Disclaimer: Not the owner of PJO or receive any of its benefits, unfortunately.
Chapter Seventeen: Resolve
The city that never sleeps. What a fitting place for Olympus to be located in. Olympus also had that general feeling that New York City gave off. That vibe that no matter the hour someone somewhere was doing something productive, that the city was never truly at rest.
Even now as he gazed upon the Grecian architecture, the temples carved out of marble, Percy could sense the restrained energy, vibrating within Olympus. The restless feel that exuded hidden activity and let you know something was going on even if it wasn't visible.
Percy stepped out of the elevator, Zoë limping alongside him. She woke up on the way up but had to lean on Percy's shoulder to walk. Nico was still passed out and Percy had him in a fireman's carry, as he made his way into the city.
Luckily his shoulder wound had stopped bleeding after it was wrapped. Unluckily that either meant it was due to Nico's godly heritage or equally as likely it was due to the massive blood loss from such a huge injury.
This time Percy didn't stop to admire the work of his ex-girlfriend and now hunter Annabeth. Instead he sought out the temple of Apollo. Once there he prayed to the god of healing for a quick and speedy appearance.
Apollo, ever alert for those that entered his temple, showed up in a brief flash of light. He said nothing to Percy as he immediately took notice of both Zoë and Nico.
"Bring them over here Percy." Apollo gently commanded him, pointing to a flat stone slab off to the side in the temple.
Apollo disappeared further in his temple for a few seconds before coming back with some ambrosia and nectar. He handed the nectar and some food to Zoë. Afterwards he went over to Nico and unwrapped his makeshift bandage.
A small frown creased his features before he laid a hand over the wound. The god of the sun started to chant in ancient Greek, a song to help Nico heal. It did wonders for the son of Hades.
While Percy couldn't see the wound healing or anything, he noticed color coming back to his friend's face. No longer were his lips a borderline blue, and his skin tone pale as a sheet.
Once finished Apollo addressed Percy. "I'll go try and gather the council Percy." He sighed before continuing. "Since this isn't technically an emergency we probably won't gather until tomorrow. We do have duties of our own… well most of us."
Percy nodded. "What'll happen to Nico and Zoë?"
Apollo waved a hand in Zoë's general direction, the few cuts and bruises she had were then bandaged and wrapped. "She should be fine. She didn't come off too bad, just a minor concussion so as long as neither of you try and damage her head again she'll be fine. Nico will either stay here for the night or I will call Hades to take care of him."
Zoë looked down in shame. She wasn't hurt anywhere near as badly as Nico nor did she fight Ari as much as Percy, yet she had been the easiest and first to be taken out of commission. That was a huge blow to her pride as not only a warrior but someone that Percy had relied on in combat.
Percy laid a hand on Zoë's shoulder, to comfort her, already knowing what she was thinking. The two could read each other so well it was almost unnecessary to speak. From body language alone they could often converse and decipher each other's thoughts.
"Apollo, back at the Wolf House-" Percy started to say, determined to help the Romans still there.
The often easy-going god raised a hand to stop Percy. "Say no more Percy. We feared that you wouldn't be able to make it in time to stop the demigods of Camp Halfblood. I will send someone to help those that are injured."
Apollo wore a grim expression, fully expecting to hear about a massive bloody loss that the Greek and Roman battle had resulted in. Instead he was slightly surprised when Percy cut into his thoughts.
"There are no Greeks. Those that were injured have already started on their way back to camp. You will need to send someone from Rome to get their injured though. Zoë and I had to fight some of them but it was our fight with Ari that caused the most damage." Percy explained, clearly frustrated with his performance.
Apollo let out a small sigh of relief. It seemed that they had avoided the worst of it, for now. He left to inform Hermes to somehow get a message to Rome about their injured.
On his way out he had something to say to Zoë. "My little sis won't like that you were hurt Zoë. If you could stop by and inform her before you go that you're alright that would be awesome. I don't feel like having her mad at me for not healing you properly in her opinion."
Zoë glared lightly at the one god who always made life aggravating for her mistress. Yet she knew that he did it all to play the role of protective brother, he really did care for Artemis. "I will go inform her of what happened. Will you stay too Percy?"
Percy ran a hand through his hair and shook his head. "No. I have to get back to camp. Chiron must be informed of what's going on. Can you meet me there later on? I think I'll stay to talk to Shawn and the rest of the guys. I'm sure they have questions for me."
She nodded and reached out to squeeze his hand in reassurance. It would be difficult for him, returning to the same camp that had kicked him out all those years ago. To the place that he had risked so much to save and then it was turned against him.
Percy didn't hold a grudge against them. He didn't hate the campers. He didn't even blame them for what happened. That didn't mean he was eager to return though.
