Summary-"Run away with me." Eren turned to look at his Corporal's face, which was half shadowed against the night sky. "Pardon me sir, I don't think-?" Rivaille's gaze snapped up to meet his. "Let's run away together." he repeated. "This is an order."
Eren latched himself onto the side of a building, chest heaving from adrenaline and weariness. The titan fell with shuddering thump; shaking the buildings slightly. He was too tired to change into his titan form, and for some reason, Corporal Rivaille had told him not to in this battle. Eren wiped his forehead quickly, accidently brushing a bit of blood over his forehead. Everyone else-Mikasa, Armin, Zoe, Aurou and the rest of the Recon Squad-all were holding off their prospective titans, while Rivaille-he twisted his head slightly to look. He was done already, staring at his blade in blatant disgust; blood was dripping off the handle. "Eren!"
He heard Mikasa's voice from the distance. He turned to answer her, when-there was a leering titan mouth in front of him. He froze, which was unlike him. Eren Jaeger! What the hell are you doing! Move! Move! Suddenly, the titan's expression blanked, it's head lolled back, and there was a sicking crack as it's spinal cord was severed. Rivaille lept off of the titan, soundlessly landing beside Eren. "Corporal-"
"Don't ever do that again." He froze. The corporal's voice was mencing, expression spelling death.
"Y-Yes, Sir."
Without another word, he just as quickly left Eren, jumping by Armin's side and helping him finish his titan off. Mikasa quickly went to Eren's side. "Are you okay?" her voice was urgent.
"Y-Yeah." Eren murmured, still staring at the Corporal.
"He's amazing, isn't he?" Zoe had dropped by him, mouth beaming.
"He really does live up to his name." Mikasa quietly agreed. Rivaille straightened, sheathed his sword, and turned to face them, short cape billowing in the wind. "Let's go back."
They all nodded in agreement, and shot off. As Eren was preparing to go, he felt a grip on his shoulder, and turned to see Rivaille's face a inch away from him. "Come to my room around 10 pm."
"W-" before he could stutter out a coherent reply, Rivaille was already gone. Eren put a hand duly up to his cheek. It felt warm.
As Rivaille was cleaning his blades precisely, making sure that they were both glistening clean, Zoe walked in, knocking on the door quietly. "Corporal?" He looked up.
"Come in."
Zoe picked up a discarded chair, righting it as she sat down. "What are we going to do now?"
Rivaille's gaze snapped up, his tone harsh. "What do you mean, 'what are we going to do now?'"
Zoe held her hands up in self defense. "I was just wondering..because.." she let her hands fall back to her sides. "Almost all the titans are killed. And we still haven't learned much about them, either."
He grunted. "Only you would care about that. All I care is if they're dead. That's what the lot of them-" here he inclined his head outside the door-"Care about too."
"I guess." Zoe reclined in the chair. "But, Corporal..we've lost a lot of people as well. Arleit..Springer..Braun..Fubar..Petra-"
"Shut up!" Rivaille stood up suddenly, causing Zoe to fall on the floor. "Don't say anything about them!"
Zoe gulped, slightly frightened of the man before her. She exhaled out in a rush-"Think about all that we're left, now! Eren, Mikasa, Armin-you, me-"
"Shut up!" Rivaille was almost hysterical now. "I don't want to hear it anymore! Leave!"
Zoe shakily stood up, putting her hand in a mock salute. "They used to say, 'God save the Queen', didn't they?" As she was halfway through the door, she stopped. "If only they knew."
Rivaille was left alone in his muddled thoughts, none of which were very comforting at the moment. He looked at the clock. It was 9:30 pm. "That brat should be coming soon.." he muttered.
Eren walked-no, paced the hallway between Rivaille's room and the dining hall. What does he want? He thought in panic. Maybe I did something wrong?! Wait-Wait-what did I do that was against the rules this time? Ransacking his brain, he couldn't come up with anything besides the few times that he had stolen meat-and-"Oh yeah." He had once stolen Corporal Rivaille's shirt, when his was clogged in blood and sweat. "Did he find out about that?!"
"Find out about what?" And emotionless voice came from behind him.
Eren jumped a foot in the air. "Eerrrk!"
"Stop acting like a penguin, Jaeger."
"Sorry sir!" He hastily replied, instinctively bowing.
