Chapter 1: Why did this happen?

Why did this happen to me?

I was a normal kid, with normal problems, and normal appearance, though one day, all that changed, and I became this.

Here is how it happened, I was walking down a sidewalk, heading down to my house after school, minding my own business, whistling to the music 'In the end' by Linken Park, one of my favorite bands out there, as I walked at my usual pace, faster than other people, in my jean pants, wearing a black sweatshirt hoody, had a red school bag on my back, and had a military like haircut, I never was in the military, I like the concept of the army and that stuff, but I never wanted to join it, for the reason was that I was never good with a gun, I did know that the army would help me with that, though there was also that other thing with dying, I have seen a dead body before, seven or eight puppies, just born as my other dog, who has killed other animals before, killed the puppies, then my father killed that dog, and that was when I did not want to see another dead body again, except for films, because I know that they were fake.

As I was walking, I noticed someone in a dark ally, he had a black cloak, black hat, and black shoes, part of his face was able to be seen, but not that much, just the area where his eyes were and around there.

He was showing a motion for me to follow him, when he noticed I caught on, he went closer into the ally, for some reason, my curiosity got the best of me, I don't know why, but I felt like I needed to follow him, so I did, but in case that this was a big mistake, I always had my .45 with me, hidden in my bag, I knew no one would open my bag and find it because I was always an open person, always saying what I have done, always talking what I did in the past, so people did not think I would have anything to hide in there.

When I got in the ally, I saw that he was now facing me, he stopped and waited for a few seconds when he noticed that I was there, and then he turned around and walked further in the ally.

As we walked, I noticed that it kept getting darker and darker, the man had a flashlight when we could not see and we kept walking until we saw a red door, having a crooked sign that said "caution" I was not sure if this was going to be a good idea then, and I still don't know if it was a good idea now.

The door creaked as the man opened it, the sound of the door gave shivers down my spine, then he gestured for me to go in first, I hesitated but I did it anyway and I walked through the door.

The place looked like an empty house, and looked old with its wooden floors, wooden furniture, there was cracks in the wood, and every time I took a step, the wood creaked.

The man walked through the door and he walked in as well. He walked right in front of me and he walked over to a bookcase, he reorganized some books, and a hidden door was revealed, next to the bookcase and looked like it would lead to an empty cellar.

He walked down the cellar and I followed, but every step that I took to get there, the wood would creek, sending a shiver down my body for every step that I took.

When I finally reached the hidden passage and took my first step, I noticed that it was almost pitch black down there, and I also noticed that the stairs were made out of stone.

I was beginning to not trust this person, I kept my distance form him in case I was making a mistake and I also quickly got my .45 and I put it to my sides, then quickly hid it, he did not notice this and I felt more safe.

I was not joking when I said that I do not want to see another corpse again, but if it calls to that, I will.

His flashlight began to flicker, like some sort of disturbance was interfering with the bulb or something until it stopped flashing, but the light was also off in the process.

I kept walking down, un aware that he stopped and I bumped into him, but he quickly regained his balance and stayed on the steps, I stepped back a couple of steps and he opened a door from the left, there was a blue light coming out of the room, I was not able to see what was in the room though.

He walked in and I followed, what came up was something that I never seen before.

I saw containers of some sort of liquid, that were as large as a tree and had the width of a hallway, and inside of them was something, though I was not able to see, there was also machine, a power tesla, tubes, a lot of stuff that you would find in a mad scientists lab, and that was when I felt like running.

I stood in place, not aware of what to do, thoughts of being dissected and me being in tubes, being tested on by this person kept swilling my mind, to the point of me almost throwing up.

The man took off his cap, revealing white hair, and he turned around, and that is what shocked me, his appearance.

He looked an exact replica of prof. Oak from Pokémon, but that could not be right, he was in a cartoon, how could he be real, that is what made me to stay, I needed some answers.

When he spoke, it even sounded like Oak from the anima "I am so glad that you came here with Me." he smiled as he would normally in the anima, but I now saw some creepiness in his smile.

"What is this place?" I asked as I looked around seeing more and more of the same thing.

"This is my lab, this place is going to allow us to do many things in this world, though I needed someone to test the machine, that is why I needed someone from the street, you came along and I took the chance."

I was surprised by this, from the famous prof. Oak, if it was him, I was still skeptical from this, and I still had my guard up, in case that this was a trick.

