Disclaimer- I don't own anything in this story so far. That might change with the addition of extra things.

This is my new story that I am working on. At this point I'm just putting out feelers to see if there is much interest in the theme.

At this point I have a romantic pairing in mind but I intend on this story being about Harry's development as a student into something a bit more impressive but not off the walls powerful.

Also at this point it would be helpful to have a beta so if you're interested throw me a PM but if you want to wait a few chapters so you can see if the direction of the story is something your open to then that's fine.


The Flitwick revelation

Harry sat on his bed in Gryffindor tower thinking about his year so far.

Just last night he had rescued his godfather he only just met from being kissed by a dementor twice and managed to master the patronus charm which, he had been told was quite advanced magic. He had been practising doing the patronus charm for the last few months before he succeeded only to have to watch his godfather fly away for an undetermined amount of time had left him exhausted both emotionally and magically.

He had about a month to go of his third year at Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry including the remainder of his exams and he was struggling to concentrate on his studies. After the almost murder of godfather by the minister of magic and finding out that a garden rat that he had held in his hands at one point and was owned by his best friend had actually been a animagus in disguise that had been responsible for the murder of his parents had been, if anything incredible disillusioning.

It would be the first time that Harry had seen the incompetence of the minister first hand.

When he first met Minister Fudge at the start of the year he had come across as a bit of a bumbling fool, quick to try and please Harry because of his celebrity status in the wizarding world.

To see him try and kill a man so haphazardly even when people where proclaiming his innocence was amazing and not in a good way. He watched his chances of having a happy and fun summer slip away because some idiot wanted to cover up something that was essentially not actually his fault.

An innocent man sentenced to prison before minister fudge's time in office but the man scrambles to make sure it doesn't come to light just in case the public where feeling unforgiving about the ministries mistakes.

"Harry the preliminary grading for everyone has just gone up outside. Are you coming down?" said dean as he popped his head around the corner.

Harry sighed slowly "I think I'll have a look later" he replied "I'm sure Hermione will be up in soon to tell me".

Dean laughed "You're not wrong" he said as he walked back down the stairs.

"In fact I think I will go for a walk" Harry said to himself quietly "avoid the inevitable so to speak."

He slid wearily out of the bed and started towards the door. A walk would do him good.

As much as he enjoyed Hermione's presence he was still feeling tender from his recent exit from the hospital wing and was totally aware of his less than fantastic scores for his studies.

He had got out of madam Pomfrey clutches last night after being cleared from the Sirius Black incident the day before as had Hermione while Ron had to stay until sometime today to make sure his leg was healing properly. Which meant he would take the brunt of Hermione's wrath for the day while Ron got the sympathy.

Harry had no problem making it to the portrait hole undetected as most people where looking at the student ranking hung up on the board in the common room. He slinking quietly past the fat lady as she chatted to one of her friends in an opposing painting.

"Harry where are you going?" he heard behind him turning to see Hermione walking down the corridor.

"Hi Hermione, I was just heading to see Professor Flitwick. He sent a student up to tell me he wants to see me" replied Harry.

Flitwick hadn't actually but the faster Harry could get away from Hermione the less chance he had to have to talk about his scores.

"Well that's fine ill come with you." Said Hermione.

"I was under the impression that he wanted to see me privately" Replies Harry speeding up his pace only for Hermione to speed up again to catch up.

"I'll walk you to the door then" Hermione said obliviously not getting the dismissal in Harry's tone "have you seen your scores for the year yet".

Harry sighed this discussing was obviously unescapable "No I did not Hermione why don't you tell me how I did".

This time Hermione did catch his tone "don't talk to me like that. It's not my fault that you aren't doing that well".

"It's not my fault either" said Harry hotly "I've just had a lot on my mind with the whole Sirius thing. I can't just throw myself into study when I have to watch my back for, what I thought at the time was a deranged maniac trying to kill me".

Hermione glared at him "And that isn't an excuse not to study or do well in class. Your already in class why not pay attention. Staring off in to space and slacking off isn't going to stop the murderer from getting you and if you haven't noticed something happens every year. You can't keep making excuses about having to do something else or you will end up never doing anything with your life."

"Never doing anything" Harry almost shouted "I've saved a philosopher's stone, slayed a basilisk and almost caught a mass murderer. I could retire now and I've still done plenty more than what most people have."

Hermione grabbed him arm stopping him almost just outside charms office.

