ask for help from the authorities? And why can't she do anything if she's such an accomplished magic user?"
"She wouldn't be asking for help if she could handle the problem herself," said Alegra, "no doubt she has some secrets that she doesn't want the authorities of the spirit world to be digging into."
"Doesn't surprise me that much," said Riku.
"So, we've got to fight a bunch of Heartless and demons in order to find Kairi?" Tess asked.
"I will help you find her after I gather together the necessary allies," said Alegra, "aside from the ones whom shall break the curse and heal Kairi's mind, I'll also be gathering additional warriors whom shall join you in battle."
"We can handle a bunch of demons and Heartless," said Roxas.
"And a greedy witch," said Aiden, "we just killed and captured an alternate version of The Trix."
"What is going to happen to the Stormy we caught?" Naminé asked.
"From what I heard," said Riku, "she's in a deep coma and will be transferred to a maximum security hospital, same goes for Lucas Vega."
"That guy was seriously sideways," said Sora.
"If I may get back on track," said Alegra in an annoyed tone, "you will need this additional help. I can't explain why, not now anyway, but please believe me, you're going to need all the help you can get."
"I'd like to meet these new warriors before we fight with them," said Tess.
"You'll get your chance soon," said Alegra, "but if it'll make you feel better, you'll have a few friends you already know coming with you."
"Who could that be?" Sora asked.
"Let's go meet them," said Alegra. With that she stood up, as did Sora and the others. They walked out of the meeting room and went to a larger one where Patricia Walker, Deputy Director of The BPRD, waited for them.
"I've taken into account your request, Alegra," said Patricia as she stood up, leaning on her cane, "I'm not happy about it though."
"But you have considered it," said Alegra.
"Yes," said Patricia, "and my superiors in Washington have been informed. They're just as unhappy as I am, perhaps more so. But, considering that it is you who made the request, my superiors and I feel…obligated…to grant it."
"Why are you obligated to help Alegra?" Tess asked.
"She helped out The Bureau three times since its beginning," said Patricia, "incidences which I'd rather not go into detail. Needless to say, we believe that lending assistance to Alegra's cause would repay the debt owed."
"I'm glad we could come to an agreement," said Alegra.
"But only four!" Patricia insisted, "I can only let four operatives go with you."
"So aside from us," said Sora, indicating Riku, Tess, Aiden, Malcolm, Roxas and Naminé, "as well as Tara, Jana and Hezekiah, we'll have four more Bureau agents."
"Who will they be?" Tess asked.
"I can let you have Steven, Julia, Felicia and Mark," said Patricia, "those four have had their broken limbs mended; they're fortunate that their wounds weren't as serious as we thought. Everyone else, including Jill, Max and Katina, are on their way back to Washington as we speak, along with the bodies of our fallen." she then sighed, "we've got a lot of funerals to plan."
"John Baxter, Rebecca Covington, Ken Somerset and Shawn Ohmnsford," said Malcolm solemnly, "may their spirits rest peacefully in the summerlands."
"Let's not forget those who were seriously wounded," said Patricia, "it'll be a while before Leon can run again, while Jessie has optic nerve damage and may need corrective surgery."
"Oh, that's bad," said Naminé, "will she have to give up being part of The Bureau?"
"She's still part of The Bureau," said Patricia, "even if she suffers vision deficiency. She can still train new recruits and provide backup support."
"And what about Violet?" Riku asked, "will she be alright?"
"I hope so," said Patricia, "that girl has suffered so much in a relatively short time; losing her parents and home, being shuffled from one foster home to another, enduring the incompetence of her caregivers and the torments of Olaf, being kidnapped by The Trix and nearly sacrificed to Yog-Sothoth, losing her true love and being manipulated by that wretched Columbina. It's a miracle that she's still sane."
"Violet's fractured heart will heal," said Alegra, "Jill, Klaus, Sunny and everyone else in The Bureau will help the healing process, while Violet will make new friends and eventually find new love. As for Lilith von Hellscream, she has a long and difficult road ahead of her, but she will become a great hero whom will help bring the worlds of Normies and Monsters closer together."
"Is this a prediction?" Tess asked, "or a fact you learned through time travel?"
"A little of column A and a little of column B," said Alegra, "now, aside from Meta Humans, a handful of Monsters shall accompany Sora and the others."
