"BUBBLES!" Blossom yells from the couch. "SOMEONE'S ON THE PHONE FOR YOU PICK IT UP!" She finishes, shoveling handfuls of popcorn into her mouth as she turns back to the television screen.

Bubbles, upstairs, runs to get the phone as soon as her sister had finished speaking. ..Well, screaming.

"Hello?" She answers happily. She loves getting phone calls, she always has, for no particular reason.

"Hey Bubbles." Boomer's husky voice comes through the line, she can practically hear the suave smile on his face.

"Boomer!" She smiles happily. "What are you doing calling my house?! My sister could've recognized your voice!" Her smile drops into a frown at the idea of one of her sisters finding out about her secret relationship with Boomer. Her "enemy".

"Nah." He says through the receiver. "I disguised my voice. Plus they don't hear me talk that often since they're usually fighting my brothers. Not me. I called because I want to watch a movie with you. You in?"

She nods repeatedly while smiling like an idiot, before realizing that he can't see her through the phone. "Yes!" She says laughing at her foolish actions. "What movies, where, when?" She asks excited about watching a movie with her secret boyfriend.

He chuckles on the other end of the line. Loving how excited she gets over the smallest things. "We're going to watch Scream 3, in my house tonight at nine."

Her face goes blank. "your house?" She asks confused. "But won't your brothers be there, and see us?"

He replies quickly, because he had expected her to ask this. "Nope. They're going out tonight, and they won't be back until 2 in the morning, so we should have enough time to watch the movie, and maybe another one if you'd like."

Bubbles smiles, though still slightly worried about being caught, but she would trust Boomer no matter what, so if he thought this was okay, she would do it. "Okay. I'll be there at nine. See you then, bye!'

She waits for his replying 'bye' before hanging up and going towards her closet to pick out a good outfit to watch a horror movie in.

Even though scary movies have always, and probably always will, scared the living daylights out of Bubbles, there was something calming about when she watched one with Boomer. He always wraps his arms around her at the very beginning, and holds her tightly. Whenever a bloody or scary part comes on, he looks to make sure she's okay, she sees him out of the corner of her eye and knows it's because he doesn't want to scare her too much.

Being a rowdy-ruff boy Boomer likes the blood and gore that horror movies like scream and the sequels to it, but he knows how Bubbles feels about them even though she watches them with him. She knows that's why he goes out of his way to make her comfortable whenever they watch one. And really, having a boyfriend is one of the main reasons to watch a horror movie. To get a chance to move close to them and feel both of your heart beats moving as one as the movie climaxes.

"BUBBLES!" Blossom yells, once again from downstairs, taking Bubble's attention from picking out an outfit.

"Yea what is it?" She asks, leaving her room and walking down the steps only enough so that Blossom's body is visible.

Blossom looks up and smiles. "Do you wanna watch 'Glass House' with me? I know you don't like scary movies, but this one isn't that bad and Buttercup won't because she's already seen it."

Bubbles stares at Blossom blankly, yet relieved. She had been petrified, thinking Blossom had recognized Boomer's voice, though he said he'd disguised it.

"Oh." Bubbles says, her blank stare turning into a smile. "Sure just give me a second, I'll go make some more popcorn and we can watch it."

She still had plenty of time to watch the movie, it's probably not that long, and it's only three o'clock. She has six hours to pick out some clothes, she might as well pass some time watching a movie with her sister.

Once Boomer hangs up he smiles and walks over to his bed, plopping down on it roughly, though still quiet enough to not wake Butch, who's in the room beside him, up. There's hell to pay if you wake Butch up at three in the afternoon.

"YO BOOMER!" Brick yells, probably waking Butch up. . .Which Boomer will probably pay for since it's his name that Brick yelled.

He sighs and stands up, walking from his comfortable, soft, blue bed and towards the wooden door that blocks his room from the rest of the house.

"What do you want Brick?" He asks, poking his head out of the door to see Brick standing, shirtless, in the middle of the hallway.

"Have you seen my shirt anywhere?" He asks, staring at Boomer expectantly. But all Boomer can do it stare back blankly.

"Uh. . . No. . .Which one? You have more than one shirt." He wonders why his brother would make a big deal about losing a shirt, it's part of living in their house, things go missing and most of the time they never return.

"The fancy red one with the black buttons and the dark collar thing around the top. The thing that splits like the bird wings or whatever." Brick says, sounding mildly annoyed.

"Uh no. . ." Boomer shakes his head. "But I'm gonna go back into my room now, and you can keep looking for it, okay?"

Brick nods and Boomer quickly goes back into his room, closing the door behind him. Both of his brothers had been acting strange lately, and he'd been wondering why. Brick's sudden interest in looking nice made him wonder all that much more, but he couldn't risk asking questions.

whatever his brothers were being weird about, it was getting them out of the house today, and he could spend time with Bubbles, which is really all he wants. He keeps hoping that he'll find a way to tell his brothers that he's dating the blue power-puff girl, and that they'll accept it. To be completely honest he thinks they would be good with her sisters romantically. With Brick and Blossom both liking books and other smart people things so much, and Butch and Buttercup both liking the thrill of a good fight or whatever tough people like.

Though it seems, as of right now, that none of that will be possible anywhere in the near future, but at least he can spend a few private days with Bubbles. The only girl he's ever truly loved.


so I started writing a new chapter for 'Lies For Love' and I have no idea when it will be finished. It's the story that won and I'm trying my best, but inspiration is hart to get. So I started writing this to try and free my mind of writers block. Please do tell me if you like it. I know the idea is kind of played out but I hope I've been able to put a creative spin on it, just a little one.