Harry didn't even realise they were here.

"You've also killed a dark lord Harry. That means that you are going to end up doing more things like this. Your special Harry and a target, no one else could have done the things that you have done and you shouldn't keep on expecting things to work out for you without you knowing what you are doing." She ran her hand through her already frizzy hair in exasperation "Jesus Harry do you ever realise how badly things could have gone in any of our adventures so far. Quirrel could have killed you, the basilisk should have killed you I mean you got bit by the most deadly snake in the world only to get saved at the last minute by a phoenix and if Sirius was actually a killer not your godfather he would have killed you."

Harry leaned against the wall outside the charms office "I'm tired Hermione. And sore, short tempered and I just want to sit down somewhere quiet and relax. What I don't want to do is talk about this" he said as he started towards the charms office door.

He wasn't sure what he was going to say to the charms professor but he would rather be in that discussion than this one.

It wasn't that he didn't know what Hermione was saying was right. Like he didn't realise that he kept putting his life was in danger and almost dying. He was there after all. Maybe he was being rude but at this point he didn't care.

He managed to get his hand on the door handle before she said anything "I just don't understand you sometimes Harry. How are you not more like me?

How do you not love everything to do with the wizarding world when you come from a place like where you grew up?

You get treated horrible by your awful relatives then a whole new world gets opened up to you where the opportunity existed that you can easily escape them and you don't care. You say you love magic but you treat everything like it's a chore. Just like these other kids that grew up with magic who treat it like it's an everyday occurrence to make things fly and change one thing to another but It's not for people like us Harry. It should be amazing, how do you not realise that?"

That did make Harry stop. She was wrong he did love magic. She had to be.

"I have to go Hermione. I'll talk to you later ok?"

Hermione started to walk away "just please think about what I'm saying. Maybe we can talk after you talk to Professor Flitwick."

Harry sighed as he watched her walk away. Once she left he would just walk in the other direction maybe find a classroom to sit in for a while away from all the noise but as soon as she turned the corner the door opened and in front of him stood Professor Flitwick.

"Hello Mr potter, why don't you come inside" Said the professor looking up at the slightly taller Harry.

"Oh no professor I was just walking past" said Harry quickly flushing in embarrassment.

"Nonsense" laughed Professor Flitwick "I distinctly heard Ms Granger say that you were going to talk to me. Now what can I do for you".

Professor Flitwick had quickly ushered the unwilling student inside and into a seat near his desk "Your lucky you caught me you know. Usually I am booked out with students trying to talk to me about their grades. I didn't expect to see you though. Not that you're not welcome you just never seemed that worries about your grades"

"Actually I'm not here to talk about my grades I kind of…" Harry looked away feeling very embarrassed now "I used coming to talk to you as an excuse not to talk to Hermione about my grades."

"Is there anything wrong with your grades?" asked the professor as he began to make tea.

This time it was Harry's turn to laugh "you the one grading me I suppose if anyone knew if there was a problem with my grades it would be you."

Harry was starting to feel quite relieved. If the professor didn't think there was anything wrong then Hermione had to give him a pass. There is no way she would disagree with a professor.

"There is a problem I just want to see if you can tell me what it is" said the professor sitting down opposite him putting down a tea in front of Harry "so what is the problem with your grades Harry?"

Harry frowned sourly. This is not how he expected his day to go.

"I know my grades aren't fantastic but they are still above average aren't they?" Harry asked the professor.

"Of course they are you are quite a bright student just because your above average doesn't mean there isn't anything wrong" said Professor Flitwick sipping his tea slowly "you know your mother was one of my best students. Almost prodigal in here knowledge of charms. I haven't had a student like her since. When you came into my class I was expecting you…" He paused and took a breath "hoping you would take after her. She was truly and amazing person. As was your father now I think about it. He didn't care much for the class lectures but every time i asked him to do something practical in class he didn't struggle at all."

"Well I'm not my parents" Harry said getting more upset as this conversation progressed "and I would rather you didn't hold me to my parents standards. What about Hermione? She has almost perfect grades she must be as good as my mother"

"At first I thought the same. Maybe you just hadn't gotten the talent from you family as unlikely as that is then I had a message from the department of law enforcement early this morning congratulating me on having a student capable of casting a patronus charm."

