Sly sat quietly back in the hideout, his mind clouded with the recent events. He had managed to defeat El Jefe, but he had lost Rioichi's cane. The scene replayed itself over and over again, the figure in the blimp, the dropped badge. It all seemed like it was planned out. And what was worse, was the haunting expression Rioichi had in his eyes when Sly returned. He could tell that Rioichi was trying to play it off as nothing, telling Sly that at least El Jefe was done for, but deep down he knew how helpless the elder felt. Rubbing his eyes, Sly patted around in front of him blindly for the deputy badge that had dropped. Finally his fingers met the cool metal and he scooped it up, examining it curiously. Where on earth could the rats have picked it up and why? It looked like it was quite brand new, but at the same time it felt old.
"Sly?" Murray spoke up, seeing the distress his friend was in. "Do you suppose Bentley will figure out where it came from soon?" The hippo twiddled his thumbs, honestly curious. "It's Bentley. I'm sure he'll be in here any second telling us everything." He said, a forced smirk making it's way onto his face. Sure enough, just as Sly finished, Bentley rolled is way over to them, Rioichi following behind him. "Guys! Good news and bad news." He said, reaching to take the badge from Sly. "Well, good news is that I figured out where it's from! The bad news however, is that it seems that we're a step behind whoever is after the Coopers. Dimitri said that more pages are beginning to disappear. This time, from a different section." Sly and Murray both looked to him, waiting for the turtle to finish. "It seems that the badge you picked up, is from 1884." Sly thought for a moment. "That would mean...We're going to the old west?" Bentley simply nodded. "Yes. It seems that your ancestor, Tennessee Kid Cooper is in need of our help."
"Hey Sly? Isn't that the guy who did the rail walk and rail slide thing?" Murray spoke up, but it fell on deaf ears. Sly's mind was wandering, thinking of how he failed to help Rioichi, and how he wouldn't let the same happen again. "Well, I'm ready whenever you are Bentley." He spoke up at last. Bentley simply nodded. "Murray and I will go get the van running." He looked over at Rioichi. "You should probably stay here... I'm sorry but it's for your own safety." Rioichi simply nodded. "I know Bentley-san. I will wait here. Just be careful." With that, Bentley turned, motioning for Murray to follow and leave the two raccoons alone. "Look...Rioichi. I promise you, if it's the last thing I'll do, I will get you your cane back." Sly's eyebrows furrowed, his expression speaking for him. "I know. But right now, it seems that another Cooper needs your help. Don't you worry about me. With El Jefe gone, I don't feel that my restaurant will be threatened." Rioichi gave Sly a heartfelt pat on the shoulder. "Look Sly. Without your help I would still be in that cage. I have faith in you, but only if you have it in yourself as well. Arigato, and ganbatte." Sly couldn't help the genuine smile he gave as he climbed into the van. Rioichi wanted to see them off. His curious gaze watching the van as it quickly jumped forward, and suddenly disappearing into a flash of light. With a sigh, Rioichi made his was back to his shop, wishing the gang luck.
Writer's comments:
Hey guys. Some of you may have seen this on . I've decided to move it over here for a few reasons. It's easier for people to find and it helps me stay a bit more organized. You an read it either here or over at DA as both will be updated. Like I had mentioned in the summary, this will end up with a male and male relationship. This is kind of a last warning kind of thing. So if you don't like it, don't keep reading.
As for the story, it's a tad slow to start, but it'll pick up. So if you're actually interested in the story, keep reading. I would rather take my time and make this worth reading than rush and make mistakes.