Chapter 19: Turn

Here we go again.

Another year, another Birthday. She was always annoyed when her Birthday arrived, because she didn't understand the big deal with it. She never like celebrating, but with Damon around, that was never an option. Maybe she would be able to escape the celebrations this year as Damon was about until tomorrow, or so she was told. He said he had to go and take care of some business out of town. It was something to do with the Council, as much as Alaric kept it hush hush. She was left in the capable hands of Alaric who was stepping in, and helping her where she needed it. Hopefully he wouldn't have anything planned, or plans passed down by Damon.

She just wanted this to be a relaxing day. Maybe it would be the first year that she can enjoy the world of Netflix from the comfort of her bed, without worrying about parties and celebrating. She never really knew why she was like this when it came to her Birthday, she was fine with everyone else and loved celebrating. She couldn't even blame Damon for rubbing off on her, when he was the one always going out of his way to celebrate.

Rolling onto her back, she let out a puff of air as she stared up at the ceiling, her eyes tracing over the patterns. 17. What could you do after turning 17? Maybe she could start drinking, she hadn't done that one yet. Not exactly legal...she could start at house parties, or celebrations at least? How bad would that go down with Damon though? Probably really bad. He would tell her to hold off until she at least turned 18. Moaning in annoyance, she pushed herself into a sitting position and pulled her hair into a ponytail as she looked around the room.

A knock snapped her from her trance, as she looked over at the door. No no no. Getting up, she pushed her feet into her slippers and walked over, pulling the door open with a smile. "How can I be of assistance Alaric?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that Birthday girl?" Alaric laughed, and raised an eyebrow, "You going to get dressed sometime today, or?"
"I choose or." Elena pouted, crossing her arms as he gave her a look, "Oh come on! Damon is away, which means I should be getting a break from celebrating."

"Nope!" Alaric responded, popping the 'P' as he began walking away, "Get dressed and meet me downstairs!"

Okay, so maybe not a year with Netflix. Taking a deep breath, she dragged her feet over to the bathroom as she flicked the switch for the shower. She might as well get ready for whatever was going to happen.

After successfully getting showered dressed, which felt like a chore; the brunette made her way downstairs to meet Alaric. Stopping on the bottom step, she brushed herself down and bit her lip. She decided to go with a simple look today. A pair of jeans, converses and a hoodie. If she was getting dragged around, she was going how she wanted to go. Running her fingers through her wavy hair, she moved down from the last step, and walked into the Parlor where Alaric was speaking on the phone.

"Uh huh." Alaric responded, as he took a sip of his coffee, "Yeah, that's fine." He looked up to see Elena and smiled, "Yeah. Alright, see you later. Bye."

"Damon?" Elena asked, crossing her arms as she raised an eyebrow.
"No, just a friend." He smiled, which slipped into a grin as she glared, "Come on. Let the fun begin!"

The day had gone off without any problems as of yet. It hadn't been bad and Elena was happily enjoying it. They started the day off with pancakes at the Grill, where she was sang 'Happy Birthday' to by everyone that knew her. That was no thanks to Damon and Alaric. They then went to the Bakery around the corner, where Alaric told her to pick a selection of cakes which he brought for her, so that she could have them at home later. She was thrilled that there was no stress about hosting a party, or getting ready for a party. She just wanted a relaxed day like this.

It was early afternoon, and she hadn't received a text or a phone call from Damon yet, which was odd, as he would have been calling her early this morning. She was worried, especially when Alaric mentioned he hadn't heard from him either. It wasn't like Damon, but Alaric said not to worry, and he would probably be in contact soon.

They arrived back at the Boarding House, as Elena kicked her shoes off by the door and walked in; a flood of relief coursing through her at the thought of being home. She was such a home bird. Moaning, she followed Alaric to the kitchen who was putting the cakes into the fridge.

"Happy to be home then?" Alaric asked with a grin.
"Oh, you already know that answer." Elena laughed, with an eye roll as she looked around, "Still no Damon?"

"He may have just got caught up. I'll check to see if I have any messages." Alaric walked into the Parlor and over to the table, where he left his phone this morning. Picking it up, he smiled, "I have a voicemail, no doubt it's Damon."

"Finally!" Elena walked in, falling onto the couch as Alaric listened to the voicemail, a frown showing on his face. "Alaric, what is it?"

"Damon." He responded, biting his lip, "Something is wrong. Look, I have to go." Walking over, he grabbed his bag of weapons and looked back at her as he headed for the door, "Lock this door behind me, and don't answer it to anyone but me. Do you understand?"

"Yeah, I understand, but Alaric-"

Before she could finish, Alaric had walked out, closing the door behind him. Looking around, she took a shaky breath as her heart raced with fear. What was going on? Had something happened to Damon? Would he be okay?

Closing her eyes tightly, she took a deep breath. Damon would be fine. He always knew how to take care of himself, and wouldn't let anything happen. She couldn't keep worrying for the rest of her life when one little thing sparked up. Biting her lip, she crossed her fingers and made her way upstairs.

The day ticked by slowly, the minutes rolling into one as Elena watched the hand on the clock go around again and again. Alaric had sent her up to get some rest, so he followed his request, but found herself curled up in Damon's bed instead. She had fell asleep for 10 minutes at most, before jumping awake at the nightmare that had invaded her mind. She was exhausted and drained, but couldn't go to sleep.