"Harry if you are anything then you are your parents" laughed Flitwick again "Ms Granger's problem is that everything she has done is what I tell her. Every spell she uses is literal and linear with no imagination there in no innovation maybe that will change as she gets older but for the time being she finds it difficult to look at spells as what they really are. An extension of our magic and imagination. Magic is limitless there is a way to get around every single law of magic if you look hard enough and I think Ms Granger will find that hard to grasp. Your mother and father would use spells in a way that they hardly even resembled the spells that I had assigned them to learn.

Once your mother got a good understanding of arithmancy every month she would be in my office questioning me on how to make the spell better.

The same with your father when he was pranking people I would see something done and as a teacher I would be upset but as a charms master I would be astonished by what he would do. Combining simple spells, finding obscure magic or making a crude design of a new spell just for the prank that had no other purpose."

Professor Flitwick sighed slowly but when he looked up he saw that he had Harry's absolute attention and he smiled maybe he could get through to the boy after all.

It was a moment before Professor Flitwick spoke again "That is the potential that is in your blood. You could do great things Harry, if you chose to. "He then smiled at the boy "What interests you about magic Harry? Maybe if I sparked your mind a little you will start using it more in class"

Harry was caught off guard by the question. What did interest him about magic? He hated feeling weak and feeling scared like when he heard Sirius black had got into the Gryffindor tower. Gryffindor tower was his home and it had been violated by who he thought to be killer. Now he thought about it he hated the fact that Ron's rat scabbers had been a deatheater that was 10 feet away from him every time he slept for three years. He hated being helpless. He wanted magic that could protect him and make him stronger.

"I want to learn magic that can protect me in the situations I keep getting in to. I would love not to have to worry about if I'm going to die or not." He said to the waiting Professor.

"Ok we will come back to that what else? Maybe something fun you want to learn?" said Professor Flitwick.

Harry thought about it.

What was fun in his life?

Outside of quidditch he didn't really enjoy anything except hanging out with the few friends that he did have.

"Nothing" he replied quietly "the only thing I can think of is quidditch."

"Well what do you do during the summer when you aren't at school?" said Professor Flitwick.

"Mostly just chores and things like that nothing I actually enjoy" said Harry.

"I have noticed that your summer homework isn't exactly fantastic when you get back. If you only do chores and the like why isn't your homework up to par?" asked the professor.

"Well my relatives don't exactly like magic too much so they keep my books and everything like that under the stairs so I don't use it during the summer. I could try and get it but I don't exactly want to aggravate them. So I just do the work on the train to school." Said Harry averting his eyes. He found this line of conversation quite embarrassing.

"Ok how about magic that you can practice during summer. You can study arithmancy during the summer without it looking like your using anything but maths books and runes can be used without setting of the underage magic laws so you could play with them during the summer" said Flitwick as he continued drinking his tea "as for not being allowed to have your books maybe we can find a way around that so that they wouldn't know."

"Sorry but I don't even know what arithmancy is and I don't do either that or ancient runes." Replied Harry.

"Why are you not doing ancient runes or arithmancy? I would think they are significantly more interesting than divination and astronomy in my opinion" smiled Professor Flitwick.

"Well I studied french in school and didn't find it very fun so I didn't pick ancient runes I guess I'm just not that interested in another language and arithmancy sounds a lot harder than divination so I chose divination" said Harry again, embarrassed.

"You don't even know what the two classes are do you" scolded Flitwick continuing when he saw Harry shake his head "ancient runes is the implication of runes in advanced branches of magic like enchanting, warding, ward-breaking, wand-crafting, blood magic, which is heavily frowned upon along with countless other forms of magic. Without using runes hardily any of them are possible and the ones that are you can only use the most dismal amount it would be a waste of time to even try, embarrassing even."

"And arithmancy, possibly the cornerstone of all magic in the world, is the scientific study of magic and how we use it. Do you know why the first spell we teach are how to turn a match into a pin and how to levitate objects?" asked the Professor.

"No sir" replied Harry still shocked over getting scolded by the, usually incredibly cheerful professor.

