Author's note- I apologize for the huge authors note. I intend to clear up some things that I feel people are worried about and explain my view on characters so you can see where I'm coming from. I won't say how they will change but seeing people from my point of view will properly help you understand why people do what they do in my story. remember this is my point of view on the characters and how they will develop as characters. i'm not saying i'm 100% right but in this story this is how i'm going to use the characters.

In regards to harry studying Japanese as a child it has no relevance to the story at all so you don't have to worry about me bringing it back. I just don't like the idea of harry not even looking at his other options in picking subjects and following Ron so I added a weak cause. I studied Indonesian in grade 1-3 and Japanese from 4-10. It was really just my go to subject with absolutely no relevance to the story. He could study pig Latin and it would be the same amount of importance. Ok fuck it after the 5th message about Japanese in about 15 review Bam changed it no biggie now he studied french.

Also I feel I have to point out that with this story a good portion of the start is going to be the transition from how characters are shown in the book to how they fit in to the story I'm writing. While some of them are overdone I feel like it's important that characters don't do a 180 just because it's going to work in the story and that I lead them to where they actually have cause to change. I don't want them waking up and being completely different.

At this point harry is a push over and a bit of a dead weight who has little self-confidence stemming from a shitty childhood who is starting to change as the story goes. I've given him a fascination with how magic works because it's important to his development in magic but I don't want anything to change unnaturally. The idea of living up to his parents is important so I didn't have him contact Remus or Sirius because they would just reassure him and I don't want that. I want him to use him parents as a measuring stick to some extent. While JK ROWLING used Harry's semi-abusive childhood to make him tender and caring I would rather think he was ignored as a child and likes the idea of being a hero because then people will pay attention to him but he also doesn't like the idea of being so self-serving so he passes it off as helping others out when really he wants to be recognised. He just hasn't realised that's what he wants yet.

I view Ron as a lay-about pure and simple who has little to contribute and actively holds harry back in his studies but in some stories I can see how that works. he injects the more reckless and carefree part of the story while creating a buffer between harry and Hermione so as the fans don't expect a relationship. if Ron didn't exist then J.K ROWLING wouldn't have any other option then to put Hermione and harry together or add another character. I don't think Ron works in any situation where academically harry changes to be more studious unless he takes a more secondary role in Harry's life as a less important character or he changes (unrealistically) into a less jealous and more mature character. at this point as harry is portrayed as a loyal guy in the books I don't want him to turn around all of a sudden and tell Ron to stick it up his ass then leave. It has to flow so there has to be a cause for him to react to (if they do have a falling out that is) Ron has little man syndrome and always wants to be on top but refuses to work for it because anything he can possible do his family has done it before him. Ron's in a cycle of self-doubt about his own worth and overestimating everyone else's thinking everyone else got a better hand then him. while it can be argued that because Ron grew up in the magical world that's what has caused him to be less academic but that being said even the things he does enjoy and want to do he doesn't work on it or at least isn't shown to work on anything. I have no interest in kicking to the curb any time soon but the story is about harry, i'm not going to spend a large amount of time trying to redeem Ron's actions or character.

Hermione is an insecure little girl that's only friends have been the characters in her books and the people who defended her from bullies in school which I assume was the teachers leading her to value the ideals that the teachers represent which would be the rules. As a girl with no friends as a child I would think she is an antisocial who uses her brains, which would have been praised by her teachers who are the cornerstone of her childhood, to establish other friendships.

When that didn't work she committed herself to be the best student so all the other kids couldn't ignore her anymore. After years of doing this she has two boys who are suddenly her friends and she tries to cement their friendship the only way she knows how by flaunting her knowledge at them like she did to teachers as a child.

In regards to Flitwick saying she had little imagination she comes from a world where laws were unbreakable and science ruled. when A is added to B then C happens. I don't think if magic existed then it would be so linear and I intend to write it as such something I might show in this chapter.

Filius Flitwick is an overly cheery part goblin character who seems excitable at all times. He is obviously a brilliant wizard and given his status as a dueling champion I think if pushed he would be incredibly vicious and would enjoy it. You don't learn to fight and compete unless you actually enjoy, to some extent striking another person.

