
Disclaimer - I Own Nothing

A/N - I have no idea where this story is going to go, or how quickly it will be updated, but it has been in my head for a while so thought I would see what response the first chapter would get and take it from there. It will be mainly TIVA but other characters will be included along the way.

Chapter One - Helpless

The pounding was slowly getting worse and worse. She had been stubborn for a while and had refused to take anything for it, but now Ziva had declared it the worse headache she had ever had and she had gratefully swallowed down two painkillers. Well, that was an hour ago, and it had made little difference. To make things worse, her cherished daughter was making things harder by having an extremely fussy day. Anaya was only four months old, but she definitely had a voice of her own. Everything Ziva had tried to settle her had not worked, and she had been left with the reality of leaving her in the cot to cry herself to sleep. This of course had made Ziva feel incredibly guilty, but she was unable to move from the couch. The constant pounding in her head had left her feeling rather nauseous, and Ziva was frightened to move as she knew if she did, she would lose the small amount of breakfast she had forced herself to eat that morning.

Ziva closed her eyes, as Anaya's cries started to lessen, and she began to doze. Her sleep was interrupted by the shrill tone of the telephone ringing. Normally, in these circumstances, Ziva would ignore it, but she knew who the caller would be. Tony DiNozzo. Her husband. Yes, things had moved on pretty quickly in their relationship since the fall out from Harper Dearing. They had spent the four months during their resignation getting closer and closer, and then Ziva had the unexpected job of informing Tony that he was going to be a father. It had nearly broken them apart. Tony had completely freaked out, and Ziva had been extremely upset and angry at the lack of support. But after some guidance from the rest of the team, they had united and had even taken the step of getting married. They had also had to overcome the obstacle of having a relationship on the same team, but McGee had come up with the perfect response. At the point of getting together, they had no longer been a team. Team Gibbs had been through too much to fall apart, and Vance had begrudgingly agreed that both Tony and Ziva would keep their jobs as soon as NCIS was reunited.

Ziva made her way into the kitchen, and had almost made it to the phone, when a blinding sharp pain ran through her head. She screamed out in pain, and closed her eyes in the hope that darkness would solve the problem. She opened them again to find the room spinning. She managed one more step forward before the dizziness overtook her and the last thing Ziva saw was the floor coming towards her face.

Tony waited a few more rings before frowning and hanging up. He then dialled again but got no response.

"Something wrong Tony?" McGee asked.

"I hope not McNosy. Ziva's not picking up. It's not like her"

"I'm sure she's fine Tony. Anaya is probably keeping her busy"

"Yes, I'm sure she is. Boy that girl is fiesty!"

"Takes after her mother then" McGee laughed, and after a second or two, Tony joined in.

Tony couldn't help but worry. He had spent the next hour trying to get hold of Ziva, both on the home phone and her mobile, but he had gotten no response. He decided he couldn't wait any longer and walked over to Gibbs' desk.

"You want something DiNozzo?" Gibbs asked without even looking up.

"I was wondering if I could leave early. I'm worried about Ziva, she's not answering any of my calls"

"Thought you two promised you wouldn't bring your personal lives into the team"

"I know Boss, but she broke rule 3 - never be unreachable"

"Off you go DiNozzo, and when you find her, give her a headslap from me. And give Anaya a kiss"

"On it Boss, thank-you"

Tony drove home as fast as he could. He wasn't sure why he was so worried, after all, Ziva was the most capable person he knew. But he had that awful gut feeling that he had learnt from Gibbs. He let himself in the apartment, and immediately was greeted with the sound of Anaya screaming. He walked through the living room and straight to the bedroom. He ran over to the cot and picked up his baby girl and cuddled her. He then realised that her nappy had soaked through her clothes.

"Oh baby girl, no wonder you're so upset. I will sort all this out in a minute, but I need to see where your mummy is" Tony's gut was clenching now. He knew Ziva would never leave their daughter in a state like that. He walked back out of the bedroom and called out to Ziva but got no response. Anaya was still crying and Tony was trying to gently shush her and calm her down. He walked back into the living room and sighed when there was still no sign of his wife. He then noticed something out of the corner of his eye. A foot sticking out from behind the island in the kitchen.

"Shit! Ziva!" Tony placed Anaya on the floor in the living room and ran into the kitchen. Ziva was lying face down and was not moving. Tony gently rolled her over and swore again at the bruise on her forehead and the blood trickling from her nose. He was relieved to see she was still breathing. He pulled out his phone and dialled 911. Once off the phone, he sat next to Ziva and gently stroked the top of her head. She started to moan a little bit.

"That's it Ziva, come on baby, please wake up"

Ziva moaned again and tried to open her eyes. The moment she did, she screwed them shut again.

"Ugh, Tony the light, please turn off the light" Ziva muttered.

"Hey, calm down honey, the lights not on baby. Just stay still, we're gonna get you to the hospital" Tony stroked her forehead, and frowned when he realised how hot Ziva was.

Ziva could not stay calm. Her head felt like it was going to explode. She brought her hands up to her head and began to cry out in pain. Tony tried to comfort her, but he couldnt and he felt hopeless. He could hear Anaya crying in the next room which made things worse. The two most important people in his world were hurting, and he couldn't help either one of them.

Hmmmmm, what's wrong with Ziva? Has Tony found her in time? What do you think will/should happen? Let me know with a tiny little review :)