Hugging the pillow closer, she inhaled as tears pricked her eyes. It was all Damon. Yes, maybe it wasn't the best idea coming into his room and being reminded of him, but she needed the closure. Rolling onto her back, she took a deep breath and stared at the ceiling. She needed to see him, the need was growing stronger. Knowing he wasn't here was killing her.

Looking at the time again, she noticed it had just gone 8AM. She needed to get showered and get dressed. It was going to be hard, and hurt like hell, but she needed to get freshened up and get ready for whatever was about to be thrown her way.

Pushing herself up, she held her breath as the pain shot through her body. Bonnie had explained that her body would be left in exactly the same way she died. Unfortunately, she didn't know the damage, but last time she checked, being thrown out of a car wasn't good for any human body.

She walked into the bathroom and flicked the shower on, feeling the temperature of the water. Looking at the mirror, she inhaled and shook her head. She couldn't look right now. She didn't know what reflection would be staring back at her. Getting undressed slowly, she stepped into the shower and tipped her head back, wincing at the sting, but relieved to finally feel calm.

Running her fingers through her hair carefully, she took a deep breath and looked down to see blood mixing with the clear water on the marble floor of the shower. Frowning, she felt her forehead and face, thinking that one of the scratches on her face were bleeding, but nothing. Shaking it off, she got a handful of the falling water and rubbed it over her face. Pulling her hand back, she seen her palm was covered in blood, and went wide-eyed. What the? Running her hand under her nose gently, she seen the blood. This wasn't good.

For the first time in a while, it turned out to be a beautiful day. The sky was a calm blue, and the sun was shining, the brightness scaring the shadows from the early hours of the morning away. The wind wasn't as bad as the day before, but more of a relaxed breeze. Elena sat on the steps in front of the Boarding House, a hot mug of coffee in her hands as she took in her surroundings. How can you be dead one day, and alive the next? Her death was so sudden and quick, that she didn't have time to take in her surroundings one last time. When she looks around now, she feels a tug at heart to think of how much she missed. A whole month.

How was she going to explain this? Coming back from the dead? What will happen with School? Surely they must know what's happened. Biting her lip, she looked down at the mug and inhaled. It was going to be okay. One step at a time, she needed to make it through today and worry about the rest of the issues tomorrow.

Did she tell anyone about the terrible nose bleed she had in the shower? Maybe it was nothing bad. The scratches on her face were bad, but were manageable when covered with a touch of makeup. She was going to be fine, so there was nothing to worry about.


Looking up, she seen Stefan stepping outside, and closing the door over as he tucked his hands into his pockets, "Are you okay?"

"I've never heard you sound so sincere." Elena responded, her voice soft. It wasn't in a way to throw it back in his face, but everything was different. His demeanour and his attitude. It scared her, because he is completely different with no emotions, and it scared her to think of Damon like that. She didn't want to see a stranger staring back at her.

"Elena," He sat down beside her on the steps, and inhaled as he rubbed his hands together, "I am so sorry."

"I know." She looked at him, smiling weakly, "And I'm sorry that you had to go through that."

"What?" Stefan looked at her with confusion, thinking he was going to have a harder time speaking to her. "I didn't have to go through anything Elena. I put you through months of hell, and you didn't do anything to deserve it."

"Stefan," Elena looked at him with a soft smile, "You weren't yourself...clearly. You were compelled to turn your emotions off, and unfortunately track me down." She shrugged gently and looked back at the sky. "You weren't in control."


"Stefan, I forgive you." She told him as he looked at her speechless, "Its fine."

"I don't know what to say." Stefan admitted, the shock evident on his face. He didn't think he would ever get her forgiveness. He was starting to see why his brother was smitten with her. "Thank you. Just...please speak to Caroline. It was all me."

"I know." Elena responded with a sigh, "Right now, I need to see Damon. I just-"

"I get it." Smiling softly, he gave her a nod, "And I'm going to make sure we find him. I won't stop until we do. I owe you, and I'll happily help my brother get back to you."

"So New York?" She asked with a soft smile as she took the last drop of her tea.

"New York." Stefan confirmed with a nod, "Not that I should be surprised. The city use to be his playground. He knows it like the back of his hand."

"This isn't going to be easy is it?" Elena raised an eyebrow, biting her lip.

"No, it isn't." He told her with a shrug, "But we won't stop until we find him, and get him to flick those humanity bulbs back on."

Elena laughed and gave him a nod, inhaling. They would find him, and hopefully he would be her Damon and not a stranger. Stefan got to his feet and held his hand out for her, which she gladly accepted, using him to pull herself up. Hopefully they would get this sorted ASAP, before she was back in hospital with her side effects. He gave her a gentle smile, and opened the door for her as they walked inside.

"Perfect timing." Alaric called out, without looking up from the map he currently had laid out on the coffee table, circling certain routes.

"Ric, what are you doing?" Elena placed her mug down on the coaster and made her way over, as she looked down at the map, "Routes to New York?"

"Trying." He responded, thinking, "14, maybe 15 hours top to get there if we drive." Looking up at her and Stefan, he raised an eyebrow, "But 2 hours top by plane."

"Then we go by plane." Elena told him, crossing her arms lightly as she tilted her head.

"I don't think you are in any fit state to go by plane." Alaric told her, a look of concern on his face.

