Ok I bet you guys are going to like this chapter. Well maybe? LOL!~ IDK hahaha! Review! I worked hard to make it entertainingly as possible haha! I really enjoyed writing this chapter LOL!~ hahahahahahah!

It's sooo fun and I'm sure you guys are going to like this chapter! Maybe? Or maybe not oh well it all depends on you flame it or love it!~ the decision is up to you my readers.

Thank you so much for all the reviews!~ I love reading them and the feedback you gave me is just overwhelming I'm really surprised to find a lot of you guys liked this random story that I had in mind.

And sorry I had to add a NALU scene last chapter hehe I just love NALU!~ LOL!

And I know a lot of people are complaining on how I update my stories like its soooo slow. And I would like to apologize for that. Sorry everyone. I know saying excuse will just make things complicated. But I'm really sorry and thanks for bearing and thanks for taking the time reading my stories. Thank you! And I'm really sorry… : ( : )

Without delays and shit.

Here's chapter 5!


Title: My Boys

Summary: Meet Lucy Heartfilia she's smart, pretty, has an awesome personality and admired by everyone. Lucy's life was normal... WAS NORMAL until her cute little kittens Sting and Rogue ate a freaking Lacrima pill that turned them into hot humans. What will happen now? Can Lucy handle them? Read and find out ;) WARNING: Lots of purring, snuggling and possessiveness. STINGXLUCYXROGUE R&R : )

Chapter 5: !

Buzz! BEEP! Buzz! BEEP!

I groaned as I woke up from my alarm clock ringing and I struggled my arms out of my so called cats that are snuggling up to me so very comfortably will purring to reached for that stupid alarm clock.

Buzz! BEEP! Buzz! BE- OFF~

"Mouu..." I blinked as I found it and pushed it off. I sighed and scratched my eyed waking myself up I glanced at my cats.

I felt blood rushed into my face as I noticed that we are in a very provocative position. Rogue my very quiet and tsundere cat buried his face onto the crook of my neck purring then and now as he arm wrapped around me protectively. I brushed away some of his black locks that blocks his eyes away and his face scrunched up a little and purred. I giggled at his expression finding it really cute.

Snap out of it Lucy! I shook my head as I turned to my other cat Sting. Sting my mischievous, stubborn cat who loves to get what he wants when he wants has his face too buried on the crook of my neck and his arm to wrapped around me in a possessive manner and purring comfortably. I traced his scar on along his eyebrows and he flinched a little making me smile softly finding it adorable. I placed my hand on their ears caressing them making them purr more.

Ok ! Lucy stop thinking about them like that! I scolded myself.

Well, it's not like it doesn't happened everyday.

I might as well get use to it. I sighed and glanced at the clock.

My eyes widen. "Oh No!" I shouted sitting up on the bed making my boys cringed at my loud voice. I forgot they have sensitive ears.

"Lu-Lucy?" They both groaned as they rubbed their sensitive ears soothing them.

"Oh, I'm sorry babies…" I said apologizing but then I saw the clock again and grabbed their hands.

It says 5:30 shit I spent 30 minutes thinking and re-evaluating my life! I planned to wake up early to get their assess off my bed and to have them do something.

"Ok boys, Sting, Rogue get up cause you are going to have a bath" I said sighing nervously cause I know this is so going to be hard.

I saw theirs eyes widen and crawled under the covers as soon as they heard the so called word "BATH".

"Ba-bath" They both said the word with hatred as they shivered cause they know every time I shower it's Bath=water tada!~ Damn, they are one smart Neko after all they are my Nekos.

"Come on boys or we will be late for school" I said tapping my foot as I waited patiently.

"Nooooo~ Rushy~~ Anything but that please… Can we just lick ourselves" Sting moaned as he curled himself up.

"Please, Lucy… I don't want to take a bath… Please… Let us just lick ourselves" I heard Rogue agreed his voice shivered as he said the word bath.

"Sheez, It's just bath you know cleaning yourselves up and you boys need one cause you stink and no one, I mean no one is going lick themselves clean. Got it? Since you are now human and not cats you need to take a bath, right about now" I said imagining their poor faces as I pulled the comforter away from them as I saw their pathetic puppy eyes as they stared at me pleadingly.

I crossed my arms and tapped my foot now getting impatient.