"Monsters?" Sora asked.
"I don't think that's a good idea," said Riku.
"Yeah, not a good idea," said Aiden, "they're good people with good, strong hearts, and there's no doubting their courage."
"But they're not warriors," said Malcolm, "they're not trained to fight the darkness."
"But they have the skills needed for the mission," said Alegra, "Frankie Stein for example, her power over electricity would be most beneficial. As would the tracking skills of Howleen Wolf."
"Howleen?" Tess asked, "don't you mean Clawdeen? Wouldn't she be a better choice?"
"And let's not forget Clawd," said Riku. "And they're both strong, competent fighters."
"While Abbey Bomniable is strongest physically," said Malcolm.
"Unfortunately, they are needed here on this world," said Alegra, "and out of the three Wolf siblings, Howleen has the best tracking skills, despite her youth. Besides, it'd be a cold day in the hotter part of hell before we try to separate Clawd from Draculaura."
"Why can't she come?" Tess asked, "sure, she's not the most powerful vampire we know, but she's…"
"She's too kind and gentle for the kind of work that lies ahead," said Alegra, "yes, she did well against The Trix and the Monster Haters, but the types of creatures that you'll be facing would tear Draculaura to pieces."
Alegra sat in a chair, "I'm sorry, but if this is to work, only the following Monsters can go; Frankie Stein, Howleen Wolf, Toralei Stripe, which I'll explain why in a moment, and Andy Beast."
"Why Toralei?" Aiden asked, "she's one nasty kitty cat."
"And who's Andy Beast?" Malcolm asked, "he wasn't with Frankie and the others."
"He'll be here soon," said Alegra. "As for Toralei, she has her own part to play in the coming conflict, during which she'll find something that she has been missing her whole life. Don't ask me what it is, but she will find it."
"And Andy Beast?" Sora asked, "just who or what is he?"
"A beast, obviously," said Roxas.
"And an empathic Monster with a shape shifting complex," said Patricia, "yes his is a most curious case. His talent to sense emotions is linked his ability to change his shape and size. Exposure to extensive negative emotions transforms him into a towering behemoth of great anger and destructive power, a power he is not fully in control of."
"And you want us to team up with this guy?" Aiden asked. He then looked at Alegra, "pardon me, but are you nuts?"
"I often wonder whether or not I've gone mad," said Alegra.
"How often do you ask that?" Tess asked.
"About once ever hundred years or so," said Alegra, "which reminds me, I'm overdue for an appointment with my psychiatrist. Anyway, yes, you will be teaming up with Andy Beast, for two reasons. First of all, Frankie is the only one in existence whom can help him keep his power under control. They've only begun to realize their feelings for each other, but they are soul mates.
"Second, though he does not know yet, Andy Beast will gain a greater understanding of his powers during this mission and become a better person because of it."
"Just where are you getting your information?" Malcolm asked.
"If only you knew," said Alegra, "now, as for Toralei, she has her own purpose in going with you. Though she would deny it in public and in private, deep within her heart she has questions, questions that have been plaguing her for some time."
"Let me guess," said Riku, "she can't find her answers on this world."
"In a nutshell," said Alegra, "she'll find her answers at Yubaba's bathhouse."
"All roads lead to the bathhouse," said Malcolm.
"Again, in a nutshell," said Alegra, "you leave in thirty minutes, that should give enough time for everyone to be informed of what is to come. After that, a portal shall open for the group that will transport you to the village where you'll find Ognio Chihiro."
"Thirty minutes?" Patricia asked, "no, no! It can't be done in thirty minutes. There's forms to be processed, equipment to draw and mission plans to be briefed. Thirty minutes is simply not enough time."
"We don't need half an hour," said Sora, "why not go now?"
"Thirty minutes is sufficient time for everyone's needs, Patricia," said Alegra, "you'll find all the necessary red tape and paperwork already cleared, while the equipment the four young operatives will need is already collected for them. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've much to do and not so much time to do it all." With that she stood up and walked out of the room.
"Now wait just a damn minute!" exclaimed Patricia as she stood up and limped after Alegra, "you've got some explaining to do, girlfriend!" she then reached the door and looked out, but Alegra was nowhere to be found.