He moved out of the way to a machine, it looked like a mechanical chair with arm and leg restraints, with also a cap on the top that had wires coming out of it.

I walked over to the machine, and when I to the machine, I was able to see what was in the tubes, and to my surprise, it was Pokémon, sleeping inside of them.

I stopped staring at them and I looked at the machine, I saw a wire trail and I followed it to a pc, then I again looked at the machine.

I heard the prof. talking behind me, sounded like he was pleading "Can you please help me test out the machine?" I did not know what to say, should I just call him a mad-man and run away, help him, or just say no, I did not know if he had a gun in case that this was a trick, so I was forced to say "Yes."

He looked happy and I stepped into the machine, I took off my bag and put my .45 in my bag, and he helped me with the restraints, he also put the cap on me and he walked over to the machine, he started to type some random buttons and he looked like he remembered something, he looked at me and said "Oh, I forgot to mention, you are going to turn into a Pokémon." I thought time stood still, I was going to turn into a Pokémon!? I wanted to get out of the restraints now, but I could not get any progress, I ran out of energy fast and I was not able to move.

He typed a few more buttons in and I started to feel an electric charge go through my entire body, during the charge I could hardly hear Oak say "When you want to turn back into a human and come back, find my lab, I will be waiting." Then I blanked out.

After hours and hours of me being knocked out, yet it felt like seconds, I started to feel and hear the strong wind going around me.

I stood up, wondering what happened to me, and how I got there, it took minutes for my brain to remember, the prof. the lab, and what he said...I turned into a Pokémon!

I jumped up and looked at myself, I saw that I now had little flippers for hands, and little feet, though it did not looked like feet, but more like flippers but different, I really don't know how to describe them, I saw that I had a light belly and had a shell like thing on my belly, I also noticed that I was now small, due to how close I was to the ground, I did not know what the heck I was.

"Hello?" I yelled out, trying to find help from another Pokémon, though there was no response back. "Hello?" I yelled out again, but with the same results as last time. I felt terrified, I knew nothing of what a Pokémon would do, and I sat down, trying to know how to get through this place without getting myself killed.

Soon after I tried to find a way, I started to hear rustling in the bushes, I was shocked that the Pokémon did not respond to my calling out for help, but I was not going to refuse if it was going to be someone that will help me.

I saw dark, angry looking eyes come through the bush, then I saw a mightyena, looking hungry and ready to kill, that was then I realized my mistake. I booked it the other way, I did not know what to do, but I was not going to see that if I could win a fight against that Pokémon.

It was chasing after me and quickly catching up to me, it did not take more than a couple seconds for it to get close enough to try to claw me, though I tripped on accident and the attack missed, though I face planted into the ground and it hurt!

After this happened, I looked up, watching as the dog quickly stopped and turned around, still his angry glare was looking at me, I felt scared, I did not know how to fight in this form, I had have a couple fights in the past, though I would always get bruised and hurt at the end, though I would always get the final blow.

I got up and looked at the beast, who was still glaring at me. It was like time froze, until the dog charged at me, I was not prepared for the attack and I was scared, I thought I was going to die!

That was until this happened. I felt something kick in and I quickly grabbed my shell and I used it as a shield from the hound trying to claw at me, each time it tried to claw at me, I would always block it, until I hit him with the shell in the head.

I was shocked at what just happened, but I got control and I booked it, trying to get as much of a distance away from it.

As soon as I thought I was far away from him, I went to another path and I hid behind a huge rock, I soon heard the thing panting right behind me.

I looked around the rock and I saw that it did not notice me, so I stood there until it walked away in a direction. When it was clear to move out of my spot, I did not hesitate and I ran at the opposite direction as the hound did. I ran until I could not run anymore and I fell to the ground, exhausted from the running and I got knocked out.

When I woke up, I did not feel the ground on my face, though I felt a pillow on the back of my head, and I felt some blankets on me, I did not register this in my head until I fully woke up and I could see again.

I yawned and stretched out in what seemed to be a bed, though it was not a human sized bed, due to how small it was. I heard the door open and out came an espeon, walking in and looked surprised that I was up.

"Oh, you are awake." the female espeon said as she walked over to me. I removed the covers and I jumped out of the bed, I looked straight at her and I asked "Where is this place?" now knowing that I would not have to do the 'osha osha' thing.

"This is my family's house, we are all eeveelutions, my name is Jewel, and who would you be?" Jewel asked.

