Kanako Miyamae... at last we will meet again. You failed to finish what you started, skittering away from your duty like a coward! You thought you could escape, eh? Well think again, fool! I will find you in Ame-no-Kisaki, even if I have to rip apart the whole damn campus to do so. I will not be held accountable for your absence any longer Kana-Chan. Until you fulfill your task and redeem our academy's title in having the most unparalleled Symphony Orchestra in the nation, the friendship we once shared has now festered to an oppressive apprenticeship. The neglect of your natural-born talent has come to an end. Your abilities serve no ace and have no value in any other academic department, so you might as well be of some use and save what dignity you have left. Hopefully you've still managed to sustain a little bit, though my confidence in the matter is inevitably shaky…

Nonetheless, prepare yourself, Miyamae. You will train until you can no longer properly wield a bow in your hand!

"OI! Wake up dumbass!" Mariya towered over Kanako's bed, radiating with aggravation.

"Hnnnn… Sachi-Chan that lingerie… looks so…" Kanako incoherently murmured in her peaceful slumber. She was not aware of the blonde's presence at her bedside, though that obliviousness would soon come to an end.

"BAKA!" Mariya whipped out a fly swatter and smacked Kanako roughly on the cheek with it.

"OWW!" The action caused the raven-haired girl to jolt up from her bed. She had a hand placed over her now red, irritated skin. "What the hell was that for?!"

"Hah! Serves you right…" Mariya lifted a gloved hand that he didn't carry the fly swatter in, which held a pair of pink, intricately decorated panties, "You left these filthy things in the opening where my poor, delicate eyes could be eternally scarred with."

"EH?!" Kanako possessively snatched her underwear out of Mariya's hand, "THESE ARE THE PANTIES I PLACED IN THE CLOTHES HAMPER NEXT TO MY BED!"

"Yes, and they were still in range for my vision to catch sight of. Find a better place for your disgusting frippery."


"Agh," Mariya ripped the gloves off his hands and cupped his hands over his ears, "Tune it down for Christ's sake, I'm practically bleeding from the ears."

"Meh…" Kanako furrowed her eyebrows and let out a heavy sigh before kneeling down and tucking her panties meticulously under her bed. "There, happy?" she huffed.

"Ecstatic. Now get ready for class, we're going to be late."

"Waah? Why didn't you wake me up sooner?"

"That would have been impossible for me to do considering I wasn't awake to wake you up. I slept in a little by mistake due to Matsurika being 'late'; besides, you should start setting an alarm for yourself just in case things like these happen. You're old enough to wake yourself up, are you not? At least make yourself useful of something." Matsurika, tapping away at a hand-held video-game in the background, took in Mariya's words and mentally snickered, 'A little hypocritical it seems.'

"Eeh? Are you implying that I'm useless?" Kanako was too busy languishing at the thought of it to notice Mariya's indiscretion. She saw herself as … somewhat useful. Well, then again she didn't have the best grades... scratch that, she was barely passing her classes and with Mariya's help too. She didn't really do anything to help Mariya in return…

"Feh, are you just now realizing it? I thought I've made that clear from day one," Mariya picked up his school bag next to his bed and slung it over his shoulder.

'Useless…' The word hit Kanako like a ton of bricks. She had subconsciously known this all along but now it was suddenly coming to her conscious directly, all at once.


Kanako was brought to her knees in despair, "You're... you're right..."

Mariya curiously turned his attention to Kanako with an arched eyebrow, "Yeah, nothing new, now how 'bout you get in your uniform- and you don't have to worry about me looking. If I need to, I'll just wait outside; I can't afford to be any later than I already am."

Kanako didn't verbally respond, she just hunched over, wallowing in self-pity. "I've let everybody down... Sachi-chan, Yuzuru-chan, Kiri-chan, Ryuken-chan- all of them! I'M JUST A USELESS PIECE OF GARBAGE!" *cue dramatic music, gloomy spotlight on Kanako, and follow-ups of images of the people that are named off*

Maria let out an exasperated sigh and placed a hand on his hip, "Look we don't have time for this dramatic bullshit, continue your little epiphany later."

Kanako clutched the carpet tightly, to the point where strands of yarn that held it together were pulled out. "I CAN'T JUST LET THIS GO... I NEED TO... NEED TO..."

"Get a life?" Matsurika offered monotonously.

"YES! EXACTLY THA-" Mariya cut off Kanako by whacking her for a second time in the face with the fly swatter. "Dumbass! You're pulling out my carpet, now get dressed and don't make me repeat myself again!" he growled furiously. Kanako sniffled, but complied reluctantly when the two turned their attention away from her and began chatting amongst themselves.

'How could I let this happen? I've been too distracted by Mariya and all the beautiful girls at the academy to be able to focus on making use of myself... I need to concentrate! What could I do to improve? What could I, Kanako Miyamae, have to offer to the world?! Ergh... maybe I'm just hopeless...' Kanako buttoned up her blouse, and pulled on the topcoat of her uniform. 'This is... Mariya-kun's fault! He is too busy finding ways to ridicule me rather than finding ways for me to help out! That's it! He truly is Evil, the demon! Dear Mother in heaven, SAVE ME!'