"But I'm fit to travel 15 hours by car?" She responded, shaking her head, "We get the plane, we get there today."


"Alaric, the quicker we get there, the quicker we get back here, and we can focus on Elena." Stefan told him, raising an eyebrow, "And what's what we want right?"

"Yes." Alaric answered with a groan. "Fine, we fly, but we leave in the next hour. Get everything that you need, and make sure the other two are ready too. This is going to be a long day."

Everything had happened so quickly. One minute they were fighting about what they needed to bring to New York, then they were getting on a private jet, which Stefan happily compelled the pilot for. Now, they have arrived at a loft Stefan use to own back in the day before he moved onto other ventures. They got settled in, and began looking through all the newspaper articles around mysterious killings taking place in New York.

"He's definitely here, so your location spell worked." Stefan told Bonnie as he looked out the window.

"Unfortunately, we couldn't pin point exactly." Bonnie responded, biting her lip.

"It doesn't matter." He told her with a soft smile, "We have something, which is better than nothing."

Elena flipped through the articles one by one, a lump growing in her throat as the pictures of the victims were flashing through her mind, and the article titles. Gruesome Kill, Heartless Tragedy, A Monster Lurks. The pictures were different, but they were all killed without a thought. The blood, the state of the bodies, and the way they were left out for anyone to see. A careless act. It all screamed Damon, especially if Stefan is going to be bad as he said.

"Elena?" Alaric asked again, concern showing on his face as she looked up, dazed, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Elena gave him a nod, "I'm fine, sorry." Placing the articles down, she got up and moved over to the window to look out at the city. She had always wanted to come to New York, and Damon said he would be the one to bring her. Not under the same circumstances, but she's here and so is he...hopefully. "What's the plan now?"

"To find Damon as quick as possible." Stefan advised, looking over, "We need to get you back and seen to."

"I'm fine, okay?" She responded, "I just want to find Damon and make sure he is okay."

"And we will, I promise." Bonnie told her with a gentle smile, "We just have to find out where he would be."

"Damon?" Stefan laughed, rubbing his neck as he looked around at them, "I know where he will be."

"You do?" Elena turned to him, raising an eyebrow, "Where is he going to be?"

"A club." He responded with a shrug as Elena looked at Alaric with confusion, who was wearing the same confusion on his features.

"Damon, in a club?" Alaric question, crossing his arms, "That isn't like him."

"No, it isn't like him." Elena shook her head, unsure, "That doesn't sound like Damon at all. He doesn't go to clubs."

"You two don't know Damon without his humanity." Stefan advised, leaning back against the wall as he looked between the both of them. "When he has no humanity, he will get lost in the thrive, the feel. A club is where the perfect prey will be found. Everyone is dancing around, having fun, getting loss in the bliss, and Damon will compel and feed."

"Uh, I-" The brunette shook her head, lost for words as she built a picture in her head of what she's going to be faced with. "I need to get some air."

Elena walked out and closed the door behind her as she closed her eyes. She couldn't erase the images that were currently in her head. How bad was this situation going to be? Looking down the hall, she seen the exit sign hanging from the ceiling in front of the stairs, which were shaded with a dark ash brown. Taking the stairs, 2 at a time, she made it up to the emergency door and pushed it open, with little to no effort. Brightness blinded her as she held her hands up to block the sudden light. It was hotter than she had anticipated it to be. Blinking, she looked around as her eyes got use to the new environment. It was beautiful up here, not too high and not much of a sun trap.

The roof was decorated with benches and flower pots, which were filled with a variety of flowers, which looked like they were watered on a regular basis. At least someone was maintaining it because it would be a beautiful place to get away and think for a while. Walking over to the bench, she sat down and took a deep breath, as she closed her eyes. Now it was all becoming way too real. They were in New York, and they were going to be finding Damon tonight. Her heart was racing at the thought of seeing him, but she didn't know if it was excitement or fear. Would she see a part of him at all, or or would she see a stranger?

She had been asking herself the same question, over and over, but she couldn't help it. It's like the question was a mantra in her head. She didn't know what to do. Expect the worse, hope for the best? She had to be brave, she had to be ready for whatever she was going to see, and not have a breakdown.

Rubbing her chest, she frowned as she felt the tightening and gasped for breath. Pain burned through her chest as she tried to catch her breath. Coughing into her hand, she choked, and desperately gasped for relief as she looked down at her hand to see it stained red with blood.

"What's happening to me?"

Nightfall came around quick. After hours of planning, and running through backup plans, they were ready to find Damon. The sky was dark and clear, the stars glistening as the moon beamed round. The queue to get into Skylight was crazy, which was due to the special event they were holding. Crowd after crowd was flooding into the club and along the barrier to queue up for entrance. It wasn't the best night for this to happen, especially when everything could go wrong and there would be more people in harm.

"I'm not queuing up in that." Stefan shook his head in annoyance, and looked at Alaric, "Be on guard, okay?"

"My eyes are open, and I'll be watching." Alaric responded, tilting his head, "Don't advise a vampire hunter on watching for vampires."

"Point heard and well made." Stefan cleared his throat, and looking at the 3 girls with a smile, "Now you 3, follow me." Nodding at Alaric, he turned on his heel and fixed the collar on his shirt he was wearing as he headed over to the bouncer, "VIP. We would like to skip the queue."

