
The one truth of the world, for all things must be created and so they must perish. He was called many things in his time as one of the Four. Kinslayer and Executioner were the most well-known, and the easiest to translate from the old texts.

He restored the Kingdom of Man to an even greater glory than before, sacrificing the souls of his brethren, the Nephilim: the cursed union between Angel and Demon. Out of all the horsemen he was the most powerful. His powers were absolute.

But now we look to a new Death, a new horsemen who will take up the reins and do the bidding of the Charred Council. For after the End War between Angel and Demon was over, both sides had lost so many of their kind. Only the Four were untouched, standing tall as the rest retreated.

The seven seals were once again put in place, but this time they did more than just halt an endless war. The Four died, their powers becoming one with the seal, only to be released when all of creation was in danger. And so the seals waited. Eons passed with not a whisper, but something stirred in the darkest corners of the universe.

Something thought to be long extinct.

Hey everyone, as I now have a beta I'm having the story looked over and here.s the first of the chapter to be done. See you all next time.