"My name is-" I was going to go by my usual name Jake, but then I remembered that I am now a Pokémon, so now I am going to need a Pokémon name, luckily, there was a mirror in the room and I was finally able to see myself, I saw me in it and I was a oshawott, so I am going to need a Pokémon name that would be around with a oshawott would be called. I thought fast and came said the first word that came in my mind "Aqua."

"Nice to meet you Aqua." Jewel said with a friendly smile.

"Likewise." I said before she giggled a little and she smiled, I don't know why, but I was already beginning to like this Pokémon.

She started to walk out, but stopped at the doorway and looked back at me and said "I need you to meet the family; they were all worried sick when I found you lying on the ground."

I was right next to her and I said "You were the one who found me?" we started to walk and we kept talking, though I was not paying attention to where we were going.

"Yep, I was out for a walk until then I found you, laying there and knocked out, I did not want to see you like that, so I carried you with psychic and I ran to the house, you were knocked out for some time."

"Was I, how long was I out?" I asked, curious on how long anyone could have been knocked out for from exhaustion.

"For about three or four days, prior to when I found you, so it could be more." She said.

"True, though being a psychic type does have its setbacks." I said, after a little while, wanting to keep a conversation going, so I said the last part a little later.

"Really, tell me what they are?" we stopped when she asked that and she looked serious at me, I was kind of scared and also intimidated from her, though I regained what I was going to say soon after that "When they are lifting very heavy objects, it could really harm the brain, if not properly trained that is, not referring to you though, you might have enough training to lift my fat self." She laughed and shook her head "Nope, I have no training of such; then again, we don't really have to do that much heavy lifting, but go on." She seemed to understand where I was going and seemed curious.

"You are weak against one of the weakest type, if it is not the weakest, bug types, weak against a cheap type, ghost due to it always being so tricky and can't figure out what it is going to do, and dark types, which-" I got caught off by her using psychic to lift me a little in the air and she growled at me and said "Before you continue, be warned that I have a umbreon brother." then she let me go and I continued "Don't worry, it was not going to be negative, more neutral then anything, as I was saying, which is a good type in my opinion, I always liked dark types because they are most of the time all black, which can really help in the dark, though really screw with you in light." she knew I was telling the truth and said "Alright, you are right, it was a neutral comment and so I won't have my brother kill you, and you are right about the weakness about those types, though that is only because-" this time, I interrupted her "Which are fears that people and Pokémon have, I know, and it does make sense because psychic is mostly in the mind, and the mind is where fear is stored."

She now looked a little confused and said "How do you know all that, you are so small and young that I am shocked that you know that."

I laughed a little bit and replied with "Well, I am older then you think." We laughed and we continued to walk until we walked into a room filled with eeveelutions, one of all of them, except for espeon, which is right next to me, there was a eevee chasing a jolteon around the room, a vaporeon on a couch, which I must say, the room looks like an average human living room, which shocked me, though anyway, the vaporeon was accompanied with a leafeon, though I did not see a glaceon, flareon, or umbreon. Jewel walked over to the leafeon and vaporeon and I followed, the two saw me with Jewel and the leafeon gave me an evil eye, I was not sure why, but it did.

When we were close enough, Jewel spoke "Mom, dad, this is Aqua, he finally woke up from his coma."

The vaporeon looked pleased and said "That's a nice name, my uncle, who was a vaporeon, had that name."

I spoke up "Really, I did not know that, then again, the first Pokémon I saw in this family was Jewel." "That could be true, though her older brother and older sister are out to get some food, while the others stayed here, oh and my name is Vapor, and the leafeon is named Moss." The mother Vaporeon said, in a kind manner.

"It is nice to meet you Moss and Vapor." I looked at the leafeon again and he gave me another evil eye and sighed.

I saw Vapor sweat drop and Vapor said "Don't mind him, he is the father of all of the children, and he really does not like a boy being around the girls, though he likes girls being around Jewels brothers."

He finally spoke "That is because I think the boys should date first, I don't want the girls to date first because most of them are younger then the boys." I was tempted to protest, though in my actions, I might make the leafeon madder at me, and more than likely make him think that I want to date Jewel or something.

I saw Jewel walk away but I stayed there, I looked back at the parents and Vapor sighed and said "I think Jewel wants to show you everyone else, you might want to know everyone else now."

I nodded and replied "Nice talking to you two." then I followed Jewel to the eevee and jolteon.