"And who are you?" The tall guy laughed in response, and crossed his arms, nodding to the queue, "How about you queue like everyone else tough guy?"

"Ah, I see. Funny. Tough guy." Stefan forced a laugh, and gripped the guy's arms, narrowing his eyes, "How about you just let me, and these 3 lovely ladies through because we are VIP, and we aren't queuing?"

"Oh I see." The gentleman nodded, and a grin appeared on his face, "VIP, why didn't you say? You 4 go on in."

High dive into frozen waves
Where the past comes back to life
Fight fear for the selfish pain
And it's worth it every time

Ushering the girls in front of him, he nodded at the bouncer and made his way in after them. The music was growing louder as they ascended the stairs, dodging the inebriated people already. This was going to be harder than they originally thought with the crowd already inside, and the rest waiting outside to join the party. Reaching the top, they entered the room where the music was blaring, the bass shaking the room as lights flashed around, making it hard to see people's faces unless up close.

Hold still right before we crash
'Cause we both know how this ends

"Alright, try not to get cornered and try not to lose sight of each other okay?" Stefan called out over the music, Caroline nodding in response as she walked off in one direction, disappearing into the jumping crowd. "Right, I'm going to go this way. You two be careful, and yell out if you need me."

Elena watched as Stefan walked in the other direction, quickly blending in with the crowd as he moved through with little to no effort. Taking a deep breath, she looked around the room as her heart began to race faster. There were too many people in here, how were they supposed to find Damon in this? Could she see Damon right now? Swallowing hard, she looked around for the bathrooms, and found the sign hanging over one of the arches on the other side. "Bonnie, I'm going to go to the bathroom!"

Our clock ticks till it breaks your glass
And I drown in you again

"I'll be at the bar!" Bonnie responded, calling over the music as she gave her a reassuring smile, and made her way over to the bar.

The brunette took a deep breath, composing herself as she made her way through the crowd, and across the room to where the sign was hanging for the bathrooms. The room was filled with heat, the crowd like a fire pit as she moved through, trying not to get tangled up in the amount of people that were dancing around. Feeling herself trapped in, she stepped back, wide-eyed as she looked for a way out. What the hell was happening? She had never been to this type of club, and all of this behaviour was new to her. Everyone had smiles, they were laughing, and they were singing along to the music playing.

'Cause you are the piece of me
I wish I didn't need

Taking another glance around for an open gap to get to the bathroom, she froze in her spot as her heart picked up the pace and nearly imploded through her chest. She couldn't believe what she was seeing in front of her. It was him. There he was lost in the crowd, with his face buried into some blonde's neck, clearly feeding from the angle.

Chasing relentlessly
Still fight and I don't know why

She had never seen this side of him, and she didn't know how to react. She was frightened, but intrigued at the same time. This wasn't a Damon she knew, he was different. She needed to find a way out before he seen her. As Alaric said, she didn't know how he would be with his emotions off, and she wasn't looking to test it just yet. Feeling a burn into the side of her face, she broke out of her daze and looked up, nearly collapsing from the intensity. Too late, his eyes were on her. The blood was dripping down his chin, his eyes a stormy grey as he stared at her, his features not giving away a single emotion. That was until she seen a slight twitch in his features, but she couldn't figure out what it was.

If our love is tragedy why are you my remedy
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity

Before she could move, he was suddenly in her face, causing her to buckle backwards into the guy behind her. This wasn't good. Now she was trapped. Her heart jumped as his hands reached up to touch her face, his hands gentle at first, until his eyes narrowed as he looked her over. "Katherine."

"Damon-" Elena swallowed hard, trying to figure a way out as his grip turned less than gentle within a few seconds. Katherine? She remembered that name. Why? "Damon, I-" Suddenly, she felt herself moving through the air, and suddenly pinned against the bathroom in the hallway. Gasping in fright, she looked up into green eyes and took a shaky breath, "Oh my-Stefan!"

"Are you alright?" Stefan questioned, furrowing his eyebrows as he looked her over, before looking back into the crowd, "He knows you're alive then."

"No." She croaked, her chest tightening once again, "He called me Katherine."

"Katherine?" He raised his eyebrows, an emotion flashing through his eyes that she hadn't seen before, "Why would he think that? She's a vampire. He should know the difference by your heartbeat." He frowned as he closed his eyes, and listened carefully; his eyes shooting open only a couple of seconds later, "Elena, why the hell can't I hear your heartbeat?"


Elena jumped in relief at the voice as she rubbed her hand against her chest, feeling weak. Why couldn't he hear her heartbeat? The tightening was still there as she took a deep breath. Caroline moved over to them, and pointed into the crowd, her eyes glossed with worry, "We have to confront him now. He is on the move, I don't know who he is looking for."

"Fine." Stefan looked at Elena again, "Are you okay? Something isn't right."
"Listen," He cut her off, taking a deep breath as he pulled a small vial from his pocket, "Drink this."
"What is that?"
"A pick me up, something Bonnie made." He looked away, the lie evident in his eyes as he seen Bonnie heading their way, "Drink it now Elena."

"Okay." Elena responded, furrowing her eyebrows as she drank the small vile, the taste cold and thick against her tongue, "Stef-"

"Are you okay?" Bonnie rushed over, placing a hand on Elena's shoulder gently, "I've got her. Go do what you have to, okay?"