In a world where bigots believe that other humans shouldn't learn magic because of their non-magic parents, he would have really struggled as a child growing up and learning magic with everyone else. So at this point, as head of house at a prestigious school, a master in charms, and a dueling champion he has proven himself. But given his rough childhood I would expect he detaches himself from involvement with others on an emotional level. A brilliant teacher who cares about his students but has little in the way of friends which ties in to the difference between Flitwick and McGonagall.

both prodigal in their fields and both (I assume) born before or during the Grindelwald war and then fighting through the first Voldemort war, both losing students to the war but the difference is McGonagall is not just losing students but friends and family left, right, and center while Flitwick didn't have the friends to lose and detached himself from all but a few students when they left school so wasn't affected to the same level.

And that's why I think I think McGonagall is more detached from her students now, because she spent years watching them die and doesn't want to tie herself to anyone.

A Bar Expedition

It took Harry three days and around fifteen copies of the application form to fill it out to the point that he was satisfied. Having to evaluate yourself and write it down proved to be a more challenging exercise than Harry had first expected. He followed Professor Flitwick's advice and overestimated his skills, even if it made him feel moderately guilty.

In this time he had been studying diligently with Hermione, much to Ron's chagrin. Ron didn't take Harry moving to improve his grades very well and seemed to go out of his way to distract Harry when he could. Harry had yet to tell Ron that he had no intention of studying divination or astronomy next year. That would not blow over well.

Hermione was ecstatic to not have to force Harry to study and it showed in how she acted over the last few days. Having at least one of her friends taking his schooling seriously seemed to stem the stress Hermione usually felt at this time of year. She regularly would go down the stairs to the common room in the morning only to find Harry sitting by the fire with a book in his lap. His obsession with practicing his magic so much was starting to get on her nerves. She had given him a list of subjects to study for the exams at the end of the year but even though she knew he could do the spells required for them she would see him practicing them over and over again.

All his extra study did not prevent Harry from reading through his runes book as well as his arithmancy book. He was both terrified and exhilarated by how difficult the arithmancy looked. Using mathematics to alter spells was both exciting and a scary concept. The book at explicitly repeated more than once how incredible dangerous it was to attempt spell creation but the more he read the more rewarding an area of study it looked to be.

He had delivered his application to the charms professor who had told him that, without a doubt he would secure him interviews to help him get in to runes course for next year. Flitwick had told him that, since he wasn't looking for a specific area of study just someone that used a certain type of magic he was in pretty good spirits about Harry getting a job. He had asked Harry what kind of job he would prefer to work in only to look up and see Harry's blank face looking back at him. In the end he had decided that maybe he would just send the application form to a wide range of people.

One of Harry's early ideas (at Hermione's prompting) was to get in contact with Bill Weasley who was Ron's eldest brother to see if his boss could take on Harry as a worker for the summer but Harry got back a message saying, in no uncertain terms that when bill broached the subject with his boss the man had shown absolutely no interest in giving Harry a position under him. The return letter pretty much said Harry was too young, and too inexperienced to get the job. It was slightly more polite but the undertone was one of derision.


I'm sure you're a nice enough kid but my boss said he would be looking for someone that could handle the environment that we work in and we both feel you just don't have that quality at the moment.

Maybe in a few years you can look at applying again but as of now we are declining your application.

We have hired a young witch from France who is top five in all her classes and has letters of glowing commendation from her professors. This is what you should aim for to work for a company like the one I do.

Bill Weasley,

Williamson's Artifact Recovery and Restoration Services,

The letter had made Harry reasonable disheartened but, again Professor Flitwick's optimism was incredibly contagious and had Harry in high spirits quite quickly.

Harry was wandering to the dining hall for dinner with Hermione who, thankfully had calmed down significantly over the last few days but had taken to spending significantly more time with Harry than with Ron.

It was at this point that he found himself approached by McGonagall her usual stern frown sitting on her face.

"Mr Potter, a word if you please" she said before turning and walking into one of the many empty classrooms. Harry rushed to follow.

He waited as she stood peering down at him "Miss is there something wrong?" he asked suddenly unnerved by her gaze.

There was something wrong. Not that she would tell Harry that. She had been thinking about what Filius had said to her and while she hadn't made up her mind on whether to help Harry or not she felt the window of opportunity closing to help the boy and decided to jump in reputation be damned. She would not be shown up by Filius Flitwick and have him look down on her. She cared for her students and she would prove it.

"I've decided to help you in your endeavor to study runes over the summer. Despite the risk it is my duty as a teacher to help you better yourself even if I don't think it's a very good idea." All the while the same stern look adorned her face.