The two were still running around, the eevee was still chasing the jolteon, but the eevee was still young, so he was slower than the jolteon, though I could tell that the jolteon knew that and so was going slower then he would normally, I hope...

They were still running until the jolteon took a sharp right turn and accidently bumped into me. We both fell to the ground and we both landed on our backs, I was the first to get back up and then it did.

"Where did you come from!?" it yelled at me, obviously angry at me, the small eevee soon showed up and walked to me, he was curious more than anything else. "Who is this stranger Jowel?"

I looked at Jewel and asked "Jowel?" she looked at me and said "He is too young to say it right." I nodded, saying that I understood and then she looked at the jolteon "Flash, this is Aqua, he was the oshawott that I found."

I looked at Flash and said "At least now we know each other's names."

He calmed down and said "Yeah, and sorry for snapping at you." He said in embarrassment chuckling a little after.

"Don't your parents know that you two are running around like that?" I asked, trying to wonder if the parents even cared.

"Yeah, we do this often, they know that there is nothing here to break, and they know that I go slowly on the little guy, so they allow us, though if somehow we do break something, then we can only play outside, in the cold." The energetic Pokémon said.

"Alright, I understand." I then looked at the eevee and asked "And who might you be little guy?"

He looked at me and still looked curious, and for some reason did not speak this time.

I looked at Jewel and said "Why is he not saying anything?" Jewel looked back and said "He is usually silent if being asked by someone that he does not know, though his name is Eve."

I was not going to question the name, so I just let it be. I noticed that there was no mention of a flareon, so I asked

"Is there a flareon in the family?" there was silence until Jewel said "Yes, though I was hoping that we would not have to meet her to you." She was kind of embarrassed, trying to talk about this Flareon.

"Why?" I asked then there was more silence until Jewel continued "She kind of, well..."

She got interrupted with Flash "Eve, cover your ears." Flash said then after Eve did as he told Flash said "She horny as fuck, and I do mean she will try to do that with a male, all the time, whenever she sees a male, she just tries." Flash tried to say it fast, though slow enough for me to understand.

"So, I could probably ignore it." I said, seeing how she could not be that bad.

"Good luck, Jewel sends him to where Flare is." She did not say anything and walked through the door to outside.

Outside had a trail leading inside the woods, and there was tree's on both sides of the trail, she continued walking and I followed, soon we were at some park like place.

We walked over to the other side and I soon saw Flare, sitting on the bench and looked like she was flirting with a machop, who I could also tell was not liking it. The machop ran away and left her; she looked mad but calmed down and saw me and Jewel.

She jumped off the bench and ran right in front of me and before she spoke, Jewel said "Flare, don't." "Don't what?" Flare asked

"Don't hit on him." Jewel said a little more annoyed then before "I was not going to; because it looks like you two are already couples." That made us look at each other and she screamed "We are not that!"

Flare looked curious and said "Then what is stopping me?"

She started to walk around me and had her tail swirl around me, I will say, I will say that it did felt good, but it also felt weird. "Flare, I told you don't do that..." Jewel said, knowing that she was losing control over her sister.

"But you said that you two not doing It." she continued to circle me, I could not move, like I was in some sort of trance.

"We are not!" she started to yell at Flare.

"Then what is stopping me? If he won't choose you then why doesn't he choose..." she leaned into my ear and said "me." I did not know what to do, should I run, should I accept this, I don't know, first full day of me being awake for about a few days and I am already being flirted on, not good.

I lifted her tail to get out, but she definitely took it the wrong way "Do you like the view?" she was now in front of me and when she saw that I was looking at her, she thought I was looking at her ass. "Th-that is not what I am trying to do!" I walked out of the circle and stepped a little bit back, she looked disappointed, for some reason, I did not want her upset.

"See what you did Flare, you are practically scaring him!" Jewel said to my defense, also looked a little madder.

"Oh, but he should be already used to it by now, I bet all the girls swarm him, due to him being so-" she got interrupted by Jewel "Don't, just don't try, he just woke up, if you are going to flirt with him, at least give him some room first." Jewel said who knew that it was useless to try to get her to stop, hoping she would stop temporarily.

"How about 'a' room." she then winked at me and I stepped back a couple more steps. Jewel growled and then said "Come on Aqua, let's go back." then me and Jewel went back to the house, and when we were just about to walk through the door, we heard a voice "Looks like Jewel finally found someone." We turned around and saw an umbreon and a glaceon, carrying some stuff in bags.