Silence greeted him as Percy stepped across the camp borders into Camp Halfblood. To the ones here, it had been little more than ten years since his banishment. To Percy it had been so long that he was almost surprised that nothing had changed.
The battle at the Wolf House had taken longer than he expected, and after that Percy had spent a fair amount on Olympus with Zoë and Nico. He stayed long enough to contact Hades who allowed Nico to stay on Olympus. The lord of the dead would join him the next day anyways for the meeting.
Suffice to say it was fairly dark out when Percy finally made it to camp and sought out Chiron. Knowing that he would likely be at the main house and needed to be informed of what was to come. Percy walked there with quick confident strides.
A few of the campers looked on curiously at the raven haired youth walking amongst them. None really recognized him but since he wasn't attacking anyone they left him alone.
He stood in front of the door of the big house, trying to gather his nerves. Percy had faced down countless monsters, trained with the mightiest of warriors, been in two fights with Ari, but it didn't quite compare to nervousness he felt at finally seeing his old teacher.
After a few more moments, Percy took in several deep breathes and knocked.
Clip clops were heard from inside, the door knob turned and the door opened slowly. The torso of a man connected to the body of a horse greet Percy. He'd forgotten how tall Chiron was compared to him.
Percy looked up and met the eyes of his immortal teacher. A small fond smile made its way onto his lips as he took in Chiron's shocked expression. No doubt Dionysus had already told him of his return to Olympus.
"Percy. My boy you're back." Chiron finally found his voice.
Before the centaur could hug him, Percy held a hand up. "As much as I would like to hug you right now, could we please take this inside Chiron?" He asked as he waved over his shoulder to indicate the few demigods that were listening intently to what was going on, surprised that the new guy walking around camp headed straight to the big house.
A few gasps were heard from the campers and more than a few ran off after hearing who the green eyed boy was. Percy was sure that soon enough the entire camp would know of his return.
His friends that had been manipulated into turning their backs on him would know. He would talk to them, but he needed to talk to Chiron first. After that, he'd handle talking to all his past friends.
"Of course, of course Percy come in." Chiron hurriedly ushered Percy inside, as if afraid he would disappear or this was just an illusion.
Dionysus was not in the big house, gods didn't need sleep really but he didn't like to stay at Camp Halfblood more than he was forced to.
As Percy took a seat across from his teacher, he noticed that the immortal centaur looked at him with regret, and slight happiness.
"Welcome back Percy. It's good to see you again." Chiron voiced happily before turning serious, "As glad as I am to see you, and much as I would like to apologize for what I did, what we all did, I fear that this isn't the happy reunion we would all like."
Percy nodded in confirmation of Chiron's suspicions. "You are correct Chiron. I take it Mr. D hasn't kept you informed about Ari and the councils actions against her." Percy inquired.
His old Latin teacher shook his head and frowned. "No. Mr. D has been rather tight lipped about Ari aside from the hunting party that went after her a few days ago. What do I need to know Percy?"
Percy leaned back into his chair and sighed, "There is a lot going on Chiron. So let me start at the beginning. This all starts 10 years ago, when you sent me on a quest…"
Camp Jupiter
Reyna and Jason currently sat in their office, debating on what they should do next.
"So he said he had a lot to answer for? Do you have any way to get in contact with him?" Jason asked Reyna as he paced in their shared office.
She remained in her seat but laced her fingers in front of her and leaned her chin on them. "No. I am sure we can find him if we so desire. It was obvious he didn't want violence and seemed to genuinely want for our fight with the other demigods to end with as little harm as possible. Perhaps if we just return to the Wo-"
Reyna got no further as a legionnaire burst into the praetorian gasping for air. "Th-the second co-cohort. They're back. They have wounded but O-Octavian isn't with them."
Immediately Jason and Reyna jumped to their feet and rushed out to meet the cohort at the gates. Once they got there they saw the second cohort that they had been told was lead by Octavian to the Wolf House for reinforcements.
Of course both Jason and Reyna found it suspicious that Octavian had ordered for reinforcements almost exactly the moment they needed them and without anyone sending word for help. They had both planned on confronting the silver tongued legacy of Apollo on their return and only awaited his reappearance at camp.
Instead as they got to the gates they saw wounded, bruised and beaten campers of the second cohort limping and some dragging their friends through the gate.
Reyna called for medics to aid the wounded but still wanted information. "Where is Octavian? Wasn't he the one to lead you to battle?"
"He stayed behind to cover our escape." One of the legionnaires answered. "He claimed that the Greeks would come after us to prevent our getting a message to camp so he stayed behind to delay them."
Jason frowned at that piece of information. While admirable for any Roman to do that to protect his friends and comrades, it just didn't sound like something that Octavian would actually do.
