Hello everyone, I'm back with the first installment of the Lost Chapter series! I feel pretty bad for taking down my poll, but what's done is done and hopefully my source provided a body swap party that everyone will enjoy. I think it was an interesting and unusual twist, so please give it a chance. I hope everyone has fun reading this. Oh and here's a tip so you don't get confused with the dialogue:

(…) = Person in control

Please read and enjoy!

Freaky Friday

"Alright students listen up!" Sensei Wu called to the gathered Ninja and Kunoichi sitting together in the dining area. It was Thursday evening after supper and everyone chose to remain at the dinner table to socialize.

Quiet settled amongst the group of shinobi as each gave their Sensei their immediate attention.

"As you all are aware, my nephew and I will be leaving tomorrow before dawn to travel to the Golden Peaks for advanced elemental and combat training."

"YES!" The Green Ninja erupted enthusiastically with a happy smile. Sensei Wu chuckled and continued.

"However, just because I'm away doesn't mean you can slack off on your own training."

A cumulative groan from the Ninja chorused solemnly at this news.

"Don't worry Sensei," Jay sighed with a miserable expression. His posture relaxed as he leaned forward and placed his elbow on the table with his chin in his palm. "We'll train for three hours in the Ninja Sweatbox just like every Friday."

"No you won't, Jay," Sensei Wu replied with a small grin. "None of you will."

Murmurs of bemusement washed through the room like a tide, each student wanting to know the meaning of their mentor's puzzling response.

"Tomorrow's training will be one of the mind and spirit between the Natural Elements and the Counter-brink Elements."

"Uh, you want to help us out here, Sensei? What does that mean in English?" Kai said from the end of the table.

"It means that "Fire" must be paired with "Darkness", "Ice" with "Light", "Lightning" with "Wind", and "Earth" with "Water". Each element has a hidden congruency with each other and the only way to solve that wondrous mystery and unlock its limitless potential is for the paired elements to interlock for a long period of time," Sensei Wu explained patiently while sipping his tea with an air of diligence.

"Wait, what do you mean by "interlock"?!" Ayane yelped; her countenance illuminated with a blatant flush of embarrassment.

"And what do you mean by "long period of time"? Ebony mumbled as well.

"Please calm yourself, Ayane" Zane soothed with a composed grin though his pure hazel eyes shone in intrigue. "I am sure Sensei is speaking in a metaphorical sense."

"Yeah, I mean it would be kinda weird if he wasn't," Kai put in, taking a long drink from his Sprite.

"Your assignment is simple," Sensei Wu voiced in further explanation and rose from his seat at the head of the table to begin heading for the hallway. "Each elemental pairing will be in the company of each other for the majority of the day without the interference of the other elements. This manner of astute socializing will undoubtedly benefit all of you not only in personal matters but it will also create a link for your elements to harmonize with one another, resulting in unfathomable power and equilibrium."

He reached the entrance to the connecting hallway and turned to face his still seated students with wise eyes.

"I will leave you all, so that you may plan with your partner on the method of executing your training and remember that this exercise is by no means leisure time. When Lloyd and I return Saturday evening I will call upon each pair to my chambers to assess the bond between your Chi and give you a grade. I will be expecting satisfactory progress."

"Hai, Sensei," the Ninja and Kunoichi said in unison, the mingling voices expressed a variety of emotions as well as their body language.

Sensei Wu nodded his acceptance then let his eyes drift to his nephew.

"Lloyd, make sure to go to bed early tonight, we'll be leaving at four in the morning."

"No problem Sensei," the exuberant prankster sang happily. "I'll go to bed now!"

However, when Lloyd moved to stand his older sister grasped the back of his collar tightly to stay him.

"Uncle, can I not accompany you and Lloyd? I would much rather prefer getting to know my family than—"

The Kunoichi of Darkness gave the smirking Ninja of Fire across from her a quick look of circumspection.

"—my paired Natural Element."

The aged Spinjitzu Master bowed his head to shadow his features with the wide brim of his hat. His mirth however was obvious to all by the slight shaking of his shoulders.

"While I do understand your sentiment, dear niece, you must remain here. Your training is integral to your growth to not only as a kunoichi, but as a human being as well."

"But, I—"

"Let go of your little brother, my niece."

Ebony's shoulders sagged in dismay as she relinquished her hold on Lloyd. The platinum blond youth turned to her with a comforting smile.