"Oi," Mariya turned his head to Kanako since she already had the essentials of her uniform on; his ponytails twitching marginally, "I know what you're thinking, you need to quit blaming other people, mainly me, for your faults."

"It's not anyone's fault in particular that you don't serve a purpose in this world," Matsurika added cheekily. *cue Mariya-kun sweat-drop*

"H-hey, how did you know what I was thinking?! And Matsurika-kun, I could do without the unnecessary comments!" Kanako whined, tying her neck-tie.

"Because you're all too predictable, you're like an open book when it comes down to it. Look, if it really bothers you that much, do something about it. Wasn't there anything at all you did as a kid or something that you were good at?" Mariya questioned, reluctantly offering help.

Kanako paused for a moment, her eyebrows furrowed in a thoughtful expression. "Well... there was one thing... but..."

"But?" Mariya prodded impatiently.

"That's... that's all behind me now. It was something I was good at, but I didn't really enjoy doing it. It was kinda something my dad forced me into doing... well actually he didn't force me, it was just that i couldn't say no when he introduced the idea. Also, it was something my mom was pretty good at too, so it has some importance in that sense."

"Well come out with it, dammit. What were you good at?"

"I -"

*Knock, knock*


"Hn?" Mariya approached the door and hastily placed his hand on the doorknob; turning it and then pulling the door open. A quick glint was caught in the peripheral vision of Kanako's eye, a very familiar glint of a rosary.

"Mariya-chan, Matsurika-chan, I noticed your absence and decided to pay your dorm room a visit! I was worried that something dreadful may have happened to the two of you lovely ladies!"

Mariya smiled and immediately switched to his sweet, celestial facade, "Oh, we're fine, thank you for your concern, but we'll be headed out in a few minutes. Was there anything in particular you needed?"

"Well, I also came to escort you out of the dorms. There has been a little bit of a disturbance at Mihoshi no Mori, and it seems it's a bit too dangerous for you ladies to be out by yourself," Kanae answered chastely, in his own facade.

"Disturbance? What exactly occurred?"

"An aggressive albino boy was strutting about, apparently looking for someone, and he had started a brawl with some students. Unfortunately, they still haven't gotten a hold of him, but do not fear. I am here to aid you in this predicament!"

"Is that so? Well I guess we gotta be extra careful, then," Mariya said in a sickly sweet voice, placing a finger over his lips cutely. "Kanako-chan, are you ready?"

"Ah? Y-yes."

"Well, look's like we're ready to head out Kanae-senpai!"

[Akihiro's P.O.V]

Akihiro dodged and blocked the punches thrown by the male students deftly. They were of no use to him, all he needed was directions to Ame-no-Kisaki or connections to Kanako Miyamae, but none of them seemed to comply. He contemplated whether or not he should continue to fight back or not. It probably was safest to just try and just evade the situation all together so he did not get kicked off the campus by administrators, but then again he did like a good fight...

"I'm gonna ask you one more time, do any of you have connections to a female student named Kanako Miyamae?!"

"Why should we tell you?!" A brunette boy taunted, throwing another punch that was easily caught by the palm of Akihiro's hand.

"Your form is terrible, fool!" Akihiro exclaimed, pivoting his left foot and delivering a powerful kick to the student's face. "AGH!" The boy fell backwards and covered his face, wincing in pain.

"Why, you..." another growled, lunging for Akihiro. The latter began to prepare for the pitiful blow. 'These prudes just don't seem to-'


"Huh...?" Akihiro blinked in confusion. A boy with black spiked back hair had landed on top of the attacker's head. He wore what looked like a butler's tuxedo that had a large red 'R' on the under-piece near the cuff. "Heh. You're right, their form is shit. I am more of an arsenal kinda guy myself, but close-combat is kinda essential in certain cases," he winked and did a quick flip off the guy's head, who dropped to the ground, unconscious. "I kinda figured, since there's already a fight I might as well have a little fun. Oh, and don't worry, I didn't break his neck or anything-unfortunately- but ah... you said you were looking for someone?" he asked, scratching the back of his neck, a devilish grin plastered on his face.

"Erm... yeah. Kanako Miyamae. She's a relatively tall female student here, black hair, blue eyes," Akihiro explained aversely.

"Kanako Miyamae... Kanako Miyamae..." he placed his index finger, thoughtfully, to his chin; the mischievous look on his face unfaltering. "Gosh, that sounds so familiar," he mused, feigning sincerity.

Akihiro raised an eyebrow, feeling distrustful of any information he would receive from the guy. The emotionless orbs and smug look he gave belonged to that of a sadist. Though that was his type of person that was right in his caliber when it came to getting buddy-buddy with someone, he didn't know a thing about the guy, hence, he couldn't trust him.

"I know a guy that might be able to help you... for a price."

"A price?" Akihiro scoffed incredulously. "And what might that be?" he questioned. 'I might as well amuse the guy with whatever bullshit he's got up his sleeve...'

INCOMPLETE~ Review and I'll update tomorrow more than likely ;3.