Stefan looked at Elena weary, and gave her a nod as he disappeared into the crowd with Caroline following closely behind him. Pushing off of the wall, Elena made her way into the female bathrooms, thanking her lucky stars that it was empty. Placing her clutch down, she looked into the mirror, her eyes a dark brown, which were more noticeable due to the light make-up she was wearing. Brushing her hands down the dress with shaky hands, she tried to pull herself together. She needed to calm down, and try to stay strong otherwise the situation would get out of hand. The pink dress she wore complimented her skin tone, as it hugged her bust and fell down, reaching mid-thigh. Unfortunately, it was the only thing she could find in New York at last minute, but she didn't mind trying something new.

"Elena, are you okay?" Bonnie followed her in, placing a gentle hand on her back. "You don't look good, what's going on?"

"Bonnie, I just-" Before she could get the words out, she covered her mouth and headed for a cubicle as she threw up into the toilet bowl, her chest feeling like it was on fire again.

"Elena!" Rushing over to comfort her friend, she rubbed her back and looked at the bowl, her eyes wide with fear, "Oh my god, Elena."

Opening her eyes, Elena tried to conceal her panic as she seen the toilet bowl covered in blood. It was getting worse. Was this something to do with Damon not picking up on her heartbeat, or even Stefan? Pulling the handle, she watched as the water flushed it away, and turned to look at Bonnie, "What's happening to me?"

Stefan moved through the crowd with Caroline behind him, as he searched for the older version of himself. Where was he? Turning on his heel, he went to walk until he caught sight of the jet black hair and leather jacket that he had grown use to over the past couple of months. Rolling his shoulders back, he pushed through the crowd to the drunken vampire and gripped his shoulder, pulling him back from the red-head he was feeding on.

I don't want nobody
I don't want nobody, baby
But you

There's something about your body
That's got me thinking of nobody
But you

Damon turned around quickly, ready for a fight and burst out laughing as he seen Stefan, "Well, look who we have here." Looking over his shoulder, he smirked as he seen Caroline, "Oh yay, Blondie tagged along too."

"And she isn't going anywhere." Caroline commented wryly, her arms crossed as she watched the two brothers.

"You've had your fun." Stefan told him, his eyes narrowed, "Time to snap out of this...I don't want humanity crap. Flip the switch, and come with me."

I don't want nobody
I don't want nobody, baby
But you

"Wow, is that all you have to say Stefan?" He rolled his eyes, looking away from Caroline as he wiped the blood off of his chin. "Why would I turn it back on, when I have the world at my feet? I can do anything I want." Smirking, he fixed his collar and grabbed the blonde's neck, from who he was feeding off earlier. "I can feed, and I can have fun."

"How about you walk out freely before I drag you out?" Stefan threatened, pushing him away from the blonde, "Don't make me fight you Damon. I came to help you!"

There's something about your body
That's got me thinking of nobody
But you

I don't want nobody
Body, body, body (...)

"Help me with what?" Damon burst out laughing, and shook his head, tutting, "You can't help me Stefan. You can't help anyone. I don't need help. I'm happy, and I'm where I belong. In the city that never sleeps, where I can feed on endless amounts of people." Rolling his eyes, he moved past him to walk away, "I'll see you around brother."

"What about Elena?" He questioned, his emerald eyes growing a darker shade, "Do you not care about her anymore!? She is everything to you!"

I don't want nobo-
I don't want nobody ba-
I don't want nobody ba-
I don't want no-
I don't want nobody ba-
I don't want no-
I don't want nobody ba-
I don't want nobody ba-

"Correction." Damon shrugged, stopping in his tracks as he turned to look at him. "Not is, was. As in past tense." Tilting his head, his eyes flashed a darker blue, "She's dead. But, I do have to give it to you." Laughing, he gave Stefan a pat on the shoulder, "Katherine...of all people. What did you think she was going to do huh?"

"Katherine?" Stefan feigned confusion, raising an eyebrow, "We starting to hallucinate now? Katherine will still be on the run, and wouldn't stop into a club to see you."

I don't want nobody
I don't want nobody baby
But you

There's something about your body
That's got me thinking of nobody
But you

"Hmm." Damon clenched his jaw, "I'm not hallucinating. I saw her, and you can deny and lie about it as much as you want, but I know you had something to do with this. You've had experience with lies over the past couple of months, you should be a pro by now right?"

I don't want nobody
I don't want nobody baby
But you
There's something about your body
That's me thinking of nobody
But you

"Damn, if only Elena hadn't died!" The blue-eyed vampire laughed, "She could have backed up my theory."

I don't wanna nobody
Body, body, body (...)

"Right, that's enough." Stefan glared, gripping the collar of his jacket, he pushed him backwards against the wall, "You're coming with me whether you like it or not."

"I choose not." Damon gripped him by his neck, smirking, "You aren't even worth it Stefan. Besides, now you've ruined my night." Pushing him onto the floor, he fixed his jacket, "I'll be on my way. I'll see you around brother."

I don't want nobo-
I don't want nobody ba-
I don't want nobody ba-
I don't want no-
I don't want nobody ba-

"Stefan?" Caroline bent down quickly and placed her hand on his shoulder, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, fine." Stefan groaned, pushing to his feet as he looked at her, "Thank you for staying out of it."
"You asked." She gave him a smile, "We gotta find Bonnie and Elena."
"Yeah, and then we have to go to Alaric." Stefan stressed, looking around, "Alaric has a lot of anger right now, and I don't want anything happening.