"Because they are a few of the only spells in the world that we wizards and witches have managed to prefect. Think of spells as recipes that involve a combination of motion and sound or intent and power. With the levitation charm you have the words wingardium leviosa which if pronounced wrong will pull power from the spell, you have the motion swish and the flick which also take power out if preformed wrong but none of the intent that would have led to you using magic before. Intent is used to guide your magic and the power acts as a filler where you would usually have the magic words and motions. As you and your magic are young you need a huge amount of intent and power to make magic work without the proper movements because your magic has to be trained. So the first time you learn the spell it takes almost perfect sound and motion to work but if you preform the spell one thousand times then when you intend for the spell to work it will because your magic will know what it's doing, like muscle memory the magic will know how to form the spell and where you haven't trained enough there will be more of a drain on your magic to make up for the difference. Do you understand?" asked Flitwick.

"Kind of. So if you do the spell motion and sound perfect then there will not be as much a drain on your magic because it doesn't need to correct as much right?" Harry looked up and saw the Professor motioning for him to continue "but if you continuously use a spell then you can just intend for it to happen and it will because your magic will know how to do the spell automatically. So basically magic is like a pet that you are teaching tricks?" Flitwick clapped excitingly.

"That's right. You are better treating magic as a sentinel being that can be taught how to do things. Like animagus. Animagus is a human that can change into an animal. You teach you magic slowly how to change you into an animal teach it that you have two forms the animal and the one that you usually wear. Which is also the reason you can't have more than one animagus form because if your magic gets it confused then it could lead to your death. Like if you had both a badger and a lion form and you changed but your magic put a badger's heart in the lion's body you would die. As you get older your magic will understand more about what it can do and as such it will be easier to preform magic. You will also get more and more powerful leading to you being able to make more mistakes and use more complicated magic. Look at Nicholas Flamel inventor of the philosopher's stone. He and his wife lived so long that magic became almost entirely intent based able to do any spell they could think of what they want to happen and, through a combination of spells it will just happen even if it took six hundred years for their magic to get to that level"

It seemed Professor Flitwick loved talking about magic and seemed to ramble a bit. Not that Harry wasn't interested. This was possible the only conversation he had ever had on how magic actually works. He always just assumed it was, well magic but to find out that you could train your magic to make spells easier. Baffling.

"Professor Flitwick what has this got to do with the spells we learnt in first year. Or arithmancy for that reason" asked Harry.

"Sorry Mr Potter I seemed to go off on my own tangent. Arithmancy is the study of the science behind spells. What motion and sound together make what happen? Levitation and the basic transfiguration can be used easily by first years without draining any of their power and making them tired because those spells are perfect. The motion and the sound go together without the need for any intent or hardly any power obviously if you were to add intent the spell would become easier so if you were to teach it to a fifth year they would pick it up effortlessly because even if they didn't do the motion and sound perfectly correct the intent and power would easily make up for it. On the other end of the spectrum we have say the patronus charm, something you had learnt recently. Something is wrong with the spell making it remarkable difficult to use and incredibly draining on your power until you teach your magic how to use it properly. Arithmancy tries to make spells easier to cast by perfecting the motion and sound behind them so people can rely less on the intent and learn the spell quickly. On the other hand arithmancy is also about making spells that don't already exist. What motion and sound can cause the effect that you are looking for? All of these things can be found out by mathematical equations" finished Flitwick as he also finished his tea getting up to make another one.

"That's incredible" said Harry "I'm starting to regret my choices in my classes arithmancy and runes sound way more interesting that my units so far. Maybe I can change classes?" Harry said more to himself than to Professor Flitwick.

"Maybe" replied Flitwick "it's not unheard of to change classes but it is rare maybe you should talk to the professors of the classes and ask them what it would take to get you into the fourth year classes next year."

Harry watched as Flitwick got up to make a second pot of tea before he realised he hadn't even started his yet. Not to be rude he quickly gulped it down before Flitwick noticed only for it to get refilled by the Professor immediately afterwards.

"Back to the original idea what can you do during the summer why not study runes. I'm sure you can have quite a bit of fun playing with runes at home over the summer almost everything that is possible with a wand is also be possible using runes. It is positively my favourite area of study after charms. And because runes uses ambient magic completely hidden from the ministry of magic. Of course some of the magic has to be activated by wand but again some don't." explained Flitwick "and as for magic to defend yourself that is pretty much all types of magic if you are willing to look for it. You can use transfiguration to make a statue then charms and runes to enchant it to protect your bed at school. Several years ahead of the normal curriculum but you could still do it. Wards that wake you when someone walks across a line in your common room and wards that make it so only someone below a certain age can enter your bedroom. Then there are spells like incarcurus and pretificus totalus if you wanted to cast spells at someone and ten thousand others that you could use." Professor Flitwick pondered for a second.

