A/N: Short and sweet, for now. Just an intro of sorts.

EDIT: To clarify, the kiddos are 16 at the start of this story! So roughly 4-5 years have passed since the end of the anime series.

"Yeah. It's in a month."

The group curiously examined the invitation that had been tossed onto the table. It displayed a grandly decorated ballroom, and elegant crimson calligraphy-like text that read "MASQUERADE."

"To be honest, I won't have much time to chat," Chaud continued, "because the entire point of hosting it is a whole lot of hobnobbing and networking. But I figured you guys might be interested in the free food at least." He let out a chuckle as Lan's eyes began to gleam the moment the words left his mouth. "Plus, there's going to be live music and dancing. I'm not crazy about the masquerade theme, personally, but it's sort of a trend with the elite right now." The boy ran a hand through his two-tone hair with a faint look of irritation, then shrugged.

"Anyway, if any of you are interested, let me know in the next couple of days. The dress code is kind of... expensive, so I'll make arrangements to take care of that for any of you that will be coming." At a resulting indignant sniff from off to the side, he smiled slightly. "Relax. I wasn't implying anything, Ayano. Since it's my event, I'm offering to take care of it. That's all."

The blonde girl still frowned, but seemed acceptably mollified by this.

"Wow, Chaud, it's really cool of you to invite us," Maylu finally piped up. She was now holding the invitation in her hands, admiring the image of the ball's location. "I'd definitely love to come! Consider me RSVP'd!"

Chaud laughed. "Duly noted, Sakurai." He glanced over at the person next to her, who was practically drooling by this point. "... Lan, I take it you're coming, too? Wait, before you answer, let me get you a napkin."

Lan yanked his sleeve across his mouth, reddening slightly. "Sh... shut up! Yeah I'm coming!" He grinned cheerfully. "I'd never miss the catering at an event like this!"

Lan's friend smirked, turning his gaze to their blonde companion expectantly. Predictably, she huffed when she noticed his eyes on her, crossing her arms. "I'll... see what my schedule is like. I'm a busy woman, you know."

"Of course." Chaud refrained from laughing again, but amusement flickered through his eyes. Then he turned back to Maylu and Lan. Make sure to pass the word to the others, will you? I've gotta get going, I'm due out for a business trip today."

Maylu and Lan both nodded, and Maylu gave a little wave. "No problem! See you later, Chaud!"

The boy held up a hand of his own in response as he made his exit.