"Unbelievable!" snapped Patricia, "that woman is one of the most infuriating persons I've the displeasure to meet. She may have saved my life, but if she hadn't stuck her nose in my business in the first place, I would never have had my life in danger that one time, let alone broken my ankle."
"You think you're pissed with her?" Tess asked, "she screwed up my whole life since the day I was born."
"What are we going to do?" Naminé asked, "are we going to follow Alegra's instructions?"
"We might as well," said Patricia after checking a message on her phone, "apparently, Alegra did get everything ready for us. All the red tape is cleared, the gear for Julia, Felicia, Steven and Mark is ready, while Frankie, Howleen and Toralei have been informed. Frankie and Howleen are ready to go, but Toralei may need a little more convincing. As for Andy Beast, he's in the building and is being escorted up to the dimension floors."
"Then we'd better go talk with our frightfully fabulous friends," said Sora.
A few minutes later in a different meeting room, Sora and the others sat with Frankie Stein, Howleen Wolf and Toralei Stripe. The first two Monsters were smiling happily, while Toralei sat with an irate expression on her feline face. Also in the meeting room was Julia Eckhart, Felicia Valentine, Mark Long and Steven Austin.
"That Alegra is one strange Normie," said Howleen, "she told us that we had to go with you to save Kairi."
"And we will save her," said Frankie, "I just know we will."
"Remind me why I have to give up my valuable time to go save a Normie whom I don't even like?" Toralei asked. She then put her feet up on the table, pulled out a nail file and sharpened her claws, "the Monster Haters and dark witches have been defeated, The Necronomicon has been recovered, Olaf is dead and there's no sign of Yog-Sothoth, so why am I still even in this part of the country?"
"Because Alegra says you would be needed," said Riku.
"And that you would find something that you've been missing in your life," said Tess, "answers that you've been seeking."
"I don't want any answers," Toralei said, "and I've got everything I want right here on this world."
"Including a $500 gift card?" Howleen asked.
"Hey, that's right," said Naminé, "Frankie did promise Toralei a gift card."
"For being civil to Kairi while she was here," said Toralei, "and I was civil to her," she then looked at Frankie, "Kairi's not here anymore. I've kept my end of the bargain," she then held out her hand palm up, "so pay up."
"I don't have the gift card with me," said Frankie irately, "and even if I did, I wouldn't give it to you."
"I should have known," said Toralei irately, "you never intended to give it to me."
"I'll give it to you when I know that Kairi's alright," said Frankie, "when she's found and the curse on her mind is broken. You'll get the gift card, but not one second sooner."
"Really," said Toralei. She then stood up, "and what's to stop me from going back home and rummaging through your house for the gift card?"
"You do that and you'll be guilty of breaking and entering, larceny and trespassing," said Julia.
"The usual law enforcement for Monsters will handle it, but if things get violet," said Mark, "then we'll be forced to deal with you."
"It doesn't matter," said Frankie, "she'll never be able to get inside my house, my mom and dad had set up this really great security system."
"Every security system has a weakness," said Toralei.
"True," said Felicia in a mildly depressed tone, "otherwise, the enemy wouldn't have ambushed us at the gala."
"Exactly," said Toralei. She then smiled mischievously, "I wasn't always at Monster High. Before Headmistress Bloodgood found me and my best fiends in Monster juvie, I was quite the cat burglar."
"I know," said Frankie, "I heard about your exploits on Spectra's blog." She then stood up and looked at Toralei right in the eye, speaking in a serious tone, "even if you manage to get inside my house, you'll never find the gift card, never."
"Care to back that up?" Toralei asked daringly.
"Stop it!" Riku in an outraged tone, "my god! Are you really this selfish?!"
"Or maybe you want Kairi to suffer until she goes completely out of her mind," said Tess.
"I could care less about Kairi," said Toralei, "but," she then looked at her talons, "considering that any chance of rescuing her depends on me, I might as well go."
"Because it pleases you," said Julia.
"Indeed," said Toralei.
Just then Tara, Hezekiah and Jana walked in, "we're all set to go," said Jana as she sat down, "hey, did you know that this Bureau can remotely disarm any nuclear warhead in the world?"
"We can do the same at our Bureau," said Hezekiah, "just in case any mortal government or rogue element decides to push the button."
"Or you could just vanish the missile or bomb before it reaches its target," said Tara, "a simple Vanishing Charm will do the trick. It's not easy, vanishing something as big as a missile, but it can be done."