"Hey, don't worry ane we can hang out more when I come back and remember you told me Kai wasn't that bad and you were beginning to—"

"I told you that in confidence, otōto" Ebony interrupted hastily, a tint of rouge dusting her bronze cheeks.

"Oh that's right, my bad well see ya!"

The youngster retreated swiftly with a quick wave over his shoulder bypassing his uncle as he too left the dining area, leaving the wielders of gold and platinum behind. The room fell into an awkward silence after their departure until Cole decided to break it.

"Well uh…how do you guys think we should tackle this? Sensei said there has to be no interference during the assessment, so…do we leave the ship?"

His last question was directed to his partner seated across from him.

"I'm sorry, Cole, but I don't feel up to doing any traveling tomorrow. If you don't mind I'd like to spend time with you here," Sasha answered with a gentle smile and the Ninja of Earth placed his bare hand over hers.

"Are you okay?" He inquired worriedly in which the Brazilian responded with a nod.

"Yes, I'm fine just…still a little tired. Could we meet in your room tomorrow? I know it's your sanctuary, but I would really like to see it."

"Sure, I don't have a problem with that," Cole agreed. "I'll be ready by seven, so we can start then."

"I think the Bounty is spacious enough for everyone to have their privacy," Nya stated from alongside Sasha, "and besides we're not obligated to do anything extravagant just socialize and reach a deeper understanding of each other to strengthen our bond. At least, that's what I think Sensei meant."

Soft chocolate looked with deep blue.

"There is something I would like to discuss with you in regards to our future together, Jay. I'll be waiting in the lounge tomorrow morning, so just come by when you're ready, okay?" The Kunoichi of Wind concluded while adjusting the beautiful engagement ring on her finger. She glanced back up into the eyes of her beloved when he began to speak.

"Sure heh, after I get through with my morning ritual I'll see you there," Jay said eagerly, a charming smile lighting his face. The aspect of spending an entire day with Nya sent his heart racing especially since they've hardly had much time to themselves and what made it even better was that they wouldn't be disturbed.

"What would like to do tomorrow, Ayane? I am open to any suggestions you may have."

The flush of embarrassment never abandoned the huntress's countenance and when Zane's rich tenor carried over to her ears, her blush simply intensified. Amaterasu's advocate cleared her throat in an effort to quell her raging emotions and met the ice ninja's gaze steadily.

"Um…actually, do you think you can show me how to cook a few dishes? I would like to try preparing something a bit more complicated than Hamburger Helper."

"Of course," Zane affirmed pleasantly, "do you have a few recipes in mind?"

"Yeah, I've looked in the book of French cuisine and I would really like to take a crack at making Chicken Cordon Bleu and Dessert Crepes. I-I want to improve myself, so that I can do more for you."

Ayane's blush had settled somewhat during her repartee with Zane and the Ninja of Ice expressed himself honestly with her.

"Moy angel, you already do enough for me and so much more. Self-improvement should only be pursued if you feel you are missing something…and you're not missing anything. My love for you is pure and…eternal."

The certitude within Zane's voice was unfaltering as he assured his Light. Ayane stared wide-eyed into his composed gaze. She should surely be used to Zane's behavior and sophisticated charm by now, but it goes to show his words would always astonish her and render her speechless.

Not knowing how to counter something so profound, the expert marksman replied as best she could.

"…Zane I…thank you. You told me this once before and I understand although…I can't help but feel a bit inadequate compared to you I—"

Zane quickly reached across the table and took her hand in his.

"Please, say no more. I will gladly teach you any skills you wish to learn and no matter how long it takes I will relieve you of all your qualms and uncertainties."

Ayane bowed her head shyly as the other tenants of the room gawked at the pair in amazement. Jay was the first to recover and said what the other two males were most likely thinking.

"Geez, the rest of us sound so dull compared to you, Zane."

Zane paid no mind to the attention he was receiving from the others, his focus remaining steadfast to the young woman who claimed his quintessence.

"I only say what I feel," he stated while stroking Ayane's knuckles with his fingertips, "nothing more…nothing less."

Ebony cocked a slender white eyebrow as her older sister's complexion darkened once again in an uncontainable blush.

"Ebony…" Kai's call to her roused the Kunoichi of Darkness to level her gaze with his. Sharp golden-amber orbs and a sexy up-turn of the corner of thin moist lips caused the half-breed to experience her own blush.

