A/N So another new story with the Shield, bascially an out-let for all my weirdness, so if you wanna see something or not see something let me know! It will have a thin plot line but mainly a place for all my weirdness, I hope it pans out and hopefully it tickles the fancy, pairings are Dean Ambrose/Raven Roman Riegns/Iziah and Seth Rollins/Harmoni, Enjoy good people!

Reviews, alerts, pm and general love is always accepted and appreicated!

Chapter 1 Suggestion

"I hate staying in towns like this" Dean Ambrose said for the fifth time, his Shield team mates rolled there eyes at him, they already had his thoughts on this, they didn't need to hear it again.

"How long are we here for?"

"For the last time Dean, six days now quit bitching" Seth all but growled, not that it would work, Dean would be going on again in a few minutes. Possibly just to annoy them.

"Fine I'll stop, happy now"

"Hey you guys find somewhere to stay yet?" Randy Orton asked plopping in a chair beside Roman, it was a good thing the show was merely a show, from the looks on their faces they were ready to tear someone's head off.

"Looking through now, nothing and nothing. Where are you staying Orton?"

"With Sam, thats gonna be a ton of fun, I can hardly wait" Randy clapped his hands sarcastically making Dean laugh.

"At least you got somewhere, apparently we're staying on the side of the road"

"You know I may know a place for you guys to stay" Randy started slowly, wondering whether not to reduce the Shield to that torture. Some guys deserved it but they weren't on the list.


Randy hesitated for a moment before giving in, it would be nice for the Viper to know that he wasn't the only one going through hell. "It's called the Lodging House, its on Grim Road. They take strays as they call them, in for as long as you need"

"Whats the catch?" Roman asked, this was too good to be true especially if Randy was saying it, they had quickly learnt that he could be sadistic at the best of times.

"No catch, ok there is a catch, the girls that run the lodging house, well there...a little crazy"

"AJ crazy?" Dean laughed "I think we can handle that"

"Well one is a psychopath with a short fuse, the other is a psychopath thats insane. Worse thing is they're identical twins and if you get the wrong one they strike, and I don't mean a harmless little slap, well ask John what happened last time when he got the wrong twin, he still swears black and blue that she broke his ribs with a single punch. Of course alot of this is rumor so you don't know whats true like the naked thing"

"Naked thing?" Dean asked eagerly, if it was naked women, he was interested.

"Yeah one of them hates wearing clothing so she's naked all the time and apparently if you do the normal human thing and look, her sister, well theres a reason that she's a psychopath with a short fuse" Randy scribbled out the address, "That may help but I would just like to say, I told you so"

Randy left them to it wondering if he could be blamed for giving them the gateway to hell, nah, they'll get over it.

Roman, Seth and Dean looked at the address wondering whether or not to take it, on the one hand it was somewhere to stay but on the other, it was six days and that was alot if Randy was telling the truth.

"Well I don't know about you two, but I wanna go and see the naked girl"

"Why does that not shock me?"

"C'mon it can't be that bad plus the naked girl, must see the naked girl!"

"Alright Dean, we'll check it out, stop moving around, you're making me nervous"

"Good! Nerves will help you survive the crazy house"

A/N So that was chapter one! Should I go on? It does get better well it does in my head anyways! Onwards!