I don't want no-
I don't want nobody ba-
I don't want nobody ba-
I don't want nobody
(...) But you (...)

Alaric watched from a distance, his stance stiff as he thought about what could be happening right now. What if Damon seen Elena and hurt her? Would he? Surely, that would flip his switch, unless he was too far gone. If he did something, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself when he decided to flip the light bulb again.

Sighing, he leaned back against the brick wall, his hand resting on the stake which was tucked into the waistband of his jeans. He hoped everything was going okay, and that no one would get hurt. Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. It was going to be okay, he wasn't going to have to use this...especially on Damon.

Hearing footsteps, he looked up and pushed himself off of the wall quickly. He thought he was imagining things, until he noticed the familiar attire his best friend was always wearing. 100 percent Damon, there was no doubt about it. Stepping out from the shadows, he raised an eyebrow, "Damon?"

"Hmm?" Damon turned on his heel, a smirk reaching his lips, "Well, this is just a world of surprises tonight. They even brought the Vampire Hunting History teacher."

"I brought myself." Alaric responded, his voice stern as he raised an eyebrow, "Planning on coming back to Mystic Falls anytime soon, or are you going to continue being a dick?"

"Why?" He laughed, "You want me to come back to be your drinking buddy huh?" Moving closer, he shook his head, "Or did you want to sit and talk about the good ol days where we were Guardians to a spoilt teenager who got herself killed?"

Before he seen it come, Alaric crashed a right hook into the side of his jaw as he stumbled backwards, groaning with a laugh as he wiped the blood from the corner of his lip. Taking a deep breath, Alaric stared at him with anger in his eyes. He obviously hadn't seen her then.

"How about we talk facts huh?" Gripping the stake against his waist, "How about the fact that she is your world, and you know she is! You broke down and turned it off because you couldn't handle living without her! You couldn't handle the fact that she wouldn't be in your life anymore! You ran Damon! You couldn't be without that girl because you are in love with her!"

"Oh Alaric." Damon laughed, narrowing his eyes, "I couldn't be happier that she's gone." Moving quickly, he grabbed Alaric by his collar and threw him against the wall, "Do you know, how much of a pain it was trying to take care of her?"

"Cut the bullshit!" Alaric barked at him through a groan as he pushed himself up the wall, trying to catch his breath. "You devoted your life to Elena! Elena was your everything, and she put that light back inside of you! She made you smile, she made you laugh, she made you care!" Glaring at Damon, he pushed him backwards, "She made you love! You are so deeply in love with her that you couldn't face the fact that she was dead! You flipped the switch just like that, and the only reason you did that is because you are in love with her!"

Damon moved quick, gripping Alaric by his neck and tightened his grip as he held him up against the wall, "I do not love Elena." He hissed through gritted teeth. "She is dead, so it is about time you start facing the facts, and move on."

"No." Alaric choked, gripping Damon's arm as he used his other hand to grab the stake and stab it into Damon's shoulder, causing him to drop to the floor as the vampire staggered backwards, groaning in pain. "You...face the facts. When Elena is here, she won't be happy to see this side of you."

"" Damon barked, pulling the stake out of his arm with a groan as he went for Alaric, but was pushed backwards.

"Not so fast brother." Stefan narrowed his eyes as he helped Alaric to his feet, "I think it's time to end this."

"End this huh?" Damon laughed, rolling his shoulder backwards as he finally looked up, "Looks like we have a search party here." He looked at them all, tutting. "Such a waste of time this is. How about you all just go back to Mystic Falls and leave me be?"

"Or how about you make it easy on yourself and come with us?" Bonnie snapped as she walked up the road, her eyes narrowed. "I think it's about time your fun ended here, and you turned your emotions back on."

"You brought along Bennett?" He raised his eyebrows, laughing harder. "I'm sorry, where does shorty fit into this? You want me to kill her, or-ahhh!"

Damon fell to his knees, clutching his head in his hands as he groaned in pain. It felt like his head was on fire, and his blood vessels were bursting over and over again. Bonnie squeezed her fist, chanting under her breath as she moved closer to him.

"Surprise." Bonnie hissed, throwing him backwards through the air as he rolled along the road, grunting in pain, managing to slip out a laugh on the way. "Feel like turning them back on now?"

"Well," Damon smirked, shaking his head, "Colour me surprised. We now have Bonnie the teenage Witch." Pushing to his feet, he laughed and narrowed his eyes, "Why do you care whether I have my emotions on or off? Did you get dragged into this too?"

"I'm doing it for Elena." She responded, but was knocked down when Damon went for her, but Stefan pushed her out of the way, throwing Damon against the wall.

"Damon! Enough!" Stefan shouted, looking at Bonnie with worry, as he helped her up, "Where is she?"
"She isn't good Stefan." The young girl responded, getting to her feet as she looked over at Damon.

"Brother, how about you just leave, before this gets messy?" Damon pushed himself up from the floor, his stance rigid as he glared at all of them, "You're doing nothing but being a pain in my existence."

Stefan looked at Bonnie, and seen her nodding over towards the alleyway not far down from them. Looking at Damon, he moved quick and grabbed him, throwing him along the road.

