Chapter 1: Lonesome in the Park

It was just another average day at the park. Mordecai and Rigby, and the rest of the crew, were completing their jobs as always. Rigby was whining, as is his custom, and Mordecai was doing all his work but was interrupted by Rigby.

"Dude, you need some help?" chimed Rigby, in a bright tone.

This was a huge shock to Mordecai. After all, Rigby was the definition of laziness. Mordecai wasn t entirely sure of how to respond, so he took advantage of the offer.

"Sure man, thanks."

"No probs!"

After about a half-hour of working hard, the dynamic duo were finally finished. They walked up to the house and bumped shoulders at the doorway, so both simultaneously said sorry . But, Mordecai noticed something. When they bumped, Rigby s face changed color. Was he... blushing? Mordecai decided he may just be getting sick and shrugged it off.

"Dude, I think I m gonna go lay down a bit, I'm exhausted." said Rigby, breathing heavily.

"Alright, I'll be up in a bit." said Mordecai. Wait... was it necessary to say that? he pondered.

Rigby seemed to pay no attention to Mordecai s comment and quickly treaded the stairs, flopped in his bed, and fell asleep instantly. Mordecai began the slow walk upstairs, then headed back down for a quick trip to the restroom. Once there, he opened the door and saw Rigby. But... it wasn t Rigby. Mordecai knew it was him, but much taller (about the same height as Mordecai), more muscular, and fully nude, an extremely thick 8.5 member hanging between his legs. Mordecai screamed and clenched his eyes shut, then opened them to see the empty bathroom. He slammed the door shut behind him and did his business, then splashed some water on his face as he continued thinking about what he just witnessed . Rigby then knocked on the door, awakened by Mordecai s sudden outburst.

"Dude, what was that?" Sounded like you saw a ghost or something. said Rigby, groggily.

"N-no... I m fine." stuttered Mordecai.

Rigby went back up to bed and Mordecai followed a few minutes after, and, as Rigby had, Mordecai flopped down in his bed and fell quickly asleep. Very surprisingly, Mordecai woke up to see something he'd never expected.