
I am SOOOOOOOO sorry for how long this has took. This is actually only half the Chapter I wanted to write but I'm having such a hard time getting into the mindset to write out the fights so here. Next Chapter is lots of Violence.


"What are you guys laying around for!?" Dudley snapped as he pulled on his best robes. The Snake Dursleys were looking at it with disgust from on the bed but their expression quickly left when Dudley turned around. They didn't want him to know how uncomfortable they were with him dressing like that. A school uniform was one thing but bright blue robes with stars MOVING across the fabric! Dumbledore had shrunken down his 'best' robes so Dudley could look nice for the event.

Ron whined "The dinning hall is closed, so's the Quidditch Pitch, and the Arcade" lots of the students had been spending hours in their unaware they were mostly muggle toys. The 'Techno Magic' part of them they were drawn to was nothing more then a spell to let the electronics work in a highly magical area "The only thing open is the casino and the ball room but they won't let kids in there!"

"Actually" Harry reminded just to hear Ron moaned "Everything here is open 24/7. Dumbledore just declared them off limits to Hogwarts students after nine so that the other passengers can use them"

"I know!" Ron gave up the moan "That's totally unfair!"

"Enough about that!" Dudley snapped combing his hair "You better get ready or we'll be late"

"Late to what?" Harry asked

"The Tournament!"

"What Tournament?" Ron and Harry asked at the same time

"The Dueling Tournament! Jeez you'd think you Gryffindors live under rocks. All anyone in my house could talk about for the past MONTH is going to see the tournament and the cruise ship was kind enough to set up an arena. I heard they had to use half the crew to set up the extension charms because the whole ship bought tickets to go see it, Hogwarts get in for free obviously"

Ron blinked "How would you be hearing about this for a month? We just found out we were going on this cruise a few days before hand"

Dudley groaned "You really do live under rocks. It's the Slytherin/Ravenclaw Tournament! Apparently they do this a few times every year! I just got here and I already know more about this school then you! Now get dressed" seeing the scowl on Ron's face at the idea of supporting anything Slytherin "Don't you want to see the Slytherins get their butts kicked in front of hundreds of people?" Ron instantly perked up "Besides, this is a real life Dueling Tournament! Their using the legitimate championship rules and everything! This will be so COOL! Like watching boxing but with magic!"

"Boxing?" Ron blinked

Harry shrugged, used to his friend being oblivious about anything muggle related "It's a muggle sport where two people punch each other until one's declared the winner. They usually come out looking like bloody messes"

Ron's eyes were huge

"Come on! Dumbledore shrunk robes for both of you guys. Put them on and let's go, they won't let you in if you aren't dressed properly. Everyone said duels are really formal events"


"Blaise!" Jake called running up to the dark skinned boy. They were finally alone in the changing room before the tournament.

"Bugger off" Blaise rolled his eyes

"I just wanted to-"

"Look" Blaise glared "I'm not one of you freak half breads. I'm pure human and have no intention of joining your 'monster' club with you and the cousins"

"That's not what I... I meant..." Jake stretched the back of his head "Well... congratulation... on the engagement thing I mean"

Blaise blink "Congratulations... CONGRATU-FUCKING-LATIONS! Did you honestly just say that to me!?"


"It's not an engagement dumb shite! I'm supposed to be the bitch's bloody sex slave! Her mindless puppet"

"No your not, I mean the spell doesn't work like that. It just makes you love her unconditionally. Your mind is still yours and-"

"And I'll be beaten if I ever disagree with her! Just shut your mouth 'dragon' just because your some hero in your little corner of the world doesn't mean you know shite about mine. Keep that mouth shut, this better be the last time you talk to me about this"


"Here" took something out of his pocket and tossed it at Jake "Play with that and leave me the hell alone"

Jake's eyes widened as he felt it. The bliss going through his body. He looked down at his hands and saw the gold coin. He just stared at it for a minute before muttering "You bastard"

Blaise eyes widened as he saw the way Jake started to slowly caress the coin... that was... really stupid. Blaise meant it more as an insult. He didn't think Long would actually start drooling over it "Give it back" Blaise held out his hand and Jake took a step back "Just give me the bloody thing" Blaise took a step forward. Jake suddenly turned around and started to run. Blaise jumped on top of him before he could get to far, tackling him to the ground, but still Jake refused to let go of the coin "Give it back!" Blaise demanded trying to get the coin away.

Jack curled up. He didn't want to hurt Blaise but he didn't want to give up the coin either. It wasn't like Blaise was strong enough to pry it out of his hands anyway.

"Give me the coin you fucking junkie!"

Jake pushed Blaise away with his legs, but ended up putting more force then he intended. Blaise slammed into a locker and let out a yelp of pain. Jake didn't think to check to make sure he was okay. The young Dragon got to his feet and tried to run but the second he turned around he was nose to nose with a certain Druid.

