
She exclaimed at his sudden boldness. He on the other hand looked at her not finding the problem, she was his and she knew it 'heck even people who I've never met know' he thought.


He said curious to what's he was complaining about. She looked away and blushed.

"W-we shouldn't be doing this"

She closed her eyes in embarrassment cuddling in his embrace. He looked at her not understanding the problem. He loved her, she loved him. Right?

"And why is that?"

He asked almost bitterly. She pushed her face in his shirt and mumbled something, he chuckled at her cuteness. The smallest things she did made him happy, what was she doing to him!


He said still laughing and walking towards his bathroom. She tightened her grip on his shirt and removed her head not looking at him in the eye she repeated.

"I said..."

She was cut of by him kissing her head she gasped unexpectedly and looked up still blushing. He was smiling at her.

"Baka Usagi, don't you understand? Your mine, you don't have a say in it"

He told her changing his previous smile into a smirk. She pouted in response and he chuckled.

"Besides... You were quite... Exited back there"

Gasping she tried to scold him by his shameless comments.


She was attacked by fierce and hungry lips. Fearing he would drop her she put her arms around his neck bringing him closer. He smirked while deepening the kiss by opening once again her lips.

She was one of the only things he ever met that he just couldn't seem to have enough and he never thought he could actually get bored of her.

He parted from her lips still smirking knowing that she was expecting something more.

"Now, about that bath"

He said kicking the door open. Then dropping her off and holding her hips. Bringing her closer he spun her around and pressed herself on him then he rested his face in between her ears.


She said trying to sound as a complain but it actually came out as a whimper.

"Eh, eager ain't we?"

He asked sarcastically. She hated when he was teasing her with those type of comments making her sound like she was the pervert and him being a slave that complied to all her wishes.

"So the my little bunny seems dirtier than what I expected"

He kept teasing her while leaving a trail of hot kisses all over her neck and hand caressing her sides not quite going where she wanted then to go. He was making her want him while having fun at it.

Oh, she was going to punish him really badly and get her revenge after all of this.


She couldn't talk he was getting into her mind making it almost impossible for her think straightly. Then why couldn't she say that she loved him?

This wasn't ok, is was not fair to him. She snapped out of the trans she was forced into. She had to stop him before things got out of control. Besides she was not ready for this. Determined to stop him she opened her mouth but the only thing that came out was a moan.

She continued to try and every time would happen the same thing. No matter how determined she was, she couldn't reject him and she finally gave in and closed her eyes. He suddenly stopped and she immediately opened her eyes.

He spun her around once more and smirked looking at her in the eye.

"Your punishment isn't finishes my little rabbit..."

He said while combing her hair. He then came close to her face and grabbed her waist to prevent her from escaping from him. Coming closer to her he licked his lips.

"I'll make you suffer and make you want me and only when you ask me to will I touch you"

He told her. He was indeed a cruel man, 'He definitely is a sadist' she thought.

"Your so cruel!"

She found her self complaining and immediately covered her mouth blushing. For a second she thought she saw him surprised but surely it was only her imagination because the next thing she knew he was al over her again, making sure to give extra attention to her thighs. His hand went up and down in a continuous movement making her made more sweet noises.

"Yes, I believe I am"

He winked at her.

"But it seemed that me being 'cruel' is pleasing you, is it not?"

He asked her still torturing her lower body. She kept blushing because she couldn't control the noises that were coming out of her. It was like her body was doing whatever he wanted it to do and it was killing her.


She began a failed sentence.

"You, you?"

He asked taunting her.

"If you tell me to stop I'll stop"

He told her. He sounded so sincere. Of course she belonged to him but sometimes it wasn't good to push his possession to something she was not ready for. He would not force her for something she was not ready for.

"If you don't then I will not stop"

He warned her giving her the last opportunity to stop him from taking all of her. To devour her and make her his again and again until her body couldn't take it and knowing that body of hers had a lot of energy and not mention his own energy, people would probably start wondering we're they were.

