
A/N: 41 FOLLOWERS AND 30 FAVS! WOW guys! Thanks so much. I'm sorry you guys, I owe you an explanation for my absence. I've been really sick, and I'm still recovering blah say blah. Uni's got me tied up right now and it's 4 AM, but I decided to write this because I love you guys and you guys were so patient. It's your two favorite girls doing naughty things again. So here we go.

The Princess found herself absolutely flushed from the distasteful remarks Marceline whispered in her ear promises of what she'd do to her later, to the feeling she felt in her lower stomach caused by the beads nestled inside of her. The feeling was no longer cool as they had acclimated to the temperature of her body, but the feeling was none-the-less erotic in sensation. She wondered if anyone could tell, she felt absolutely salacious and for some reason she liked it. Despite her previous treatment by the Vampire Queen she rather liked this "game". This isn't a game Bonnibel, you're a slave to a very devious person, her subconscious scolded her.

As if just in time to pull her from her thoughts a strong arm pulled her into a cold embrace from behind. A low sultry voice poured over her ear like silky chocolate, "Be waiting for me in the room with the maroon door five doors down from your chamber. Follow my instructions I left for you. You have fifteen minutes starting, now." Marceline took the Princess's hand and placed a key in it. The Princess's heart raced as the Vampire Queen, no longer whispering but not loud enough to be heard by anyone else, counted aloud, "Fourteen minutes and fifty-nine seconds, fifty-eight, fifty-seven."

This sent the young pink girl into action. She excused herself from the group slaves she'd been occupying with idle conversation, and moved through the crowd swiftly until she reached the exit heading down the long hallway that had led her to the party so much earlier. She'd been mentally counting since she left the vampire behind in the ballroom. As she reached the Maroon door she noted that she only had 10 minutes left. The pink girl drew the long key with trembling fingers using it to turn the lock and unlock the door as she slipped inside removing the key and closing the door behind her. She set the key on a small table beside the door looking around the room observantly. The floors were carpeted, plush and deep red. She eyed what looked like a work bench on the other side of the room and along the walls were several different objects possibly used to inflict pain…or pleasure perhaps?

Up against the wall to her right was a four post bed, with black pillows and a deep red sheet drawn about it. There were no comforters on the bed, but by the looks of the room it obviously was not meant for sleeping. The thought made the young girls inner muscles twitch tightening around the beads. She suppressed a moan as she eyed a slip of paper lying on the bed. She picked it up and she dragged her eyes over the lines scrawled on the paper in impeccable cursive.

Remove all clothing, and neatly fold them placing them on the table beside the door. Place your hair in a ponytail. Kneel in the allotted area marked by an 'x' in front of the bed and await for my commands when I arrive.

P.S. do not remove the beads.

The Princess did as she was told, she noticed the place at the foot of the bed had been the only part of the room not carpeted, it was hard wood and held a red 'X' marked on it. Bonnibel waited patiently as time passed by. She felt uncomfortable in this kneeling position; it caused the beads to press heavily up against her spot. She lightly rocked back and forth nursing the feeling of arousal that threatened to tear her being open at the seams. She was sure that the floor beneath hard had become slick with her essence as it dripped coating her inner thighs. Just then jarring her from her thoughts she heard the doorknob jiggle then turn. She stilled her movements watching the floor in front of her, not daring to make eye contact with her mistress.

The tall seductive vampire sauntered in confident in her surroundings. Bonnibel stole a glance at the woman, causing her to hiss. "Don't; do not look at me unless I give you permission. Understood?" she spoke coldly to the young Princess, "Direct your gaze to the ground. You may not gaze upon me without the proper permission. Do I make myself clear?" Her voice was as cold as ice, but the Princess knew better she knew that she was burning deep down inside.

"Yes, Mistress," the words left Bonnibel's mouth breathlessly.

The princess found herself bound upon a divan in a position that held no modesty. Her legs were pushed back and tied to the wall while her arms were tied behind her back in expert knots. She was completely exposed to the Queen and this turned her on. Must you have no shame, she incredulously reprimanded herself. This was neither the time nor place for those inhibitions; she'd learned that not fighting back rewarded her much more than fighting the Vampire ever could. Will this go on forever? This couldn't. When will it end? I have a Kingdom to get back to. My Kingdom. These thoughts were reverent she'd seemed to have forgotten the fact that she'd been missing from her Kingdom for quite some time now.

Completely breaking her from all cognitive train of thought she felt a flog come down slapping her between her thighs directly on her center. This sent a delightful sensation all the way up her body causing her to jump. Her brain turned to mush as she whimpered and held in pleasured moans.