"He is not my boyfriend Frost." Jewel said to our defense. "Really, because I think that bringing a boy to the house, means that you have a boyfriend; tell me if I am wrong." The glaceon known as Frost said.

I spoke "You are wrong, I just woke up in the house just a few hours ago."

"Oh, so you are the one that got knocked out?" the umbreon said. I nodded and he said "Damn, you took one hell of a beating when we found you." Jewel coughed a couple times and said "When 'I' found him." Jewel said who seemed to be annoyed by the umbreon.

"Right, anyway good to know that you recovered." The umbreon continued.

"Thanks, though I am surprised that I survived your last sister." I said, shaking a little at the thought of her.

"Flare?" Frost asked.

"Yep." I said as I shook a little more, though then I took a deep breath and that seemed to go away.

"Damn, you are probably the first that did not run away, screaming." The umbreon said with a chuckle.

"I was close." We all laughed and we all entered the house. We did not see anyone in the living room, then I walked in the, living room, or what looked like the living room and they were not there ether, then I heard vapors voice coming from a different room, saying "Are you there Jewel?"

I replied "No, it's Aqua, but I could go get Jewel."

"Oh, you are still here, I thought you would of headed home by now." Vapor said as she exited the room and went into the living room, seeing me there. I did not say anything from that and I said "Sorry to be rude, but I would like to have my question answered, do you need Jewel?"

"Oh, I don't really think that is rude, and no, I was just going to say that dinner is done, would you mind telling everyone that?" She asked as she stretched a little bit.

"Not at all, I will tell everyone, though were Flash and Eve?" I asked, looking around her to see if they were already in the room.

"Oh, they are in the kitchen, you only need to tell the rest." Vapor said.

"Alright, though it might take a while to get Flare, she is at some sort of park place." I said which then seemed to get her a little mad, though it didn't seem much.

"Oh, I told her not to go over there." she sighed and continued "You don't need to get her, she knows the time when we usually eat."

"Alright, I will get everyone else then." I told her as I turned around.

"Thank you." She said as she turned around and walked back in the room. I went back and searched for everyone, they were just entering the room when I told them "I guess it is time to eat."

They all cheered but Jewel was silent, and looked kind of sad. As everyone went to what I think would be the kitchen, Jewel stayed and still looked upset with her head down. I walked over to her and said "What is wrong?" She looked up at me and said "Now that we have to eat, I guess you will be going now." Was I going to have to leave, or did the family just did not want me here while they ate?

"Why, can't I stay here and eat?" She looked like she was kind of feeling better and said "You don't have to leave?"

"No, I don't have a family to go to." That shocked her; she still does not know the truth about me turning into a Pokémon, though I hope I don't have to tell her. "You don't have a family? What happened to them?" I did not know how to answer that, so I said the first thing that came into my mind "I was born without parents, when I was hatched out of the egg, I was in the middle of nowhere, no food, no shelter, I had to run from Pokémon all my life until that one night that you found me."

She was now more shocked, she also again started to look upset and said "I-I am sorry to hear that."

"Don't be, it is not your fault." after a few minutes, I started to hear footsteps coming from the living room and I saw Moss and Vapor, who both saw Jewel upset. "What happened here?" Vapor said as she walked over to Jewel, so did Moss. After when Moss was next to her, he gave me a more evil look at me, though now it was more of a mad look now. He faced me and yelled out "What did you do to her, I swear if you harmed her in any way!-" he got cut off by Jewel yelling at him "He did nothing to me, I am just upset ok!" that made both the mother and the father shocked to hear her like this, they both looked at her and so did I. After she was done, she said "Mom, dad, can he live with us?"

That shocked us all, I was not expecting to hear that, and nether was the parents, Vapor was the first to speak "Why, do you like him or something?" I saw a blush on Jewel and she snapped back saying "No! it's just that, he does not have a family, and he was born without one." that had the mother wide eyed and looked at me and then Jewel a couple of times, right when she was about to say something, the father said "No, I will not accept this!"

"But why will you not accept?" Jewel asked her father, she again was upset and I saw the leafeon mad, and he stated back "Because, he is not an eeveelution, and because I don't want a boy out of this family to live here!"

"But dad-" she got interrupted by the now enraged father "No, buts young lady, especially if you are showing them, and if you don't-" he was yelling, though Vapor shut him up with her yelling "Moss, quiet!" that did shut him up and look at her, Vapor looked at me and said "If he wants to, I will allow it." I was not sure to be glad or surprised, or possibly both, either way, I was going to live here, this family does seem like a good family to live with, besides Moss disliking me and Flares flirting, though I just hope that those will stop.