A little laugh escaped from him just picturing the wandering faces of everyone in the community. Kuro Usagi only looked at him confused, what part of this situation was funny and this left her in a little daze just to be brought back to reality by him squeezing her left thigh.

"Your choice"

He told her before continuing his exploration further. She couldn't take it, she had two options; succumb to him and let him make her his or face reality and stop him. She knew very well that she couldn't give her self completely to him, she didn't love him yet. 'Yet?' She questioned herself, 'How could I even love a pervert like him?!' She argued and made a face of exasperation.

He watched her intently while continuing his assault to those sexy legs and the she made that face. He needed to kiss her, she was too cute for her own good. Giving in to his desire he leaned down a little and pecked her bruised lips but that wasn't enough she just had to another face.

He lifted one of her legs and by instinct she wrapped it around him earning a smirk out of him.

"Tick tock"

He told her.

"Times up"

He made a devilish face and kissed her with to much force for her liking nevertheless she very much invited him to continue.

"Maybe I do love this single minded pervert"

She said without thinking. He stopped caressing her thighs in fact everything stopped. She realized what she had said.


She said while he still looked at her in astonishment and slowly a blush crept his face and she couldn't fail to notice it, even though it was barely there.

"Are you-"

She hesitated.

"Are you blushing?"

She asked still not believing what she saw, that sadistic pervert was blushing? That couldn't be true. He immediately let her go a little irritated because she saw him blush. Izayoi blushing now that's something you would never hear.


He said in embarrassment. She started laughing, she had to admit that he looked cute like that. It made her really happy to think that she was the only one who could see this side of him. 'One of the things I love about him'

She was still laughing when she realized what she thought, no she did not love him. He looked back at her.

"Oi! What are you laughing about?"

He said irritated. So what if he blushed it wasn't a big deal. He tried to convince himself it was 'ok' to blush.

She decided lo leave her inner fight for another time, this was the opportunity she was waiting for, she could get revenge.

"Your so cute!"

That only made him blush a little more.


He said and walked out of the bathroom leaving her to laugh to her hearts content. After a while she realized he had left and went outside to look for him. She found him laying on his bed looking away from her.


She asked him, he didn't answer. Sighing to his childish act she moved to a side of his bed to see his face. He had his eyes closed and was breathing peacefully. She smiled and kneeled down crossing her hands on the bed resting her head over them.

"He looks so cute..."

She stayed watching him sleep. She then came close to his face examining his features, he looked so relaxed.

"If only you weren't such a pervert"

But she wouldn't like him that much if he wasn't her pervert. Hers... Yes he was hers well he might think other wise but thinking it gave a sense of possession over him. She may not love him but her feelings were strong enough to not want to share him.

Sighing in defeat she reached for his face touching his cheek and her eyes drifted to his lips.

"Maybe just this time..."

She whispered to her self leaning in to give him a peck. Closing her eyes she moved closer. She could feel his breath in fact he could hear his steady breathing. She liked his so much.

'Just this time' she thought again before leaning in completely. He plan was to leave after giving a peck but she was stopped when someone grabbed her wrist, opening in shock her eyes she saw his violets eyes looking at her. 'God' she wasn't getting out of this one.

"Huh... And I'm the pervert?"

He asked sarcastically, his signature smirk showing. She blushed and tried to scramble away from him.

"N-no! I just-!"

She began desperately searching for a good enough excuse to why she would be so near his face.

"Then what is it?"

He asked mockingly.

"If you wanted a kiss that badly all you have to do is ask for it"

He told her, still smirking At his own doing. He was making her uncomfortable and he was loving seeing her struggle the way she did.

"That's not it!"

She tried defending herself in futile attempts.

"Then what is it?"

He pushed the conversation curious to what lame excuse she would invent.

"Anyway! Is late! Good night!"

She said yanking her arm free before running out of his room.

"that Baka Usagi"

He muttered chuckling. He sighed. What was he going to do with her?

"She forgot my goodnight kiss. Guess I'll have to her it myself"

He said before standing up and following her to her room.