"So, you're beginning to like me, huh?"

Kai could produce a certain degree of silk and heat to his own voice that could melt even the coldest of hearts and destroy any barriers. The spiky dark chocolate-haired man desired clarification from the object of his affection. He wanted to hear her admit that she was indeed attracted to him; he needed her to admit it.

Ebony annihilated her blush with stoicism and rose from her chair abruptly. The shimmering fringe of stardust concealing half her face glistened under the fluorescent light.

"If you really wish to know, then meet me in my shared quarters tomorrow morning. I'm going to bed."

The wielder of the Dragon Sword of Fire watched her with a confident smirk as she strode out of the dining room and the other kunoichi took her flight as a cue to retire for the night as well.

"We'll see you guys tomorrow," Sasha announced as she began to leave followed by her sisters, "this test of Sensei's is sure to be…promising," she ended with a playful wink at her beau in which the ninja leader returned with one of his own.

The Ninja didn't dawdle around long after the Kunoichi left for each were eager to partake in the training exercise Sensei Wu had assigned to them. When sleep overtook the Bounty as a whole the thoughts lingering in the Ninja's heads were filled with anticipation and excitement, however…little did they know that their Gods had other plans to make the new dawn…unsanctioned for their own enjoyment.

The soft pale blue of morning light sifted through the blinds of the window belonging to the Ninja of Fire and touched his face in a soft caress. As it does every morning, the light disturbed the young man and awakened him from his slumber. He sat up in a groggily haze as his crimson comforter slid down his chest to reveal a battle-scarred torso chiseled to warrior perfection and blinked slowly as he took in his surroundings. But soon, those golden-amber eyes widened to confusion then peered down at himself in disbelief.

(Zane's POV)

What…what has happened! Why am I in Kai's body!? I thought in a panic as I open and closed my…well Kai's fist numerous times, watching the veins appear and disappear rapidly. My breath was coming out in quick succession; I look further down to the definitive abs in horror as they contracted with each exhale. The wild thumping of a heart pounded through my sensitive hearing and I threw off my brother's comforter and made a dash to his connecting bathroom.

I fumbled around the wall for the light switch of the unfamiliar territory praying to Shiva that when I found it I would be warped back to my true body.

When I finally flipped the switch, my reflection would be my undoing.

There…staring back at me…was my brother, Kai's face. Unable to process the drastic change of events, I did the only logical action appropriate for the situation.

I screamed.

Only, the voice was not mine…it was Kai's which only made me scream louder.

(Jay's POV)

I lifted a trembling hand to grasp at the black locks on my head.

Why…oh why was Cole's ridiculous face in the mirror's reflection when it was supposed to be mine!

I woke up this morning feeling like a powerhouse and here I thought I was just well-energized to get the day started, but when I took a glimpse at my room I wondered why Cole would sneak in and remove my stuff and replace them with his as well as repaint the walls!

I release Cole's hair and give his face a hard slap.


I try three more forceful hits, but my efforts to wake up are futile. The slight sting from Cole's face lets me know two very important facts…I'm already awake and Cole's face is freakin' hard! I mean come on! The guy's face wasn't even red! How strong is this sucker!

"Okay, ooookay…"

I pace around a bit looking back and forth from Cole's reflection to the black tile at my feet.

"I'm in Cole's room, in Cole's bathroom, in Cole's body, and I'm speaking in Cole's voice! There has to be a way to reverse this!"

I stop pacing and close my eyes tight.

This has to work!

I click my heels together three times and proceed with the correct chant.

"I wish I was home in my body, I wish I was home in my body, I wish I was home in my body!"

I reopen my eyes with hope, but they're crushed to dust when I catch Cole's reflection in the mirror once more.


I throw my hands up in exasperation and begin trekking up and down my leader's bathroom in frantic frustration.

"Okay, next theory I have to prove that I'm Jay not Cole and the only way to do that is to complete my morning ritual flawlessly and the jolt will transfer me back to my body! Yeah, that's it! It makes perfect sense! Okay, Jay, now just calm down and complete your morning ritual. Just pretend you're you and take a shower, brush your teeth, and comb your hair, then BOOM! I'm back in my body, baby!"

In high spirits I hastily unbutton and remove Cole's pajama top, then reach into the shower to turn the hot water on.

I straighten back up and grit my teeth when I realize what I had to do next.

Just remember not to look, Jay. Just remember not to look.