Harry was surprised. He was sure there was no way she would help him. Then her words sunk in. he hated that she looked down on him.

"I'm sorry but I don't think I need your help. Professor Flitwick said he could get me some job interviews and I trust him. But thanks anyway professor" and with that Harry started for the door.

"Nonsense as your head of house it is my duty to get my students interviews for summer placement. Now I have these papers for you to fill out and once your done can you hand them back to me" she said as she pulled papers out of her robe to give to him only for him to hold both hands in the air over his chest declining the application form.

"All the same I think I will stick to Professor Flitwick. I've already handed in my papers and he sent them off this morning. Am I dismissed professor?" he asked as he stood his ground. He half expected to be getting detentions or point reductions by now.

"Why is it, Mr Potter that you won't accept my help?" she pulled her glasses off and rubbed the bridge of her nose "is it because I declined helping you before?"

"Not at all. While I was upset about that it's not why I won't let you help me. It's because you already expect me to fail while the thought didn't even cross Professor Flitwick's mind. He believed in me when you don't." with that Harry walked out of the room leaving a flabbergasted woman behind him.

It was only a week later that Harry found himself leaving through the floo in the charms office.

Nervous, excited, scared, and giddy were the emotions running through Harry's mind as he made his way to the dragon's fire bar in diagon alley. He had stepped out of the floo, rather, he had stumbled like a drunken idiot out of the floo in the 'leaky cauldron' deciding professor Flitwick's advice about coming here and walking to the dragons fire was a good idea.

He would have been really embarrassed flooing in direct and being seen by his future employer or trainee or whoever hired him falling on his face.

Also possible not the greatest start to an interview.

Professor Flitwick had lines up 5 different interviews for Harry one after the next starting at the start of every hour. Harry would be sitting in this bar for about 6 hours all together and he could see himself having an exhausting day. Professor Flitwick had ran him through mock interviews in preparation for today but Harry still felt completely unprepared for it. He had even sent a message to his godfather Sirius black asking for advice on what expect coming in to this. He figured he might as well get as much help as he possible could because he was feeling like he had a distinct disadvantage over the other applicants.

Sirius had sent back a short message telling him that even though he had not applied for many jobs in his time one piece of advice always stuck with him when he did go in to the interviews. 'the job that you apply for in never the job the employer says it is and the applicant is never as good as he says he is'. Basically he explained that both parties expected the other to embellish on both what the job they expect you to do is and what the employee can actually do. He also told Harry to keep him updated on what the results are so he can help Harry out further when they actually know what he is doing.

The inside of the 'Dragon's Fire' was the classiest bar that Harry had been in (not that he'd been in many) with its clean and modern look and suit wearing bartenders Harry struggled to associate the interior with archaic street that he had entered from. All glass and metal with little outside light coming in most of it from hovering bluebell fire's that rotated the room keeping it dark but not inconveniently so.

There was only a few patrons in the bar at eleven in the morning and as opposed to the clientele at the 'leaky cauldron' most of them looked like professionals instead of just drop kicks who have nowhere to go.

It was another hour before Harry's first interview so he decided to go and sit by the bar and wait ordering a chilled butterbeer and relaxing at the bar while reading over the jobs that he was applying for. There was two enchanters that he was meant to meet as well as a curse breaker and another two ward casters in that order each from large companies with good reputations meaning if they said he was ready for his fourth year runes then their decisions were above reproach and guaranteeing his entry.

Personally he was hoping to get a job with one of the ward casters because that was what he was most interested in but as a curse breaker he could rub it in Bill Weasley's face if he ever saw him. At this point the enchanters seemed both above his level and the most time consuming leaving meaning that he would have little time to work on his arithmancy.

About thirty minutes in to his hour wait a man sat down next to him.

"You're a little young to be in a bar this early in the mornin' aren't cha?" the man said ordering a fire whiskey from the bartender.

Harry took a second to look at the man. His Heavy, weather beaten tan robes with a hood and waist belt filled with a large wicked looking knife and several vials full of potions was the first thing Harry noticed. The man looked quite young, maybe thirty with messy, sandy blonde hair and a short stubble beard. He was even more out of place in the sophisticated bar that Harry but carried himself with an unrealistic amount of self-confidence making Harry somehow both uncomfortable and at ease at the same time.