Luna smiled serenely as she gently took Jake's hand. Every fiber of his being wanted to yank it out of her grasp but there was a calm washing over. Not the unnatural bliss that the coin gave but a nice calm suppressing the cloud of the coin. She gingerly removed the coin from Jake's hand and placed it on his tongue "Swallow" she ordered. Jake didn't know why but she seemed so gentle in that moment yet at the same time radiated power. The dragon in Jake wanted to do nothing more then roll over and submit to a child of the Earth. All his instants overpowered the aura of the coin to obey the will of a Daughter of Gaia. Swallowing the coin was rather trickery in his human form but he managed to muscle it down. She just smiled at him.

Blaise blinked in confusion until he remembered a Druids mastery over beast. Would that work on him? He quickly shook his head before standing "Now that you got the junkie under control I gotta go"

"Thank you" Luna smiled "For trying to take it back"

Blaise's inside turned as the guilt set in but he pushed it down in favor of anger "Oi whatever but I expect to be compensated for my lost coin. 20 Sickles outta cover it. I think a little extra is needed for the damage done to my person"

"Sure" Luna continued to smile and pulled out 20 silver coins from her purse before handing them over.

Blaise groaned feeling even more guilty now that she actually paid "T-thanks... see ya" he quickly left the room.

Luna looked over at Jake "Good luck in the tournament"

"T-thanks" Jake blushed part of him wondering how Luna knew to come into the boy's locker room. The rest of his brain dismissed it as her just being Luna.


The Gryffindor boys' eyes bugged out of their heads when they got to the arena. It was HUGE! Dudley wasn't exaggerating when he talked about the extension charms. It was a round indoor stadium with a raised arena in the center. The entire ship was in here!... and it seemed all the good seats were taken. The boys were able to find seats in the nosebleed section behind some Americans dressed in similar robes to theirs. Dumbledore's colorful robes appeared to be a popular fashion design in America.

"Twenty biscuits says the Dragon falls in his first match" One of them said

"You're on" the guy beside him grinned "And 30 says he makes it to the finals"

The first man snorted "I'll take that. He's just a kid. He won't be any decent in a duel until he trains up some"

A third guy asked "Any idea when the third years are up?"

"Not until last" informed the first


"If they had them go first half the stands would leave before any of the other kids get up. They don't want the kids to feel lousy so their making sure we stay through all the fights"

The third man sighed "I get that but that means we have to sit through 7 years of students until we even get to SEE the American Dragon!"

"It's not that bad there's only like 60 kids competing, apparently most of them got scared off by having such a big audience. Plus they're using official rules for a JUNIOR tournament. Instead of fighting until one of them is unconscious like in a grand masters tournament they only got to land three hits in five minutes. That may seem like a long time but they're kids so undoubtedly clumsy with their shields. One of them is usually going to get blasted out of the arena before the timer goes off"

Ron was growling as he heard the men bad mouth kids. Why the hell where they here if they didn't think the tournament would be any good?

"Ladies and gentlemen" a voice boomed across the stadium as a man wearing a muggle suit and a stripped referee robe walked around. Despite his voice clearly being amplified by magic he didn't hold a wand to his throat to do it "Lyruim Sea Cruise line is happy to present a Junior Dueling Tournament of some of Hogwarts' best students from the Ravenclaw and Slytherin dorms. Including, as one of Slytherin's prize students, The American Dragon!" the stadium suddenly erupted as the adults cheered. The Hogwarts students themselves were looking confused "But before we get to the main attraction with the third years let's see just what Hogwarts has been teaching their students. Regrettably first and second years have been banned from participating by the heads of their dorms so first up is the fourth years. Joradus Smith representing Slytherin and Candy Berry from Ravenclaw!"

The two students got in front the announcer facing each other "Now I want a good clean fight, standard tournament rules for juniors. No physical blows without the aid of magic, only passive Jinxes, and any defensive spells. To earn a point you must directly hit your opponent with a Stinging hex and ONLY the stinging hex. Three points and you win or whoever has the most points by the time the bell goes off. If your tied when the bell goes off then it is up to our judges, your head of dorms and headmaster, who will determine who displayed the best strategy and then that person will move on to the next round. Our Judges have given their wizard oath to be unbiased. If you fall out of the arena you instantly lose the fight no matter how many points you are ahead. Now bow to your opponent and when the bell rings begin"

The students bowed before pulling out their wands and getting ready. When the bell went off both students instantly jumped out of the way before firing, but oddly enough not the stinging hex. They were shooting Jinxes at each other, trying to give themselves a better advantage before attacking directly.

