Disclaimer: I don't own Sherlock. If I did season 3 would be airing.
I don't own Doctor Who. I'm glad I'm not in charge of that train wreck.
Sherlock examined the dead body lying in front of him.
"John, it looks as if this man's flesh was literally chewed off."
"By what?" John asked.
"The bite marks don't look humanoid." Sherlock examined the dead man's wounds.
"How…in the world.." John bent down to examine the man more closely. He was about to say something when he was cut off by a leaf blowing sound. Sherlock looked up to see a blue police "public call" box. A man in a silly looking tweed and bow tie stepped out of the box.
"Oh hello! I'm The Doctor."
"Doctor Who?" John and Sherlock asked in unison
(Cue theme song)
Bwah bwah BWAHHHH! Ba da dah. Do do do do doo.
The Doctor waved his sonic screwdriver over the dead man's body.
"What is that?" John asked staring at the glowing green light.
"Sonic screwdriver." The sonic sprung out, and The Doctor examined it carefully.
"Right, and this is my sonic friend." John pointed to Sherlock
"Doctor?" Clara stepped out of the TARDIS.
"Now hold on, how are both of you in that tiny box?" John asked pointed at Clara
"Who's this?" Clara looked at John
"Doctor John Watson." John said looking at The Doctor in confusion.
"No, really." Clara looked at Sherlock.
"Sherlock Holmes." Sherlock looked back down at the dead man pulling out his magnifying glass.
"What?No!Oh, this is Christmas." The Doctor grinned excitedly.
"But Doctor, he's fictional." Clara whispered to The Doctor who giggled.
"I have no clue." The Doctor replied, still smiling
" Chief Investigator they call me "The Doctor."" He held up the psychic paper.
"It's blank." Sherlock looked at the paper in confusion.
"Of course it is!" The Doctor slid it back into his tweed.
"That man was killed. Not by a man, but by an alien." The Doctor explained clapping his hands together
"Aliens? You mean like Star Trek?" Sherlock asked
"Yes." The Doctor looked up at Sherlock in distaste "Because I'm clearly Captain Kirk and you're clearly Khan." (I'm sorry. I had to.)
"Flesh eaten off by some creature. It also has a significant amount of rift energy."
"Rift energy?" Clara asked "What's that?"
"Temporal time energy." The Doctor explained. Sherlock examined The Doctor. Bowtie? Seriously? The Doctor looked like he knew everything. And Sherlock could deduce him properly. The Doctor winced in pain.
"What, Doctor what is it?" Clara asked
"Time energy. It doesn't like me." He winced again
"Let's get back to our flat. I can make sure you're okay and you can explain about the aliens." John said.
"Fabulous." Sherlock said
"Let's go get a cab." John suggested. Clara and The Doctor exchanged glances.
"Or…." Clara and The Doctor looked at the TARDIS.
I am not done. I promise. I'm just super busy with other stuff, like watching Torchwood.