"Why not use parseltongue to make a snake protect you that is another option" seeing the look on Harry's face he stopped "what's wrong Mr Potter?"

"I'm just not very keen on using parseltongue" replied Harry making a sour face.

"Mr Potter to dismiss a talent like parseltongue is an incredible silly thing to do. Whether you believe it or not parseltongue is a gift that is incredibly rare. Meaning there are not many people in the world that can use it and that give you an advantage against most people it the fact that not only will they never be able to use snakes against you it also means you have a natural ally in the world.

Never listen to people that discriminate against you because of the things you can do. At one point people discriminated against me telling me that because I am part goblin I would never be able to use magic as well as a pure human yet here I am years later one of the most respected charms masters in Britain. Never let anyone tell you what is and isn't evil. They use to say animagus was the sign of a dark witch or wizard now it's a sign of a powerful magic user when both are untrue. Anyone can be an animagus with persistence."

Professor Flitwick took a sip of tea before continuing.

"My advice to you is learn everything that you want to, there is no reason to limit yourself because other people say so. Now I was heading out for lunch when you caught me and we seem to have talked for two hours so I am going to the kitchens. I would like you to live up to your parent's legacy but I can't control what you do. You have to make your own choices in life Mr Potter but my suggestion is to do what you enjoy when it comes to magic and you will find that you learn things that will help you across the field. Come get me if you need anything else" Said Flitwick as he ushered Harry out the door.

Harry stood in the hallway even after the professor had left. Hermione was right. He needed to stop looking at classes as a chore and do more in the class.

The single discussion with professor Flitwick had him more excited about magic than anything since he first learnt about magic.

He remembered going to diagon alley full of questions for Hagrid and here he was less than three years later and he was taking magic for granted.

Well that was going to change. He wanted to be fascinated by magic again.

First things first was talking to the professors for both arithmancy and ancient runes to see how he would go about getting in to both of their classes.

Harry started his walk up to professor vector's office to see if he could catch her before dinner.

Walking through the school on the weekend he thought about what the professor had said.

He was trying to think about all the things he wanted to do as a child if he could escape the Dursley household.

To have an apartment of his own. A life outside the Dursleys.

Maybe he should look at how much money his parents had left him maybe he could get out of the house and live by himself. What a dream that is.

Before he knew it he was standing at the arithmancy door quickly straightening his robes he knocked on the door to Professor Vector's office.

"Come in" He heard a feminine voice from inside.

Harry nervously walked in the office to see Professor Vector sitting at her desk with her glasses half way down her nose looking over papers.

She was the youngest of all the professors in her early thirties and apparently started teaching the year that Harry started Hogwarts. She stood just taller than Harry himself had Dark wavy hair and pale skin that comes from not being in the sun as opposed to being naturally pale, spending most of her time with her books during the year only spending significant time outside during the summer holidays always coming back to school tanned only to lose it over the year again.

She looked up at him "yes mister…"

"Potter" he supplied for her rushing forwards to shake her hand and sit in the seat opposite her when offered.

"Of course, I knew that. Who doesn't know your name around here" she said smiling at him easing his nervousness "I don't remember you being in any of my classes" she said frowning suddenly.

"Actually I'm not studying arithmancy at the moment. That's what I want to talk about" replied Harry.

"Oh?" said professor Vector taking of her glasses and placing them on the table.

"I was just talking to Professor Flitwick and after we talked about arithmancy I realised I might have made a mistake not picking this class at the start of this year" said quickly feeling his nerves come back after not seeing any reaction from her "and I was wondering how I would get into your class for next year. Professor Flitwick said that it possible for me to slip in to the fourth year class but he didn't tell me what the requirement was".

"Well it's not exactly common for a student to change classes this late in the year most of the new student change classes after the Christmas break. Obviously I can't take you into this year's class but the good news is because we have new students come in half way through the year you aren't actually that far behind everyone else. Also up to this point we haven't even looked at anything practical so maybe you can do the study over the summer." She started looking through her desk.

"I'll give you some assignments to do over the summer and when you get back if I think you can fit in with the rest of the class I'll look at putting you in to it. If you can't maybe we can do some tutoring study until half way through the year then you can join in there. I won't have you in my class until you are up to par with everyone else. Can't have you disrupting the rest of my student because you are behind. Five years is hardly enough time to study arithmancy already without having to stop and help struggling students" she said handing him a thick wad of papers and a book.