Well the boy was in mid step Candy shot her wand at the ground, covering the entire arena in ice. Well he tripped over himself she didn't attack but transfigured her shoes into skates first. By the time she began her assault he had regained his balance but quickly lost it again when he tried to run. She skated around him well firing the Stinging hex but he acted quickly and held his wand above his head, creating a shield sphere. The shield sent out a pulse of energy that knocked the girl over. Quickly dropping the shield he shot Candy with a stinging hex but she flicked her wand and shot one right back. The beams slammed into each other. Candy appeared to have more magical force as her spell slowly inched closer to her opponent by pushing back his beam. When her beam touch his wand there was a small explosion of light with such force it threw the boy back and out of the arena.

"Told you one of the pups would fall out" smirked one of the Americans in front of Harry

"Still... that's some pretty advanced magic for fourth years" another commented

The crowd continued to watch the Tournament progress, waiting eagerly for the third years to take stage.


Lucius entered his home through the floo, blinking a bit as his eyes adjusted to the dark. He could make out a figure seated on the couch.

"Forgive me" a voice that sounded like Narcissa's hissed in the dark but there was something strange about it "But you know how hard it is for me to resist my flair for the dramatics"

"Narci?" Lucius hoped

"Now don't be stupid. You know full well who I am. I wonder? What will the Auroras do to your wife if they find your body? Particularly if they get a confession out of her. What on Earth would happen to poor little Draco after that?"

Pure terror coursed through the man's body as he realized who it was "My lord?"

"It's not that I don't appreciate the thought but it was a little premature for you to let loose my diary. It was a regrettable lose but at least it proved your devotion to me... although not your competence"

"F-forgive me my lord" Lucius stammered for dramatic effect... or possibly out of fear "When I learned you were trying to retake form I knew I had to do something to help" he quickly thought up a believable lie.

"Your heart was in the right place but it cost me an anchor to this world... I need you to do something for me. I have other items scattered throughout Britain. You will find them and help me absorb them"

"M-my Lord?" Lucius blinked

The dark lord grew quite as he debated something "I am not well my friend. We've both known that for quite some time. I have always had a temper but when did I became cruel? When did my friends start speaking to me with fear in their voices? When did I start hurting the people I care about?... when did I start killing children?"

Lucius blinked unsure what to say.

"I had a dream of a world without muggles. A world that was not dying from the pollutants of their machines. A world where the beauty of nature was not hidden away for fear of what muggles would do to such magical creatures. Where wizards could practice their magics in peace. We spend so much time hiding from them that we have barely advanced at all in hundreds of years... well Muggles have gained the power to destroy the world in a single day. You know how hard I worked to prevent the Americans and Russians from doing just that... but I became consumed. I let my own fears shatter apart my mind, putting my own desires above the needs of the world... The items I created are the key. I used them to insure I would live forever, not realizing each one I created took a piece of my sanity with it. It's why I needed the Philosopher Stone. With that I can not only rebuild myself a body, one that will truly never die, but I can re-absorb all the little bits of myself I destroyed. I can regain my sanity. I can do what I promised long ago. I can save this world so that your grandchildren can live in peace, never knowing war or fear of the muggles... I swore to protect magic but I became it's greatest threat... I-I... I am a prisoner of my own mind and I have caused so much harm... I need your help my friend. Bring me the items, restore my soul and with it my sanity. Then I can do all I promised. I can save the world"

Lucius stared at the world's most terrifying Dark Lord. There used to be a time where such a word was not feared. Where masters of dark magic were praised not as destoyers but creators of life, as unnatural as that was. Lucius had known from the moment he met Voldemort that he could do great things for this world. The laws of nature catered to his will with as little effort as it took him to breath. In his youth he actually created a number of new spells that revolutionized the arts of healing, before they were banned for being too 'dark'. He invented a number of runes and spells but as he grew older he slipped further and further into madness. What people tend to forget was the 'Death Eaters' where once nothing more then researchers with the name actually intended to be funny with how over the top it was. They were looking at ways to protect the wizarding world using dark magics, the ultimate goal being to extend life indefinitely. Slowly Voldemort began using his team to attack muggle towns, as they had become too big a threat with the creation of nuclear weapons, and eventually other wizards that stood against him. Killing other wizards had been troubling but Voldemort began to get violent with his followers for disobeying. When he started torturing and killing their families for failure or even hesitation was when Lucius realised he was in too deep. He started working from the shadows to take the mad man down but part of him always longed for how it was in the beginning, when they were saviors of magic. If there was indeed a way to get that Voldemort back, if he could have his sanity restored... wasn't that worth the risk?

"I'm at your service my Lord" Lucius swore, once again falling pray to the man's silver tongue.

The Dark Lord smiled leaving the woman's body and pouring himself into Lucius, a far more willing host.