I squeeze my eyes tight and take hold of the hem of Cole's bottoms and pull them down in one fluid motion. Keeping them shut, I fumble around for the shower curtains and push them safely aside, so I could step in under the spray of searing water. Once I close the curtain, I open my eyes. My nerves were fried, I needed to calm down or the transfer wouldn't be successful!

I took six calming deep breaths and tried to relax as much as I could. I tilted my head back and let the refreshing H2O work its magic.

I could feel my hair plaster to my face as the heavy deluge soaked it through, only…something was wrong.

Cole really needs a haircut. No Jay, don't think like that! This is your body remember, not Cole's!

I bowed my head to let the water slide smoothly down my neck and back, but I forgot one very crucial thing I wasn't supposed to do and that was…look…down…


(Kai's POV)


I've been awake for fifteen minutes according to Zane's internal clock and I've still haven't figured out how to move yet! Hell, I can't even speak! Take it easy, Kai and think. Obviously, Zane's body doesn't function like a normal human's, so you have to find out the gimmick.

His muscles don't react to natural atrophy which means there's no way in hell I'm paralyzed. Nya and Jay aren't the only ones good at robotics and I read Jay's report on Zane's Anatomy and Physiology…but this is totally different when you're actually in the body!

I close Zane's eyes easily enough and try to slip into his circuitry by using my own subconscious. How the hell does this body work-?!

Zane's right arm shot straight up then fell back down to its original position.

Wait, how did I do that?

I reach forward again with my subconscious and strike another set of nerves within Zane's complex matrix.

My left knee bent slightly and I could freely move my hands.

Oh! So these set of nerves controls the lower body and these here control the—

Zane's body sits up gracefully and his hand lifts to comb through his hair.

HELL YEAH! This isn't so tough; I just have to do some experimental prodding.

I manage to pry his covers off and get to his feet. Through careful rhythm, I mastered walking around without looking like "Captain Crippled". Now if I could just figure out how to talk, then I'll be set to breakdown and start crying.

I open and close Zane's mouth multiple times, but no sound is forthcoming from it. Argghh! This is exasperating! Cough! Do something!

I do a double-take and scroll through Zane's CPU. Where the hell is your instruction manual!? Hey, what does this panel do?



So that's what it does!

"Awesome, now I'm in business!"

I practice a few more sentences, phrases and actually tap into Zane's database search engine which is relatively just a high-powered Google network. I figure it would be too much of an effort to try to get this walking icebox to cry, so I simply look around his room instead.

Heh, might as well…is that a snow globe collection…?

I shake Zane's head vigorously to clear my thoughts.

Alright, it's time to find out what's going on. If I'm in Zane's body then most likely he's in mine, but…what about Jay and Cole?

(Cole's POV)

I burst through the door of Jay's room, panting in anxiety still dressed in his pajamas. I utilize his break-neck speed to make it to my black door at the beginning of the hall in record time.

"Open up this goddamn door! I know you had something to do with this you Swedish meatball!" I shout aggressively in Jay's unusually high-pitched voice while banging on my door. My composure flew out the window as soon I opened my eyes this morning. I knew something was terribly wrong when I took a glimpse at my supposed room and found nuts, bolts, and screws all over the place. I knew right then and there I was in Jay's room, but what took the cake was how bizarre I felt.

I never screamed in such unadulterated horror before, but I sure as hell did this morning when I saw those goofy blue eyes staring back at me from my reflection.

The door flung open to reveal myself showered and dress with the stupidest hairstyle in all of Ninjago.

What the hell did he do to me?!

"Who the hell are you callin' a Swedish meatball you Big-dick bastard!" He yells back while pointing at me accusingly as I try to recover from seeing the appalling state of my hair.

Did he just call me a—URGH! Forget it! I need to get him-me-whatever behind closed doors!

"Listen, go to the Game Room and stay there! I'll grab Kai and Zane and hopefully we can fix this mess before the girls wake up, okay?!"

It was uncomfortably eerie to watch my own green eyes widen in fear and trepidation and even more so to hear my own voice say something Jay-ish.

"Oh that's right the girls! I was so freaked out when I woke up that I completely forgot. What are we gonna do?!"

I grasp his arm tightly and pull him out of the room.

"Just go! It's already five til' six, so we don't have much time!"