"I'm actually waiting for someone" Harry replied quietly not wanting to make too much noise and draw attention to himself.

"What a coincidence, so am I. I'm selling some items to Gringotts and you know how those fucken goblins are. I can't just meet them at the bank or one of their offices they give me this bar and tell me they will meet me here 'today'. I'm meant to waste my entire day here waiting for them. If it wasn't some big prices I'm expecting for these artifacts I'd just leave." He knocked back the firewhiskey sitting in front of him and slammed the tumbler back on the table, obviously not having Harry's trepidation over making too much noise. "What about you?"

"I'm applying for a few summer jobs and I'm meeting some people here for the interviews".

"Ahh I remember going to interviews. Fucking hate it. That's why I work for myself nowadays. What are you applying for?" The stranger said as he ordered another drink.

"I'm trying to get into ancient runes. I'm going in to fourth year and I didn't take ancient runes this year so I need to get some experience and a recommendation from a certified runes user or my professor won't let me in." Harry said looking around slowly. It was getting to the time when he expected the interviewer to get here.

"Jeez, you expect to get in without doing runes before? What jobs are you applying for?"

Harry was starting to feel a little self-conscience "two ward caster's jobs, two enchanter's jobs, and a curse breaker job."

The man snorted to himself quietly but Harry still heard it. "Well both ward casters and enchanters are almost entirely based around runes with a bit of arithmancy thrown in while the curse breakers are more adventure and not as technical but I don't think they will employ someone so young because it's too dangerous and kids seem to freeze up when the shit hits the fan. You do arithmancy?" the man asked but Harry shook his head "I think you might be shit out of luck then mate".

Harry was about to retort when he felt someone tap him on the shoulder. He turned to see an older woman behind him, short with thinning white hair.

"Mr Potter?" she asked waiting for his reply in the affirmative "my name is Isabell lynch and if you will come to the booth professor Flitwick has reserved for the interview we will get started."

Harry followed her to a booth with a rope around it which one of the staff quickly removed letting them sit down.

The interview went pretty much exactly how Professor Flitwick said it would and most of the questions where the same as he had practiced and Harry felt less nervous knowing that most of his answers where actually doctored by the charms professor earlier that week for this exact situation.

Then came the end of the interview.

"Ok Mr Potter let's get down to the big question. Why should we hire you over the people with actual runes experience? Enchanting is delicate work with little room for mistakes what makes you better suited for it then our other applicants?" the old woman asked looking down her nose at him.

Harry didn't have an answer. He tried to think of something but he just ended up stumbling over his words while she looked on while he felt himself glow with embarrassment. It felt like years before she stopped him but it was properly only a few minutes before she took mercy on him.

"Mr Potter I'm going to be honest. The chances of you getting this job are pretty slim. You would have to be an absolutely extraordinary wizard for us to hire you with no experience. You have a remarkable resume' but none of the things listed look like they would help you with enchanting where we look mostly at your academic record and yours is, quite frankly not very impressive. I'm sorry Mr Potter. We will be in contact to discuss the job perimeters if you do, in fact get the job" She got up slowly and started towards the door before Harry stopped her.

"I'm sorry miss but do you mind if I ask you a question?" Harry asked quickly. He was pretty upset that his first interview had gone so poorly but he couldn't give up yet.

"That would be fine but please keep it short. I have to get back to work." She replied.

"I have a few other interviews today is there any advice you can give me?"

"Actually yes. That last question is the most important one. It's the one the interviewer would remember when he or she leaves the interview. Make sure to think up a good answer before your next meeting. What makes you the best person for the job?" she looked at her watch before saying goodbye and bidding him good luck on his next interview.

The whole interview process had taken about thirty minutes leaving Harry another thirty before his next one so Harry found himself sitting back in the same seat he sat in when he first arrived next to a same grinning man.

"That was embarrassing" he laughed.

"Shut up, it's bad enough without you teasing me." Harry was quietly quite upset that he was getting talked down to by some guy he didn't even know.

He continued to laugh but waved off Harry's anger as he apologizing "I'm sorry, my names Lucus by the way." He held out his hand for Harry to shake which Harry took but regretted under Lucus's vice like grip. He was deceptively strong for his medium build, not small but in no way a man mountain only just breaking six foot if that.

Harry introduced himself quickly before staying silent thinking for an appropriate answer to the question broached to him. What made him better that the other applicants? What made him special?