"Boys, If I count to 3 and none of you is going to stand and take a bath I will seriously force one of you…" I said my voice going on command.

They moaned and purred pleadingly.

Ha! Found their weakness!

"One…" I put a finger out wiggling it.

"Lucy…" They whined as tried acting cute using all their charm to charm me. Ha! Ain't going to work boys!


"No, please pick Rogue first! Not me! Rushhy! You like me best right?!" Sting said looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

Rogue looked at Sting and hissed at him.

"No, Lucy pick him! Him! He always disobeys you not me! You like me the bestest right?!" He spat back at him and he then looked at me with his eyes shining doing the puppy eyes as well.

I sighed at their bickering like the usual and my eyes widen surprised a little at Rogue's words he is usually the mature type though but seeing this it made me giggle inside as he stooped up to Sting's level of immaturity.

"Three! That's it! You are coming with me" I said my voice going stern and I went over them and they purred scarily as they saw me near them.

Wew, That's a first… I giggled in my mind as I saw them not wanting to get near me crawling backwards to the bed close to the headboard.


They started purring and pleading and using their charms for me to have mercy on them. Sheez, it's only a bath! Oh! I forgot they are once cats. Oh but what the heck they must they take a damn bath right now or else!


I grabbed Rogue's hand and pulled him up.

"No, Lucy please no!… Please! Lucy! Noo!" He started pleadingly as he looked at me pleadingly his eyes getting glossy wanting to cry at the thought of it and looked at Sting for help who just ignored him his eyes saying your-on-your-own man!-I-don't-want-to-take-a-bath! Look!

Rogue just growled at Sting his eyes saying you fucking bastard of a traitor and I just laughed mentally at Rogue's pathetic face as he pleaded me.

"Ha! Take that she likes me the BESTEST!" Sting said back as he was now safe in the wrath of the BATH.

I looked at Sting and glared at him and he gulped shut up and giggled inside at the use of his words borrowing Rogue's word. Really bestest? Sting! There is no such thing as bestest I laughed mentally.

I glanced at the clock. SHIT! We are going to be late. Now, or never! Lucy you can do this!

"Sting behave~ I'll get back to you" I looked at him and he gulped his face paling as he buried his face on a soft fluffy pillow groaning and purring so scared.

"Bath. Now" I said and gripped his arm tighter.

"But, Lucy…" He looked at me his eyes using his charm. Na uh! That ain't going to work this time Rogue.

I change into my bikini since I predicted that this is going to be a messy bath with him and got inside the bathroom as I saw Rogue sitting on the tub nervously with the boxer's only left on him as I ordered him. He looked at me and he gulped nervously.

"Lu-Lucy?" He said nervously as he saw me preparing stuff I need for bath.

I mumbled all the stuff as I picked up what I need.

"Shampoo, Body wash, loofa hmmm what else?… I think that's about it" I said and I turned around and place them beside the tub near Rogue I saw him blushing as he stared at my figure. I too, was doing the same. Checking him out seeing his washboard abs and yummy biceps and chest oh god!

Stop it! Stop ogling at your cat LUCY! STOP! Did I just said YUMMY?! NO! That's so wrong! LUCY SO WRONG!

This is why Mavis is punishing me!

I kinda deserved it anyway. -_-

Dammit, I have no other not-so-revealing-swimwear well this will suffice. I went near the faucet and started to open it filling the tub.

"Lucy…" He said as he touched my arm preventing me from opening it.

I looked at him.

"Rogue, We have to do this alright? You are now human and you need a bath. And I expect you to behave better hm?" I said softly as I babied him. I have to make him comfortable and relaxed as much as possible and he hugged me and buried his face on my CHEST purring in content.

I was about to slap him but I can't. I want him to be comfy. Besides this is the first time he going to have a bath.

I pulled away and saw his flushed and relaxed face.

"Behave, Alright Promise me?" I said as I petted his head.

"Uhhhmm" He hummed nodding leaning into my touched purring.

I started to open the faucet and he gripped my hand tight as he felt the water on his skin.

"It's alright…" I cooed at him.

"Lu-Lucy…" He gripped my hand tighter as I stood up and got inside the tub. Damn, Why do I have a small tub!

"Let go for a while Rogue I'll get something…" I said as he reluctantly released my hand and I grabbed a basin and a shampoo.

I scooped some water on the basin and he gulped as he saw the basin filled with water.