(Normal POV)

The body swapped brothers quickly filed into the Game Room. Jay (Cole) turned as he entered to lock the door behind him to be safe from any unwelcome intrusions. He then returned his attention to his fellow Ninja.

"You guys too?!" Jay (Cole) asked for clarification in which the new Kai and Zane readily responded.

"Yeah, us too!"

"Oh man, this is so freaky! I was so sure my plan would work!" Cole (Jay) exclaimed in frustration causing the other three to turn to him.

"What plan?" Jay (Cole) growled, his eyes narrowed angrily. "Aren't you the one who caused this?!"

"Now what the hell would I gain from being in your body, besides a humongous penis?!" Cole (Jay) roared with another accusatory finger-point at his own body or rather the spirit inhabiting his body.

"WHAT!?" The corrupted Jay screeched in utter indignation, his face burning red with mortification.

"Uh, Jay what the hell, man?" Zane (Kai) deadpanned with a raised eyebrow and Kai (Zane) concurred.

"Is this the reason why you're showered and dressed? Did you really look upon Cole's penis?"

"Oh, come on and grow up with the rest of us! It's not like I planned on looking! I was just wondering what was weighing me down! So, you can imagine my shock and terror when I looked down south and saw an anaconda dangling in between my legs?!"

The Libra-spirited Cole shot the disgruntled Taurus-imbued Jay a spiteful expression and crossed his arms over his chest.

"And besides," he continued, giving his other brothers a glare, "don't pretend and say you guys aren't curious to compare sizes. It's called "Male Pride" for a reason, you know."

"I for one have no difficulty showering with my eyes closed, additionally I am quite confident my girth is substantially superior to that of Kai's," Kai (Zane) assumed calmly in which Zane (Kai) decided to whirl on him with an incredulous expression and furious pure hazel eyes.

"You wish Frankenstein! I bet yours is a toy mechanical claw anyway!"

"Come again?" The "polite" Kai sneered to the "angry" Zane.

"You heard me! In fact, let's find out shall we?!" Zane (Kai) mocked with an uncharacteristic smirk on his host's face as he inserted his thumbs in the hem of his pajama pants and prepared to pull them down.

"Yes, let's!" Kai (Zane) challenged and grasped the hem of his own pants.

"STOP!" Jay (Cole) screamed at the top of his lungs, causing all the corrupted occupants to stare at him in shock. Even though they knew it was Jay's voice that bellowed, Cole was the designated driver of the Ninja of Lightning and never had they heard their leader shout so belligerently before not even in combat. It was definitely a cause for alarm.

"No one is whipping out their penis to compare sizes! Is that clear!?" The deep blue orbs of Cole's host crackled in menacing lightning, the atmosphere sparking sporadically with furious electrical power as the Leader of the Ninja tapped into Jay's True Potential.

"Atlas, you all may have lost your bodies, but did you lose your minds too?! Don't you all realize the magnitude of our current situation and the deep shit we're in?!"

The three genuinely frightened ninja backed away from the insanely livid Jay (Cole) as he slowly walked towards them in the midst of his rant. It would be dangerous all the same if it was actually Jay, but the fact that it was Cole made it all the more terrifying since the stable ninja rarely got irate.

"Calm down, Cole," Cole (Jay) pleaded with a lopsided grin. "You're making me look scary."

"We'll surely find a solution to this predicament," Kai (Zane) added with a nod.

"Yeah so, you might want to chill unless you want to cause a power outage and make the Bounty crash into a mountain."

Zane's (Kai) back collided with the back of the couch as he said this and the three of them watched with bated breath as Jay (Cole) dispelled his power with a huff and turned away from them in aggravation.

"We have to find a way to rectify this now. I have to speak to Sasha in my own body not in the body of Chicken Little—"

"HEY!" Cole (Jay) yelped in renewed fury, but his ire fell on deaf ears as Jay (Cole) continued.

"—she wanted to talk to me about something and the way she winked last night—DAMMIT!"

The "solid as rock" Jay whirled around and pointed at the "mouth of lightning" Cole.

"Jay, what did you try earlier in hopes of getting your body back?"

"Well, I tried to prove to your body that I was Jay by going through my meticulous morning ritual and by doing so would cause a jolt that would send me back to my body, but a lot of good that did," Cole (Jay) finished with a roll of his emerald jade eyes.

"And what does jacking-up my hair have to do with your morning ritual," Jay (Cole) sighed as he walked over towards his body with a black comb he had grabbed before entering the Game Room.