His time passed to quickly for him and he found himself sitting across from a stern looking middle aged man who spent the whole time looking down his nose at Harry taking little to no interest in the interview obviously having blown Harry off as a lost cause before even getting to the interview. He basically just listed of the questions at Harry while making a small amount of notes in a notebook and before he knew it the man had left. It had barely been ten minutes.

Again he was back in the seat next to the man he had come to know as Lucus.

"Don't worry about that one. That guy was a total dick-bag. Just keep your head in the game for your next interview. Don't get depressed, don't get upset, and don't get angry just remember confidence is key. If ya act like you're the best thing to walk in to this bar then others will assume you're at least half as good as you say you are" Lucus said as he patted Harry on the back and ordered two more drinks. It was pretty obvious that he was just trying to cheer up the down-trodden Hogwarts student but it did make Harry feel slightly better.

It was only a few minutes before the Bartender put two drinks in front of Lucus which he paid for in excess with a nod and slid one in front of Harry who looked scandalized.

"I don't drink. I'm underage" Harry said sliding the drink back but it was put in front of him again more firmly.

"it's pretty easy to see that your more nervous now than you were when you came in. you don't want to be going In to an interview nervous. You go in confident and they will be more likely to hire you. And the drink will calm you down" Lucus said easily before leaning across Harry and grabbing his Resume'.

It was a few minutes before Harry's nerves caught up with him and he hesitantly grabbed the drink in front of his and took a sip. He had, at one point over the year tried firewhiskey that he was given by one of the Weasley twins after a quidditch game and struggled to finish the drink with both his mouth and nose burning but the whiskey in the glass was way better. Still bitter and burnt his mouth but compared to the firewhiskey it was a god-send.

Harry was half way through his drink before he heard Lucus whistle in appreciation before putting the resume' back on the table.

"You killed a basilisk?" Harry nodded "and you know parseltongue?" Harry nodded again "you can cast a corporeal patronus?" Harry replied in the affirmative.

"Fuck me, that's pretty impressive." Lucus Grinned. "Make sure the curse breaker knows that when you talk to him because that's a few real rare talents. Who knows, we might just get you a job after all."

"Thanks. Why are you helping me? If you don't mind me asking." Harry asked looking up at him.

"I'll be honest. I'm pretty bored and there is no saying I won't be here until midnight tonight so I'll entertain myself by helping you."

The effects of Harry's recently finished drink had him more open in the discussion and slightly less tense than he was before but his head remained clear "why do you start with fire whiskey when this is so much better?" Harry gestured to the Lucus's drink which he tipped back and finished before answering.

"Well I enjoy whiskey and firewhiskey tastes horrible but in does make my next few drinks taste way better. In comparison of course." He pointed to Harry's drink offering him a second which Harry quickly turned down.

"I thinks that's your two o-clock Mr Potter" Lucus said with a grin as he gestured to the man that just walked in the door.

The curse breaker that was interviewing him was quite young and pretty good natured. He took Harry seriously unlike the previous one and he didn't think they would find someone with a better answer to the question 'describe a high stress situation that you have been in that required you to use problem solving skills'.

During the interview Harry noticed that Lucus had moved closer to the booth that they were in so that he could still listen the interview in the quickly filling bar. He seemed to have taken a large amount of interest in the how Harry's interviews where going.

Despite having an extra person listening in Harry found himself a lot calmer through this interview with the help of liquid courage. He answered all his questions easily and as he expected at the end of the interview the curse breaker put down his sheet with the questions on it and asked his final question.

"Ok Mr Potter what makes you better that all our other applicants?" he asked leaning forward intently.

He had thought about this question in the gap between the interviews and he had come up with an answer he thought would work on the curse breaker "I've proven that I'm good in dangerous situations and that I don't freeze up under pressure and I don't think any of your applicants would have any of the sort of experience that I have."

"That's a good answer" the man said with a smile "Finally is there anything that you want to ask me?"

"I would say the big one would be what my chances of getting this job is?"

"Unless something changes over the next few weeks I would say pretty high. Your resume' is the most impressive your age is a bit of a disadvantage but your experience is a big boost. I like you Harry, can I call you Harry? I'll put in a good word and if I hear anything I'll send you a message with news but all I do is report to my bosses so the decision is theirs. Anything else?" he asked.

Harry thought for a second but he shook his head.