Alaric headed down into the alley that Bonnie had pointed out, and looked around, trying not to panic. Where was she? Moving quicker, he heard whimpering and looked over to see Elena sitting on the floor against the wall.

"Elena!" Alaric rushed over, bending down as he cupped her hand in his face gently, looking at her, "Oh Elena."
"Ric." Elena whimpered softly, her complexion paler than before as she grabbed his wrist with a shaking hand, "I don't feel good."

"I know." He whispered, tears glossing his eyes as he gently wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her to her feet, "Bonnie is going to fix this okay? You're going to be fine." Holding her close, he led her up the alley slowly, his heart racing as he tried to think of the next solution. What could they do next? How much more would they mess up?

"I'm so cold." Leaning into him, she walked slowly, her eyes flickering open when she heard grunts and arguing. "What's going on?"
"Listen," Alaric kissed her head, "Damon isn't in a good way right now okay? You can't be near him. I need to get you out of here."
"No." Elena responded, her voice soft as tears blurred her chocolate eyes, "If it's the last thing I'm going to do. I'm going to help him."

"Elena, you aren't well." He told her, a tear falling as he watched the blood run from her nose, which she wiped away quickly, trying to blink away her own tears, "You're putting way too much pressure on yourself."

"It's my decision, my choice." She responded, smiling sadly as she hugged him close. "I have to do this."
"We are going to fix this, okay?" Alaric closed his eyes, holding her close as he kissed the temple gently, "You are going to be okay Elena."

"I don't want to have to keep doing this Damon." Stefan crossed his arms as he watched Damon groaning in pain on the ground, Bonnie standing next to him, controlling the level of pain. "If you switch it on now, the pain will stop."

"I'm not switching anything on!" Damon spat, another cry of pain leaving him as the pain intensified, causing him to dig his fingers into his head in attempt to stop it. "There's nothing you can do to change that!"

"Maybe there's nothing I can do." He responded softly, his eyes lifting from the face of his brother whose face was covered in blood, to the brunette who emerged slowly from the alley with Alaric by her side. "But maybe someone else can help."

"Ahhh." Damon groaned out in pain as pushed himself onto all fours, trying to get to his feet. Bonnie dropped her hand, stepping back with Stefan and crossed her arms. "Finally, you gave up?" Hanging his head, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath as the blood ran from his mouth. Feeling someone kneeling in front of him, he clenched his fists, getting ready for another fight.

He pushed himself back to sit up and froze in his place as a gentle hand wrapped carefully around his wrist. He raised his head, his eyes narrowing as he came to face with the brunette he had seen earlier in the club. He forgot how much of a resemblance Katherine had with Elena, but it was the little things that made them different, the ones he noticed vividly and always treasured. He pulled his hand away, narrowing his eyes.


"Katherine." Damon cut her off, sitting back on his heels as he wiped the blood from his nose. "You again, wonderful." Looking up, he seen Alaric watching from the side, worry and faint tears showing in his eyes. That's when he noticed the look of worry was over everyone's faces, which he didn't understand. "I don't know what you guys want from me, especially by bringing her here. She means nothing to me anymore. I forgot about her a long time when she decided to screw me over again." Damon looked at Elena, his eyes dark like a storm, "I found something better."

"What?" Stefan asked, his voice quiet and surprised as he watched Damon. The slightest hint of emotion just flashed through his eyes. Unfortunately, he didn't catch it quick enough to read it.

"What brother?" The blue-eyed vampire narrowed his eyes as he pushed to his feet, stepping back. "I'm done here. Leave me be, and take her with you." He spat in annoyance, as he looked at Elena, going to turn on his heel.

"You found me." Elena whispered, her voice breaking as the emotions were bubbling up to the surface. Pushing to her feet with shaking legs, she kept her balance and held her hand up to keep Alaric back as she watched Damon stop dead in his tracks. ""

"No." Damon turned on his heel, anger evident in his eyes as he stared at her. "Katherine, you ruined me. I found-"

"Elena." She responded, tears slipping down her pale cheek as she tried to stay strong. She needed to do this. She needed to help him, and get Damon back. Even if that meant she wasn't going to be here to see it, she needed to get through to him.

"How do you know her name!?" He snapped, moving quick as he stood in front of her, grabbing her neck in his grasp as he stared down at her. A flash of hurt went across the storm in his eyes. Elena stared up at him, her heart racing more than it should be at the moment. She seen emotion, she seen him. Alaric moved closer, but Stefan held him back, shaking his head. "Speak then! How do you know her? Did you have something to do with all of this!?"

"I know her." Elena spoke gently, as more tears glazed her brown eyes and the sob was threatening to break out. His hand around her frightened her, but the feel of his touch sent her skin on fire. "I know her...a lot more than you think." She lifted her eyes to stare into his, as she lifted her shaking hand and stroked her thumb over his cheek as gentle as she could manage. "You saved her. You made her everything she is, and she deeply in love with you."

Damon moved back from her quickly, causing her hand to slip from his face. He looked around as his fists clenched, and he turned his attention to the brunette in front of him; confusion and hope being evident in his eyes. It wasn't possible. How could she know so much about Elena, unless...she was? He looked her over, the shaking of her body evident. Katherine never cried in front of him, she never showed any emotion except being a heartless bitch.