"Hey, it's not my fault your hair isn't used to being kept in a cool style," Cole (Jay) theorized with a superior expression, but soon cocked an eyebrow when he saw his own frowning face near.

Jay (Cole) made quick work of his body's disheveled hair-do, expertly maneuvering the comb through the noir locks to achieve the trademark style.

The Machiavellian spirit of Jay stared awkwardly into the distracted eyes that once belonged to him. Before long though, he made a devious smirk cross Cole's features.

"You know," he began slyly, "I've never been one to be labeled a narcissus, but I look damn good up close well, without the grumpy sulk that is."

Cole's composed spirit simply ignored him however the features of Jay's face did darken somewhat in irritability. All of a sudden, Jay made his host reach out and grab the waist of his own blue pajama-clad body and bring it closer.

With the same conniving expression, the humor-filled soul forced the young titan's voice to drop into a seductive whisper. "Are you as turned-on as I am?"

The raspberry and eruption of laughter coming from the swapped spirits behind them rebounded off the walls in startling merriment.

Four throbbing veins pulsated wrathfully within Jay's temple; Cole's titan-sized anger caused his host's face to discolor to scarlet red as he cocked his fist back in preparation to slam it into his own face just to shut his evil brother's crooked mouth up.

"Go ahead!" Cole (Jay) taunted, "I'll give you a clear shot! Just remember, it's going hurt you more than it's going to hurt me!"

Zane (Kai) clutched his stomach while the "sensible" Kai walked over to his squabbling brothers with a smile and a chuckle.

"Now brothers, let's not start with the schemes to aggravate the other for I may have found a solution to our dilemma," the Scorpio-imbued Kai placated as he placed his hands on each of the shoulders of the swapped spirits of Cole and Jay.

They turned to him each wearing an expression of befuddlement.

"Damn its weird hearing Kai talk like you, Zane" Cole (Jay) voiced with a perturbed shake of his head.

"You're telling me," Zane (Kai) countered as he joined them, twisting his host's face into his own infamous smirk.

"And it's even creepier seeing that," Jay (Cole) added as well. "So what's the plan, Zane?"

"While it's only my hypothesis, I believe a cure can only be given if our bodies are jolted from the correct form of stimuli."

"Stimuli?" Zane (Kai) and Jay (Cole) echoed in confusion, but Cole (Jay) nodded his head with a finger placed on his chin in retrospect.

"So, I was on the right track after all, huh? But, what sort of stimuli do you have in mind? Wait, we're not going to have to do anything weird are we?" Cole (Jay) inquired with a wary expression.

"This coming from a guy who wanted to kiss himself a few minutes ago," Jay (Cole) mumbled with an irritable side-long glance to the joking spirit that became a figurative parasite to his unsuspecting body.

"Well, if you want to be technical you wanted to kiss me, but hey—who cares, right?" Cole (Jay) replied with a nonchalant shrug and wicked smile.

"ANYWAY," Zane (Kai) cut in between the two before anything could brew and leveled the intelligent essence hosting his body with a hopeful stare. "What do you suggest?"

"We simply crash our bodies together as forcefully as we can. The impact should create the jarring effect we need for our souls to return to their rightful cores."

"*sigh* We might as well give it a go because our allotted time has almost expired," the fiery Cancer-imbued Zane concluded with a arrogant smirk as he moved to stand a ways away from his slightly shocked logical brother.

Each Ninja stood spaced a few yards apart, facing the appropriate body they wanted to transfer with.

"Alright boys, on three," Jay (Cole) instructed tersely. "One…two…THREE!"

The desperate Ninja sprinted towards each other full-tilt each hell-bent on regaining normalcy, so they could be in heavenly bliss with their waiting romantic counter-parts.


In a painful heap, all four bodies collapsed to the hardwood floor in wretched agony and pain.

"Shit, that hurt! Great idea, Zane running into my body at high speed is like feeling the impact of a car wreck!" Jay (Cole) groaned as he struggled to stand from the blow of his own body.

"I…concur," Kai (Zane) winced and all four rose to stand shakily on their feet once more.

"Well that was a bust," Cole (Jay) stated while rubbing his host's chest to ease the lingering pain. "What do we do now?"

The leader in the cunning trickster's body shook his head regrettably and peered up at the hanging clock on the far wall adjacent to the entertainment system.