Rivaille just waved it off. "Walk with me."
Eren stood there, dumbfolded. Rivaille let out an impatient sigh and grabbed his hand. "Are you idiot? I said-" He cut off as he realized that Eren was staring at his hand on his wrist. Rivaille let out a groan of frustration and threw his hands up. "I give up."
As he marched down the hallway, Eren seemed to come back to his senses and hurried after him
They walked out the door and into the overlaying forest that lay beyond that, breaking twigs and branches along the way. "Sir, where are we going?"
He expected a cocky answer, like-"Don't question me," or-"none of your business."- But the Corporal just stopped, turned to look at him, and said-"I don't know."
And it was the answer that scared Eren. Didn't the corporal know everything?
They continued walking until they came into a little break in the trees, in which the corporal turned to face him, sitting down on a tree stump. There followed an awkward silence, in which Eren didn't know what to say. "Erm...well..this is awkward." He chucked forcefully, noting the way it echoed. "Well then!" He plastered on a smile. "Should we be going back now?" He turned to go, when a small hand caught his arm.
"Run away with me."
Eren turned to look at his Corporal's face, which was half shadowed against the night sky. "Pardon me sir, I don't think-?" Rivaille's gaze snapped up to meet his. "Let's run away together." he repeated. "This is an order."
Eren was speechless, gawking at Rivaille like he had suddenly sprouted twin heads. "An order, sir?"
"Do you have to reply to everything with a question?" Rivaille hissed.
Eren waved his hands frantically. "No, sir, it's just that-" He bit his lip and looked down, blushing slightly. "It's just…unexpected, sir."
"Expect the unexpected. Didn't you even learn that, from all these years?"
"Yes, sir, but-"
"Just give me an answer. Yes, or no?"
Eren's gaze was as serious as his now. "Are you asking me to leave Mikasa and Armin? You know I can't do that."
"Not even for me?" Rivaille started intently at him. "I'm your corporal."
"They're my friends!" Eren protested ferociously. "I would do anything for them! If they could come along-"
"No." Rivaille's answer was clear.
"Why not?" Eren jabbed back.
Rivaille didn't reply, just looked down at the green sprout growing by his boot. He crushed it.
"Because I said so." The corporal's answer was unusually childish.
Eren gaped like a goldfish, mouth opening and closing. "You-You-..why? I thought you hated me, too. After all these years.."
"I don't hate you." Rivaille looked at him again. "I don't." he repeated.
Eren thought about it for a moment. "I can't leave Mikasa and Armin."
Rivaille stayed quiet for a long moment. "You can't leave Mikasa and Armin." He repeated finally.
"I can't." Eren answered, nodding.
"What if they leave you?" Rivaille's look was a demonic one. "What if they leave you?"
"What?!" Eren lept up from his place on the forest floor, hand already halfway to his sword. "What are you saying, you sick bastard?!"
"I'll kill them if you don't come with me." Rivaille had his sword out too, at the ready. They circled each other like wolves. "And here I thought you actually had a value of human life." Eren ground out between his teeth.
In a flash, Rivaille had his head bent back, knife pressed to his throat. "You, and your friends all know that you can't stand a chance against me." He breathed slowly in Eren's ear.
Eren gulped, adam's apple bobbing. "..Fine." he chocked out. "..Fine."
Rivaille let him go then, sheathing his sword. "Good."
Eren fell to the ground after Rivaille released him. "Just know that I'm not doing this of my free will." He gasped.
Rivaille was starting to walk, but now he turned back. "I know." He murmured.
Eren just gaped at his retreating back. "Meet me in front of this forest at 3:00 am tomorrow." Rivaille's tone was firm. "Don't be late."
This is my first fic for Shengeki no Kyojin..I decided to watch this anime because a blog I follow on Tumblr was really recommending I decided to try it..and HOLYFREAKINGBANANASITWASAMAZING. ..Sorry. The plot was really good, and the characters…wow. Sorry that this chapter was a little short, but I decided to end it here because it seemed like a "right" place, you know? .Wow..I still have all my other fanfictions that I need to update….so..I hope you like it? I really want to continue this would be lovely if you awesome people out there (yes, you) would decide to drop this poor, insane author a review. 3 *virtual hug* I love you guys!