"How nice of you," said Toralei, "now, if you'll excuse me, this kitty cat has some packing to do."
"Everyone's bags are packed, with their names on them," said Tara. She then took out her wand, waved it in a specific pattern and several duffel bags appeared, "they were all outside my room with a note from Alegra. She even pre-charmed them so they can hold much more than they normally would."
"Alegra knows magic?" Tess asked as she checked a duffel that had her name on a tag, the bag containing several days worth of clothes, emergency food and medical supplies, a compass and other essential items for survival.
"Wait, who's bag is this?" Hezekiah asked as he looked at a duffle bag that no one had claimed. "The tag says it belongs to one Andy Beast."
"Andy!?" exclaimed Frankie.
Just then a very tall Monster walked in. He looked to be in his late teens to early 20's with light purple skin and shoulder-length dark purple hair tied back and a short purple goatee beard. He had pointed ears and short white antlers, wearing a white short, light brown vest and dark brown pants, with bare feet.
"Andy!" exclaimed Frankie happily as she rushed over, her neck bolts sparking with her joy. But then she stopped right in front of him, as if unsure of how to proceed, "um…hey."
"Hey," said Andy, also unsure how to proceed. He then scratched the back of his head, adverting his eyes slightly from Frankie, "I…uh…I head you and the others had some trouble last night."
"Uh…yeah…we had a lot of trouble," said Frankie, "but we pulled through, and now I'm going to go help a friend, and you're coming with us."
"I am?" Andy asked.
"Well, of course you are," said Toralei in a teasing manner, "we packed your bag just for you."
"I'm still not comfortable with you coming with us," said Howleen.
"And yet I'm still coming," said Toralei, "deal with it."
"We will," said Frankie. She then looked at Andy, "I'll explain everything later, but we've got to be ready in," she then checked the time on her cell phone, "in less than twenty minutes."
"Say no more," said Andy, "I'm coming with you, but…where are we going?"
"A bathhouse for spirits," said Jana, "isn't it exciting?"
"And bizarre," said Hezekiah, "then again, bizarre is business as usual for The Bureau."
"We've had some bizarre adventures of our own," said Julia, "remember that time in Ontario?"
"You mean when we nearly drowned in a vat of butterscotch pudding?" Steven asked.
"No, that happened in St. Louis," said Mark, "and it was tapioca pudding. Ontario was when we were nearly crushed by an elephant."
"There wasn't an elephant in Ontario!" said Felicia, "that happened in Calcutta."
"Then what happened on Ontario?" Julia asked. "Wait, now that I think about it, were we ever in Ontario?"
"You're thinking of Toronto," said Mark, "that was the time we were went to a Blue Jays game and wound up delivering a baby."
"Oh yeah, now I remember," said Julia as she smiled. She then frowned, "wait, no I don't. I mean, I remember going to the game, but I can't remember who played. And I certainly don't remember delivering a baby."
"The Yankees played," said Felicia, "they won. You don't remember because you were hammered by the 5th inning. Steven, Mark and I delivered the baby in the 7th."
"Now I remember why I'm not that much of a baseball fan," said Julia as she touched her scar.
"Anyway, we've been through strange stuff," said Steven, "and we'll be though even more strange stuff."
"So, you're not bothered by the fact that I'm a Monster?" Andy asked.
"You'll only bother us if you break the law," said Felicia.
"Or of you turn out to be an annoying pain in the ass," said Steven as he eyed Toralei suspiciously.
"Don't bother me and I won't bother you," said Toralei.
"Fair enough," said Steven.
"So, Andy," said Frankie, "how was your trip around the world?"
"Any luck finding other empathic Monsters?" Howleen asked.
"No," said Andy, "I didn't. I've been all over the world. I've met many Monsters and Normies, all of them good people, while I did my best to avoid the bad, the hateful, the evil. I even spent a few weeks in a Buddhist monastery. I learned some calming techniques that has helped me control my transformation," he then looked at Frankie, "but I'm only truly at peace, truly happy, when I'm with you. I know now that no matter what lays in the future for me, I want you to be a part of that future."
"And I want you to be a part of my future," said Frankie. With that she took his hand in hers, "when this is over, you'll come back with me to Monster High?"