"Well in that case good luck and you will hear from us in about two weeks I would say."

He leaned over and shook Harry's hand before leaving. Harry couldn't help but get his hopes up that was easily Harry's best interview so far and he was pretty excited. Lucus clapped Harry on the back as Harry took the seat opposite him.

"Well that was an improvement over your other interviews but that's not saying much. What have you got left?"

"Two left both for ward casting and they are the ones I am actually most interested in"

The two of them ended up talking for the next half hour and Harry was enjoying their discussion. More mature that his talks with Ron and more entertaining than his talks with Hermione which, given they were pretty much the only people that he talked to wasn't saying much. On a side note he really needed to expand his friend circle to more than just two people.

It was the goblins that came next to talk to Lucus leaving Harry alone for a short time before the first of his two ward casters showed up.

The woman came out and told Harry immediately that the interview was being performed as a favor to Filius Flitwick and he had no chance of getting a job with them before starting the interview only for Harry to tell her not to bother. If he wasn't getting the job he had no interest sitting through another interview he had already gone through enough today without doing an interview in which he didn't even have a chance for a job.

Lucus didn't come out for the next hour leaving Harry sitting by himself until the next interview and he missed the company. Soon enough an overly cheery chubby man sat across from him mopping sweat from his brow and introducing himself as the last interviewer of the day.

Robert Cline was his name and he didn't even attempt to interview Harry.

"Mr Potter if you sign these forms you can start working for us immediately over the summer and we will make sure to have the best tutors personally train you" said Robert.

Harry picked up the papers and glanced over them "What are these?" he asked.

"Just standard forms for employees. Healthcare, superannuation, those sort of things" he said quickly.

Harry's pen was literally an inch from the paper when it was snatched out of his hand. He turned to see Lucus waving it at Harry.

"Harry you never sign anything before reading it. Negotiation 101" as he picked up the papers.

It took Lucus less than a minute to see what was wrong with it.

"Why is there a thing in here about you being able to use the likeness and name of any employees in advertising without consultation? That doesn't sound like a generic employment term" Lucus said turning to the man across form Harry.

"My company is interested in using Harry potter as a face to get more business. In return we will hire tutors for him to learn from. It's a good deal and I recommend you take it."

They both turned to Harry to see his answer.

It was a good deal Harry was thinking to himself. He wasn't exactly comfortable with a company using his likeness to attract business. He didn't know what to do but it was Lucus that answered for him.

"Mr Potter will send his reply to your company directly in the next three weeks" he said as he ushered the man out of the booth. Robert looked offended by the dismissal but he left anyway. This was properly the best he could expect right now. Harry didn't look too enthusiastic about the idea but this way he could take a half-way decent answer back to his bosses.

Lucus slid in to the both before turning to Harry "you really need to be more careful. That was reasonable harmless but a lot of bad things can happen when you sign things all willy nilly like that, trust me. That's a pretty good result. Three weeks before the end of the semester right?" Harry nodded "Now you can use it for a last resort if the other job goes to shit".

Harry wanted to stay and hang out with Lucus for a little longer but he had promised Professor Flitwick that he would come straight back to Hogwarts when he was done. Lucus had invited Harry to stick around for a celebration drink for his successful dealing with the goblins but he had to decline and pack up his things before heading out. Lucus had made him promise to keep him updated on what happens with his job saying he had taken an interest in the results. Lucus claimed the only reason Harry might have got a job was him and wanted to know how it ended. He said just to send it to Lucus sterling which, apparently was his name. Harry felt silly for not asking before.

For now Harry would go back and tell Professor Flitwick how it went. Harry was pretty disappointed in all but one of the interviews but he had high hopes for getting a job. It would be pretty cool to be a curse breaker but if it didn't work out he had a secured job as a ward caster.

Harry ended up buying a few books on curse breaking before wandering back to the leaky cauldron to floo home. He needed to study for his exams. He still needed good marks to get in to arithmancy and runes whether he had the summer job or not.


Ok the slang from Lucus (before people complain) drifts in and out deliberately. When people talk like that it doesn't happen all the time. I use slang with a bit of an accent but it comes and goes when I talk so I'm going off that. Next chapter will be the next three weeks. I feel like I've set up this story enough so we can pick up the pace.

Also the drinking after quidditch seems like something that any teenage team would do so I didn't think it was too much of a stretch.