consider it disclaimed.




second intermission




"So the two of you are going to sit in silence rather than tell me what the hell is going on?" Dylan Rhodes paced between the two men, running a hand through his disheveled hair in exasperation. Atlas was glaring at the mentalist, while the mentalist was patiently watching him pace the floor. "You just joined the Eye and we still have too many months of planning for the Horseman to fall apart over some stupid comment or whatever start this. So someone better start clearing the air because now is not the time to pull this shit."

"He's the one that punched me. Ask him," Merritt supplied offhandedly. He knew it was childish to point fingers, but it was true. Rhodes sighed and turned to the younger magician with an expectant look.

Daniel ignored the look he was receiving and continued to glare at Merritt before addressing him with a sneer, "If you would just leave Henley out of your little mind games, none of this would have come to a head."

"And pray tell, what mind games are you referring to?" Merritt asked before the thought could even form in Dylan's mind.

"Taking advantage of her! She is a good person and you're exploiting that by messing with her head! You just—"

"How am I messing with her head?" annoyance laced into Merritt's voice as he interrupted Daniel's tirade. Rhodes sigh and resigned himself to a chair a little off to the side, it was better to let them talk it out by their own free will; but he would stay put in case someone decided it would be a good idea to punch another someone again.

"Flirting with her, hanging out like the two of you are friends, everything that you've been doing! Like what was the reason behind her being at your apartment until five in the morning?" Daniel inquired, almost yelling as his hands balled into fists.

Merritt had leaned forward, propping his elbows on his knees and his fingers tented as he studied at the younger magician. It took him a long moment to reply and his voice was almost startlingly soft. "Does it really bother you that much? Henley and I actually being friends? Or is it that you want a reason to be angry, to be jealous, since she's not spending all her time with you, like you want? Instead of admitting to the poor girl that you have feelings for her, that you've probably had feeling for her for awhile, you're claiming to be 'protecting' her as a friend, by trying to read too much into a situation that, need I remind you, isn't actually your business." His eyes had narrowed as he spoke, picking up the way Daniel had tensed at the mention of jealousy or his feelings and he knew he was right on the money.

"She is my friend and as her friend I care about and will try to protect her well being," Daniel managed after a pause, gritting his teeth. "She's too sensitive with relationships and sex to be strung along."

"If Henley decides to get into a relationship and have sex with anyone—be it me, Jack, Alma, or Hell, even Tressler—it isn't any of your business. Though I'm sure protection in the form of condoms would work, though I'm not sure how much they'd be appre—"

The metallic taste of blood filled Merritt's mouth as his teeth cut into the inside of his lip. He could feel the sting of a force inflicted gash on his bottom lip as blood trickled down his chin and slowly made it's way down his neck, seeping into the collar of his shirt.

As Daniel reared his fist to strike again, Rhodes reacted, tackling the younger man to the floor with annoyance etched into his features. Biting back a groan of pain, Merritt moved from the room with the intent for try and clean himself up in the bathroom.

Immediately, he spat out the thick blood that filled his mouth and worked to keep the bile down that was starting to ride at the back of his throat. Turning on the water, he managed to palm enough to swish in attempt to rid the bitter taste from his mouth. once he had spat that out too he splashed the cold water onto his face, wincing at the tenderness of his cheek and the throbbing in his lip.

Only then did he dare a glimpse of himself in the mirror and he couldn't help but to be a bit impressed with Atlas' handiwork. He had figured that the boy wouldn't be able to throw a punch. Then again, Merritt's pretty sure that Daniel fracture or broke something with the first punch, so it was stupid of him to further irritate the injury with the second, but that was his own fault. Leaning closer to the mirror, he inspected himself a bit closer. There was already the beginnings of a bruise staining his cheek, he was certain that by morning it will have spread and become a fairly dark, black eye. While his lip didn't look too bad: it was swollen, still bleeding slightly, and just flat out hurt like a bitch. He hoped Daniel's hand was hurting him just as much.

His shirt was a lost cause, there was no way he would be getting the blood out and he honestly didn't care. Maybe Rhodes would feel some pity and let them leave without finishing their conversation since he looked like shit at the moment. Merritt hoped, but he highly doubted it would actually happen. Another splash of water on his face to keep him alert and Merritt was headed back towards the living room.

Taking his previous spot, he watched with a raised brow as Dylan finished taping three of Daniel's fingers together. Merritt couldn't help but to grin smugly to himself. You could perform with a banged up face, but broken fingers? Not a chance.

Standing up, Dylan turned to assess him. A quick one over later, he was speaking again. "So I'm assuming this is about Henley?"

"You'd be guessing right," Merritt decided to cooperate, wincing as he spoke.

"And what exactly are you two fighting over Henley about?" he asked, disbelief and confusion across his face.