"I'll follow you anywhere you go," said Andy. With that the two of them leaned closer as if to kiss.
"Oh, get a room!" said Toralei, causing Andy and Frankie to pause, then move away from each other in an embarrassed manner.
"You only say that after they kiss!" said an annoyed Felicia.
"So, sue me," said Toralei.
Just then an irate Clawdeen Wolf stomped into the room, followed by Draculaura, Clawd Wolf and Lagoona Blue.
"I ought to sue you!" exclaimed Clawdeen as she glared angrily at Toralei, "just who do you think you are, going to save Kairi!"
"I'm going because it pleases me to!" said Toralei as she glared back at Clawdeen.
"No, you're not!" said Clawdeen, "you're not going!" she then glared at Howleen, "and neither are you!"
"What!?" exclaimed Howleen, "of course I'm going!"
"Alegra said she had the better tracking skills," said Riku.
"And she said that we would need Toralei," said Aiden.
"I don't care what Alegra said!" spat Clawdeen, "they're not going! If you need a tracker, I'll go, or maybe Clawd can go."
"Uh, no offense, Clawdeen," said Clawd, "but I'd rather not," he then looked down at Draculaura, "not that I'm afraid of going to another world and visiting a bathhouse full of ghosts and spirits. I just don't want to leave you."
"And I don't want you to go," said Draculaura in an urgent tone as she clutched at Clawd's arm, a thoroughly miserable look on her face, "I feel so bad right now I could just…just…" she then began bawling onto his shoulder. Clawd placed his arms around Draculaura in a comforting manner as her tears flowed freely from her eyes.
"Uh…what's wrong with Draculaura?" Andy asked.
"She's a killer now," said Toralei as she eyed her nails.
"What?!" exclaimed Andy.
"Yep," said Toralei in an offhanded tone, "Draculaura's now a cold-blooded murderer."
"It wasn't murder, you vas deferens!" shouted Steven.
"Girls don't have vas deferens," said Julia.
"I knew that," said Steven, "my point is that you, Toralei Stripe, if you're going to be a part of this mission, then you'd better keep your mouth shut."
"Otherwise," said Felicia as she pulled out one of her knives, "we'll find out just how sensitive a cat's tongue is, as I slowly slice it out."
"What about her whiskers?" Tess asked as she pulled out her razor, "can I cut them off?"
"I was hoping to pull them out," said Felicia, "but maybe you can shave her bald."
"You try it," said Toralei irately as she held up her claws, "and you'll regret it."
"Just as you'll regret it if you don't apologize to Draculaura!" shouted Clawdeen, "she had to do something terrible and it's ripping her heart apart."
"And here I thought vampires didn't have hearts," said Toralei, "at least not ones that beat."
At that Clawdeen growled menacingly, while Toralei hissed, both of them ready to tear each other to pieces.
"Oh, stop it!" shouted Lagoona, "you two are acting like mangy dingoes!"
"Clawdeen, Toralei, sit down!" shouted Frankie as her neck bolts sparked irately. "Or I'll give you both such bad hair days, you'll be brushing for a week!"
At that both Toralei and Clawdeen calmed a bit and sat down, yet their eyes remained hatefully locked.
"I think I came back at a really bad time," said Andy.
"No, just a difficult time, for a lot of us," said Clawd as he still held the crying Draculaura in his arms.
"Draculaura killed a Normie last night," said Lagoona, "one of the Monster Haters we were fighting, she bashed his skull in with a rock."
"I'm a murderer!" exclaimed Draculaura between sobs, "a murderer!"
"It wasn't murder!" Felicia said, "that lunatic was trying to kill Clawd."
"We all are guilty of killing," said Julia, "at some point or another, each Rambler and Meta Human in The Bureau has been forced to take the life of a human. We try our best to not to, but there comes a time when the only way to save the life of an innocent is to kill the wicked."
"I've had to kill three people before last night," said Mark, "I hated what I had to do, but many good people are alive because I destroyed those three evil people."
"And a lot more good people are alive and safe because we had to destroy those wicked people last night," said Steven.
"Listen to them, Draculaura, " said Frankie, "they're telling the truth."
"It'll take more than that to make her feel better," said Clawdeen.
"I don't understand," said Andy.
"You never actually killed anyone when you transformed, did you," said Clawdeen.
