"We saw what you were just writing Granger," George purred from behind Hermione, taking her by surprise and causing her to jump.

"Don't try to hide it now, we already know," Fred continued when he saw Hermione's cheeks flush red. He slid into the chair next to her smoothly, leaving his arm around her shoulder.

"I heart Weasley," the twins said together, mockingly.

Hermione shut her book firmly, making it snap. "I don't know what you're talking about. I was only doing my potions essay." Her voice was filled with the false confidence that was always a telltale sign of a lie.

"Oh, cmon, we're not Ron," George groaned. "We'd be killing our reputations if we couldn't even detect someone else's lie!"

Hermione was painfully aware of Fred's arm around her shoulder. She obviously had been writing "I 3 Weasley" on her parchment, in a distracted state. The two red headed twins, one of which she was referencing in her subconscious doodling, had entered the library and she hadn't even noticed. She shook her head furiously in panicky denial (although she hoped it looked less panicky and more denial-y). The twins laughed in sync, enjoying the apparently obvious panic.

"So, let's do this the easy way," Fred grinned. "We know it's not Bill because he's married. And it's not Charlie 'cause you barely know him." Fred scratched his chin in mock thought. Hermione sighed in resignation. There was no escaping these two when they had their minds set on something.

"Hmm, very valid points Freddie! In that case, we also know it's not Perce...he's just a git. And you've already dated Ron and been down that nasty road, eh?" George teased, and poked her arm. Hermione rolled her eyes impatiently.

"And Ginny's a girl, so it's not her. Unless, you know, you're into that kind of thing," Fred waggled his eyebrows, a wicked smile plastered to his face.

Hermione hit him with her book. Her face had gotten even more red, if possible, each time they crossed another Weasley off their "list", narrowing it down. There was no way they didn't know at this point, considering Arthur was the only male Weasley left. She almost shuddered at the though.

"Which means," George began, pausing to add suspense.

"Which one of us is it?" Fred concluded for his twin. They were both leaning forward to get closer to her. The typical "we're doing something mischievous" grins on their faces were unbearable. Hermione sat speechless for a moment, her mouth slightly ajar, attempting to say something- anything to get herself out of this mess.

"I...er...I told you I was just doing my potions essay," she mumbled. "I don't know what you're talking about." She tried to stand up, but the twins on either side of her grabbed her arms.

"Leaving so soon, Granger?" Fred crooned, standing up as well.

"Don't worry, we were just about to leave as well," George grinned. "We won't kick you out of the library, we know how you love it here...but first," George glanced at his twin and winked. That was the cue. Two pairs of identical lips were on both of Hermione's cheeks, gone as quickly as they had appeared. She gasped, and a hand flew up to the cheek Fred had kissed.

"HA!" Fred yelled. Hermione realized she'd made a horrible mistake. "Told ya, Georgie. I knew I'm the better looking twin."
"Aw, c'mon Granger," George sighed. "You just lost me 10 sickles."