"Please read the book and papers before the holidays so you can bring any questions to me before the break".

"Thank you professor" said Harry flipping through the paper looking at some of the questions.

He could tell this was going to be incredibly challenging already. He couldn't understand even the most basic questions.

"Good luck Mr Potter" she said dismissing him "I have papers to grade".

Harry couldn't believe how easy that was and felt relieved. He expected it to be significantly more difficult to get into her class than it was. Not that he thought the assignments was going to be easy but at least if he couldn't get into her class it was his own fault instead of just being told no.

It was one more floor up that he found himself in the runes office talking to Professor Babbling, the runes professor.

An older woman with white hair and a stern look on her face who just peered down at him as he tried to explain his situation to her.

"So I was wondering if I can join your class for next year?" finished Harry hopefully.

"No" said Professor Babbling simply before looking back at the work on her desk ignoring him.

"Can I ask why not?" asked Harry deciding to persist.

Professor Babbling sighed and looked back up "You're a slightly above average student in the rest of your classes correct?" she paused watching his hesitant nod "in which case trying to get you back up to the level you need to be to keep up with the rest of my students is a waste of both our time".

Harry suddenly felt very small under her gaze but at the same time indignant that she thought so little of him.

"I fully intend to study runes with or without being in your class professor. I might not be the best student but I'm going to study runes one way or the other" Harry said back at her.

"Even if you studied for the whole of your summer break to catch up without the practical knowledge behind runes you still won't fit in with my class Mr Potter" said Professor Babbling glaring at him.

"What if I was to do the practical work over the summer as well?" he asked looking for a way into her class.

"The fact that you would even consider working on runes by yourself in a muggle neighbourhood without any supervision shows that you don't understand the risks behind the study of practical runes" she replied rubbing the bridge of her nose.

"So if I was able to find someone to supervise my runes work and they were to vouch for me you would let me into your class" Harry almost demanded.

Professor Babbling laughed wearily "you are quite stubborn aren't you?" she looked back at her papers and started to grade them again.

"If you were to study over the summer with a certified runes master and they were to you are ready to get into my fourth year class I will think about it. I'm not saying you will definitely get into my class but I will see how I'm feeling at the time at what your marks look like at the end of the year so make sure to work hard. Merlin knows where you will find a runes master with the time on his hands to oversee your studies. Now will you leave? I'm working and not getting any younger."

"You won't regret this professor. I promise" said Harry mind already running at where he would find runes master.

"Yes, yes I'm sure. Now anything else?" she said not looking up.

"Do you need an assistant during the summer?" He asked cheekily.

She chuckled loudly "no now out with you and you're time wasting".

Harry visited the library on the way back to his common room picking up a book called 'the basics of using runes in the real world' as well as a runes manual for his study. he also picked up a few different books on charms and transfiguration that he found interesting. the runes book having him completely engrossed as he walked back to his common room. He had booked the books out for until after his summer break so he could keep on looking through them over his holiday.

He had his nose deep in the book while he wandered through the corridors of Hogwarts frequently finding himself in the wrong place as he tried to navigate without paying too much attention to the path.

It looked like the person that wrote the book was trying to get more people interested in runes and opened the first chapter with basic things people with little knowledge of runes could do without too much trouble like locking arrays and how to use simple charms with runes that he was interested in testing before the month was over.

Professor Babbling had hinted that his exam score would impact his chance to get into his class so there was no way he wasn't going to work hard to pass well in the class exams.

He figured that if he wasn't going to study astronomy and divination next year he could sacrifice studying those subjects to make sure he did well in the others.

Whatever he did he saw a hard experience ahead of him. He would have to study harder in the next month then he ever had before.

Not that he had ever actually worked hard on his studies before so it would be a new experience anyway.

As he walked into the common room all he could think was 'well at least the next month is going to be exciting'.

That's it for now.

From now on all authors' notes will be at the top and be short.

I hate when I read a new chapter of a book and I think I have half the chapter left because I'm only halfway down the screen but the authors' note takes up a quarter of the story. Hate it hate it hate it. It's like someone giving you a meal then taking it halfway through saying that's all you get to eat even though there's more on the plate.

If the magic system I tried to explain sounds like shit give me a heads up so I can look at rewriting it. I have a firm idea in my head but when I try and explain it in the third person I struggle.
