
"Start packing your shit, Azelma, because we're not coming back." Ordered Éponine.

Her 18 year old sister, Azelma, was frankly too dumbfounded to speak, so she contended to hastily packing her few belongings.

"Merde, merde, merde," Éponine muttered to herself upon inspection of her hands. A dark crimson color stained her fingers and palms.

" 'Ponine," Azelma managed to speak, "He's not…?"

"Dead? No."

They silently observed the in unconscious body on the floor. Blood flowed profusely from the man's nose and a gash in his dark hairline, a streak of red running down his face and spreading on his shirtfront.

"But papa sure as hell deserves to be dead." Said Éponine through clenched teeth.

"Don't say that, just because he almost-"

"He almost killed you, 'Zelma."

A knowing silence hung in the air.

"For a second," Azelma breathed, "I thought he did…"

"That bastard," spat Éponine. "He deserves a lot worse than this."

Azelma's voice was almost a whimper, "But do we have to run away?"

"I'm not sure about you," Éponine packed a suitcase about as angrily as possible. "But I don't enjoy being sold to middle-aged, horny men for nights on end." She picked up a blouse from the floor, took a whiff, deemed it clean then threw it in the portmanteau. "I don't like being covered in scars and bruises. And I sure as enfer don't take pleasure in financially supporting our abusive father. We deserve better…"

"Can't we wait until we sort things out?" Azelma persisted, worry hanging in her words.

"If not now, then when?"

"Perhaps you've forgotten something, 'Ponine.."

"And what would that be?"

"A ride.."

"Please," scoffed Éponine, with a wave of her hand, "I've got that figured out."

Éponine sauntered across the street and buzzed into the apartment complex. Humming innocently, she knocked on the door marked 221 A. Within seconds, the door swung open.

"Oh, hello 'Ep." Rasped Montparnasse, rubbing his eyes awake. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

Éponine didn't care too admit it, but she loved seeing Montparnasse in all of his morning wonder; jet-black hair a mess and stubble spread across his jaw. He was handsome, no doubt. Éponine cringed at the memory of her marveling at his beauty though; gazing wondrously into those dark eyes and kissing those full red lips lovingly.

"I've just missed you so much 'Parnasse." Éponine swung her arms around his broad shoulders, which tensed at her touch. "I miss what we used to be," she gushed, her eyes flirting sweetly.

"I-" He began, startled at her sudden affection and her cold touch. His shoulders relaxed. "I've missed you too."

Éponine pressed her lips to his in a quick motion and cupped her hand at his neck. She was trying so desperately to conceal her boredom, her other hand traced a line down his back, and fell into his back pocket. Montparnasse was enjoying the moment far too much to feel Éponine's nimble fingers grasp the metal keys from his pocket.

She was the one to break the kiss, pulling away indifferently.

"I'll see you around," she smirked, and skipped away giddily. As soon as she was out of his sight, her legs broke out into a sprint, causing her to nearly tumble down the single flight of stairs. Finally she reached the end of the street to discover Azelma securing their suitcases on top of the van parked at the curb.

It was Montparnasse's pride and joy, the van. It resembled a Volkswagen hippie van from the 60s or so, but it was well equipped with modern technology and enough seats for 8 people. Even Éponine had to admit, as cars go, it was beautiful.

"Almost done?" Éponine said.

"Yeah almost I just need the-" Her eyes went wide. "Shit."


"Montparnasse!" Azelma pointed a shaking finger at the man stumbling out of the building.

"Sainte putain de merde!" He cursed, his wild eyes set on Éponine. "Putain allumeuse!"


Éponine scurried to the back of the van and threw the remaining bags in, watching Montparnasse in the reflection of the back window growing larger.


Instinctively, Éponine hurled herself into the trunk of the car, her back landing hard on the suitcases. She nearly fell out when Azelma slammed her foot on the gas.

"Sorry!" Shouted the younger sister.

Éponine groaned in response.

Montparnasse was running full speed after them; visible anger contorted in his face.

"Get, out, of, my, van!" Montparnasse gasped between breaths, hit feet slammed hard on the road after every step.