The tall pale woman smirked, "Does the princess like to be treated like a whore? Hm?" She flogged the pink girl again this time her hits traveling down from her breasts to her stomach then finally ending between those pink thighs. Bonnibel gasped as she let out small whimpers trying her best to be quiet and act accordingly.

Marceline leaned in taking one hardened peak into her mouth sucking on it feverishly as her free hand went to the princess's smooth pussy, massaging it in circles dipping her fingers between the folds finding her little love button and toying with it causing the pink monarch to arch into her.

"Let me hear it Princess. Tell me how much you love being my little slut," the Vampire rasped.

It was all too much for the pink girl, she was a lost cause she moaned incoherently her brain complete mush at this point. The beads seemed to dance lightly in her lower belly as Marceline rubbed her clit fiercely she all but screamed out loud as Marceline slapped her clit. "Let me hear it, bitch!"

"Oh yes, Mistress! I love being your little slut!" the girl screamed out as her body tensed up.

This didn't go unnoticed to the pale monarch. "Don't you dare cum without permission. You cum when I tell you to," Marceline coldly remarked as she removed her hands from the trembling pink girl who had just been denied her orgasm. She whimpered in frustration as the pale girl pulled away. An idea flickered across Marceline's mind abruptly; she gave a toothy grin after a second.

"Training…yes, that's what you need. Wouldn't you agree? Especially after tonight's fiasco," with that the Vampire stalked over to the work bench allowing the young monarch to get a full view of her. She noticed as her eyes raked across a muscular yet feminine back that Marceline had long since removed her shirt but kept her bra in place. It was lace and apparently was quite a sexy contrast again her pale skin, as her eyes traveled down she noticed that Marceline was wearing slacks now they were as dark as the pants she'd worn before at the party but less of a fitting trim. The Princess thought they still hung about her body sexily. Bonnibel hurriedly averted her eyes to the crisscross patterned ceiling of the divan area when she realized Marceline was about to turn around. The feeling that ran through her chest was exhilarating she could hear her heart pounding heavily in her ears.

Marceline came back and kneeled between the pink legs and softly kissed the Princess's clit while she coaxed the beads from between the pink walls. They exited the pink girl with a soft wet sound, with clamps in hand Marceline attached each separate clamp to Bonnibel's nipples; causing the pink girl squealed as she did so. She then tied the rope on the end of them and pulled it taut hooking the rope to the wall. The pressure was painful yet delightful, the pink girl squirmed panting under the Vampire's incredulous view.

Just then Bonnibel felt something silky smooth, but hard at her entrance. Without warning Marceline plunged deep into the pink girl burying herself up to the hilt. A pained scream issued from the pink girl as she moved against her restraints as the pale girl violently thrust into her over and over again. Bonnibel could feel her impending orgasm quickly building again as Marceline reached out and rubbed her clit roughly causing her muscles to tense. Marceline roughly grabbed her face with her free hand daring her to cum without permission. The princess didn't give in she held out as Marceline continued to thrust into her. This delighted Marceline. She then slapped the pink girl's exposed ass over and over as she pounded harder and harder into her at slightly elevated speeds. Marceline smirked at the faces the Princess made as she pinched her clit.

Bonnibel couldn't take it anymore she needed release, "Please Mistress…m-may I...ahh…may I cum?"

Seeing the Princess in such a submissive state made Marceline's cock twitch with her own peri-orgasmic pleasure, the Princess continued to beg as Marceline thrust into her at a more rapid pace. Her moans became screams as she tried her hardest to hold back her orgasm.

"P-p…please…Mistress please…" the hopeless abandon that clouded the young girl's eyes made Marceline lose it.

"YES!" it was both a command and interjection. Marceline pulled the clamps off the Princess abruptly causing the pink girl to experience an unimaginable sensation of both pleasure and pain that caused her to moan loudly. Pink walls gripped around the throbbing pale, blue cock as Marceline tried her hardest to keep thrusting but it was no use. She gave three strong thrusts before her cock twitched as she released herself into the pink girl. Bonnibel tried her best to rock against her—her own orgasm underway as they filled the room with moans and labored breaths.

Moments passed, the two had long since stilled when there came a knock at the door.

A/N 2: Nice cliff hanger, huh? You know how it goes, R&R. At least 10 Reviews before I continue. I know a lot of you think this has not plot but it's only just started to develop. Angst and turmoil are coming in the next few chapters. Well until next time kiddies.