Darla Compton (14), District 3
The apprehension that's been building inside me all day comes to a head as the boy from District 2 exits the stage. How is a timid little girl from District 3 supposed to top this year's most beloved tributes? My interview will seem unbearably dull by comparison.
"Next, let's meet Miss Darla Compton of District 3," Cesar announces to the crowd.
I slowly make my way to my seat, determined to put my best qualities on display.
"You look well this evening, Darla," Cesar says.
"Thank you. You look well yourself," I reply in my most cordial tone.
"I think I'll start by asking what you believe sets you apart from your fellow tributes."
I only need to think for a brief moment before answering. "Nothing."
"Nothing at all?" he asks, clearly surprised that I've chosen to respond in this way.
"Absolutely nothing. I'm just a typical girl from District 3 who has recently made a trip to the Capitol, hoping she'll be the lucky one who gets to make the return journey."
"I wouldn't necessarily classify that as a bad thing," Cesar observes.
"I suppose you're right," I admit. As I talk, I notice that his gaze has moved to my neckline.
"That's a lovely locket you're wearing. May I ask if there are pictures inside?" he inquires.
I'm caught by surprise, but decide to indulge my audience. "Yes, there are," I say, opening it. "This is my sister. She gave this to me after the reaping. And these are our parents."
"I'll bet you miss them."
"Very much. I'd love to be able to see them again. Whether or not a clever mind will be enough to fulfill this wish is something we'll have to wait to find out."
"Well, I can tell you with great certainty that we will all be on the edge of our seats," Cesar says. On that note, my interview ends. He thanks me for my time, and I respond with equal kindness. All that's ahead of me now is the arena.
Robbie Shapiro (17), District 3
I made a promise to myself to enjoy this night as much as I possibly can. After all, it may very well be my last. Darla and I exchange warm smiles as she approaches. I extend my hand, and she slaps it when she passes me. As if on cue, I hear Cesar announcing my name.
"You're it," Darla whispers, smiling. "Good luck."
I gather every ounce of courage in my possession, and walk onto the stage. I am greeted by enthusiastic applause, and more grinning faces than I can count. Once I am comfortably seated, Cesar begins his inquiries.
"Welcome, Robbie," he says, and I nod my acknowledgement. He continues with a brief explanation. "Although Capitol citizens don't participate in the reaping, we are certainly curious as to what the experience is like."
"Naturally," I agree, unsure where he might be going with this.
"That being said, maybe you can enlighten us. What exactly was going through your mind during the reaping?"
"Well, it tends to depend on your individual situation," I say, an answer already formulating. "When your name is entered as many times as mine was, it can be pretty terrifying. It's an awful feeling that only intensifies if your name is actually called. Initially, I was devastated."
"Initially? What changed?" Cesar asks.
"My final visit with my parents made me realize that this is just something I have to do," I explain.
"Why is that?"
"My family has fallen on some pretty tough times, and it would be nice to know that we'd never have to worry about having enough to eat again. That's all the motivation I need to put every effort into winning."
"I see. Whatever the circumstances, I'm glad you have something to inspire you," he replies. Thus, my interview ends. I receive one last round of applause before leaving the stage. As I do, I can't help but feel that I've walked myself into a corner. It's one thing to talk a big game, it's another to deliver.
Cora Finnley (15), District 4
As the applause dies down, I prepare myself for my big entrance. I smooth the folds of my dress, and straighten my posture. When my name is announced to the spectators, I walk purposefully forward.
"It's a pleasure to see you this evening, Cora," Cesar says as he shakes my hand.
I relax into my seat. "Oh, I'm certain it is," I reply.
Cesar chuckles. "Yes, you've developed a bit of a reputation here already. That was quite a bold statement you made at the reaping."
"That's one way of looking at it, I suppose," I say. "I prefer to think of it as simply pointing out the obvious."
"You're really that confident, are you?"
"Well, it's not as if it's unfounded. I've trained for many years now. I can take on any of these tributes in a fight."
"Even the older ones?" he asks, still not convinced.
"The bigger they are, the harder they fall. That's what I always say." Everyone laughs at that. I smile, pleased with the impression I've made.
"What is it that drives you? What is it that's compelling you to win?"
"It's simple, really," I explain. "I'm after the grand prize. All that wealth and glory. And there are only twenty-four hurdles standing in my way. Some will be harder to jump than others, but I'll manage."
Cesar is amused. "I'm sure you will. It's been a joy talking to you, Cora. We'll look forward to seeing you enter the arena." His parting words are met with thunderous applause.
My parents always told me that honesty is the best policy. Still, I can't help but wonder if my honesty has jeopardized my alliance. Then again, maybe not. Like it or not, we need each other to survive. And they'll trust me for that very reason. A kind of mutual understanding. I may have turned the Career alliance into even more of a ticking time bomb, but I know we'll make the most of every last second.
Gilbert Jacobson (16), District 4
Cora is something else, alright. You've got to admit, though, it takes a lot of guts to be that blunt. It's hard to tell at this point whether that will help or hurt her. I suppose we'll find out tomorrow.
A million new thoughts race through my mind as I step into the bright lights of the stage. Cora will certainly be a tough act to follow. What types of questions will I be asked? Whatever I end up talking about, I just hope it will be enough to entice plenty of sponsors.
"Good to see you, Gilbert," Cesar begins. "You know, out of all the volunteers we have this year, you are the biggest mystery."
I raise an eyebrow. "Oh, really? How so?"
"With everyone else, the reason for volunteering is obvious. They wanted to protect a loved one, or claim honor and praise. You, however, gave no indication that you knew the boy you stepped in for, and don't seem to be particularly interested in building a reputation. Would you care to enlighten us? What inspired you to volunteer?"
So, that's where he was going with this. "You really want to know?" I ask.
"Would I have brought it up otherwise?" he replies.
"You've got me there," I agree. "My reasons closely resemble those of Jade, Trina, or Angela. I have an older brother. He's eighteen, and my parents were expecting him to volunteer. He didn't want to disappoint them, but knew he had too much to live for to risk his life now. So, I volunteered instead. This way, my parents get to see one of their sons compete in the Hunger Games, and my brother gets to marry the love of his life."
As I finish, I can see that the audience had been paying close attention. "Wow," Cesar says. "It's quite impressive that you would risk your own life for your brother's happiness."
"He means the world to me," I say. "I'd do anything for him."
Cesar smiles. "You're a good brother, Gilbert. Thank you very much for your time. I wish you and your family the best."
I thank him in return, and shake his hand. The crowd cheers as I leave the stage. No matter what happens in the arena, I know I've done a good thing. I must try to remember that.
That's it for this chapter, everyone! I know I've said this a million and one times by now, but I apologize for the incredibly long wait. The end of the school year is always a bit hectic. Since I'm about to graduate high school, things were even crazier. On top of that, I had a mild case of writer's block. I do still intend to complete this story, so just hang in there! A big thank you to anyone who's stuck with me this far! Please review if you like this story. It will probably encourage me to work even harder! I'd love to hear which of these interviews was your favorite. Also, I never received any opinions about last chapter's interviews, so feel free to comment about those, as well. Thanks again! See you for Districts 5 and 6. I think you guys are really going to love what's in store!