"Well I'm guessing," Merritt paused, putting emphasis on the fact that he wasn't really even sure himself. "That Mr. Atlas over there, thinks that his ex-assistant and I are having sex."

Aggravation got the best of Rhodes, as he had to close his eyes and sigh before continuing. "And he cares because he like Henley?"

"No. He loves Henley," he corrected the fifth Horseman. "But he's too much of a narcissist to have a chance and the fact that they're always at ends, well forget about it."

"This is bullshit." Dylan had taken his seat again, rubbing his eyes and feeling suddenly exhausted. It didn't matter if they were teenagers or seasoned magicians, there was always something that would come up and kill the dynamic. "I need a drink."

The two watched as Dylan stood and walked stiffly into the kitchen to locate the booze that wasn't present. Jack was still too young purchase alcohol, though if he ever wanted something, he would just head up to Henley's and borrow from her stash (not that anyone besides the two of them knew that). It took a couple of minutes and a few slammed cabinet doors, but Dylan walked stalked out of the kitchen.

And straight towards the front door. With his hand on the know he turned back to regard the two of them.

"I will be back in ten minutes. Either you two talk this out or kill each other, whichever happens first," he practically growled and slammed the door behind them. When he reached the elevator, he gave a sigh and hoped that had worked so when he got back they could have a cold drink and actually talk about their next big trick.

"You care about her. I get that, Jack gets that, and everyone else in the world gets that. Except Henley," Merritt starts once he realizes Daniel planned to sit in silence until Rhodes got back. "But you're acting like a child that doesn't want anyone else playing with a toy. You're fine with playing with it and then letting it sit while you play with something else, but the moment someone else want to play with it you take personal insult and declare war."

"I am not acting like a child," Daniel muttered defensively.

"Okay. Fine, an overprotective father then," Merritt sighed, throwing his hand up in agitation.

"At least I'm not old enough to be her father," is the defiant response.

"More like older uncle," Merritt corrected cheekily, unable to help the upwards quirk of his lips. Daniel gave him a curious look.

"So you two didn't have sex?" he asks sounding unsure of wanting to actually know the answer. Merritt groaned inwardly, guilt filling him even though he had done nothing of the sort (though he had wanted to).

"We didn't have sex, okay?" Merritt confirmed. "We got drunk and played card games until about three in the morning. She passed out on the couch and I fell asleep on the floor. I woke up a little before five and woke her up to tell her to take the bed. She took a shot of whiskey and a piece of toast and left hungover. Nothing to worry your pretty head over," he finished dryly, giving Daniel a bored look.


"Even if we had, your best bet would be to let it go. Henley's allowed to do what she wants and it's going to happen someday. You had better believe if you keep acting like this, that it won't be you," Merritt offers, trying to remove the crestfallen look from Daniel's face even though he had just busted his lip and blackened his eye. The kid look...miserable.

"I do care for her," Daniel sighed, frowning.

"I know."

"Have for awhile. Since she was my assistant, but I always mess everything up with her. Henley's...difficult for me," he admitted.

"Knowing Henley, she means to be difficult for everyone," shrugging, Merritt points out casually and Daniel chuckles, nodding his head in agreement.

They sat in silence for a few minutes, waiting to see if Rhodes was actually going to come back or if, perhaps, Jack would venture back first since he does live there. In their minds, both were betting on Rhodes before Jack even though there was some doubt that Dylan would come back at all tonight. They don't wait long to see that they are right, but are surprised that Dylan was only gone for ten minutes like he promise.

"So I see both of you are still alive and no one is bleeding. Am I wrong to assume the best of this situation?" Dylan closes the door with his foot and heads towards the kitchen toting the case of beer he had purchased.

"Assume whatever you like as long as I get one of those," Merritt replies easily, sharing a lazy smile with the younger magician who rolls his eyes. Rhodes re-enters the room, carrying three cans and stops to give them a look.

"Shake on it and you get a beer," he deadpans and gives them both an expectant look. They exchange a look and both of them sigh, standing and shifting awkwardly before stepping towards each other and clasping hands briefly. Merritt had to quash the urge to extend for Daniel's injured one hand.

"You're still an asshole," Daniel commented, letting go of his hand and grabbing the proffered can from Rhodes.

"And you're still a dick," Merritt agreed cheerfully, taking his own beer and holding it against his still throbbing lip.

"Sorry about that, by the way," Daniel offered nonchalantly, popping the tab on his beer and taking a long drink.

"I'm not sorry about your hand."

"You know what?" Dylan interrupted before they decided to overdo it again, both of the rooms occupants glanced at him questioningly. "I'd say this is good enough."

Let me know what you think.
I'm getting some sleep since I smashed this one out right after the last one. (Idk, i guess i felt like the Intermission should be posted on the same night? Don't ask me questions.)

Reviews are always appreciated, but either way, thank you for reading!