"I…I don't know," said Andy, "at least I don't think I did. But why is this so bad for Draculaura?"
"She's immortal," said Lagoona, "and with that immortality comes perfect memory recall. She'll carry the memory of her actions for the rest of eternity."
"It's more than that," said Clawdeen, "it's been hundred of years since Dracualura fed on human blood. She's never harmed a Normie, not seriously. Now she's killed for the first time in centuries."
"And it's tearing her apart on the inside," said Lagoona. She then looked at Toralei, "now do you understand why there's a maelstrom inside Draculaura's heart? Or are you completely without empathy?"
"Don't you care at all?" Malcolm asked.
"I do care!" said Toralei, "I'm just…I've got my own issues, that's all!" she then looked at Draculaura, "I'm sorry you had to do something terrible, okay?" she then looked at everyone, "I'm sorry, okay? Can we go now?!"
"Not for another…fifteen minutes," said Frankie as she looked at the clock on her cell phone.
At that Toralei sat down again, sighing with exasperation, "I'm not cut out for this hero business."
"It's not for everyone," said Sora. He then looked at the still crying Draculaura, "uh…you know…if you keep crying like that, you're gonna ruin your makeup."
"Too late," said Clawd.
At that Draculaura stopped crying as she stood up from Clawd's shoulder and wiped her eyes with a handkerchief, her makeup turned into wet streaks on her face, "I'm…I'm alright," she said, "I…just need time…to deal with it…"
"Take all the time you need," said Tess, "and I'm not saying that because you're immortal. I've had to deal with the lives I've taken and for a while it tore me apart. I got over it pretty quickly, mostly because my killings took place in a time of war and I was half crazy at the time. But I've had time to come to terms with my actions, and so will you."
"Talk to the right people," said Aiden, "psychiatrists and psychologists, your friends."
"Would you rather that that maniac had killed Clawd?" Riku asked, "or you? Or one of your friends?"
"Absolutely not!" exclaimed Draculaura, "I would never let anyone hurt my Clawd! Not a drug addicted maniac, not another Monster, not a demon or a witch, no one!"
"Then hold on to that," said Tess, "don't ever let anyone or anything tell you otherwise. And remember, if you are ever forced to kill again, if there's no other alternative to saving the lives of yourself and those you love, don't hesitate, for it could mean the death of an innocent. Light willing, you'll never be forced into that position again, but if so, then you'll be ready."
"I…I will," said Draculaura, "I will be ready. I…I just need time."
"Like I said, you have all the time you need," said Tess.
Just then Cleo de Nile and Deuce Gorgon walked in, along with Ghoulia Yelps, whom was carrying a small case.
"I just had to see it to believe it," said Cleo, "Toralei, volunteering to go help a friend."
"I didn't volunteer," said an annoyed Toralei, "I was drafted," she then smirked, "and I'm not even old enough to vote yet."
"At least you're doing the right thing," said Deuce.
"I'll try not to make a habit of it," said Toralei. She then looked at the case Ghoulia was carrying, "what's that?"
Ghoulia moaned something as she opened the case, revealing three pairs of golden earrings set with emeralds and sapphires.
"Oh, the Shimmer!" said Frankie.
"Shimmer?" Andy asked, while Aiden, Roxas, Naminé, Tara, Jana and Hezekiah looked confused.
"Ghoulia invented them," said Draculaura as she took out a pair of identical gold earrings from her pocket, while Cleo did the same, "they're for disguise."
"They're hologram projectors," said Clawd as he displayed a gold belt buckle, while Deuce showed an identical one, "they make us appear as Normies."
"And they worked," said Deuce, "we spent the whole day in New York city without anyone knowing we were Monsters."
"Except for the eyes," said Cleo, "for some reason, they don't disguise the eyes."
"Yeah, I had to keep my eyes covered the whole time," said Deuce.
"And a good thing," said Riku, "those eyes of yours are serious."
"Don't I know it," said Sora, remembering when Deuce petrified him during the gala the previous night.
Ghoulia then moaned something and handed the three new pairs of earrings to Frankie, Howleen and Toralei.
"For us?" Howleen asked. At that Ghoulia nodded in affirmation.
"Hmmm…not really my style," said Toralei as she looked at the earrings she was given.
"They're only partly for looks," said Cleo, "they're to keep any Normies who see you from freaking out."