"Look, I don't know what game you are pulling this time, but it isn't going to work." He shut it down again, not letting anything in because it was all a lie. "Tell me, tell me one memory!"

"I think we have more than one memory." She whispered, looking him over. "Maybe the time that we first kissed? Maybe the time where I told you I was in love with you and you chased me into the storm?" Tilting her head, she watched his eyes fluttering with different emotions. "My last memory...was pain, and sadness. As I lay there...I broke inside at the thought of not being able to ever see you again, and knowing our last words were the perfect moment."

"What?" He whispered, his breath catching in his throat.

Elena took a shaky breath and moved closer to him again, being cautious. He went to move until she took his hand in hers, watching the movement of his eyes as he stared at their hands, before looking back into her eyes; another flash shooting across his eyes. She lifted his hand, and pressed her lips to his palm, before moving his hand to her cheek and holding it in place as she stared up at him, tears falling from her eyelashes. "It's me.

"Elena?" Damon whispered, his voice breaking as he looked her over, "You aren't her. You have no heartbeat."
"It's me." Elena repeated, taking his other hand, and placing it over her chest as she swallowed the lump in her throat, "I know it's faint, but it's there. It's racing...just like it always has when you are around me."

Damon stared at her, his eyes slowly fading into light as the bright blue returned that she had fell in love with. A tear made it's escape, as he fell to his knees and held his head in his hands, the sudden events finally catching up with him. Elena took a shaky breath, more tears falling from her own eyes as she looked at Alaric, his eyes also filled with unshed tears. She was running out of time.

Bending down slowly, she kneeled and wrapped her hands around his wrists, slowly pulling his hands away from his face as he tipped his head up to look at her, tears streaks evident on his cheeks. She gave him a sad smile as she tilted her head, "I'm so sorry. I did this to you." Feeling the coldness spread through her, she took a deep breath as her chest began tightening again. "Damon, I love you. You are my life, and everything I have ever known. Please don't feel guilty for anything you have done because it wasn't you, none of this was you."

"Elena," Lifting his hand, he cupped her cheek gently as she nuzzled into him, drawing a sharp breath from him, "I can't believe this. I must have had dream after dream about this, but you're really here. You're alive." Stroking his thumb over her cheek, he looked into her eyes, the familiar intensity coming back to him like dejavu, "Something isn't right."

"No." Elena responded, her voice raspy as she held his hand close and looked into his eyes, "Bonnie did a spell. Unfortunately, it seems to only be temporary." Closing her eyes, she inhaled, "I needed to find you before it was too late. I couldn't let you do this to yourself. I died, and you went off the rails."

"No." Damon responded, shaking his head as he looked behind her at Stefan and Bonnie, "There must be another way." He got to his feet, and gently lifted Elena into his arms, holding her close, "I'm not letting you go again."

"There's only one way." Stefan responded, clearing his throat, as he felt everyone's eyes on him, "Turning her."
"Turning her? Are you out of your mind!?" Alaric glared at him, shaking his head, "No way!"

"Do you want her to die!" The emerald eyes shot daggers in his direction, "It is the only way! A spell is just another temporary adjustment! She is still in the same condition from when the accident happened, and she is going to get worse every time we try and slow down the process!"

"There isn't enough time." Damon whispered, tears glazing his eyes at the thought of losing her all over again, when he hadn't even come to terms with her being alive. "There's so little time, and I have so many things I want to say-"

"You don't need to say anything." Elena lay her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes, "There are no words needed Damon. I forgive you for everything."
"Oh, so turning her into a Vampire is the best way?" Alaric snapped, as he looked towards Damon, "Damon help me out here!"

"I-" Swallowing hard, he moved his attention back down to Elena and froze as he noticed she wasn't moving, and the rising of her chest had stopped, "Elena?" Stroking her hair back, he closed his eyes tightly when there was no movement. She was gone...again. Taking a deep breath, he looked at Alaric, his eyes filling with tears, "Its too late." Slowly walking over, he sat against the wall and held Elena in his lap as he kissed her forehead repeatedly, stroking her hair.

"I'm glad I didn't wait for your approval." Stefan advised, looking over at Damon and Elena.
"What the hell do you mean my approval? You wouldn't have got it!" Alaric told him, furrowing his brows as he looked over at his best friend's heart breaking all over again. "We didn't want that life for her!"

"We? As in you!? Because I'm pretty sure it's you that is answering for yourself and Damon!"
"Now is not the time for this!" Damon shouted, his eyes narrowed as he looked up at them, "Stop."
"Damon, I don't know if I can do anything else." Bonnie moved over, bending down beside him as she stared at Elena sadly, "It might make it worse."

"I can't do this again." Damon looked at Bonnie, before shaking his head as he swallowed the lump growing in his throat, "I won't."

"Damon, she's fine." Stefan moved closer, taking a deep breath, " going to be fine."
"Fine!? Stefan she's dead! There is no brin-"

"She'll turn." He responded, as Damon's head shot up.

A/N: Hello Hello! :D

And here it is! I'm so sorry for the wait, and I'm really sorry if it's a bit long, the writing got away from me again!

Thank you for all of your wonderful reviews, except the odd one which wants to give negative feedback about the whole ordeal, so thank for those wonderful people who are egging me on to continue! :) You're the best!

Thank you again and I hope you enjoyed!