Azelma glanced in the rear view mirror, "Get him off our tail!"

"Oh wow, if only I had thought of that-"

"Just do it, Ép!"

Éponine desperately dug her hand underneath the carseats, and clasped her hands on an empty beer bottle.

She brandished it, waving the glass in the air as if to mock the runner.

"Bye, Parnasse," she said, throwing the bottle onto the pavement before him. It shattered just as she hoped it would.

She watched his silhouette diminish before shutting the hatch door.

"Are you alright?" Azelma asked.

Éponine's heavy breaths turned into gasps, which became a low chuckle, then a genuine and infectious laugh. The driver couldn't help but giggle too.

"Can we stop by Le Livre Rouge?" Éponine asked, climbing over the carseats and planting her bottom shotgun. She fiddled with the radio tuner, angrily flipping through bad station after bad station.

"Now?" Azelma took her eyes off the road for a split second to glance at her sister.

"I need to pick up my paycheck! We need as much money as we can get."

"I have, I think, about 94 euros, I mean that's not that much-"

Éponine threw her hands on the wheel and spun it quickly.

"Ce que l'enfer-" began Azelma.

The car jerked to the side of the road, wheels at the curb.

"It's right here. I'll be two minutes."

The shop was impressive, as bookstores go, adorned with wooden cases 15 feet high. In them was a colorful variety of books of every kind, scattered and unorganized.

Éponine walked into the bookstore in her usual manner; bored with a hint of bitter. Her expression changed when her working partner brushed passed her, tears brimming in his glassy eyes, and stomped away without recognition of her.

"Combeferre," Éponine called, stopping him in his tracks, "What happened?"

Combeferre had been working with her for as long as she can remember. They conversed mainly in complaints of their tyrannical and Napoleon-Complex ridden boss, Theodule. She always thought fondly of the university student plagued with mature manner and intelligent demeanor. Heavy-framed glasses sat on his nose, and his dirty-blonde hair often skimmed the top of them.

"They fired me," he whimpered, his voice quiet and low, blue eyes fixed on the floor. "They're firing us." He corrected himself, and met her gaze.

"Oh," breathed Éponine, like a sigh of relief.

"Oh? That's it?"

"Well I was going to quit today, anyway. I'm only here to pick up my paycheck. I've had enough of Theodule's harassment anyway."

"Merde," He sat on the windowsill, "I don't know what I'm going to do."

An idea sparked in Éponine's mind. It was crazy and stupid, but a better alternative than a miserable Combeferre.

"I do."

Combeferre knew that look in her eyes. "What?" He asked, not sure if he wanted to hear the answer.

She motioned for him to follow her. Combeferre was surprised when he found himself joining her, and even willingly climbing into the sketchy-looking hippie van that smelled strongly of stale coffee and sunscreen.

"Azelma, this is Combeferre. Combeferre, Azelma." Éponine introduced quickly.

The driver paused before speaking,"You went to Lycée High right?"

"Oui, I've seen you there some years back. Do you still attend school there?"

"I just graduated last week, actually."

"CONGRATS, GRAD!" Éponine screamed, as she always did when Azelma would mention this.

The van lurched as Azelma pressed her foot against the pedal angrily.

"So where are we off to?" Inquired Combeferre, his mood lightening as distance between him and the bookstore increased.

"Oh, we don't know that." Éponine said, as-a-matter-of-factly.

"So…" He struggled to understand, then furrowed his eyebrows, "You don't know where we're going."

"We don't know where we're going. We just know that we're going."

A/n: Hello there! thanks for reading. I'm new to writing fics, so reviews would be very helpful! I definitely am planning e/e for this fic, but i'm not sure who to pair Azelma with. I was thinking more Jehan than Grantaire, but everyone seems to like Grantaire and Azelma together! I'm even planning to make playlists to go along with this fic, like each individual character's mixtape. These first few chapters are mostly going to be rounding the gang up. Anyway, please review, if you have any ideas I will totally consider them. Did i mention review? Haha, okay, again, thank you for reading.