"No doubt that the world we're going to doesn't have Monsters," said Aiden, "not like you guys. You're awesome."
"Well of course I'm awesome," said Cleo smugly, "a lady of my caliber can be nothing but awesome."
"Well, how do they work?" Howleen asked.
"Just put them on and touch the one on the right," said Draculaura.
Howleen put the earrings on and touched the one in her right ear. The gems flashed and her whole body shimmered. When she cleared, Howleen appeared as a human teenaged African American girl with short curly bronze hair. "How do I look?" she asked.
"Ordinary," said Cleo as she held up a small mirror for Howleen to see her reflection.
"Hey, that's not bad," said Howleen as she smiled at herself, "for a Normie that is."
"Not bad, you're positively cute," said Hezekiah.
"I'd date you if I could," said Malcolm, "which reminds me, I'm overdue for a letter to Merida." With that he sat down with his enchanted writing desk.
Cautiously, Toralei put on her earrings and touched the right one. She shimmered and appeared as a teenaged girl with orange and black hair and medium skin tone. She then pulled out her own mirror, "well, that's different," she said as she looked at herself, touching her human-appearing skin, "I don't know whether I should feel pleased or repulsed." She then looked at Ghoulia, "but why doesn't it work on the eyes? Not that I don't mind keeping my eyes."
Ghoulia moaned something while shrugging her shoulders.
"Well, I guess I can get used to it," said Toralei as she admired her reflection from different angles, "I'll admit, I make one sexy Normie."
"Me next!" said Frankie as she eagerly put her earrings on and touched the one on the right. After shimmering, Frankie appeared as a teenaged girl with raven-black hair with white highlights, light skin without any stitches, while her blue and green eyes appeared the same, while her neck bolts were still visable. "How do I look?"
"Again, ordinary," said Cleo as she showed Frankie her reflection.
"You'll always be beautiful to me," said Andy.
"Aww, you're so sweet," said Frankie as she blushed happily, while her neck bolts sparked, disrupting the illusion of the Shimmer slightly.
"Yeah, I'd avoid doing that if I were you," said Tess.
"Oh, sorry," said Frankie.
"A simple scarf can cover them up," said Julia.
"Andy, take my Shimmer!" said Deuce as he handed over his golden belt buckle.
"What…I just put it on and touch it?" Andy asked. He then put on the belt buckle and touched it. He shimmered and appeared as a young man with medium tanned skin and brown hair, while his ears were rounded and his antlers had vanished.
"Wow, you look great!" said Frankie as she showed Andy his reflection.
"I…is this really me?" Andy asked as he saw himself in the mirror.
At that Ghoulia moaned something, which she used her phone to translate, 'only so long as you wish it, and until the battery wears out, of course.'
"Ghoulia's right," said Frankie, "Andy, you are still who you are under that Shimmer. This," she indicated her transformed self, "it's just an illusion. It can't change who you are on the inside."
"No matter how hard you try," said Toralei.
"It'll make our job easier if we didn't have to worry about the local humans being upset by Monsters," said Mark.
"You're right," said Andy, "I'm ready."
"So are we all," said Tara, "as much as we can be."
At that Ghoulia moaned something that could be translated as 'one more thing.' She then pulled out a small device about the size of a handheld tape recorder. It was a black rectangle with two electrodes on one end, while one side had a small crank. It came with two alligator clip wires, with one end of the wires being larger than the others.
"Oh, I get it," said Draculaura, "they're for Frankie."
"So she can charge herself while she's away," said Clawd.
"'Charge herself?'" Aiden asked.
"Don't you know?" Cleo asked, "Frankie here runs on electricity."
"It's true," said Frankie, "I really don't need food for energy, I just enjoy eating it. Every night, I need to plug myself in to my generator back home and recharge. Without electricity, I just fall asleep and don't wake up until I'm charged again."
"Oh, I get it now," said Aiden, "so, how does this work?"
Ghoulia demonstrated by clamping the small ends of the alligator wires to the device, the larger ends to Frankie's neck bolts and turned the crank on the device. A surge of electricity flowed into Frankie.
"Now that's what I call amping it up!" said Frankie. She then smiled at the genius zombie, "thanks a million, Ghoulia."
At that, Ghoulia moaned something that could be translated as 'any time.'