"Close your eyes" I said as I went to him.

"Bu-but Lucy" He started getting scared again and gripped the side of the tub wanting to stand up and ran.

"You promised me Rogue" I said pouting.

He purred in defeat as he tried to relax himself.

"Close your eyes alright this might sting a little for you" I said softly and he gulped and did what I told him.

I slowly poured the water down on his head and he started to hiss a little while gritting his teeth and he suddenly grabbed me and wrapped his arms around my waist planting his face on my stomach.

"Lucy, I can't! I" He whined so scared.

I shushed him.

"It's alright, right? See? You did it Rogue" I said rubbing his ears as I soothed him which worked that got him purring.

"Rogue, Let go of me I need to wash your hair…" I said blushing at the position we are in.

He blushed at our skinship and pulled away. I grabbed the shampoo and squeezed onto my palm. I grabbed the basic and poured more water on him making him flinched.

"Lucy!" He shouted a little hissing at me but I saw him not scared of the water getting use to it little by little. That's my Rogue.

"It feels different" He said his eyes shining with curiosity as he touched the clear water with his hand swishing it back and forth.

"Of course it is. For you" I said giggling at his cuteness.

He just pouted a little at me.

"Now listen Rogue I'm going to show you how to take a bath and next time you get to do it on your own alright?" I said as I squeezed more shampoo onto my palm.

He nodded obediently as he stared at me.


He nodded as he watched Lucy explain what a shampoo is for and Rogue was really mesmerized at his owner's figure and he was blushing at how attractive she is. Might as well take advantage of this situation to have more skin to skin with Lucy.

"Got it?" She said as she went closer.

"Hmm?" He purred not really paying attention but nod anyway.

"Good" Lucy smiled happily as she placed her hand on his hair and rubbed his scalp lathering up the gel shampoo and started massaging his head.

He purred.

"It smells weird" He purred and leaned in more to Lucy's touched making her giggle at his reaction.

"It feels good…" He purred as he closed his eyes wanting more of Lucy's touch onto him.

"I know, Make sure you lather up your hair well and-" She stopped.

He suddenly groaned at the loss of Lucy's skin onto his as he felt another splash of water dumped onto him rinsing the bubbles out of his hair.

"Rinse it well…" Lucy said smiling.

He groaned as he felt water running down on his body but Lucy's sooth rubbing on his head helped him to be calm.

After all he really does like her touch…

I smiled as I saw him behaving.

"Ok, so now next step is washing your body" I said as I got the shower gel.

"Sho-wer g-el?" I heard him mumbled.

"This is for your body alright? First you have to" I squeezed a good amount and crouched down a little and I started to blush as I got near his god like body.

"Lu-Lucy?" He said as he noticed me doing nothing.

I blushed harder.

"Oh, Um, yeah you have to rub it all your body well to remove the sweat oil and dirt" I said as I explained him and suddenly touched his chest and he purred making me red as I rubbed the gel onto his chest forming suds down to his abs making him purred in satisfaction and I gulped as he leaned in to me more.

I looked away.

"Ok so next is-" I pulled my arm away but he put it back onto his chest and he controlled the rubbing of my hands onto his skin. He started rubbing more and purred oh god! did he just moan? It sounded so s-sexy… WHAT THE HELL LUCY?! HELP ME! O_O MAVIS! WHAT THE?! STOP THINKING ABOU THOSE LEWD THOUGHTS ABOUT MY BABY ROGUE! NO! NO! NO!

"R-Rogue…" I breathe blushing at his actions seeing him purring as he closed his eyes.

"Lucy…" He said purring as he pulled me onto his sud filled body as he started licking my neck up to my cheek making me shiver.

I suddenly felt shivers down my spine. Oh god he is licking my neck meaning he is kissing me in cat language.

"Rog-gue…" I said my voice weak at the sensation he is letting me feel.

He pushed me more onto him and he leaned me against the wall as he rubbed his body onto mine wanting more skin-to-skin action with him. Dammit! I have to have control over him.

He licked in the juncture on my neck and shoulder making me moan a little and I gasped and put my hand on my mouth.

And I felt the strap of my bikini bra falling onto my shoulder and I heard Rogue growled and started licking my lips as he felt my body in his heat radiating of our body as I felt our bath getting steamy.

