Warning Rape/Forced Sex. Yes, this might be one of my sickest works ever, but I felt I needed to offend some people do something even more racy and expand my writing style. It's not as brutal as later chapters might be. Comment and rate as usual.

The Attack

The moon illuminated the brush of the forest; branches, trees, bushes were a blur to the girl as pink feet sprinted along the forest floor. She felt the beast on her tracks she could still feel it's hot breath crawling down her neck. She continued to sprint noticing a clearing ahead, if she could only make it there. Oncoming branches scraped and tore at her night gown, she wished she'd never had taken a walk through the castle garden that night; but she couldn't sleep. She'd heard a noise just past the gate and decided to find out what it was, that was the worst idea ever now she was being chased by Glob knows what through a dark forest.

THUD. The princess had tripped face planting into the fallen leaves and roots that covered the forest floor. A snarl erupted from the beast as she tried to get up, her breath heaved in her chest as she scuttered to her feet only to be knocked to the ground by a weighted paw on her back.

She struggled, squirming under the beast's paw only to have her struggling counteracted with the beast's weight crushing her causing her face to be pushed to the ground. Her chest was on fire as she tried to breathe she felt like she'd pass out soon. Her thoughts of impending doom were cut short by a low, husky and animalistic voice in her ear, "The easier you make this on me the sooner it'll all be over." She felt the beast's hot breath on the side of her face, she spit at the monster it connected with the beast's muzzle. A low growl vibrated through the beast as it flinged her aside with its paw. She lay there still, afraid to move; eyes shut praying to Glob for this nightmare to be over soon.

She heard a low feminine chuckle as an unfamiliar weight moved on top of her, the woman leaned down and whispered into her ear, "He can't help you here." The pink princess' breath caught in her chest while her eyes shot open she was mortified as she looked at her attacker. The woman was pale and obviously a shape shifter of sorts, she had long black tresses that loomed around her head and shoulders like a black ominous cloud, her eyes were a burning crimson but yet so cold and distant, she had long fangs that caused her lower lip to pucker as a devious smile crossed her face.

This frightened the princess more than her attacker previous form she pushed at the woman, "W-what do you want?!" she tried her best to sound authoritative her voice failing her, giving way to fear. Suddenly she felt cold hands encircling her wrists pinning them roughly to the ground beside her whilst a strong leg tried to move between hers. The princess squeezed her legs together to prevent the intrusion but no avail. A long serpentine tongue scathed her right cheek as she felt her attacker's knee nuzzled beneath her night gown rubbing against her virgin sex. "Stop this at once! I command you to let go of me this instance," she said sounding more regal and in control. As the forked muscle flicked over her ear she heard a low rumbling laugh erupt from the woman, "Poor Princess, still trying to call the shots even though you're obviously no longer in control," the pale woman shifted resting her arm over the princess' above her head holding them down as she used her now free hand to rip the tattered gown from the princess.

Bubblegum was now stark naked in the middle of the forest, the woman's strong jaw set as she took in the pink girl's nude body. Bubblegum squirmed more and more trying to free herself realizing the woman's immense strength. "I've seen you walking through the garden at night teasing me, bitch. Wearing nothing but a night gown with nothing underneath. You little slut, you want this."

She heard the sound of the unbuckling of a belt and the unzipping of jeans; unexpectedly she felt something pushing at her nether lips. She was confused, scared and somewhat aroused. Wasn't this a woman? Despite her arousal she instinctively tried to close her legs only for them to be violently flung open again. "No!" the pink girl screamed trying to push the vampire off of her only to be affronted with a resounding slap across the face. "Shut the fuck up," the vampire let go of her hands resting her weight on the girl as she ghosted her hand down in-between them clutch her girth, "This is happening princess, whether you like it or not," she spat as she plunged forward into the girl, breaking past the barrier then stopping abruptly. The princess screamed out loudly into the dead of the night as the vampire propelled herself in and out of the girl at an unrelenting pace.

Soon the princess felt muscles in her stomach clench as the vampire pressed deeper into her, "You're so wet...are you enjoying this? You're enjoying this aren't you, you little whore" she groaned as she continued to thrust into the girl. Bubblegum felt hot tears sting at the corners of her eyes from the pain she was enduring and the fact that she was indeed enjoying this. Being demeaned and assaulted in the open by this, this creature. It thrilled her. Bubblegum's body began to convulse as the vampire never let up the pace deciding to thrust harder into the girl, causing her to buck as she erupted in an unexpected orgasm. Soon the vampire's own climax engulfed her as her thrusts slowly subsided. This was nowhere near the end, the vampire flipped the girl over pinning her to the ground as she entered her from behind thrusting violently assaulting the girl's insides with her thick rigidness. The princess cried letting out a mixture of muffled whimpers, and moans. She felt so humiliated.

Hours later her body lay used on the brink of exhaustion, as she was lifted and carried off. She soon saw a cave and then she was plunged into darkness.