All this time, Malcolm had been telling Merida of the previous nights events and a short summary of what is to come.
Once again my friends and I are on a whirlwind adventure, Merida, only this time, we're gambling with the life of a dear, dear friend. I can only hope that we find Kairi before it's too late.
But this time we've got a lot of new friends and allies on our side, and we'll have many, many more soon, I hope. I don't know. Alegra, she's an enigma. On one hand she's a manipulative, self-righteous bitch who holds no qualm over using anyone she sees fit, so long as her agenda is fulfilled. On the other hand, she's very deep, very caring, very remorseful. She's truly sorry that she has to use us, but there's no other way.
Or so she says. I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, but only so far as saving Kairi goes. Beyond that, I'd be perfectly happy if I never saw Alegra again.
I won't say that I'm sure about the future. So many things can go wrong. Maleficent and her cabal could strike at any time. And then there's Columbina. Who is she? Why does she hate us so much?
All I can do is prepare for the worst and hope for the best. And hope that with each passing day, brings us one day closer to being together again. Though we remain worlds apart, my heart remains linked with yours. Until we meet again.
A short time later everyone who was going was ready. The rescue team, consisting of Sora, Riku, Tess, Aiden, Malcolm, Roxas, Naminé, Tara, Jana, Hezekiah, Julia, Felicia, Mark, Steven, Frankie, Andy, Toralei and Howleen, waited with their duffle bags in a staging area in the Bureau H.Q.
"If Alegra's right," said Patricia as she checked her watch, "and she usually is, the portal should be open in less than a minute."
"Any last words, boss?" Mark asked.
"Just a few," said Patricia, "don't die, don't do anything stupid and most of all," she then smiled confidently, "save the princess."
"Will do," said Felicia.
"And tell Violet we hope she feels better real, real soon!" said Frankie.
"Will do," said Patricia.
Just then a portal opened up.
"That's that then," said Patricia, "good luck."
Sora and the others nodded in acknowledgement and they all walked through the portal, which closed up after them.
"Those kids," said Patricia, "may the almighty watch over them."
"They've got more than God on their side," said Alegra, whom had appeared next to Patricia, "they've got the light in their hearts as their guide. So long as they hold on to that light, they'll never lose."
"But the heart is more fragile than you think," said Patricia. She then glared at Alegra, "and you, once again you're playing a dangerous game with those whom you have no right to involve."
"I wouldn't have asked for your people if they weren't needed," said Alegra.
"I'm also talking about Frankie and her fellow Monsters!" said Patricia, "as well as those two Meta Humans from the other world, that young witch and especially Sora and his friends. You have no right making them do your dirty work in exchange for saving Kairi!"
At that Alegra glared angrily at Patricia, "you have no idea of the work I've done, how dirty I've had to get, how I've soiled my hands and soul. What I've sent Sora and the others to do will save Kairi from a fate far, far worse from death. I had thought that after all we had been through, I had earned your trust."
"Let's just get this straight, old friend," said Patricia, "we have worked together and you have my utmost respect, but as for trust, you've yet to prove to me that you truly care about your pawns."
"Every time I send someone to do what is needed, I feel for them," said Alegra, "believe me, if I had the power to do what had to be done, I'd do it without hesitation. But I can't, I don't have the power. All I have is immortality, a heightened awareness of evil and my intelligence. Time travel helps of course, and before you ask, I can't change what happened to Kairi."
"I know, it's time locked," said Patricia, "but one thing I want to know; just what is all this for? Why are you sending Sora and the others going to a bathhouse for spirits? What is the end game?"
"You want to know what is at stake?" Alegra asked, "life itself. Freedom itself. Peace, love and light, that is what's at stake. And not just on one world, but all worlds in every universe. That is why Sora and the others are going to a bathhouse for spirits. Does that satisfy you?"
"For now, yes," said Patricia, "but I'll want a full explanation later."
"As soon as I have the time," said Alegra, "and when you're immortal, you find out quickly how little time you have on your hands." With that she vanished.
"Typical," said Patricia to herself, "didn't even say goodbye."
Alegra then reappeared, "forgot to say goodbye," she said, "and good luck with Violet." With that she vanished again.
"Well, that's that," said Patricia. She then limped out of the room, ready to get back to work keeping the world safe from the forces of darkness.