No sooner had those thoughts crossed his mind than Octavian himself appeared from the shadows of the tunnel. He was obviously wounded if the blood flowing from his mouth was any indication. He staggered towards the gates, steps faltering the closer he got.
Immediately more medics rushed to his side. Jason and Reyna also ran to ask him what had happened.
He was laid on his back and the healers of camp carefully removed his armor, to see the extent of his injuries. Octavian gasped in pain.
"What happened to you centurion? Who did this?" Reyna demanded.
The legacy of Apollo gasped and coughed a few times, spitting out blood. Frantic the healers tried to heal his wounds so he would live.
"Avenge," A pained gasp again erupted from his lips, "Avenge our brethren. The Greeks must pay for attacking us without cause."
The healer working on bandaging the large hole in his side let out a frustrated yell. Octavian ceased breathing and lived no more. Try as they might the medics hadn't been able to save him, hadn't been able to help him in time.
All the gathered Romans heard the last words spoken by the eccentric centurion.
Jason and Reyna hid their feelings behind stony expressions while others around them clearly showed rage and anger at the words. There was nothing to be done, they all wanted revenge on the ones responsible for killing a Roman.
None had noticed how vacant Octavian's voice had been at the end. He was gasping and barely able to say those words due to the pain so none had noticed.
His eyes were also suspiciously vacant, like if he wasn't in control. Yet again, no one noticed that, too concerned with saving his life.
From the shadows of the tunnel Arianna Veil smirked as her chess piece had been salvaged. Though little more than a pawn that had to be discarded for failing to do as told, even Octavian could serve a useful purpose in death.
"A minor setback Percy. That's all our little confrontation accomplished. But I am nothing if not patient. My mother has waited for this for eons, a minor setback such as this is nothing compared to that." A quiet and cold chuckle echoed throughout the tunnel.
Camp Halfblood
"Hey. Well I'm back at camp finally. Everything looks the same, but I guess that's to be expected. The only thing different is a few new faces I saw walking around. That and the missing familiar faces that were here before I left." Percy chuckled quietly as he reminisced.
He sat in the grass in front of the memorial at Camp Halfblood. Built after the battle of the Labyrinth to commemorate the fallen and unfortunately expanded after the battle of Olympus to honor the heroes lost that day too.
It was a token gesture. A tribute more than any real sort of graveyard to those heroes. Most had been cremated along with their shrouds as was Greek tradition.
After his talk with Chiron had ended, Percy was told he could return to his familiar quarters, to his father's cabin. Feeling restless even after the hectic day he had ended up walking around camp, letting his feet lead him wherever they willed.
Eventually he found himself at the memorial. He sat in front of it, tracing his fingers over all the names carved into the stone. Names he was familiar with, as well as other names he couldn't place a face to.
Names who he had known and fought alongside personally, names he would never speak again to catch the owners attention. Names that he memorized every time he saw this place.
"I kinda wish you were here Clarisee. I almost need someone to kick my behind into gear after what happened." He smiled bitterly as he recalled his fight with Ari. "I'm sorry I couldn't stop her earlier. I feel like all of this is in part my fault."
He needed to vent. There was currently no one at camp he felt comfortable talking to so he was unloading the weight off his chest to the memorial. Talking to his friends that were gone.
Percy sighed deeply as he ran a hand through his hair. "I can't say I'm sorry for rescuing Ari. That would be wrong. She would have been killed if I didn't do anything. But I wish I could have stopped her somehow or done something back then to change what she's doing now."
It was getting late and Percy could hear the harpies starting to do their rounds of camp. Curfew was coming up and they were only giving out a warning to return to his cabin. "I'm sorry we never got to settle which one of us was the better warrior." He chuckled as he remembered how Clarisse would often challenge him to a sword fight. "I think I was ahead on our win count."
Slowly Percy got to his feet and dusted off his jeans. He turned to go back to his cabin but had one last parting thing to say. His eyes steeled in determination and he no longer looked as burdened as when he started talking to his friends that were gone. "I know I wasn't here for when you guys needed me. I know you never really liked to take my word for things, but I promise you, I will stop Ari. I won't let her see the world burn."
He walked away from the memorial. Feeling calmer and more at peace than when he started talking. If he would have turned back to look over his shoulder, he would swear he saw all his friends that were gone standing in front of the memorial.
All looking on in approval at his determination. None doubting for a second he would keep his word.
A/N the story idea for this fic belongs to Anonemuss14. Please thank her for writing such an excellent story.
Here's the newest chapter of this awesome fic. Please leave all reviews, questions and comments on the way out. The wheels are in motion now, things will start to get rolling, and everyone should be excited about what's going to happen next. I know some might be disappointed in what you would consider a 'filler' chapter but I promise you that what happened here was very important. How? Well you'll find out in the future chapters