"We're out of time. It's fifteen til' seven and we all know the girls are up and preparing to go meet us at the rendezvous locations we agreed on last night." He turned to face his circled brothers with the stern expression he fixed on Jay's countenance.

"We have to get through this day. When Sensei Wu returns with Lloyd tomorrow, then hopefully he'll know what to do. Until then…"

"We get our own act in tune and portray the other perfectly, so the Kunoichi will be none the wiser," Zane (Kai) finished seriously and turned to the nindroid spirit within his body.

"Though playing a sap-on-stilts should be a cakewalk."

"A sap-on-stilts?!" Kai (Zane) reiterated dubiously giving his own smirking face a critical glare. "Kai, you would need an entire lifetime to even become within an inkling of my persona."

"Oh please, Zane whatever pedestal you placed yourself on step down and let me demonstrate your O' so complicated persona."

With that daring challenge, the soul of Ifrit's advocate took hold of his body's hand and proceeded to make Zane's form get down on one knee and peer up into the beyond traumatized expression of his face with soulful eyes.

"Oh dear sweet, Ayane," he began with sensuous fervor.

"Oh Thor, this doesn't bode well," Cole (Jay) speculated while he and Jay (Cole) covered their mouths with their hands to quiet the beginning of snickers as they watched the scene unfold.

"It is thee unparalleled beauty that has enraptured thine essence. As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for I will always be your protector as long as my circuits don't fry and I am rendered incapacitated. My love for you is pure and…eternal!"

At the end of his exaggerated dramatization, the doomed soul of the inferno puckered Zane's lips with a sexy moan and bent his head to place a kiss on his body's bare hand, but before he could complete his performance Kai (Zane) wrenched his host's hand out of Zane's (Kai) grip while glaring down at him with an expression that could only be summed up as premeditated murder.

"Just what am I to you," he growled deeply, the smoldering embers of his host's eyes melting into searing hot magma, "a Shakespearean actor?! When have I ever used the words "thee" or "thine"?!"

"I'm just saying, bro you pour it on pretty thick sometimes," Zane (Kai) sighed indifferently as he rose to his feet. "You need to know when to—"

"When to what, Kai," Kai (Zane) interrupted coolly, "be as witty and clever as you? Dear brother, I think it's about time you see yourself as the rest of us see you."

Unperturbed by the apparent threat, Zane (Kai) folded his arms and called his peeved brother's bluff with a wave of his hand in a beckoning manner.

"Come at me bro. Show me what you got."

"This is going to be brutal," Jay (Cole) whispered and Cole (Jay) whistled knowingly in response.

"Do you remember what your answer was to Lloyd's question when he asked you what does the rescue message S.O.S stand for?"

The two behind the contenders of humiliation immediately started laughing as the memories of Kai's error resurfaced.

Pure hazel eyes narrowed in vicious reproach. "Listen, that was—"

"Come on, Yoshi," Kai (Zane) interrupted, plastering a perfect Kai smirk on his host's face with little effort, "even you should know by now that S.O.S stands for shit-on-self. Think about it, you're on a deserted island with no hope of survival. What would you do, but shit on yourself? That's what the rescue planes will be looking for."

If nindroid's could blush in degradation, Zane's (Kai) face would be a blaze of fire at this very moment, but alas the grounding of teeth and the pure hazel eyes of a harbinger was the expression that greeted the taunting frost-imbued essence.

Jay (Cole) recovered before Cole (Jay) who had fallen to the floor in his laughter and closed to the gap between fire and ice before a brawl could manifest.

"Alright, so we all did some jabbing at each other, fair enough, right? Now that we had our fun let's get down to business and start coaching each other on how to represent them the right way."

With tempers cooled, for the last fifteen minutes the Ninja taught each other specific mannerisms that would surely arise while in the company of their desires. It was painfully obvious that privacy was irrelevant now under the circumstances, so messages would be relayed as soon as the opportunity presented itself. The plan was set, but there was one important detail that came into attention between the four…

"Uh, guys…what if they decide to kiss us?"

I wanted to post something on my birthday, but as you can see Freaky Friday is not finished just yet. I will be posting the final half sometime next week, so you don't have to wait too long for the hilarity that will surely ensue. I'm having so much fun writing this and I think it's a nice reprieve from the dramatic fighting I had to do a while ago. I hope my humor is not too crude for the T rating, but someone let me know if it is and I'll change the rating to M.

Please read and review!