I gasped as I felt him insert his tongue in lapping up tasting me in other words he was giving me a sloppy kiss but he doesn't know how to kiss… An idea struck me as I remembered what they said lick is kissing for cats! I shouted mentally!

Mouth Rape!

Mavis help me!

Mouth Rape ALERT!


No more I wont force them to bathe anymore no more baths! NO! NOOOO! NOOOOOOOO!

I screamed in my mind as crazy thoughts consumed my brain.

I pushed him away a little rough. Trust me my face is on 50 shades of red as I was huffing as he looked at me his eyes glazed with… With LUST! What the! I then felt something hard onto my thigh is that is that a bulge on inside his boxer? And at that moment I wanted to scream out loud! But I am too weak at his assault.

"Ro-Rogue~" I said my voice weak trying to sound stern as he trapped me between the walls.

He then started to lean his forehead into mine as he gulped. Oh please Mavis!

"Ro-Rouge… You promised me right?" I said softly still breathless on the sloppy kiss he gave me aka licking=kissing for them.

"I-I'm sorry…" He whispered as he rubbed his nose onto mine apologetically.

I cupped his face. Goddammit I just can't stay mad at my cats!

"It's alright…" I said blushing and he purred happily as he rubbed his nose more onto mine and I suddenly slipped and both of us fell down onto the tub making a loud splash everywhere.

Everything that happened earlier forgotten.


Thank god no more awkwardness! Sting better not know what happened! That Neko is always consumed by the green-eyed monster.

He stood up and his body well rinsed as I coughed and gripped the side of the tub and I huffed as my hair pooled in front of my face.

He helped me up and looked up to me his eyes saying sorry and I just sighed and grabbed the towel hanging and started drying his hair.

"Are you mad Lucy?" He mumbled as he purred sadly.

I shook my head. I cant' be mad! Dammit! I can't stay mad at Rogue and Sting! OH MAVIS!

"No, You did great Rogue I'm proud. Next time it's going to be you, by yourself kay?" I said smiling at him as I placed the towel on his neck.

"But-I want to have a bath with you… Always" He said as he hugged me purring and I blushed at his statement.

"You're a big boy now so it has to be only you" I said as I pulled away blushing and remembered the incident inside the bathroom.

Dammit to much skin-ship!

I stepped out of the tub and I slipped making all the things fly around the bathroom and the water splashing and I sighed as I felt Rogue's arms wrapped around my waist in a very well let's just say a position that you don't want to see.

The door bolted up open and I saw Sting his expression full of worry but then sight as he saw me and Rogue holding each other and he suddenly growled and pushed Rogue away pulling me against his.

"Rogue~" He growled a little his eyes slitting.

His eyes suddenly got wide as he felt water on me and pushed me away a little and started to fist his hands at the fell of the water on him.

"Sting!" I said warning him.

"Rogue, go dry yourself and wear the clothes that I set on the bed and please close the door after you leave…" I said sweetly turning to Rogue and he nodded obediently and grabbed my hand and placed it to his cheek in a form of thanks making me smile.

The door slammed shut and I turned to my next Neko and smiled at him mischievously.

"Since you're so excited that you came by yourself to take a bath come with me" I said stepping closer smiling meaningfully scaring him.

He backed away gulping nervously.

"Ru-Rushy… Pl-ease…" Sting said his face paling as he felt the wall and he hissed a little at the trap.

I leaned down beside his ear as I drag a wet finger down to his neck making him winced at the feel of water. It's so fun seeing Sting so weak since he is always the mischievous and stubborn cat he is.

"Not so strong now huh? It's now your turn to take a bath, you stubborn Neko" I said scarring him and grabbed his ear and pulled him onto the tub.

Ha! Take that my baka Nekos oh wait they are my baka Nekos…


Please don't me us late for school…

"No, Please, R-Rush! Rushy! Lucy! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!~" Sting moaned pleadingly trying to get away.

Oh, Mavis here I go again.

I screamed mentally.



Finally updted this fic! It's been a while! Thank you guys for reviewing, favoriting and following this story! Thank you bunch! I always love to hear all your thoughts please do drop a review! In this chapter.

Aren't they so cute eheheheheh poor Rogue but getting all touchy with Lucy haha! Next is Sting I wonder how his bath is going to be hahaha! Cant wait!

Anyone of you excited to see Sting's bath time? XD

Review people!~