"Thank you Vapor and I will accept this family does seem like a good family to live with." I could see Jewel instantly look from upset to happy in an instant, though now Moss would again try to ruin it "Don't the other kids get a say in this?" He asked, hoping that I made a bad impression on the others.

"Sure, let's see if they would like for him to stay." Vapor said as she and Moss walked; Jewel and I followed. When we entered the kitchen, again it looked like a human like kitchen, though everything was shrunk for the eeveelutions, I saw the others at a table with what looked like dog bowls filled with what looked like poffins from the anima.

When we were in front of the table, Moss exclaimed "Family, I would like a vote, who here would not like for this oshawott to be with us?" no one said anything, then vapor said "And who would like for him to stay here?" they all nodded and said "Yes." and after, that again made the father mad, then he walked over to me and poked my stomach a couple times and said "You, follow me, we need a private chat."

He then started to walk in the living room, I looked at Jewel and she muttered "Uh oh." under her breath as I walked by past her. Moss was at the couch and he told me "Sit." I did as he said and sat on the couch, he now looked serious and said "Now you listen to me, everyone else might like you, but I don't ok, if you make one mess up, one screw up-" he leaned into my ear and said "One fuck" he leaned back to where he was and continued "Then I will end you, you understand me, I will kick you out of the house, make a hole, beat you till you stop bleeding, throw you in, dead or alive, and laugh as you slowly decompose, do you understand me!"

He was actually starting to scare me, he is basically saying 'do something and die' I slowly nodded and said "Good, now enjoy your meal while it lasts." then he stomped all the way back and I followed him, though I kept my distance from him and I saw Vapor get another bowl and put some poffins in the bowl from a bag and put them down next to Jewel, then I could swear that I saw Vapor wink at Jewel. I sat next to Jewel and ate the poffins, they actually did taste good, I will admit, and I slowly ate them, to not be impolite or anything. While we were eating, Flare finally showed up and said "Sorry that I am late."

Then she finally noticed me and she gave me a look, she smiled and Vapor grabbed another bowl and put some poffins in that one and put it next to me, while she was eating, I could feel a paw on my leg every now and then, I kept trying to shake it off, and it worked a couple of times, though she would not stop. While we were still eating, she asked Flash "Why is the Oshawott still here?" Flash then replied "He is going to be living in this house, I guess."

Quickly she turned her head and smiled, though it was a normal smile, even which was making me on edge. When we were done, everyone walked to the living room except for Vapor, who stayed behind and washed the bowls. While the father put in a movie on the TV, I noticed that Vapor was not even close on being done, I thought about helping her, so during the movie, I told Jewel before the movie started "I am going to go help your mother, I will be right back." she nodded and I went to the kitchen.

Vapor has not seen me yet and when she was done washing one bowl, and I spoke "Need some help?" she froze for a second and calmed down after she noticed it was me. "Please, don't sneak up on me like that." I started to feel upset and said "Sorry, I knew that you were too busy with that to realize I was here, though that was why I waited for you to put that bowl down to speak, and I really don't think that there would be another way to speak to you without you being scared."

"True and you came to help?" She asked, seemed like she wanted to get some help. I nodded and I walked over to her and I started to help her. It took about 30 minutes for it to be all done and we walked out to the living room and we sat on the couch until it was done, then after the movie was done, Vapor said for everyone to head to bed, even Moss.

She looked at me and said "This might be a little late, but thanks for the help."

I smiled and replied with. "No problem, I knew that you needed help, so I thought that I should, and besides, the movie would have not made any sense if you just walked right in the end of it."

"True, you can sleep on the couch; I will be right back with some blankets." Before she left, I thanked her and she soon came back with some blankets, she put them on the couch and I started to wonder why I could not use the bed I was in when I woke up. "Um, Vapor, what about that bed that I was in, not that I am complaining, just wondering."

"Oh, that was Flash's bed; he let you sleep on that while he slept on the floor." I was surprised from the Jolteon to do that for me. "Oh, he shouldn't have done that." I said.

"Well, he did, anyway, I should go to bed, have a nice night." She said before turning around and heading to her room.

"You to Vapor." I jumped to bed as she walked away to her bed, I put the covers over me and I quickly went to sleep.